The shurikens and kunai they threw over were blown by the strong wind and bounced past them, cutting blood marks on their bodies.

"This kind of wind escape!"

The wild sand was also blown by the cracks, filling the sky with dust and smoke, making the figure of Qianju Tojian over there become unreal.

"It's really useful."

Tobirama looked at the effect of the wind release ninjutsu he used and grinned.

If that guy Lieto knew that he was using his ninjutsu to attack the ninjas of Sunagakure Village, would he be so angry that he would bite his teeth into pieces?

Whoosh whoosh!

More kunai were thrown towards Tobirama from the rising smoke, and the kunai attached to the detonating talisman continued to explode inside.

Thick smoke mixed with sand and dust, blown by the heat wave, spread out to the surroundings with an even more intense breath.

The Sunagakure ninjas who stood up looked in that direction and gripped the kunai in their hands tighter.

I don't know how long they will have to delay here and how many people will die before they can wait for the support of the large forces to arrive.


At this moment, a crisp sound sounded in their ears.

Senju Tobirama's unharmed figure emerged from the smoke, surprising all the Sunagakure ninjas surrounding him.

After patting the dust off his body, Tobirama looked at the ninjas of Sunagakure Village who were watching him nervously, and smiled warmly at them.

The wind also became stronger at this moment.

Chi Chi Chi!

The changes in the nature of the Wind Escape Chakra injected into the wind are making the gale wind sharper.

This sudden change made the surrounding ninjas of Sunagakure Village feel vaguely uneasy.

"What's wrong, don't you recognize me? This is Lie Du's ability. In the strong wind, that guy caused me a lot of trouble.

It's a pity that he finally started to study the power of puppetry and magnetic escape with Samana, instead of continuing to develop the power of wind escape. "

What Tobirama said about the first Kazekage and the second Kazekage of Sunagakure Village made these guys sweat break out on their heads.

It is impossible for them to know these secrets.

However, as Senju Tobirama said, Lord Fierce Fighter's Wind Release, which he had found difficult to deal with, was now going to be used against them.

"Wind Dun, Luo Net!"

Tobirama's understanding of the changes in nature and form of Wind Release Chakra is inferior to that of Lieto.

But now that he is using it, it seems to be working.

And as long as the amount of chakra is sufficient, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the power of the Wind Release Ninjutsu can be doubled!

The Wind Release Chakra intertwined in the air formed a large net surrounding the Sunagakure ninja.

After Tobirama clenched his fist with one hand, the big net covered the Sunagakure ninjas in front of him.


However, they were not as fast as the wind.

The next moment, a huge net formed by wind escape that was visible to the naked eye fell from the sky and landed on top of their heads.


Even though they wrapped their bodies with chakra, the sharp wind escape chakra still cut open the skin on their bodies, causing streaks of blood to splatter on their bodies.

The entire pursuit team soon lost their combat effectiveness and fell to the ground in the strong wind.

At the same time, in the camp of the Sand Hidden Village troops, the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, Chiyo, and Ebizo brothers were all carefully watching the price paid for the encirclement and suppression of Senju Tobirama in the recent period. .

"Although we suffered a lot of losses, it was all worth it."

In this series of actions, they cleared away a large number of kunai left by Senju Tobirama, including many specially made real flying thunder god kunai.

In this case, even Senju Tobirama would have a headache.

They had studied this special Flying Thunder God Kunai, and it took a lot of effort to get it.

Whether it is Senju Tobirama who developed the time and space ninjutsu or the fourth generation Hokage Namifeng Shuimon who later used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to perfection, they all need to use this special kunai as a medium to use the time and space jutsu. .

"Based on multiple tracking routes, plus our route analysis of Senju Tobirama, he would disappear near here every time after fighting us.

According to our inference, he probably went to this place in the Country of Fire! "

264 Two Platycodon cities, two villages, two wars

The senior officials of Sunagakure Village all looked at the marked point.

On the border of the Land of Fire, bordering the surrounding small countries, and the place where Senju Tobirama can easily obtain supplies, Platycodon City!


However, the faces of everyone in Sunagakure Village are not so good-looking.

Platycodon City reminded them of some bad things.

During the Third Ninja War, Konoha's troops led by Orochimaru were in this place, severely damaging their Sunagakure Village, leaving them unable to fight any longer and had to withdraw from the Third Ninja War.

Then, he became the biggest loser in the Third Ninja War.

With their losses being unprecedentedly heavy, they almost couldn't keep their position as one of the five great ninja villages.

In the end, by becoming an ally with Konoha and paying the price of mission priority, he was able to maintain his status as one of the five great ninja villages.

This place means a lot to them.

“Before, Konoha fought a battle at Mount Kikyo here, causing us Sunagakure to suffer heavy losses.

Today, we will also kill Senju Tobirama near Platycodon Castle, so that our Sunagakure Village can start to rise again! "

Luo Sha tried his best to encourage the fighting spirit of the ninjas around him, but did not receive any strong response.

He could even see a trace of fear and a trace of despair on many people's faces.

In their hearts, panic was spreading.

Because in addition to the Senju Tobirama, there is another guy in Konoha Village that people have to be very concerned about, and that is Uchiha Sasuke.

The huge, complete Susanoo released by Uchiha Sasuke, which could not be concealed, seemed to be a joke to the entire ninja world.

So unexpected, such a 'surprise'!

If you want to kill a Senju Tobirama, you don't know how much effort it will take and how many ninjas will be sacrificed to make it possible.

And when a second man who can use the complete Susanoo appears in the ninja world, how should they deal with it?

That was once a power that only Madara Uchiha could use, the legendary power of the Uchiha clan!

Luo Sha frowned and looked at the senior officials of Sunagakure Village who were a little distracted.

"Everyone, if we are so timid and only hear that others are powerful and that there are unwarable ninjas appearing in other ninja villages, then we will lose our own morale.

Then why was this Sunagakure Village established?

Have you forgotten the original intention of the Shodaime Kazekage and Reito-sama in establishing the village?

Have you forgotten our ancestors and our relatives and friends who died in the battle for the village?

No matter how powerful the enemy is, our strength together will be stronger than them!

The wind and sand have not been able to bring down our Sunagakure Village for so many years, and Senju Tobirama cannot do it either! "

The voice that seemed sparse just now became much stronger now. Seeing the boosted morale, Luo Sha quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After the crowd dispersed, Luo Sha looked in the direction of the desert and couldn't help but pray secretly in her heart.

First Generation Kazekage Reito-sama, I don’t know how you felt when you first established Sunagakure Village to face the Konoha Village with the Ninja God Senju Hashirama and Ninja Shura Uchiha Madara.

However, if you could lead Sunagakure Village to continue at that time, then please protect our Sunagakure Village so that we can still stand tenaciously in the desert this time!


"Lord Lieto, now country x, country xx, and the entire territory of country xx have been completely occupied by our Sunagakure Village.

The remaining village ninjas of these three small countries are being eliminated by us. The big names of these small countries do not dare to make any objections at all, and they have the good sense to make way for us! "

After Lie Dou used himself as bait to lure the ninja villages of three small countries, and gathered all their strength, more than a thousand of their more elite ninjas, to attack Lie Dou, but most of them were killed by Lie Dou. .

The roads in several small countries surrounding Sunagakure Village turned into a smooth road.

"Go, go, go!"

Lieto waved his hand and continued to issue orders to the surrounding Sunagakure ninjas.

After Sunagakure Village continued to expand its territory, and began to digest the materials and resources of the surrounding small countries, and sent them back to the country, so that the Sunagakure ninjas, families, merchants, etc. who participated in the operation gained benefits.

They all became even crazier.

War makes people sad, makes people sacrifice, and makes people bleed.

War can also make people rich, make people suddenly rich, and also make people crazy!

Lieto personally led the elite troops of Sunagakure Village and rushed towards the Konohagakure team in the Kikyo Fortress City on the border of the Land of Fire.

Konoha Village is now surrounded by enemies on all sides, and its troops are scattered.

Even if Uchiha Izuna came to the front of the battle with the Kingdom of Wind in person, he was not afraid at all!

Among the enemies he was afraid of and always wanted to chase and surpass, Uchiha Izuna's name had not yet appeared.

What's more, he has made a lot of great progress now. Compared with his previous self, he is as good as heaven and earth.

Now, he finally understands that there is a huge gap between Kage and Kage, perhaps even bigger than the gap between Kage and Ninja School students.

"They're here!"

The sensing ninjas on the front line immediately passed the information back after noticing the movements of the ninjas in Sunagakure Village.

Looking at the map, based on the information detected by the Sensing Ninja, the number of troops rushing towards Sunagakure Village was ascertained, and the leader of the Inar, Deer, and Die Tribes also felt a huge pressure on him.

This was the first time that they, as commanders, had to personally participate in such a more intense war pitting villages against each other.

The Nara clan leader, who had only fought in battles between a few family alliances and other alliances before, wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He kept tapping his fingers on the table, looking at the opponent's situation on the map, and made a decision.

"Then, the first generation, Kazekage Reito, I leave it to the three of you.

Only by stopping him can our side be able to withstand the attack of Sunagakure Village. "

Even if the average level of ninja in the village is much higher than that of the opponent.

However, since it was almost a four-front battle, the number of troops on their side was much smaller than that of the Sunagakure Village ninjas who were dispatched from this direction.

It would be nice if either the Senju brothers or Uchiha Madara were still in the village.

These guys would never dare to attack our Konoha Village like this.

No matter it is Izuna guarding the family, or any one of the three of them is guarding the country of fire.

The other one can directly enter the other party's territory and turn the other party upside down!

265 One day, I, Hei Zetsu, will also sit in that Hokage building.

"Delay Liedou?"

"Chief Nara, are you underestimating the fighting ability of us old men?"

Facing Uchiha Tajima's somewhat unhappy voice, cold sweat broke out on the face of the Nara clan leader.

"Okay Tajima, don't you know how old you are now? You still want to imitate young people, why are you trying to be so strong?

Commander Nara, please don't worry, we will definitely let Lie Duo have no time to enter other battles!

Moreover, this guy Tajima, although he is very weak, is still defeated by me, but he actually has no ill intentions.

He just wants to inspire you and make you relax and fight other ninjas in Sunagakure Village. "

After Senjubutama said something to Uchiha Tajima, he made a sincere promise to the Nara clan leader.

Uchiha Tajima muttered in a low voice, Senjubutsuma, you bastard, what kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be there!

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