Prisoners who want to resist Tobirama will be taken care of by more power.

Even if they exploded all the little chakra left in their bodies, they could not stand up and climb out of the circular pit formed by the suppression of gravity.

Puff puff!

The prisoners kept falling down one by one, leaving the remaining guys with a look of horror on their faces.


"Ah, sorry...

My hands are a little slippery and I have to use a little more strength. "

A trace of sincere apology appeared on Tobirama's face.

The gravity adjusted to some guys instantly exceeded the limit they could bear, putting not only their brains but also their blood vessels under tremendous pressure.

The whole person who fell in the round pit looked like a bloody man in an instant. He lay limply on the ground, almost no movement, and extremely quiet.

"Quick, run!"

Fear once again defeated their desire for freedom. The ninjas who had not been taken care of by Tobirama quickly wanted to stay away from this place and ran back to the prison!

Because behind them, guys with excellent physical fitness like the Wind God and Thunder God brothers have received the focus of Tobirama's power, and their original appearance can no longer be seen.

The terrible gravity created circular pits on the ground, with blood and water splashing inside, creating a cruel scene that made the Konoha ninjas behind Tobirama feel chills in their hearts.

Tobirama-sama's special power, combined with his huge amount of chakra, is simply terrifying.

Look at the prisoners in front who are trying to escape.

Each one of them was trying to jump left and right as smartly as possible, constantly changing the speed and direction of their running to avoid this invisible suppression coming from the sky. Compared with the craziness when they just wanted to break out of the prison, The contrast is too great.

They don't know when they will fall, and they don't know when they will be crushed to the ground, and the force that creates a circular pit is really hard to guard against.

Unless you are a powerful ninja who can use chakra to carry the exponentially increasing gravity that is unexpectedly placed on your body.

Otherwise, ordinary ninjas would have no power to resist in front of Master Tobirama.

Even the powerful brothers Thunder God and Wind God were as weak as babies in front of Lord Tobirama.

261 Now the only person in the ninja world who can make Senju Tobirama lose

"What's going on? There seems to be no sound outside!"

Deep in Konoha Prison, Mizuki, who had already taken many things for himself, was about to urge Orochimaru-sama to leave with him again, but he felt that the entire prison seemed to have become much quieter.

His heart tightened. Oops, could it be that support from Konoha Village has arrived?

Who is it?

One idea after another appeared in my mind.

Sarutobi Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai probably haven't been able to stop so many prisoners from rioting.

Hatake Kakashi is not good either. His chakra amount is too small. If he deals with more ninjas, he will soon fall into a state of lack of chakra amount.

Unless one of the three ninjas takes action and leads the Konoha ninjas to quickly suppress the rebellion and riots!


Although his power has expanded a lot, he has also witnessed what happened in Konoha Village before. During the collapse of Orochimaru's plan, Tobirama violently beat Shukaku Ichibi, and Sasuke Uchiha used the magic weapon that made people feel like ghosts and gods coming to the world. The same Susanoo power.

In Mizuki's heart, he still had awe of this village.

He grabbed Orochimaru's wrist and wanted to take the weak Orochimaru out of the cage deep in the prison.

However, the sound of the entire prison quickly disappearing made him feel even more stressed.

An invisible tension was spreading among him and the ninjas around him.

There seemed to be some amazing beast appearing in the prison where there was no more sound.


Following him, Orochimaru, who was being held hostage and about to be transferred out, let out a burst of unexplained laughter.

"You haven't noticed those guys outside yet. With such strength, do you still want to take me out of here?"


Shuimu and the others were immediately alarmed and looked outside carefully.

At this time, they finally saw Tobirama's wood escape clone, which was lifeless like a dead tree hidden in the darkness.

Looking at them carefully, they seemed to have been staring at them from outside for a long time!

"Damn it, why haven't they done anything yet?"

Orochimaru laughed again, you guys, do you still need any action from the ANBU ninjas?

They all came here to monitor her, Orochimaru, and wanted to see if Orochimaru would make any extra moves!

Then, a series of buzzing sounds sounded in the empty space of the prison not far away.

When the man who was followed by a large amount of black iron sand and constantly drove these black weapons with structures and shapes made of sand and iron to shoot out in all directions appeared in front of them, Mizuki and the ninjas around him, They were all completely panicked.

"Tobirama, Tobirama-sama!!!"

How is it possible? Lord Tobirama has already left Konoha Village, why is he still in prison?

If I had known that Senju Tobirama was still here, how could he, a little Mizuki, dare to cause trouble?

This is Senju Tobirama who can no longer find an enemy in the current ninja world!


"You lose, Kaguya!"


"You really lost!"

"I have not lost!"

Looking at Kaguya Otsutsuki who was talking nonsense to him with an expressionless face in front of him, Tobirama felt a headache.

Not only that, after the Kaguya villain on the screen was knocked down by him, the huge word "ko" that should have appeared on the screen was actually lifted up by one hand when it fell.

Then, this guy used it as a weapon and swung it vigorously, hitting the head of his Thousand Hands Tobirama, making him feel a little pain on the top of his head.

However, under Kaguya Otsutsuki's gaze, Tobirama finally raised his hands.

"Okay, okay, I lost, I lost!"

Only then did Otsutsuki Kaguya feel satisfied. She relaxed her brain, leaned back, and lay down. She supported her head with one hand, raised one foot, and raised it on her other one. thighs on the knees.

Tobirama looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki's posture and the loose trousers on her body, sliding down bit by bit along the smooth thigh skin, feeling a little itchy.

It looks really white and slippery, but I don’t know what it feels like to the touch.


If you pinch it hard, a large blush will instantly appear on the tender skin, right?

No, that's not right. With Kaguya Otsutsuki's physical condition, pinching her flesh or something would not have any impact on her skin at all.

On the other hand, she might slap stars on her forehead because of such a move.

Hey, Otsutsuki Kaguya, pay attention!

The trouser legs are slipping down more and more!

Your plump and meaty buttocks will be exposed soon!

Do you want to remind me?

Tobirama felt like he was facing a difficult choice.

This guy had obviously been wearing tight-fitting clothes like the Demon Ninja before, but now he had changed into such loose lace pajamas.

Two different styles, worn by Kaguya, also showed completely different styles.

Now she looks like Xiaojiabiyu.

Withdrawing his gaze from Otsutsuki Kaguya's thigh, Tobirama looked at the screen with some upset.

He didn't know how long it had been since he came here. Without an accurate reference, his perception of time was almost blurred.

This is especially true for Kaguya Otsutsuki. After being sealed here for so many years, she has already forgotten the concept of time.

Now I just sleep when I feel sleepy and play when I wake up.

Having witnessed with his own eyes the death of Otsutsuki Ishiki's soul that occupied his body, Tobirama now has no regrets.

However, I didn't expect that I, who was supposed to die, was now trapped next to Otsutsuki Kaguya, and he was always obsessed with her.

It's all my fault that this guy, while he was asleep, kept digging out some strange things in his mind and memory all day long.

"Senju Tobirama, tell me, is there something wrong with your psychology?

Look here, why are such beautiful girls always violated by these ugly, fat-headed guys? "

Tobirama was stunned for a moment, and when he turned around, he saw the strange scene created by Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Good guy, now you are directly in front of me, looking at the inventory in my memory!

Moreover, this is because I, Senju Tobirama, have a mental problem, and it was not taken by me!

262 If the one-tailed one actively wants to do this, you, the nine-tailed one, can definitely do it too!

and many more!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kaguya Otsutsuki facing him, and Tobirama suddenly had a strange question.

Her hands were still supporting her head, her upper body was pointing away from her, and she was still watching the opening theme of this movie that would make the entire ninja world very hot.

So what was that soft, small thing that pushed against my head just now, deliberately bringing out this scene?

Tobirama couldn't help but swallow, turned around, and looked behind him.

Kaguya's raised calf had not yet been completely lowered. After being caught by his own eyes, Tobirama even felt Otsutsuki Kaguya's toes trembling, and nodded shyly.

His eyes kept falling along the fair skin. What was hidden under the loose robe was a bottomless abyss of darkness from which once he sank, he could no longer escape from it!

Otsutsuki Kaguya calmly put her leg on the knee of her other leg again.

The black abyss between the two big white legs slowly disappeared under the closure of the overlapping lines.

Tobirama couldn't help but feel dazed. The elder brother was right. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss will also stare at you and even want to eat you!

Kaguya's face turned red, hum, as expected, men are all the same.

However, I am still very charming, right?

In Senju Tobirama, this guy is a little weird.

Although getting along with him is quite comfortable and harmonious, but I don't know that his family members, such as the eldest brother Senju Hashirama whom he often talks about, and Madara, who he also treats as an eldest brother, will also talk about it. Will it be easy to get along with?

Also, his woman who once occupied an important position in his heart is something he can never forget, right?



In front of the TV screen, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara sneezed together.

It's really strange that with the physical fitness of the two of them, such a problem would occur in such a closed environment.

Who is a particularly powerful person? Do you have any thoughts about them?

Madara rubbed his nose calmly, and then changed the channel on the TV in front of him.

Hey, this show seems interesting.

In the Big Eater Competition sponsored by Ichiraku Ramen, contestants need to eat more ramen than anyone else within half an hour to win the final victory.

Under the auspices of Kakashi and Sakura, the show unfolded, including Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Akamaru, and some ninjas he didn't know.

As a result, under Madara's stiff expression, Sasuke quickly fell down with the others.

Only Naruto and Hinata were left in a constant stalemate.

However, looking at Hinata's seemingly slow but actually fast noodle eating movements and her exaggerated appetite, Naruto's defeat was only a matter of time.

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