Creating difficult and nasty troubles for people will certainly make people feel disgusted.But if you bother others appropriately and reciprocate politely, it can actually bring you closer to each other.After 5 minutes of cooking, the dish you want to eat is not difficult to make. The ingredients are all in the refrigerator. Bringing some snacks by yourself shows that you remember this favor. Once it comes and goes, the relationship is almost the same.

Kaguya worked hard to get Sayuri, but she also knew in her heart that if nothing else happened, she would be her companion when she grew old. Now that she had a good relationship, she would not be the one to benefit.What's more, although Sayuri's status is a bit low, even though she always does housework and so on, this kind of thing is often the most lovable and indispensable.If I can be recognized by Sayuri, if any new people come in the future, I won't have any difficulties relying on this relationship.

In the morning, love was also abrupt. Because of my work habit, I got up early to clean up the housework. On the way, I met Sayuri who had just woken up and came out with the same purpose. This was a car accident.Fortunately, Ai turned around quickly and pulled Sayuri along with her. She also complained about how tiring it was to work at Shinomiya's house. In the end, she offered to share some of Sayuri's pressure and asked Sayuri to give her advice. If this combo continued, Ai and Sayuri would be together. The relationship is completely stable.

Ai also saw Sayuri's dislike for Kaguya from this exchange, so while helping to win her back, she also told Kaguya bluntly that she would like to take advantage of this two-person world to win her favor.That's how Kaguya started to play tricks.

Chapter 242 Self-Moved

Arriving at the scheduled coffee shop, Kaguya arrived 5 minutes early, but she could see the pink-haired Chika Fujiwara, dazed in front of a cup of coffee that had lost its heat.Different from the common Shuchiden school uniform, Fujiwara Chika is wearing a conservative long skirt today.

"Good morning, Qianhua."

Kaguya walked over and waited for Fujiwara Chika to notice her before saying hello.

"Good morning, Kaguya. Please take a seat."

Fujiwara Chika was a little absent-minded. When she heard Kaguya's greeting, she came back to her senses and stumbled a little while speaking.Kaguya could see through the forced smile on his face at a glance.So, what exactly happened?Only then can Chika Fujiwara, who laughs heartlessly all day long, feel so uncomfortable.

Chika Fujiwara felt uncomfortable not because of Kaguya, who got engaged when she said she was engaged, and changed her last name when she said she wanted to. The impact of polygamy on Neon was already fully covered. Some people even used this law to criticize Yako Iino. What did she say? Such laws have been enacted, but we still haven’t fallen in love early!It is obvious that we want to have more children. How can we have children without falling in love early?Of course, Iino Yako was not that easy to bully, so she all fought back with the school rules and warned them that they were minors.

Even though she said this, Iino Yako didn't have the confidence in her heart. Her father was Iino Masato.Iino Yako's conservatism comes from family education. Now her father has taken the lead in betraying this conservatism and even launched a counterattack. This is not just a small fight, but a real attack on the conservatism of monogamy.For this reason, Iino Yako was very unhappy, and her relationship with her family was also strained.

As the student union secretary and disciplinary committee member, Iino Yako's mood naturally affects everyone in the student union.Shuchiyuan is a small and condensed upper-class society in Tokyo. Fujiwara Chika also noticed the changes in the upper-class society from this struggle. She knew very well who polygamy would harm, those legal wives and those who did not have freedom because of marriage. My first wife, she might have been a bit tougher on her cheating before, but now she is directly protected by the law, so you can tell me who is to blame!

And now, suddenly, the suffering caused by this marriage and the pain caused by this change came to her friend Fujiwara Chika's friend Shinomiya Kaguya with lightning speed.And added to this suffering is the severing of the relationship between father and daughter and the change of surname.Which event is not worth remembering for a lifetime?Which one won't cause harm to Kaguya?Fujiwara Chika stands in the perspective of Shinomiya Kaguya, sharing the same fate and breathing together.

For this reason, Chika Fujiwara quickly made an appointment with Kaguya after her engagement, intending to have a good chat with Kaguya and create a tree hole for her to let her talk out her pain.If these negative emotions are not dumped in time, Kaguya will definitely become colder and more withdrawn.Chika Fujiwara thought so.

While Chika Fujiwara was distracted, Kaguya asked the waiter for a cup of coffee, then turned around to observe Chika Fujiwara.Absent-minded, there is something on the mind.Looks pale and in a bad mood.The bags under her eyes were thicker than usual and a little bit black. This troubled her for a long time.Kaguya quickly obtained a lot of useful information.

The coffee was quickly prepared and served. Fujiwara Chika had already come to her senses, glancing at Kaguya from time to time, hesitating about what to say.

"Qianhua, what's the matter?"

Kaguya knocked on the table, making Chika Fujiwara look over, and then spoke.Although she is cold and withdrawn, she can still have two friends. No, the other one is to rely on and support, that is love.The only friend left is Qianhua.For Qianhua, she didn't show much on her face, but she was still very concerned in her heart.

"I'm fine. Kaguya, are you okay?"

"I'm very good?"

Kaguya observed that Chika Fujiwara had worry on her face when she asked her, but why?What's wrong with me?So Kaguya's tone was slightly doubtful. She hoped that Chika Fujiwara could understand her words and tell her why she thought she was not doing well.But now Fujiwara Chika is more willing to explain this doubt as the helpless confusion after being injured.

"Kaguya, if you have anything, you can tell me. I will always stand by your side."

Fujiwara Chika took Kaguya's idle hand, leaning forward a little, her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.Isn't it strange? This person has seen a lot and has a big brain. He only thinks the worst when he thinks. How can he not be moved by himself?

"Wait, when did I get bad? What can happen to me?"


Fujiwara Chika burst into tears, and instantly became confused and a little stunned.

"Kaguya, weren't you suddenly cut off from the father-daughter relationship by your father, and then forced to share the same man with your maid Hayasaka Ai, and then directly engaged? You were completely unprepared to say, Kaguya, what are you doing? It might be good! Woohoo."

Fujiwara Chika quickly said what she thought, and believed that Kaguya's indifference was just a problem with her personality. She couldn't show it, so she could only bury these pains deep in her heart, with no one to complain to. Wow, oh, so pitiful said.

Kaguya's fist hardened, this was all my plan!And no one in the family said anything harsh, they were all kind and peaceful.Fujiwara Chika, you are really mistaken. No wonder you have grown so big and all your nutrition has gone to your heart and mouth. Is your brain not fully developed?As long as my status was lower, I wouldn't be able to come out to see you on the second day after the engagement!Kaguya was very angry. Although she knew Chika Fujiwara's reasoning, she would make a mistake once in ten times, but why was it so outrageous this time?

"I proposed this engagement, and I can't tell you the specific details for a while. But I can tell you clearly that if I don't have the support of my mother-in-law, I will become an underground vase who needs to compete with the maid for favor. , I shouldn’t be here now, I’m alone on Qianlu’s bed, in Qianlu’s home!”

Chika Fujiwara was shocked by Kaguya's murderous words and stopped crying instantly. Was the stereotype she had made up in her mind finally broken?

"Doesn't that mean that you are not taken seriously and that people are too lazy to care about you? Woohoo!"

Fujiwara Chika is indeed stupid, but she speaks from experience. Marriage is always a matter for the person in power. How could it be Kaguya's turn to speak.It's a lie, it must be a lie to comfort me.

"Then I'm not taken seriously. I can go wherever I want. Isn't this better than staying alone at Shinomiya's house every day and having to report even when I go out to play?"

Kaguya resisted the urge to pry open Fujiwara Chika's head, and gave Fujiwara Chika a counterexample word for word.

After some explanations, Chika Fujiwara finally understood.Kaguya is finally happy!congratulations!

Chapter 243 Chatting

After convincing Fujiwara Chika, Kaguya thought about it for a while and decided to tell her her decision.

"Qianhua, I plan to officially withdraw from the student union after the semester starts."

"Huh? Didn't I say you got happiness? Resigning from the student union... doesn't look like your style, Kaguya!"

Qianhua felt a little awkward about what she said for a moment. She was obviously very surprised because the person opposite her didn't look like the Shinomiya Kaguya she knew at all.

"Joining the student council is one of the ways Shinomiya Kaguya can prove her worth to the Shinomiya family, and now I am Muyouta Kaguya."

Kaguya chose vague words to get through. She persuaded Chika Fujiwara that she had achieved happiness, but she did not tell her that Ai was responsible for social interactions. If she continued to serve as the vice president of the student union, she would definitely have trouble with the next generation of heirs. There is some intersection, which takes away part of the responsibility of love, but this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is to take over Yukino's job and become Qian Ritsu's secretary, the kind of secretary who can help her handle documents.

There is also a deeper reason. Kaguya has already said it. She is Wuliangta Kaguya, and there is no need to do the things that Shinomiya Kaguya should do. Now, she has her life.

Chika Fujiwara looked at Kaguya, who had changed her hairstyle and was a little more confident and gentle than her usual indifference, and felt very entangled in her heart.On the one hand, she was happy for Kaguya, but on the other hand, she was confused and worried about the future of the student union.

Xiuzhiyuan is not a simple high school campus, but a small and developing upper class society, and the intersection of all this is the student union that leads the entire college.In fact, there have only been three student union presidents who were born in mixed colleges, and the first two failed to be re-elected. Kaguya's departure will definitely cause trouble for Shirogane Goyuki, so much so that he will be unable to move forward until he resigns.And in this process, everyone who finally got together, and the little friendship that was finally born, will suffer what kind of blow.

Although the time together was very short, Fujiwara Chika also fell in love with this group and had a special feeling. Now that Kaguya is leaving, it is foreseeable that everyone will gradually leave in the future...

"Well, I support your choice. Kaguya, who do you think is most likely to be the next student union president?"

Chika Fujiwara hides her feelings, but in fact they are far less important than her friend Kaguya.She, Chika Fujiwara, is basically friends with all the students in Shuchiin, but the most special and heart-wrenching one among them is Kaguya.So, she made this choice.

"Why don't you participate in the election of student union president?"

Kaguya asked her doubts. In fact, if Chika Fujiwara runs, she will defeat the candidates with an overwhelming advantage.Kaguya is very aware of Fujiwara Chika's terrifying social skills.As the vice-president, she held meetings for those club heads. People were able to attend and listen to her simply because her name was Shinomiya Kaguya.But Chika Fujiwara is different. If she troubles others, she will basically help her. This includes children of businessmen and politicians who are hostile to Chika Fujiwara's father.

This kind of affinity that is different from ordinary people is even reflected in the interactions with myself. Although I am sometimes very annoyed by some of Fujiwara Chika's outrageous actions, she is basically the only one who can act cute, apologize, and forgive in a split second. , maybe this is also because of the deep friendship between them?

"Well, if I participate and accidentally choose the president or vice president, I won't have time to play with my friends. And I can't handle those complicated affairs. Just walking in front of so many people I'm a little uncomfortable with speaking and talking, I don't want to be so far away from my friends, it's not good at all."

Chika Fujiwara was a little scared, as if she was worried that her time playing with her friends would be taken up.

Indeed, those who can participate in the student union president election are generally those who are confident in their own family background, have not served as club ministers or deputy ministers, and have time to do this student union work.Generally speaking, there are at most five people who sign up, and maybe at least two, so the probability of being selected is very high.

The president and vice-president of the student union should not only deal with their work, but also be cautious in social interactions. Of course, if you are not afraid of rumors and attacks, then you can do whatever you want.But if there are any rumors about bending the law for personal gain or enriching one's own pockets, if it gets too big and is investigated by the committee, your position will be over.

Therefore, Kaguya quickly understood the weight of the word friend in Fujiwara Chika's heart.

"So, Kaguya, besides me, is there anyone else you like?"

"No, Iino-san might have been able to take the stage before, but given the current situation... I don't think it's feasible."

"I think Yako-chan has a high chance of being elected as the vice president of the student union!"

When Chika Fujiwara thought about it, Kaguya felt that there was no dark horse, so she could only choose a taller one among the previous candidates.The difference in votes between Iino Yako and Shirogane Miyako is only 40 votes, and most people now approve of Yako. Although there is a deduction from the disciplinary committee, because she is too cute, being lectured by her is even considered by some people. It’s for enjoyment, so the impact is not big.

"If there is no dark horse, what you said does make sense."

Kaguya also figured out this point and nodded.

"Well, it's almost noon now. How about we go out for a walk and then find a place to eat?"

Fujiwara Chika looked at her phone and naturally extended a lunch invitation.

"Well, let me talk to Sister Sayuri first."

Kaguya took out her phone and sent Sayuri a text message.

"Sister Sayuri? Well, who is this?"

"She is Qianlu's wife. She is mainly responsible for some chores at home."

Kaguya gave Sayuri this identity as a wife without even thinking about it, and that's how she saw it. She looked the same on the inside.

"Hey, by the way, you haven't told me the situation around Mr. Wuliangta yet. But he already has a wife. It must be difficult for you to get along with her, Kaguya, right?"

Seeing Chika Fujiwara begin to doubt the happiness she had obtained and Sayuri she had just tested, Kaguya patiently supplemented Chika Fujiwara's interpersonal relationships at home.

"Wow! Qianlu has so many wives!"

"Actually, it's not much. There are only me, Ai, Fumino, and Sayuri-san at home, and now both Qian Ritsu and Ai are attending Kujo Takayuki's funeral."

"By the way, this love is Hayasaka Ai-san, right?"

"Yes, Ai has been by my side since I was very young!"


Chapter 244 Kaguya

Fujiwara Chika took Kaguya into a nearby shopping mall, which included merchants in many aspects such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, but Fujiwara Chika couldn't think of where to eat for a while.Considering Kaguya's identity and origin, she should eat something high-end. Western food doesn't matter if she's full, but Chika Fujiwara doesn't know any good Japanese food.As for the ubiquitous family restaurants, ramen restaurants, and izakayas that she and other friends frequented most, she naturally did not consider them.

"Kaguya, is there anything you want to eat?"

“Let’s go to the family restaurant.”

Kaguya pointed at a family restaurant that she could see. She really wanted to try the life of a commoner and wanted to know what delicious food there was in the family restaurant.And compared to places with bad images such as ramen restaurants and izakayas, family restaurants are a better choice.


Fujiwara Chika took Kaguya and walked into the family restaurant Kaguya pointed to. There were not many people, and a waiter came as soon as she entered.After ordering some random dishes, Chika Fujiwara observed Kaguya carefully, trying to see if there was anything unusual about her.Didn't you bring any money?Or do you want to cooperate with her and get closer to her?

"Qianhua, don't laugh at me if I tell you!"

Kaguya knew what her actions meant, so she quickly understood what Fujiwara Chika's gaze meant.


"I actually wanted to see how the students in the mixed college lived very early on. Where would they go when they went out to play? What postures would they use to take pictures? Where would they eat? Are there really some delicious restaurants hidden away? Oh, By the way, Qianhua, do you know where I can get some cheap but delicious snacks?"

Chika Fujiwara understood Kaguya's longing. She could guess from Kaguya's cold expression that Kaguya was in a bad situation, but she never thought that she didn't even know these things that many people thought were ordinary. , her childhood was so pitiful.

"It's a rice cake shop in Usagiyama Shopping Street. I heard that they have an old craft. And it's very unique. Basically, if you want to eat rice cakes in Tokyo, go to their shop."

"New year cake? It's a rare snack!"

Kaguya thought about it and thought it was pretty good. Most people have eaten ordinary Japanese snacks from childhood to adulthood, but rice cakes are different. They rarely eat them except during the Chinese New Year. Now if I take one back, it won’t be a problem. I'd say I totally like it, but at least it's original.

"Kaguya, you want to give this to your Sayuri sister! Hehe, in addition to rice cakes, you can also buy your favorite strawberry cream cake to share. You know that you can share your favorite things with others, so this The two of you will definitely become very, very good friends!”

Chika Fujiwara immediately saw what Kaguya was up to. Seeing how carefully she managed the relationships in the family, she couldn't help but make suggestions.

"Well, thank you, Qianhua. Let's go shopping later. By the way, Qianhua, what do you like to eat? Next time we go out to play, let's eat together!"

"Hey, I like ramen!"

Fujiwara Chika was a little embarrassed, because few Junyuan students would eat ramen. The scene of dragging Kaguya to eat ramen was so beautiful that Fujiwara Chika could not even imagine it.But Kaguya didn't care. She had wanted to go and have a look, but it wasn't good to go alone. Now that Chika Fujiwara likes to eat ramen, it worked, and the plan worked.

"Then we agreed, let's go eat ramen together next time we go out to play!"


"Chika, please keep your voice down, don't be so surprised, there's nothing wrong with eating ramen! I'm not Shinomiya Kaguya."


Fujiwara Chika touched the back of her head in embarrassment. Obviously she would not be able to shake off the stereotype of Shinomiya Kaguya for a while, but Fujiwara Chika believed that if she played with Muliang Tower Kaguya a few more times, for example, a After going to Usagiyama Shopping Street and eating ramen together next time, Shinomiya Kaguya will really die from her heart!

During the meal, Kaguya didn't have any special feelings about the food, whether it was unpalatable or fresh.It's like, a very ordinary, everyday meal.Chika Fujiwara is also secretly observing Kaguya. From the lunch box of Kaguya Shinomiya, we can know what kind of living standard Shinomiya Kaguya has, the kind that can satisfy her with Western food.She was really afraid. Kaguya put down her chopsticks while eating and said she was full. How could she, a good friend of Kaguya, feel at ease? But now that Kaguya was eating seriously, she was just worried. Could this be forced eating?

After finishing the meal and paying AA, Fujiwara Chika and Kaguya walked out blankly.

"Qianhua, it's time to come to your senses. Are you full?"

"Oh, I'm full."

"It's time to lead the way. Don't think too much. I actually don't have any special feelings about those meals. It's just like a normal meal."

"Really? I'm just worrying. Let's go to Rabbit Hill Shopping Street next! There should be a cake shop there, let's go!"

Fujiwara Chika immediately regained her energy after hearing Kaguya's explanation, and happily pulled Kaguya onto the tram.

Not long after, they were already standing on the Rabbit Hill shopping street.

"Kaguya, look, there are people selling kimonos here! There are people selling souvenirs here."

Fujiwara Chika took Kaguya to check out every store. Kaguya followed Fujiwara Chika, looking much calmer, but in fact, her eyes were quickly observing the surroundings, trying to take in these unseen scenes. Once imprinted in my mind.

"Kaguya, this is Tamako's store, come in quickly."

"Tamako-chan, are you home?"

"Hey, it's Chika-chan! Who is this?"

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