Alexia looked at the 15-year-old boy in front of her with some surprise: "You... hate women?"

"Yes, Lady Kaslana! To put it bluntly, the more beautiful a woman is, the more disgusting it is to me." Lu Yinghua said sincerely.

The famous eldest son of the Lu family, Lu Yinghua, is a terrible misogynist. This is a well-known fact in the circle.The root cause lies in his master, the supreme leader of the Chinese martial arts world, Luo Hao. Although it is a warrior's dream to learn from a god-slayer and be taught by him, leader Luo Hao is a moody and gloomy person. Uncertain people.

For example, a rule was set yesterday that when saluting her, you need to shout out her reputation and achievements, and wish her to rule the world forever.Today—or even that afternoon—it is possible that he might simply change his mind and denounce such remarks as flattering and vulgar.

As her disciple, Lu Yinghua has been punished for this kind of thing since he was a child. Just because of a word, his master used his power to blow him away and hit a pillar, or he received a few blows from his master on the spot that could break people's bones. Boxing is common, and Leader Luo Hao is a very beautiful woman in all aspects.As a result, over time, Lu Yinghua actually developed misogyny. The more beautiful the women, the more he hated them. If they were to fight, the more beautiful the other party, the more likely he would kill them.

The reason why he came here on crutches now is because after the news of Li Sushang's murder of gods spread to China, Lu Yinghua thought that he had to inform his master, but he never expected that his master would become furious - at that time he almost Go meet the deceased seniors of the Lu family.Fortunately, he had been beaten since he was a child, and he finally managed to survive.

But as soon as he survived, leader Luo Hao asked him to send a letter of challenge to Li Sushang, so he had to use crutches to see the two of them.

"...I feel like it's not easy for you, Lu Yinghua."

Although she didn't know the specific situation, she could feel the strong emotion from his tone: "So, why did your master want to fight Su Chang? The reason in the letter is completely nonsense, right? Su Shang never thought about competing for the supreme position in the martial arts world."

(Well...there was still a little bit of it before.)

Li Sushang thought.

Lu Yinghua replied: "Master Li's thoughts are not important in the eyes of the master. As long as the master thinks so, it will remain an unchanging fact even if the sky collapses and the earth breaks apart, and the seas dry up and the rocks rot. In the eyes of the master, Master Li is The enemy who wants to take away the title of Supreme Martial Arts Master from her. And the master’s enemies are naturally the enemies of the Five Hells Holy Sect.”

"It's unreasonable..."

"Master's words are true."

Lu Yinghua's answer made both Aixia and Li Sushang a little nervous - this is simply the behavior of the leader Luo Hao who made up a lot of things in her own mind, and then thought that this was the case, and then responded to it, right?

She is so self-confident and willful that even Ixia has never seen such an unreasonable woman.

"Then if I explain it to her, will your master understand?" Li Sushang asked.

"No." Lu Yinghua answered decisively, "In addition, I was also ordered by the master to convey the location of the life and death duel - a week later, on the top of Mount Lu. If Mr. Li does not go there by then, then as the master With his spontaneous personality, it is not impossible for him to become furious on the spot and start chasing him all over the world.”

Similar situation to Salbatorre.

If you refuse the next two duels, you will be hunted to the ends of the earth... Could it be that the Godslayers are all such problematic people who are completely unreasonable and only know how to cause trouble? !

At least Alexia felt that she was still very rational.

"...Then, what should we do, Su Shang?"

"Of course we're going to fight."

Li Sushang smiled and said: "Although it is an unprovoked fight to the death, as a person in the world, I can't fight back if I don't fight back. If I become a pessimistic turtle and don't fight, I will be free and easy." Wouldn’t it be a great disgrace for our Taixu lineage?”

(I don’t think the master would care about this kind of thing.)

"What's more, the other party is the supreme martial arts master." Li Sushang's eyes shone slightly, "My mother has been thinking about making me the martial arts supreme master since she was a child. Although this matter almost fell through due to her death more than 500 years ago, now it is still an opportunity. Well - defeating the real martial arts supreme in another world, then my mother, Quanxia Youzhi, will be satisfied, right?"

Martial arts supreme.

This was a title that no one thought about competing for more than 500 years ago.First, Immortal Red Kite suppressed the entire Jianghu and Wulin world by himself, leaving everyone willing to compete for second place.And with her passing, Cheng Lingshuang, the fifth disciple of the Seven Swords of Taixu, directly conquered the entire Central Plains and became recognized as the number one in the world - Li Sushang's mother-in-law could not defeat her senior sister, so she gave this hope to her .

Li Sushang never defeated her master even once back then, but if she were to beat the martial arts supreme here in another world, the result would be the same, right?

"Well, Lu Yinghua, Young Master Lu, right?" Li Sushang looked at Lu Yinghua, "Go back and tell your master that I, Li Sushang, will take over this fight. I will meet you on the top of Mount Lu in a week." Be on time for appointments.”

54.The territory of the two kings

[There are four god-killers who are gathering for a duel]

Such a major event spread throughout Europe and Asia as quickly as possible after Aixia and Li Sushang accepted the challenge.

And as soon as this news spread, the magic world was plunged into fear because of the birth of the two God-killers, and it once again fell into unprecedented panic!

"...[I beg your Majesty the Knight King to show mercy], [The Greek Magic Alliance sincerely sends its greetings, and begs all kings to show mercy]... No matter it is this letter or that letter, everyone's magic The letters are pleading with you to cancel the duel, Your Majesty the Knight King."

The headquarters of the Red Copper Black Cross.

In the library with a large number of books, a large number of magic letters were placed on the desk. Erica looked at Alexia who was sitting in a large collection of books with a confused expression: "Everyone is worried that your battle will destroy the entire Mediterranean Sea." The entire region has been destroyed.”

"But the response has already been given, wouldn't it be rude to take it back now?" Ixia said while flipping through the book, "What's more, this is the duel initiated by your alliance leader. If you have any objections, go tell him. .”


Li Suchang, who was sitting next to Alexia and holding a game console in her hand, responded while playing the game attentively.

It's now the day after that.

After each other gave their answers, the time and location of the two duels were also finalized.

Li Sushang and Leader Luo Hao will duel at the top of Mount Lu next Thursday.Exia and Salbatorre started the duel immediately after he returned to Italy. The location was at the Sforzesco Castle - it is said that the King of Swords randomly pointed to a place on the map of Italy. , the result directly points to this.

Exia also learned a little about that castle in the past two days. It was a castle built in the [-]th century for a count and his family. It is one of the most important buildings in Milan and contains a collection of Leonardo da Vinci. , Michelangelo's works can be said to be a huge museum.

Taking this place with great historical value as the place for his duel, and no matter who the Italian government or the various magic associations dared to raise any objections... This arrogance and willfulness once again made Ai Xia recognized the power of the Godslayers.

After all, he can exercise the same degree of power.He and Li Sushang are still relying on the Red Copper Black Cross. This is basically the result of him exercising this right - [We have nowhere to go for the time being, so let us stay for a while] - For what he meant, Chi Bronze Black Cross agreed very decisively, and said bluntly, "No matter how long your Majesty wants to stay, there will be no problem."

Although it is a magic association with the King of Swords as its leader, in the absence of the King of Swords, facing the hegemony of other God-Slayers, the Red Copper Black Cross has no power to resist.You must know that even if Aixia does not use any power and just stands there and lets them resist, even if all the knights of the Red Copper Black Cross spend more than ten years, they will not be able to hurt him.

Of course, having said that, Aixia and Li Sushang are preparing to move out today.

"Speaking of which, are Sushang and I's identity certificates ready? Erica."

"Yes, we are ready, Your Majesty."

Because she has the closest relationship with Alexia and Li Sushang, Erica has directly become the person who serves them in the past two days. No matter what requests or ideas Alexia and Li Sushang have, she is the first to receive them and start to deal with them.

Applying for identification is one of them.

The God Killer has power over the country in this world, but even so, if you don't apply for an identity certificate, it will be quite troublesome in all aspects.

After handing the two packages to Aixia and Li Sushang, Erica explained: "The identity certificates of the two crown princes have been prepared according to their requirements. Although because of the martial arts king, the identity of King Sushang It turned out that we were not able to fully comply with the requirements, but in other aspects we were as satisfied as possible.”

"Well, thank you."

After a cursory glance at the contents of the package, Aixia nodded: "What about the place where Su Chang and I live?"

"Since Your Majesty's request is [simple], a double-storey apartment has been prepared for Your Majesty in Milan. All aspects of decoration and furniture arrangement should be ready as soon as evening. Later. After dinner, I will lead you two there."

"Double-storey apartment...our house used to be a five-storey villa. I feel that the double-decker apartment is a bit small." Li Sushang muttered, "Ah, of course, I'm not dissatisfied, Miss Erica Don't look scared. I just said it casually and don't take it too seriously. You have been helping me and my junior uncle these two days, and we are very grateful. We will ask you when we move out. Have a meal as a thank you, and you can always come to us for help if you have anything to do - right, little uncle?"

"I don't care, but you should definitely treat yourself to a treat." Ixia said with a smile, "Just think of it as a reward for our subordinates as God Killers. If you stay here tonight... tomorrow night you Make some time and let’s have a meal.”

"Yes, thank you very much for your Majesty's kindness. Erica Browne will definitely visit on time."

Erica smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

After spending a few days with Alexia and Li Sushang, Erica's only feeling was that of relaxation and peace of mind.Compared to Mr. Salbatore, a troublemaker who can cause trouble wherever he goes, Exia and Li Sushang are undoubtedly "normal people". Not only do they have common sense, but they are also on par with other God-killers. Different, there will be no difficult requests at all.

Although in the eyes of others, it is very hard for Erica to serve two god-killers by herself. There are many people in the Red Copper Black Cross who sympathize with her for this, and even her treatment in all aspects has been improved because of this, but Erica Lika didn't really feel tired, but felt much more relaxed than before.

"In addition... Your Majesty, please allow me to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"May I ask what you two think about your own territory? Or to be more direct, which region and country do you plan to regard as your own territory?"

Erica asked slightly nervously and curiously.

The previous six Godslayers already had their own territory.

The oldest god-slayer born in Eastern Europe occupied all of Northern Europe, and Eastern Europe essentially surrendered to him.

The second oldest god-killer, leader Luo Hao, naturally occupies the land of China.

The United Kingdom, the United States, and Southern Europe...basically, except for Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, the whole world has been divided up by the Godslayers, especially Europe, which has three The God Killer was born here, it is simply a place like a devil's cave.

And now, the seventh and eighth God-killers are also born. Where will these two new kings regard as their territory?

Magicians all over the world care about this.

55. The new king does not need any territory

own territory.

Erica's question caused both Exia and Li Sushang to temporarily stop what they were doing.

"I don't really care about this kind of thing~~~Originally, my junior uncle and I didn't plan to stay in this world forever. Whether we have a territory or not doesn't matter at all." Li Sushang thought for a while and said, "If you have to say it. .....That piece of desert outside the Great Wall of China?”

Li Sushang was born in Sichuan, but she lived outside the Great Wall for ten years after that, so she was relatively familiar with it.If she really had to choose a place to be her territory, she would probably only choose that place.

"But, my main thing is to look after my junior uncle. I will go wherever my junior junior uncle goes. I have to be obedient when I go out. This is the prerequisite for my junior junior uncle to agree to take me out. Junior junior uncle, do you have any ideas? ?”


Alexia pondered.

When it comes to territory, it's not like he doesn't have one.

Although he had never cared about it, in that world, both Bishop Otto and the Kaslana family purchased a lot of land for him, especially the Kaslana family. As the next head of the family, he had He has the right to use all the properties under the name of the Kaslana family, and those places are considered his territory.

On the other hand, in the world of Genkami Island, he dominated an entire island—it could even be said to be an empire.Even if it is only the size of an island now, after decades of passage in the world over there, the size of the Kaslana Empire will definitely gradually expand until it becomes an existence that is not inferior to the other three Empires of Night.

So if it was a territory, then Exia would either occupy Northern Europe or occupy Japan.

And the connection between him and Japan is really not small if you think about it carefully. Kuoh Town is in Japan, Fuyuki City is in Japan, Genkami Island is in Japan, Nagazora City is also in Japan...

However, apart from these two places——


Appearing directly in front of the three of them, Sajo Aige said with a smile: "How is the UK, Prince? And sister Erica, good morning."

"Good morning, Ms. Shajo." Erica smiled and bowed to Shajo Aige, "I didn't expect you to show up..."

"I have almost thoroughly studied all the secret techniques you have here, so naturally I have to come out for some fresh air."

The books Alexia read before were actually various magic books in this world, or forbidden arts that recorded various secret knowledge.Considering the characteristics of the ninth incarnation and Sajo Aika's ability as the incarnation of the [Witch], whether it is the knowledge of gods or the magic system of this world, it is natural to know more, the better.

Even if the magic itself is useless, after being dismantled and reconstructed by the hands of Sajo Aige, it may become a trump card in certain situations.

"Compared to this, what do you think of my suggestion just now?"

"British?" Alexia pursed her lips, "Just because I am the [King of Knights]?"

King of Knights.

The biggest reason why he gave himself this title is indeed that the Kaslana family itself is a knight family, and because he still has Artoria in his body who has further become his own incarnation, the King Arthur of another world, Lenovo Immediately, Alexia simply named himself the King of Knights.

When it comes to the territory of the King of Knights, there is no doubt that it is Britain - Britain.


"As for Britain, that's the territory of the [Black Prince], right?"

black prince.

His real name is Alexander Gascoigne, also known as "The Speedy Prince" and "The Black Prince". The Godslayer who killed the fallen angel Lemuel who was in charge of vision and thunder 12 years ago and usurped the power of divine speed called [Lightning and Stone Fire].

He leads a magic organization called "Wangli Factory" and has been competing with the Council of Sages for a long time. At the same time, he is also looking for mysterious treasures all over Europe, and it is also common to fight with magic associations from all over the world.

For the Copper Black Cross, the Black Prince is a very familiar god-killer.After all, in order to fight against this god-killer, the Council of Sages had repeatedly requested support from the current leader of the Copper Black Cross, Erica's uncle.The strongest knight in Italy also went to England many times in the name and identity of a knight to help resist the God-Slayer.

Of course, this resistance does not mean fighting against the Black Prince in force.Even if Erica's uncle is a top-level knight who can face six divine beasts at the same time without losing, he will definitely lose if he fights the God Killer, so this confrontation is more of a non-combat aspect.

And as Exia said, because of the long-term confrontation with the Council of Sages, Alexander directly set up his organization's Wangli Factory in the UK, which essentially became his territory - even if he never publicly acknowledged it.

"In that case, it would be nice to take it back." Sajo Aige said with a smile, "I think Liya doesn't want to see her hometown occupied by outsiders, right? Huh?"

[This is nonsense, love song. 】

Another voice sounded from Exia's body.

On the disk representing power, the disk in the center shimmered slightly, and Arturia's voice came out with the lighting of the shimmer.

[The only person I want to protect now is the Master.Although Britain is still my hometown, in this era, Britain does not need to worry about invasion by foreign enemies or internal strife.No matter which world it is in, as long as Britain is peaceful and healthy, I will not continue to think about becoming the King of Britain again]

[Master, you don’t need to care about my thoughts, just move forward according to your own thoughts.Now I am just your sword and your shield, only born to fulfill your wishes and cut off your enemies]

After saying this, the disc dimmed along with the silence of Artoria's voice.

According to Existence Only then will he wake up.But after trying it, Exia discovered that if she allowed it, they could wake up even during non-combat periods.

"......forget it."

After continuing to think about it, Aixia also shook her head: "Su Chang is right. She and I are just passers-by in this world after all. We might leave in a few months. It's useless to have a territory. Ellie Ka, just tell the magicians around the world like this."

"[The new king does not need any territory]."

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