"Okay, okay, Hashirama, that's it for today's entertainment program. Let's turn down the volume. We should also keep our voices down.

If it is too noisy, these two overfed little guys will be unable to sleep most of the night. "

This is a recorded program. Naruto and Sasuke attended it during the day, so they are both lying in bed to rest now.

After turning off the TV screen that was playing the program, leaving only the screen that could communicate with Hashirama, but the sound had been turned down, Madara gradually fell into deep thought.

Sasuke was making rapid progress, which made Madara feel very pleased. If he continued at this rate, he would have the chance and hope to fulfill his dream and kill that man with his own hands in the future!

However, another issue has to be put on the agenda.

That is to revive the Uchiha clan that has completely declined in this world!

However, it is not easy for the Uchiha clan, with only Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke left, to revive again.

If the bloodline wants to be passed on and the Uchiha branch out as soon as possible, then Uchiha Sasuke must work quickly and get more children with the Uchiha bloodline.

However, he is still a teenager now. He has only graduated from the ninja school a few months ago, and he is a young child.

Moreover, his talent is so good, and such a great time, if he spends all his time picking up girls, Madara will feel it is a pity.

So...are you going to set your sights on Itachi Uchiha?

This man who has grown up and has committed a heinous crime against the Uchiha clan that he will never be able to repay in ten lifetimes seems to be just the right age now.

"Madara, you seem very distressed?"

Hashirama's muffled voice was transmitted through the intercom TV.

Spot nodded and quietly told Hashirama his thoughts.

"You mean, let Uchiha Itachi become a... um, tool man for the Uchiha clan to start to revitalize in these years?"

Senju Hashirama thought hard for a while and came up with this word that Izuna once complained to him about being Tobirama's tool.

Madara couldn't help but smile when he heard Hashirama's description.

Indeed, he is a tool man.

"Yes, although he is a sinful person, it does not mean that the Uchiha blood flowing in his body is evil.

I believe that Sasuke can guide the new generation of Uchiha clan members and his own children to become better and more outstanding Uchiha. "

Hashirama scratched his head.

"But, I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to find a girl willing to give birth to a child for that guy named Uchiha Itachi."

After all, he is Konoha's S-level rebellious ninja and a very dangerous man.

Where can I find a woman who is willing to get close to him, and even be able to give him a child and continue the bloodline of the Uchiha clan?

"It would be great if Tobirama was here now. Tobirama is so powerful, he will definitely be able to find a solution.

Maybe, he could even find a way to pass on Uchiha Itachi's bloodline without finding a woman for Uchiha Itachi. "

The two people were muttering there, and Kyuubi kept lying there, covering his big ears, quietly acting like a fox reading subtitles.

It didn't know anything about Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara's whispered conspiracy, and it didn't want to know anything about it.

However, at this moment, it felt a little itchy, and it seemed that some strange eyes were falling on it.

He was watching TV with great interest. When he turned his head, he saw Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara keeping their eyes on him and looking at him.

"Hey...what do you mean by that look in your eyes?"

"Not bad, really good. I think it's very suitable."

"I thought so too, but I didn't expect that we both thought the same thing."

Seeing Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara starting to nod in understanding, Kyuubi swallowed hard.

Hey hey hey, you two, what do you mean by those looks!

Wait, you two, those strange eyes that seem to see through its body, could it be...

"Is it possible that you two are looking at me like this?"

Kyuubi suddenly became frightened and made a loud voice, making the entire sealed space buzz.

"Keep your voice down, we just have this idea now."

Kyuubi shook his head quickly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

It's not just something like extending the bloodline of the Uchiha clan, it's impossible to agree to it.

Even the initial, most basic thing that Nine Tails needs to do, which is to turn it into a human female form, is impossible to agree to.

Wait, from the very beginning when Senju Hashirama inexplicably entered the body of Uzumaki Naruto, the tailed beast jinchuriki, and was sealed, this guy has been telling himself about Lamazi.

He wouldn't have had such a plan at that time, right?

I want to try it many times and subtly make Kyuubi feel that it is not a big deal to become a woman, and I can even get along well with them.

Wait until you don't know it, and then reveal all the evil plans you two have now, and use the so-called saying that you will give it freedom in the future, and you will help it escape from the body of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki without hurting Naruto. to seduce it!

As a result, if it was foolishly deceived by the two of you, it might even thank you at this time!

Damn it, Senju Hashirama, you are so evil and terrible!

It turns out that it's not just that guy Uchiha Madara's eye power that makes the tailed beasts hate him.

You and him, both of you, are born evil. I will do it with my own hands...

Kyuubi's eyes widened, then he lowered his head and held his ears with his two paws.

I don’t even watch TV anymore. No matter what you two say, it’s impossible for me, Kyuubi, to agree to it.

The big fox will keep his word and will never succumb to the power of you two!

While Madara was pondering, both Senju Hashirama really felt that this plan was going to work.

In the room, after Naruto climbed into the upper bunk in his pajamas and said good night to himself, Sasuke lay on the bed and moved his body out unconsciously.

Then, when Uzumaki Naruto started snoring above, he climbed up, quickly took out the rope, and tied him to his bed.

He returned to his bed and lay down, listening to the gagged Naruto who had to breathe through his nose and his voice became much quieter. Sasuke nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he moved around on his bed, swaying here and there, and finally swung one hand and one foot out.

After all, if there was an iron bed board between him and Naruto in the bunk bed, it would always feel like there was something between them that was hindered a lot.

Sure enough, after his outstretched hands and feet formed a shape like the antenna on the TV, he felt that the invisible connection between himself and Naruto became clearer.

263 Qianju Tobirama, don’t run away! Damn it, I was just talking casually, please leave quickly!

It feels strange, but it's a strange technique I've developed over many nights.

Sasuke slowly fell into sleep.

There was a peaceful smile on his face, which was rarely the same as before. Because of his unforgettable hatred for Uchiha Itachi, the expression on his face was ferocious and twisted when he was dreaming.

Father, Mother, please rest assured that I now have my best friend and Uncle Tobirama to guide me forward.

Your child is no longer a person.


"Damn it, how many times has this happened? Senju Tobirama, do you just want to run away?"

At the border of the Kingdom of Wind, the ninjas of Sunagakure Village who had been chasing behind Senju Tobirama couldn't help but make a depressed sound.

Several days had passed, and they were chasing Senju Tobirama, but no matter what, there was no way to catch this cunning, loach-like guy.

The ninjas from Sunagakure Village they sent out in advance were cleaning the ground and were able to find many places where the Flying Thunder God Kunai was hidden.

However, even if many kunai that appear to have flying thunder god techniques are tested, they are not actually flying thunder god kunai. Those kunai techniques are clearly just patterns.

However, they would occasionally find a real Flying Thunder God Kunai among the kunai that was playing tricks on them, with different weight, texture, and the Flying Thunder God's seal on it.

They had to grit their teeth and continue to spend a lot of energy to clean out all these real and fake kunai.

Otherwise, according to their plan, they could finally surround him and slowly use a large amount of ninja life and blood to grind Senju Tobirama to death. If Senju Tobirama left with a flying thunder god technique, , that would be too uncomfortable.


Tobirama glanced behind him.

He was casually hanging on the ninjas of Sunagakure Village behind him, raised his head, and looked in the direction of Chiyo Ebizo, his sister and brother, and the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa who were in the camp.

It's time for you to gather all the power you can muster.

Under the tremendous pressure he brought, Rasa agreed with Konoha's collapse plan and killed the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, causing many conflicts within the Kingdom of Wind towards him.

They suppressed all opposing forces and extracted all the ninjas of Sunagakure Village who could still listen to their orders to form this army.

However, this is already their limit.

If this army completely collapses, the entire Sunagakure Village will completely collapse.

Supporting the power of the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, the ninjas in Sunagakure Village who oppose him, and the powerful people in the Kingdom of Wind who are hugely afraid of Rasa and Sunagakure Village will never unite to resist him for thousands of years. Between the hands.

By that time, it would be easy to completely wipe Sunagakure Village off the map and extend the tentacles of Konoha Village into the Kingdom of Wind.


Tobirama stepped on a dead tree on the ground and stopped in his tracks.

The ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind who had been chasing after him also stopped and surrounded Senju Tobirama nervously.

Then, they all looked at the guy who just made a sound, saying that Senju Tobirama could only run away!

Good guy, they originally just wanted to make a pursuit gesture and watch Senju Tobirama leave.

We only have so many people, do you really think people are afraid of us?

Not only are we afraid of the army behind us that may catch up at any time, but we are also afraid of the ninjas in front who may outflank him at any time!

Damn it, it's better now, Qian Shu Fei Jian stopped, as you wished!

"Are you trying to make me stop?"

A wicked smile appeared on Tobirama's face, looking at the ninja of Sunagakure Village who had made a sound before and was now sweating profusely under the gaze of himself and his teammates.

He didn't dare to nod now, and he couldn't shake his head. His heart was beating very fast.

“Tsk, you are really not as good as before.

I have met that guy, Kazekage Raito, the first generation of your Sunagakure Village.

He has much more backbone than you, and he is tenacious, just like the gale that has lingered on your land of the Kingdom of Wind for thousands of years, and his fighting spirit is high. "

After hearing Senju Tobirama's words, the Sunagakure ninjas swallowed and looked at the man in front of them carefully.

They didn't know how strong Senju Tobirama was.

But based on the strength and intensity shown by the opponent in Konoha's collapse plan, they are definitely not their opponent.

Even during the Third Ninja War, Namikaze Minato, who learned the Flying Thunder God Technique he invented, killed the jounin like he was chopping melons and vegetables.

The ninjas who were responsible for chasing each other and anchoring the opponent's position were not enough to warm up the opponent.

"Do you know what your first generation, Raito Kazekage, is good at?"


The strong wind howled, and Tobirama put his hands together and began to form the seals honestly.

After all, he is not as familiar with Wind Release Ninjutsu as Water Release Ninjutsu, Ice Release Ninjutsu and Magnetic Release Ninjutsu.

A strange feeling appeared in the hearts of these ninjas from Sunagakure Village in the Country of Wind who surrounded him.

Wind escape, is this wind escape?

"Stop him now!"

No matter what the other party wants to do, just stop the other party!

The moment Tobirama completed the seal, several shurikens were already flying in his direction.

However, the wind escape chakra that was captured in Tobirama's palms by clasping his hands together turned into a violent gale in the next moment, and was released from his outward palms.

"Wind Dun, Gale Palm!"

The hot breath, carried by the invisible strong wind, smashed away the shurikens flying in the air, and blew away several Sunagakure Village ninjas in front of them.

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