"The other kind is naturally Miss Sushang's own influence."

"My own influence?" Li Sushang pointed at herself in confusion, "What influence can I have?"

"The prince's power has changed to a great extent because he possesses the power of Chimera. In addition to the basic structure, it is still considered the power of God, and both the effect and power have undergone earth-shaking changes. And Miss Su Shang You are also a person from outside the world, and you are also a Stigma Awakener... Maybe your power will also change because of this?"

It may indeed be the reason for this.

Li Sushang held her chin and thought for a while, then patted the two heavy swords. The thick sword blades immediately changed into other types of swords: "Well~~~~When you say that, it seems that you are using Taixu with me. The feeling of Sword God is a little bit similar."

The essence of the Taixu Sword God is to shape and extend Honkai energy. It's said that he can pinch things... but there's nothing wrong with that?

And if you want to put it this way——

"Ahem, um... Su Shang, can you pinch me as I ask for your power?" Alexia asked after coughing twice.


Li Sushang was a little suspicious, but based on her trust in Alexia, she agreed directly: "Yes, yes, what do you want, little uncle?"

"Make me look like Bianca."


After responding out of habit, Li Suchang finally realized the request of his junior uncle: "Little junior uncle, you..."

Shatiao Aige was also a little unable to hold back: "Your Majesty Prince, you... are you not satisfied with your desires?"


Without even a trace of hesitation, Ixia denied Shajo Aige's pointless remarks: "It's just a try. It's not like I can't sleep without Bianca. I haven't been alone these days. asleep?"

If you are dissatisfied after leaving Bianca, what should I say about the year Exia spent on Genkami Island?Even if he and Bianca hadn't made it right at that time, what about the month when Bianca went out to work?

He and Bianca have been in long-distance relationships many times, and now they are not dissatisfied and can't even make a phone call.

But...some things can't be solved with just a phone call. Compared with the kind that can't be seen or touched, it must be something that can be seen and touched, and can actually be felt, right?

"I...Okay, I'll try, but Junior Master, please don't have any bad thoughts that you shouldn't have!" Li Sushang's face was filled with warning, "If you have bad thoughts... ...I’ll just use your phone to tell Bianca and the others!”


Generally speaking, this kind of snitching should be done with your own mobile phone, right?

After receiving Aixia's sworn guarantee, Li Sushang also settled down and began to reshape the appearance of his own powerful creation.

(Bianca's look, Bianca's look, Bianca's look...)

Recalling Bianca's appearance in his memory as clearly as possible, Li Suchang injected the power in her body into the powerful creation bit by bit.

Then, just when the complete Bianca appeared in her mind——


There was a flash of blue light.

The two epees directly transformed into Bianca's appearance!And the similarity directly exceeds [-]%!

Alexia’s eyes lit up instantly!

It works! ?

"Are you satisfied now, little uncle?" Li Sushang rolled her eyes at Aixia, "The eyes are so bright... I promised you that I won't have any bad intentions!"

"I know, I know - I really love you to death now, Su Shang!"


The sudden expression of love stunned Li Sushang: "Little little little little little uncle, what are you talking about! You love me to death or something... You can't say such nonsense! You have a family. !”

"But your power is really useful. If I had known, I would have changed with you."

"... Junior uncle, if you have this power, then I think it's quite scary - okay, okay, I take it back!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Sushang put away his power, and the two Bianca-like creatures of power immediately disappeared in place!

Alexia also put away her sparkling eyes without being satisfied: "Well~~~ Now I'm sure, Su Chang, your power is much easier to use than mine."

(Uncle, can you please clarify in what sense it is useful?)

Li Sushang gave Aixia an unbearable look: "Then I've finished showing my power. Junior uncle, why don't you show your power?"

"Oh my...that one is too powerful, and it would be a little bit -" if used here.

"Boom boom boom~~~~"

Halfway through Alexia's words, there was a knock on the door.

Then Erica's voice came in: "Two kings, excuse me. Erica Browntree is requesting an audience."

"Well, come in."


After opening the door and walking into the room, Erica saluted Aixia and Li Suchang, and then presented a mobile phone and a letter in her hand.

Alexia raised her eyebrows: "Is this?"

"It's a letter from Lord Salvatore and a... letter of challenge from the martial arts king of China." Erica frowned and said, "Sir Salbatore's letter stated He wants to compete with his new compatriots - the two of them. And the martial arts king's letter of challenge - she wants to have a life-or-death showdown with King Su Shang."

Alexia: "Oh?"

Li Sushang: "Ah?"

The sudden invitation surprised both of them.

52. The King of Swords and the King of Martial Arts

Lord Salbatore - full name Salbatore Tony.

The God Killer, who was born in Italy, is 24 years old and is the strongest swordsman in Italy. He has only been studying sword skills seriously for a month, but even so, his sword skills are enough to make him stronger with the blessing of luck. Achieve the great cause of killing gods.

The alias of the God Slayer is [King of Swords]. This is not simply an evaluation based on his sword skills, but also because of his power.

——[The Torn Silver Hand].

The power that Salbatorre usurped from the god-king of Celtic mythology [Silver-Armed Nuada] is not a very complicated power in itself.When the power is activated, the arm will transform into a silver metal hand, and then a huge spell will be wrapped around the weapon, allowing it to gain powerful power that can create miracles such as splitting the earth, changing the terrain, and breaking the sea surface, and then Become a magic sword that can cut through everything.

This "cutting off everything" is not an exaggerated description, but can actually cut everything in two with one sword.Not just swords, but sticks, knives and forks, and even branches picked up from the roadside, as long as they are affected by power, they can become the strongest magic swords.

Because of this power, Salbatorre is called the King of Swords.

He regards his birthplace of Italy as his territory, and commands all magic associations in southern Europe. He is regarded as the leader of the magicians in southern Europe and is respectfully called "Salbatorre".

——These are the things that Aixia learned during the two days when Li Sushang was asleep.

When the God of Disobedience appeared on Sardinia, Copper Black Cross, one of the Southern European Magic Alliance, originally wanted to directly request Salbatorre, but at that time he was on an expedition to South America. , no matter how quickly we get back, it will take several days, so Erica will go to Sardinia.In addition to her own desire to accumulate some combat experience related to the God of Disobedience, buying time for Salbatorre was also one of the reasons.

However, although he is a being that no one can compete with in terms of sword skills, on the other hand, Salbatorre has no talent at all in other fields, and after becoming the God Killer , his own bad character is even more amplified. Every day he is either looking for trouble or on the way to find trouble. Fighting with other Godslayers and Gods of Disobedience is his greatest interest.So far, in order to satisfy his interest, the Magic Alliance in Southern Europe has been worrying a lot.

Fortunately, there is someone beside him who can scold him without any scruples and insult him as a social waste, otherwise he will really be lawless - of course, saying this, it doesn't matter whether he has that person or not.

As for the Chinese martial arts king, Alexia didn't know much about him.

Mainly due to regional differences and the influence of the times.

The largest existing magic organization in Europe, the Council of Sages, is the organization with the deepest understanding of the God-Slayers, and its activities can be traced back to the nineteenth century.But whether it was the Wolf King in Eastern Europe or the Martial Arts King in China, they all became God Killers before that, so there really wasn't much information related to these two.

Most of the existing information was summarized by these two magicians from the Council of Sages after they committed atrocities.

"It's really sudden."

Alexia took the phone and the letter from Erica: "The King of Swords and the King of Martial Arts actually want to spar with us - even the Martial Arts King proposed a life-and-death duel to Su Chang. These God-killers are challenging us. Are these juniors a little unfriendly?"

They are also extraordinary beings who killed gods. In Pandora's words, she and others are twins. In this case, shouldn't they get along well with each other?

Or is fighting to the death the best way for the Godslayers to get along?

"Well... Sir Salbatore, I can probably think of the reason - Sir, he has always liked to challenge the strong, whether it is the God of Disobedience or the God Killer, as long as it can make him happy If he wants to fight someone quickly, he will challenge it at all costs. There have been cases where he forcibly snatched prey from other God-Slayers before." Erica explained with a headache.

In the four years since Salbatorre became the Godslayer, everything about him would give magicians in southern Europe, especially Italy, stomachaches and headaches.

"So, he has itchy hands and wants to fight me?" Exia looked at the letter from Salbatore on her phone.

The general meaning is similar to Erica's.

"...Just to make sure, can I refuse this duel?"

"Of course. But based on what I know about you, he will probably chase you to the ends of the earth after you refuse."


Alexia can probably imagine what kind of person Salbatorre is.

(This is a good opportunity, Prince.)

(How to say?)

(Try the object of your own power - each of your incarnations is too powerful, so you can't try it at all, right? But if the object is a god-slayer, even if you exert your power into death, it should be impossible to kill it. .)

(Which means...a perfect stake and sandbag, huh?)

(That's it.)

If it is from this sense, then Exia does not mind fighting Salbatorre.This happened to allow him to get to know the King of Swords who claimed to be able to cut through anything.

"Well, Erica, regarding Salbatorre's invitation to fight, just treat it as my acceptance. Just tell him this. He can also decide the specific time and place. I don't care."

"Understood, Your Majesty the Knight King."

Erica nodded slightly, then looked at Li Sushang: "Then King Sushang..."

"Well, let me take a look first."

Opening the letter from the martial arts king from Alexia, Li Sushang took out the letter paper and read it——

The general content is just like what Erica said, it is her invitation to Li Sushang to fight, but...

【....The king of Rakshasa named Li Sushang!There are no two days in the sky, there are no two masters in the country, the vast land of China cannot allow the existence of two Rakshasa kings, and a martial arts world can only have one leader.Since you have become a god-killer and are trying to take away the position of leader of the martial arts alliance from me, then I, Luo Cuilian, am also willing to fight!Let us have a life and death battle to decide who will take the strongest position in the martial arts world! 】


Looking at the paragraph written on the letter paper, Li Sushang was confused - if her understanding was not wrong, this martial arts king named [Luo Cuilian] seemed to describe herself in the letter as wanting to challenge She, the challenger to seize the position of leader of the martial arts alliance?

But no matter what Li Sushang thinks, she doesn't remember saying that?

"...Isn't this considered her talking to herself?"

"Obvious things. Erica, does this martial arts king turn out to be a person who talks to himself?"


Erica didn't know how to answer, and she definitely didn't know much about the other party.

And at this moment-

"Let me answer this, Sister Erica."

A certain boy's voice rang from outside the door.

53. Are these godslayers unreasonable?

It's not that Alexia didn't notice the person outside the door, to be precise, she noticed it when the person came to this floor.

And as the voice fell, a young man walked in outside the door. He was wrapped in a lot of bandages and walked with a limp.

Seeing this young man, Erica's eyes suddenly turned sharp: "I probably haven't said that you can come upstairs, Mr. Lu. It's a shame that you can come here in such a body."

"Don't underestimate me, Sister Erica. I was just beaten to death by my master. As long as I don't completely lose my life, I, Lu Yinghua, can act as I please."

The boy on crutches casually said something quite remarkable with a proud look on his face.

Then, he put down the crutch in his hand, and the young man who called himself [Lu Yinghua] suddenly knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists with both hands, and gave a sudden salute to Alexia and Li Suchang!

"I've met two adults here in Lu Yinghua!"

"Lu Yinghua? From China?" Li Sushang's eyes lit up slightly. "Do you know each other, Miss Erica? Can you introduce me to her?"

"Okay, King Sushang."

Erica reluctantly began to introduce the young man around her: "This is Lu Yinghua Lu Shaoxia. He was born in the Lu family in Hong Kong, China. He is the only disciple of the martial arts king. His martial arts ability is so strong that even Salba Lord Tolei is also hard to match. Although he is only 15 years old, he is a young warrior that even I dare not say can win for sure."

"I met him almost a year ago. Because of some things, I went to China and had some encounters with him. We became more or less familiar with him. Having said that, I didn't have any commendable relationship with him. He, a misogynist, would never want to have a good relationship with me."


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