56. The King of Swords whose name I can’t remember

Then, time quickly came to two days later.

After moving to a duplex apartment prepared by the Italian government, I formally said goodbye to the red copper and black cross, and had dinner with Erica the next day.

Alexia finally received a contact from Erica on the morning after moving to her new home.

"...Is this the Sforzesco Castle?"

Not caring that she would be seen by others, she directly used space control magic after receiving the contact, and Exia appeared at the entrance of the castle in an instant.

As soon as she arrived here, Exia noticed the difference in the surrounding environment.

Sforzesco Castle has long been a local historical place in Italy because of its cultural and historical value. Tourists come to visit it every day. Logically speaking, people should come and go during the daytime.

But now, there are no tourists around the castle. Instead, there are many smartly dressed people standing around. Everyone is wearing a hat that Alexia is very familiar with.And among those people, Exia also saw Erica's figure.

"Your Majesty."

Similarly, seeing Alexia appearing not far away, Erica also came to him and saluted: "Excuse me for coming."

"It's okay. What's the situation?"

"For today's duel between Your Majesty and Your Excellency, this castle has been out of use and will not be open to the public until the duel between the two is over - that's what it is said, but on the government side, I think this place has been directly listed. It must be discarded." Erica smiled bitterly.

Two god-killers are going to fight on their own territory. This is undoubtedly a great humiliation for the country, but even if they disagree, there is nothing they can do. After all, the god-killers will not reason with them, even if they are all Everyone in Italy objected, and the King of Swords, who had his own way of doing things, would come here to prepare for a fight.

Therefore, the Sforzesco Castle was immediately closed, and they worked overtime in the past few days to move all the collections inside to ensure that only a simple castle remained.

"Speaking of which, King Sushang didn't come." Erica asked looking at the lonely Alexia.

"Well, she said this is my duel, so she won't interfere. Besides, her duel is coming soon. In the last two or three days, she has to study her power carefully."

Including today, there are only three days left to prepare for the duel between Li Sushang and Master Luo Hao.

The opponent was an ancient god-killer who had killed gods for more than 200 years. Li Sushang did not dare to go to Mount Lu without any preparation, so preparation in advance was a must.

Of course, Exia is similar in this regard.

"The King of Swords is inside?"

"Yes. You are waiting for you in the atrium." Erica said, "In addition, the next battle... Your Majesty, if possible, please do not cause too much damage to Milan."

"Is this a personal request, or is it a knight's advice to the king?" Ixia asked with a smile, "Just kidding, I know what you mean. This may be a little unconvincing, but basically I He is a person who likes peace, and I will consider your request. But this will have to wait until I fight the King of Swords."

After saying this, Exia disappeared again.

Looking at the place where Alexia left, Erica sighed softly and turned to look at the Sforzesco Castle behind her.

(Hopefully... there will still be a piece of debris left here tomorrow.)


The atrium of the castle is a beautiful large park, which is square like the castle as a whole.

After arriving here across space, Exia quickly found the person whose name she had heard for the past few days in the empty park.

"Are you Salbartore Toni?"

These words were spoken to the man standing on the grass in the center of the park.

It was a young-looking blond man, probably in his 20s.Wearing a casual and refreshing outfit, a short-sleeved shirt and slightly loose jeans.He looks quite leisurely and relaxed. If you put him on some holiday beach, there shouldn't be any sense of violation.

And hanging on his shoulder was what looked like a slender box.

Hearing Aixia's voice, the young man also looked at him: "Yeah, it's me. If you can say my name and come here, it means you are a member of my race. The name is... ..Eriola Mikael Bohemia?”

"...It's Alexia Messiah Kaslana. From surname to first name, nothing is right. Do you have a bad memory?"

"Eh? Really? Sorry, sorry, I have a poor memory. I can only remember the names of people I have met more than five times." The young man - Salbatore Tony - showed no intention of introspection. He smiled and said, "But there are exceptions. After all, we are of the same race. After a hearty fight, if you satisfy me, I will definitely remember your name...probably." "

What is the matter with this person?

Although she knew that the existing God-Slayers were all willful guys, Exia at least felt that if he was called a king, he should still look like a king.But the man in front of me would be a bit reluctant to call him a normal person. He is a normal person who can remember the names of relatively important people well, right?

Not to mention--

"You were the one who asked to fight me, but you can't even remember my name. Have you really thought about fighting me seriously?"

"Of course I have thought about it. I take fighting very seriously. Especially fighting with my own kind." Salbatorre smiled. "After all, except for the Godslayer and the gods, no one else can even attack me." I can't catch it, so the opportunity to fight is very precious to me, and I cherish it very much, and I will swing my sword seriously every time."


After removing the box from his shoulder, Salbatore opened the zipper and took out the object inside - it was a long sword in a sheath, which didn't look like anything special.This is indeed the case. The sword in Salbatorre's hand is just an ordinary mass-produced sword. It has no characteristics other than a real sword.

But nevertheless...

"——It seems that's right."

However, Alexia's eyes became more serious than ever the moment the sword was unsheathed.

As his power has increased many times, he has rarely been serious. In the past year or so, he can be said to have been truly serious only three times - facing the three true ancestors at the same time, and facing the person who became the Herrscher. Anna, face Kevin.

It's not that he won't be serious in other situations, it's just that he won't be particularly serious.

But now, when Salbatorre held the sword, Exia had an instinctive feeling.

【This guy is very dangerous! 】

And at the same time, Aixia also had a strange reaction - her body gradually became excited, her blood seemed to be boiling, and her whole person's fighting spirit involuntarily fell into a high state.


"Hahaha, it seems that you have also entered the state." Salbatore explained, "I don't know the specific situation, but it seems that we God-killers are facing the same race and disobedient gods. , the body will adjust itself to the best state - I am the same."

"...Well, it seems that I can learn a lot from you. Please give me some guidance during the battle with me, [Senior]."


Salbatorre's eyes lit up: "Yeah! I quite like this statement. I didn't expect that I, the most junior God-killer, would also have a descendant. Hum~~~ Now I can show off to Andre. Are you feeling good? Speaking of which, can we start now? [Junior]."

"Well, anytime—"


Before Alexia could finish his words, Salbatorre had already arrived in front of him in an instant and cut off the blade in his hand at an extremely fast speed!

A shattering sound that resounded throughout the castle completely started the battle between the demon kings.

57. If I want to fight you, it would be better to use this incarnation.

Salbatorre is a genius in swordsmanship.

Although he has no talent in magic and has a physique that cannot store any magical power, it is impossible for him to have any future as a knight.

But everyone who knows him knows that if it is really just about swordsmanship, then he is really a monster.

Moreover, because he has been fighting against gods of disobedience, god-slayers, mythical beasts and other things that are far beyond the ordinary, Salbatore has a unique starting gesture.

——Half of the body is relaxed, and the right hand holding the sword hangs down casually and without any pretense.

It does not belong to any school in the world, and there is no preparation for defense or attack. This is an ordinary posture that only belongs to the King of Swords.But anyone who has witnessed his battle will feel awe and fear from the bottom of his heart at his posture.

Because this means that Salbatorre can take any action freely.In his current stance, this was the state of adaptability he had learned when fighting gods, demons, devils, and monsters—these extraordinary enemies whose movements could not be predicted.

As the first person to fight him, Exia naturally did not expect that Salbatorre's attack would come so suddenly and quickly!

Although he has also practiced swordsmanship, he is not a master or master of swordsmanship. At most, he can graduate from a swordsmanship. With a variety of abilities and powers, he does not need to simply study the same weapon.

Therefore, he failed to react immediately to Salbatorre's first blow.

But this doesn't mean that he will take the blow directly.

"...Oh haha? Did you avoid it?"

Standing in front of the big crack that was opened by his own sword, Salbatorre looked at Exia with interest: "Sure enough, this level of greeting is useless, should we be serious from the beginning? ?”

"Doesn't this sound serious to you?"

"Well, I just waved it casually. For us, we have to use our powers to be serious, right? Didn't you also use your powers?"

(You can have such speed and power without using powers... Can the body be strengthened by pure magic power?)

Jumping down from the roof, Ixia asked: "I heard that there are two powers you use most - the [Torn Silver Arm] usurped from Nuada of the Silver Arm, and the Torn Silver Arm from Northern Europe. The [Blessing of Steel] usurped from the hero Siegfried. Are you not going to use the other powers? Non-combat types?"

"You know. Well, you can say that. I currently have four powers. Except for the two you know, one of the remaining two is completely useless in battle. The last one. .....See if you can let me use it?" Salbatorre said lightly.

Then, with a smile as bright as the sun on his face, he rushed towards Ixia again, and the long sword in his hand swept out like lightning!

Not ready to use your powers yet?

(Then let you suffer a loss first!)

——[I, awaken as]

——[The Sekiryuutei who defeats everything, defeats everything, and destroys everything]

The second incarnation: Red Dragon!


Instantly entering the artificial collapse, Exia, who transformed into a true red dragon, stretched out her hand and grabbed the sword blade that was slashing towards her. She crushed it with overwhelming force and then made a fist with her other hand. The force that could blow the mountain away with one strike hit Salbatorre hard!

The surprise attack at an extremely close range knocked the King of Swords flying to the sky on the spot!


The dragon wings spread out behind him, and the wings of flames erupted, sending Exia to Salbatorre flying in the air in just an instant!

Then he kicked him in the face!


Salbatorre, who had just flown into the sky, was immediately kicked back to the ground by this kick!It was like a smash ball hit with a tennis racket, its flight path was extremely straight!The whole person was embedded straight into the ground of the large park in the Sforzesco Castle!

(Ah, shit...)

After this kick fell, Exia suddenly echoed Erica's previous warning to herself.

I promised to be restrained...but once the fight started, I forgot about it.

(This kick shouldn’t break his face, right?)

Exia was thinking this, and the next moment she heard chanting coming from below——

"——[Swear here. I will not allow anything that I cannot cut to exist. And this sword is an invincible blade that can cut and cut everything on the ground!]——"


At the moment when the chant ended, a flash of silver shot out from the smoke and dust below, slashing straight at Ixia with incredible speed!

It's a slash from Salbatorre!

The main body of the slash is a giant [Devil Sword] that is nearly a hundred meters long and seems to be forged from silver metal!

Moreover, because it was a slash from bottom to top, along with the trajectory of the slash, the wall outside the castle was directly torn into two pieces by this strike!

(This guy--)

The Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisitor appeared at hand, and Alexia subconsciously wanted to block it, but after thinking of the opponent's power, the defensive action stopped abruptly. The light wing behind him shook, and a large beam flashed to the side at the fastest speed. Some distance!

After glancing at the huge magic sword that was swung in the air, Exia landed on the ground: "It really started destroying it without any politeness - is that the [Torn Silver Arm]?"


The huge magic sword disappeared.

Holding a magic sword with a strange silver metal to replace the broken blade, Salbatore smiled and said: "You are really rude, you broke my sword as soon as you came up."

After all, you are the King of Swords, so destroying your weapon first is the logical thing to do.

However, it seems that destroying weapons is not a problem for him.

"Speaking of which, that kick just now was really painful. You couldn't have kicked me directly in the face. Your quality is really poor."

"You, who carelessly destroy historical relics with each other, are no better off."

Two people who were at odds for various reasons began to hurt each other without any awareness of themselves.


(In this way, we should try to avoid close combat. The unstoppable magic sword... Hehe, it feels like facing Kevin. In this case, with this current incarnation, rely on strength and Come on quickly——)

【Zheng! 】

Just as Ixia was thinking about the next tactic, one of the trumpet discs on the discs symbolizing power in her body suddenly trembled.

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