"Shinomiya, oh, no, Muliangta Kaguya is my good friend. This is Kitashirakawa Tamako, Tamago-chan, a master who is proficient in making rice cakes! Like, she often creates many cute rice cakes! I don’t even want to eat it.”

"I'm not a master, and those rice cakes were all made by me for fun, so they're nothing. Hello, Wuliangta-san?"

"Just call me Kaguya, that's what Qianhua calls me."

Kaguya bowed slightly, being polite.

"Yeah, there's no need to be unfamiliar. Let me tell you, Tamako, Kaguya is a cold-faced and warm-hearted person. This time she came here to bring a rice cake to her new friend as a token of friendship."

Chika saw that Kitashirakawa Tamako was frightened by Kaguya's coldness and politeness, so she quickly closed the distance and introduced Kaguya's purpose.

"Hey, is this Kaguya-chan's boyfriend-san? I can make you a heart-shaped rice cake! You don't have to wait long."

"No, she's a woman, a very good sister."

Kaguya explained clearly with a cold face.

"So, does your friend have any favorite animals? I can also make some animal-shaped rice cakes."

"I'm not sure. Just do whatever you want. My friend will probably like it."

"I see, then Chika-chan, you can take Kaguya-chan to sit here for a while, or you can go for a stroll on the street. I'll go in and start work!"

"Hey, aren't these good?"

Kaguya is a little confused. There are actually finished products here, so why do they have to be made fresh?

"Because I want to make some special shapes, such as rabbits or something. This way, girls will be more happy!"

Chapter 245 Agree

Kaguya finally got the gift she wanted and Chika Fujiwara left the Rabbit Hill Shopping Street. Although it was a bit embarrassing to be misunderstood by Kitashirakawa Tamako as a lily or something, Chika Fujiwara also apologized heartily afterwards because Kaguya was too much. She is cautious, so she regulates her wording a lot.

For the first time, Kaguya changed her shoes at the entrance like an ordinary person, and then said "I'm back". What a wonderful feeling!

"Welcome back. Kaguya, please cook for a while, I will start cooking at about 05:30!"

"Yes. Oh, by the way, Sister Sayuri, I bought some snacks. You can see if they suit your taste."

Kaguya handed over both bags of snacks.Sayuri took it and put it on the table in the living room, opened it one by one, and took it out.

"Kaguya, you are too polite. Kawaii!"

Sayuri opened the bag of rice cakes and her eyes lit up when she saw the cute rice cakes.Most girls can't resist cute things.

"It's really good."

Kaguya took a cup, poured herself a glass of water, and added some to Sayuri's cup. She sat down next to Sayuri and observed the rice cake that Kitashirakawa Tamako had packed and asked not to open. It was indeed exquisite and very cute. .

"Then Kaguya, let's have two pieces each, plus this strawberry cream cake. Just cook a little rice tonight. If you eat vegetables, you will be very full. If you are hungry at night, Kaguya, ask me to cook you a supper."

The amount of rice cakes is relatively small, probably because it is close to the meal. Kaguya naturally has no objection to this distribution, but...

"Can I have the strawberry cream cake first? I love it so much."

"Kaguya, if you like it, why don't you eat it all, and I'll just eat the rice cake."

Sayuri decided to give up the strawberry cream cake without even thinking about it.

"No, of course you have to share what you like with good friends! Sister Sayuri, let's eat together."

"it is good."

The routine has been popular since ancient times. Although she knew that Kaguya's routine had an element of pleasing herself, it still made Kaguya pay attention. Sayuri happily shared these snacks with Kaguya. In her heart, she felt sorry for Kaguya. Some barriers of identity have also disappeared.Have a sweet tooth?How can someone who likes sweets be a bad person!I have to learn how to make strawberry cream cake in the future.

Let’s not talk about Tokyo for now, but let’s talk about Kansai.

Qianlu and Ai came by car. In addition to the driver, they were accompanied by Raiden Zhen. She explained various meetings to Qianlu along the way, because Qianlu went to Kansai for such a long time, all the rich and powerful people Everyone was ready to make a move and sent invitations one after another. Raiden really planned to visit all the major cities in Kansai in 7 days and visit them one by one. According to Qian Ritsu's understanding, I have relied on you for so many years and now I have become famous, so that's fine. Come visit me and thank you for your help.

Qianlu had no objection, it was just that she was in love. It was the first time for her to attend such a meeting. It was impossible not to be nervous. What's more, after this experience, it was confirmed that she would be Qianlu's wife. I also know, but there is nothing I can do.Love is 16 years old, and you have to wait a few years to get married. It doesn't mean that you can fall in love now and be together for the rest of your life. You still have youth in love. What if you fall in love with someone and make trouble with yourself.

What can I say, Yu Li, she is the official wife on the surface, and it is impossible to leave.When it comes to love, Qianlu has no idea of ​​forcing anyone to do anything, let alone having so many wives. And if Ai really wants to leave, he wants to let her go.The combination of two people is a contradiction. Qianlu has no good way. He can only see if he can make his love fall in love with him and keep her by his side completely. Marry first and love later!There are plenty of examples.

Ai didn't think too much about it. She had already decided that Qianlu was the person she would spend the rest of her life with.Now like this, apart from being ashamed of Kaguya, I am also more satisfied, because by taking the position of the head wife in such a straightforward way, Kaguya's sense of existence will be greatly reduced. When the time comes, she will be asked to leave and find her happiness. , and then convince Qianlu that these things are not easy.

"Really, do you think this situation counts as success?"

Qianlu was very curious. Unlike the development of the original world, neon punctured the economic bubble, but it did not lead to recession. Instead, it had a faint tendency to revitalize.This is not a good sign, but on the other hand, it can continue to contain America. After all, in a sense, the second child is dead. Before death, America will focus on the second child. Two bodies.

"Probably not yet. I heard my father say that when you met with Tachibana Daimyo, what you expected was not strength, but unity!"

Zhen shook her head. As Raiden Ryoma's designated successor, she knew very well what her father and Tachibana Chika thought of this country.

"Unification? Alas, this is not easy!"

Qianlu could barely understand what this meant, but in all these Western countries, there are two contradictions, one is inconsistent documents, and the other is chaebol separatism.To solve these two problems, we need to embark on a road. If we follow this road to the end, we can solve it and achieve common prosperity.And this purpose will lead to another terrifying topic.

"For now, the economic downturn has been alleviated, and the unified vision has been verified in the past seven years. The real estate industry has also entered a cold winter. The real estate companies affiliated to Tianming Technology Company have controlled more than 90.00% of the entire industry. Next, with Masato Iino's cooperation, we can solve one aspect of food, clothing, housing and transportation. And the virtual reality game studied by RECT will also thoroughly entertain us to death. We just need to realize our dreams inadvertently."

Lei Deng is really confident. With the plan she and her father made, coupled with Rhine Life's epoch-making technology, she can completely control neon.Although I don’t know the reason why Rheinland Life is willing to contribute, it is certain that this idea is completely achievable. If you wait a little longer, you will know the result soon.


Qianlu really didn’t know what to say. From a simple point of view, this plan is indeed feasible. Hawking even said that when virtual reality is fully applied, if human beings still do not leave the earth, it will be completely finished. One can imagine how lethal this is.

And that's not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that a Rhine life master who knows how much technology can actually do this kind of social practice. This is very similar to the villain in some novels who try to unify the world.

Reports on virtual reality games have been widely seen. Among them, a game with a medieval setting based on mystery novels by Cocoon Games will be released in the second half of the year.This is really unbelievable. This year is only 1996. All countries have achieved success in 3G research and development, and have discovered the path to commercial application. 4G research has made breakthrough progress. This is really much faster, compared with the original world.I don’t know if this process is good or bad.

2Chapter 16 Fight

It was already past lunch time when Qianlu and Ai arrived in Kansai. They first found a random place to eat, and then went to Kujo's house.

But even so, when Qian Ritsu and Ai arrived at Kujo's house, they didn't see many people coming.Maybe everyone likes to step on it.

"Welcome, Mr. Wuliangta. I, Kujo Kamaji, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my father's funeral."

"Yes, I have always admired Mr. Kujo. He has also helped me a lot. I have to come here for reasons and reasons. This is Wuliangta Ai, my fiancée. The other one is Raiden Jin, Raiden Mr. Ryoma’s daughter.”

"Hello, please come in. I have something important to do here. Next, I will ask my adopted sister Kujo Sora to take you to visit the Kujo home."

Kujo Kamaji glanced at each one. Although the expression on his face did not change, there was still some disappointment and confusion in his eyes.Qianlu couldn't see it, but Keai noticed it, so he was concerned about the fact that we were missing someone who could come and should come.Raiden Ryoma is already confirmed to come, and even Raiden Movie will come, so there is only one person left, Kaguya!

Combined with the transaction between Shinomiya Anan and Qian Ritsu, which involved the Kujo family, and the attitude shown by Shinomiya Yanan towards Shinomiya Kaguya, all signs show that Shinomiya Yanan is helping Shinomiya Kaguya or perhaps Shinomiya Kaguya's son named Shinomiya looks for a way out.If the Kujo family was let go this time because the Shinomiya family was mediating and Shinomiya Kaguya took the initiative to sacrifice herself, then this explanation spread to the Kujo family, and the Kujo family's ambiguous attitude towards Kaguya is reasonable.

So, what exactly is Shinigong Yanan thinking?Ai has no way of knowing that although she has been severely beaten by society, her own vision cannot reach the level of Shinomiya Yanan. She can't even see clearly the two contracts signed by Shinomiya Yanan and Raiden Ryoma. .Ask Kaguya, Kaguya might not know, and it might arouse Kaguya's suspicion.Therefore, love is in such an awkward position. If you want to do something, but you don't have the ability, you can only go on with half-knowledge and confusion.

"Mr. Wuliangta, please come this way."

This was not the first time Qian Ritsu saw Kujo Sora. He had also seen the coldness on her face on the faces of Yukino and Kaguya. It was easy to see that there were other emotions hidden under this coldness. It was anger and hatred.If her surname was not Kujo and today was just an ordinary day, Qianlu would think that Sanluo would definitely kill her.

"It's troublesome."

"and many more!"

A man ran over panting and stopped the group of people who were about to leave. After seeing his face clearly, Qianlu vaguely felt that trouble was coming. This guy was not someone who wanted to cooperate or start a war.But it was Haneda Hideyoshi who had communicated with him.

"Mr. Haneda, my long-awaited greetings."

Qian Ritsu said hello, introduced the people around him, and looked at Haneda Hideyoshi.

"You're welcome. Isn't it still some time before the formal ceremony begins? Mr. Wuliangta, can you play a game of chess with me?"

"I'm not as good as others, so you don't have to humiliate me like this, right?"

Qian Ritsu chose to give in and play chess. It was impossible. He would rather visit Kujo's house and stay with Kujo Sora, the bomb, than stay with Haneda Hideyoshi. The reason is very simple. He relies on chess to play chess. Subconsciously, his chess skills were unstable, and coupled with Qingtaki Kosuke's brainstorming last time, he felt that once this chess was played and this end was opened, this guy would definitely be able to rely on him.It doesn't matter if you refuse directly, but if you do too much, he will give up.

"Mr. Wuliangta, as a businessman, everything has its price."

Haneda Hideyoshi heard what Qian Ritsu said and knew that he didn't want to agree. He clenched his fists and chose to answer the question.

"What a coincidence, I don't know if you have money, but I can be sure that you don't have as much money as me!"

Qianlu smiled. In the past, when he didn't have much money, he envied rich people who could say this. But now that he says it, he feels really happy.

"Can you tell me why you rejected me? I just want to play a game of chess!"

Haneda Hideyoshi knew that there was no way to talk about this, and at the same time he felt deeply powerless, just like the humiliation that Chiritsu mentioned was all caused by himself from the beginning.

"We played a game last time. I don't know why you came here again. But I'm sure that if I lose, the loss is not what you want, or if I win, you will come here again and again. Fuck me, challenge me, because I am your inner demon, I know you people who are brave enough to reach the top, and I admire you, but this does not mean that I will like your persistent stalking."

"Yes, I do, so can you play a game with me first? I will ask you to play chess later when I have time."


Qian Ritsu thought for a while and agreed. He admired people like Haneda Hideyoshi very much. He even said it to this extent. Besides, he could also push for this date. As long as he didn't block the door, it could be considered No impact at all.And now that I have time, what if I accompany him in the next game? Maybe if I do a good job, he will no longer have this inner demon!

As soon as the two of them had a good talk, Kujo Sora took him to a tea room and brought him chess sets.

"As promised, there is no time limit for each move, and you can't regret it. These are the two things I ask for."

Qian Lu made a small move. There is no good move in the long test. It is normal for him to make mistakes in the long test, right?Besides, when playing fast chess, problems will arise if you get too hasty. Then the problem becomes big and you lose again. This is just a waste of time.

"Then please go first."

"of course can."

Qian Ritsu smiled, because it was Haneda Hideyoshi's chess match, so the rules were decided by oneself, who would decide who would move first, which was normal, right?Qianlu tried hard to give himself a hint, and he decided to play a game of chess that was difficult to decide. Finally, he made a small mistake in the long test, which finally triggered a chain reaction.

Time passed very quickly. Before I could see any advantages and disadvantages between you and me, the Kujo family sent someone to say that the ceremony was ready.

"Let's play first. The chess game will be sealed first. I will stay in Kansai for the next few days. The place where I will live will be arranged by Zhen. You can discuss it and continue it when I have free time."

"it is good."

Haneda Hideyoshi nodded, not much happy, just deep in thought. He had been unable to make a move in the chess game. On the contrary, Qian Ritsu, who relied entirely on his subconscious, seemed relaxed. People on the side could also see the difference in strength between the two.Qianlu is the only one who is stupid enough not to pretend. Hey, he’s so tired.Playing chess makes me miserable.Whenever Senritsu's state was noticed by Haneda Hideyoshi, he would be able to conclude that Senritsu had not contributed anything.

It can be seen that the fight between the two people will continue.

2Chapter 17 Ending

When they arrived at the scene, there were rows of people standing in the courtyard. As they moved forward, it seemed that they had money and power. Qianlu and Ai were guided to stand in the first row.Above is the presiding officer Kujo Kamaharu. After a while of greetings and ceremony, it was time to read the eulogy.Chika Tachibana walked forward from the side and was also in the first row.

"We are here today..."

As soon as the first words were spoken, the sound of footsteps interrupted. Everyone looked towards the door, and could vaguely see the bodyguard lying on the ground.

"sorry Sorry sorry!"

The leader was a young boy. Even if he was wearing a decent suit, he couldn't wash away the childishness on his face. Moreover, under everyone's attention, he was a little stunned. The middle-aged man behind him patted him on the shoulder. He apologized and bowed repeatedly.

"Mr. Yuki, this is not a place for you to mess around."


"Boy, shut up!"

Just as Yuuki Shozo was about to speak, he was so annoyed by this kid that he slapped him again. This was a complete punishment for him to stand on the spot, and he also had to look down at the ground.

"Of course I know. Isn't it because the friendship between Mr. Kujo and Mr. Ino is so touching? I specially brought Mr. Ino's descendant, this young master, to see him off, so that he could know that his friend Ino The husband has a successor, so he no longer has to look for some crooked counterfeit, and he can go on the road in peace and quiet. Yes, I am late, and I am really sorry, but these are all your subordinates who don't know the truth! "

"Look! This face, these eyebrows, are they so similar to Mr. Yi Neng! Why aren't you brushing your face?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you, it's my fault to come uninvited. But this is Mr. Takayuki Kujo, who asked the son of an old friend in his dream to come and give him a ride, but he didn't tell you? Huh? Really not? "

"shut up!"

A shout sounded like thunder, and Kujo Sora walked out of the crowd and stood on the aisle to confront Yuki Shozo.

"Hey, who is this? She is an adopted daughter. She is not her biological child. No wonder she is ignorant! Haven't your Kujo family been friends with the Inou family for generations? Don't you, Mr. Kujo Takayuki, want to see the son of an old friend?"

"Mr. Yuuki, ashes will return to dust, dust will return to dust. This old thing has passed away. This time we need to send it off properly."

Qian Lu couldn't stand it anymore. Really, please show some respect to this dead man, okay? If you have any deep hatred, why don't you just go away? Why be so aggressive!

"Yes, send it off, you should send it off properly. Come, go and bow to Grandpa Kujo, whom I have never met before, but who is dedicated to your family."

Yi Nengcheng was pushed forward a few steps. He was reluctant at first, but Kujo Sora stopped him directly.

"Shen Luo, come down here!"

The two of them were in such a stalemate that the matter could not be resolved, so Kujo Kamaji called Kujo Sora to come down.

"Come down."

Another man who was somewhat similar to Kujo Kamaji walked out from the side and took the disobedient Kujo Sora away.

After Yi Nengcheng paid his respects, the three of them were arranged aside.

Immediately afterwards, the eulogy was recited smoothly, and the next few procedures were also almost without incident.It was as if they had been forced too much and had run out of bullets. Now all three of them were dead.But there are also people who are worried that the finger may be holding back something bad, like Kujo Sora.

While she was free, it would take time to complete the process, so she came over.

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