"Mr. Wuliangta, can't you let the three of them leave here?"

"First of all, I'm not your father, and I'm not your family member. I don't have to listen to you. Secondly, can you go back to the last time I met Haneda Hideyoshi and ask your father to leave there? If you can, so can I! "

Qianlu knew how to retaliate, but one of the things he was very particular about was retribution, not to mention that he was not afraid of losing his fortune, he just had fun.What happened to Shozo Yuki today was indeed unjust, and he couldn't live with it and felt bad.But it was indeed a pleasure.What's more, he didn't instigate it, and there was no need to point fingers. As for asking him to leave for the sake of morality in his heart?Come on, Qian Ritsu had some guesses about who Yuki Shozo was. For example, he was the craziest dog under his command.

Kujo Sora was eager to punch Qian Ritsu, but after thinking about it and not wanting to make a big fuss, he decided to let it go.

After a lot of tossing, the funeral was finally over, and everyone was about to leave under the auspices of Kujo Kamaji.At this moment, Yuuki Shozo and Yi Nengcheng stood in front of the crowd again.

"Everyone, stop for a moment. After the Kujo family has finished speaking, it's time for me to say a few words. Over the years, we have cooperated with our superiors and my boss. We all have good meals and drinks. I and I They are nothing compared to them, but they are still important people. I also contribute money and effort for everyone's food and drink. Doing business is difficult! I understand, but if someone makes a stumbling block and carries the flag, I don't understand! Do I owe you something? The boss said that harmony is the most important thing and harmony brings wealth. I have listened to it for 5 years and done it well for 5 years."

"But from now on, who is stumbling in secret? Tell me!"

"I, Yi Neng, am the number one in the family, so I'll let him go!"

"Did you hear that? Also, if you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. This road belongs to everyone. If you get into a car accident, it's a [-]-[-] shot. If you die, it's a [-]-[-] shot. If I don't die, someone will die. My boss I’m willing to give you some face, but that’s not me!”

After Yuki Shozo finished speaking, he pulled Yi Nengcheng away, and pushed Yi Nengcheng before leaving.

"Trash, nothing can be said."

As one of the few standing in front of the crowd, Qianlu felt a little embarrassed and couldn't figure it out, so he just walked forward.

"This matter is Kujo Takayuki's fault. I will make him disappear as soon as possible."

Chika Tachibana approached Qian Ritsu and spoke half a distance away.

"Today, he has offended you."

"It doesn't count. There are some ignorant people in the whole family, but here, I'm pretty sure, they all want Yi Neng to disappear instantly."

"Actually, I still don't understand, what is Kujo Takayuki doing? I remember that the absolute controlling stake in the company under me is owned by Raiden Ryoma, and I basically don't need to make all decisions, and this company has nothing to do with Neon Companies large and small have cooperated to make me disappear, and I can’t think of any way for him to gain.”

"What about you! Seven years ago, you represented Rheinland Life and convinced various companies in Kansai that you could turn the tide. You have also gone through seven years of pain. What are you doing for this? I remember that it was only recently that you actually got the money. There are even many times when Thunder Dragon Mana Company cannot make ends meet.”

"Rheinlife has its own opinions. I am just the executor."

Qianlu didn't know that he had no memory of his original self. He only knew that Neon was now a rebellious boy. He didn't listen to America and stayed close to the Celestial Dynasty.

Chapter 248 Yuuki Shozo is a good person!

It was getting late, so everyone went back to their homes.Haneda Hideyoshi did not bother him with the chessboard, and only said that he would play at another time another day.This actually made Qianlu breathe a sigh of relief.

When I returned to the hotel, I saw Yuki Shozo and Ito Moeko waiting in the lobby.That's right, the third person who caused trouble twice today was Ito Moeko, but her last name was different. Qianlu didn't realize that she and Yi Nengcheng were in a mother-son relationship. He just thought she was his accountant and didn't know what was going on.

"I have something to talk about. I want to sleep."

"It's okay, I just came here to apologize. I'm sorry for causing trouble to you, boss."

Yuuki Shozo bowed down with all his strength. At one time, his demeanor exceeded ninety degrees. He was worthy of being a great craftsman.

He couldn't reach out to hit the smiling man, not to mention that Yuki Shozo vented his anger on his behalf in a sense.

"It's okay. You can go back and have a good rest. Pay attention to your safety and contact us if you need anything."


Yuki Shozo stood up straight, nodded, and left quickly, but why didn't he take Ito Moeko with him?It seems that Ito Moeko didn't bow and apologize just now, so how could the three of them get together today, and how could the two of them get together now? Qian Ritsu noticed something was wrong.

"Master, can you go up and talk?"

Ito Moeko took the initiative to speak, and Qian Ritsu agreed. Just now, Yuuki Shozo attracted the attention of many people in the hall. It is understandable for women to save face and have low face.Moreover, Qianlu knew that Lei Dian had given him a presidential suite, with a small living room, not the kind of room where you would have a bed, bathroom, and an ambiguous feeling.With Ai by his side, Qianlu readily agreed.

After putting on this presidential suit, Qian Ritsu sat on the sofa, and Aidu started making tea. Moeko Ito was still standing in front, with her head lowered and her hands tangled together. It was a guessing game!

"Qianlu, I'm going to take a shower first."

Ai simply made a cup of tea and put it in front of Qianlu. Seeing the awkward atmosphere between the two, he thought it was his fault, so he speeded up and left as soon as it was done. Their luggage was picked up in the afternoon. Come here, take a nice bath now, and you won’t have to worry about the mandarin duck bath for a while.Although Qianlu said that he wouldn't consider taking action against her at the age of 16, Aike didn't believe it. She still wasn't very receptive to other ways of playing before the first time, so the ambiguous plot was all about hiding.

"Go on, go on. If you have anything else to do, just tell me now. I'm going to go to bed later."

Ai heard Qianlu's words about washing and sleeping for a while, and secretly walked two steps faster. He would have to wash up faster later.

Ino Moeko slowly took out a stack of materials. It wasn't until she heard the sound of the door closing that she handed it to Qianlu's hands. Then, with lightning speed, a standard taxi got off the seat and at the same time spoke clearly with a clear voice. The voice said words that made people realize their thoughts and shocked Qianlu for the rest of his life.

"Please save my son! I can introduce my sisters to you and you can play with us any way you want! Please!"

Qianlu was stunned for a while and subconsciously looked at the information in his hand.Not many, just a few, all of them are physical examination reports, with photos pinned to the upper left corner. They are all mature women with their own flavor.Even a man like Qian Ritsu, who has had several women, can't help but feel his heart fluttering. It's too familiar to him. Besides, Ito Moeko said, you can play with her in any way. Who doesn't have a dark side in his heart? It's just a hindrance. It is deeply hidden due to social morality and your woman's openness. At this moment, Ineng Moeko can be said to have dealt a critical blow to the weakness of men.

But Qianlu soon calmed down. Qianlu was not a saint, he was really moved. This calmness was due to Inou Moeko's cry.

"why are you crying?"

Qianlu was really annoyed by women crying there. He listened to advice and it was okay if he could speak clearly. But it was really annoying when he couldn't stop. Moeko Ito stopped quickly and became choked with sobs.

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about my son. My sisters and I are sincere about my proposal and are willing to cooperate 100% unconditionally."

Ito Moeko didn't emphasize that Qian Ritsu hadn't noticed anything yet. When she said this, Qian Ritsu noticed it. Can you say that, how much are you prepared for? Under what circumstances would you be prepared?It's better to get your sisters. If there wasn't some story in this, Qianlu wouldn't believe it!So, when he thought about the broken shoes lying down there, and dragging other broken shoes along with him to disgust people, Qianlu became extremely calm in an instant, and even said he started to feel disgusted.

"What can you say? You must be very open-minded, right?"

When Ito Moeko heard Qian Ritsu say this, she was silent for a moment, then cried again, but soon turned into choked sobs.

"No! It's written in the medical examination report above that we were both pregnant once and gave birth once. And there are medical records at the back. We were deceived by that scumbag once, and then we found out we were pregnant. Just when we wanted to find him During the confrontation, he died and the Yi Neng family was destroyed. Then we were all put under surveillance. During this period, I did not have sex with anyone else. If it were not for my son this time, woo woo woo, please Please save my son!"

Qian Lu believed it for a while, but then he felt a little embarrassed. Why did he look like such a bad guy?

"What happened to your son?"

"My son is the kid who Yuki Akira recommended, Ito Makoto."

Qianlu was stunned, how to save him?If this had been done a long time ago, Qianlu would have thought I could do it.But as soon as this target was pulled out, and what Yuki Shozo said today, he has resentment towards us, and we have conflicts. If I ask him to do something, he must listen. I can't just kill him, right?Qian Ritsu did have the idea of ​​killing Yuki Shozo, that's it!

For this matter, he first wanted to kill Kudou Shinichi, and then accidentally killed Sato Miwako, which triggered her fear of death, plus a seeker for asylum, which was directly bound to him, and also came with a Miyamoto Yumi, Chi If Ritsu doesn't have a girlfriend or a woman, he might have to thank Yuki Shozo. Who doesn't like beautiful women, who doesn't like to play songs every night, and who doesn't like women to be like clothes, one piece a day?The question is, too much?Moreover, Qianlu really doesn't want to force others to do something difficult.

"If I tell him, he may not listen to me. With the way he is today, do you think he will listen?"

"Thank you. No matter whether it succeeds or not, our sisters will completely obey your orders."

Moeko Ito felt gloomy in her heart. Thinking of Yuki Shozo's performance today, she felt that there was nothing left to do, but the negotiated conditions had to be given, so that she might be able to improve her son's security measures.

Chapter 249 Change of Concept

Qian Ritsu took out his cell phone and planned to call Yuuki Shozo, but when he looked through his address book, he remembered that he didn't have his number.Only then did I think of Ito Moeko, who was still on the ground!

"Get up first and tell me Yuuki Shozo's phone number. You should know it."


After Ito Moeko heard it, she immediately got up from the ground, responded, then took out her mobile phone, found the number, and read it out.

"Is this Mr. Shozo Yuuki?"

"It's me, Mr. Wuliangta, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Let Yi Nengcheng turn back into Ito Makoto, okay?"

"of course can!"

Qian Ritsu was turned on. Hearing what Yuuki Shozo said, Ito Moeko was overjoyed.

"Okay, good night then. Goodbye."


Qian Ritsu didn't know what Yuuki Shozo was thinking, but looking at Ito Moeko's expression, she probably couldn't lose her bargaining chip. However, Qian Ritsu was still a little bit awkward in her heart, mainly because she put these flesh-and-blood business matters on the table. It really challenges his worldview and moral bottom line.Moreover, when she says she wants to fuck you, you do it, which is a bit embarrassing.

"If you're fine, come back to me! I want to rest."

"Yes, thank you, Master. If you have any instructions, Master, you can send a text message or call me. We are online 24 hours a day."

"All right, all right, go now."

Ito Moeko gradually regained her sanity amidst Qian Ritsu's impatient drive, and found a little bit of shame that a normal woman should have. She blushed slightly and ran out with her head lowered.

Qian Ritsu was just about to find his luggage, pack it up, and prepare to go to bed, when he realized that there was information left by Moeko Ito on the coffee table. It had a big head, so he packed it casually and planned to put it in the suitcase.

After searching around, I couldn't find the suitcase. The only thing I didn't find was the bedroom where Ai Jin was, which seemed to be the master bedroom.After hesitating for a moment, Qianlu went in anyway.

Sure enough, his luggage was lying aside, Ai had already taken a shower and was blow-drying his hair, and there was a set of his own clothes on the bed.She probably loves to pack. Even when packing the luggage before departure, Sayuri dragged Ai to pack it together. Therefore, Qian Ritsu didn't have much objection to Ai opening the suitcase so naturally.

"Qianlu, you're here. I've packed your clothes and put the bath water inside. It's warm. Do you want me to wipe your back?"

Ai tucks the hair behind her back, it's almost done.He turned his head and smiled at Qianlu.Following the instructions she was given as a personal maid, she naturally prepared all the work and even sent out an invitation.

"no need."

Qianlu smiled awkwardly. He was really not used to it. One of them, Sayuri, was not so considerate, and the other, Ai, was only 16, 16.He entered the bathroom as if escaping.

Looking at his fleeing figure, Ai felt a little doubtful in her heart. Her worries seemed unnecessary. She originally thought that with Qianlu's identity, status, and the number of women around her, he was a man no matter what. He is an old player and plays very openly. He should be worried. Why is he running away instead? Is this because of a misplaced identity?

Ai speculated on such a possibility, and also added some plans in her heart. Originally, she was thinking about how to preserve her dignity and health as much as possible, and try her best to get what she wanted.Now she feels that she can be bolder and take the initiative, on the one hand to verify this possibility, and on the other hand to seize the initiative. Everything is in hand, and I have the world.

Qianlu entered the bathroom, where there was still a lot of steam left, making it look shrouded in mist.After washing his face with cold water, he thought carefully about a question, that is, how to get along with love.

Touch her?That's okay.If he didn't touch her, he would be embarrassed, and her behavior was more or less directed at him touching her.Otherwise, how could she pack up the luggage of two people in the same room, making it clear that they wanted to sleep together.

Facing the angelic face of love, so gentle and considerate, it is impossible not to be moved.In addition to some opinions about neon female high school students in his previous life, Qianlu felt that he also needed to keep pace with the times and update his ideas, but it was impossible to take the initiative, so let nature take its course.Moreover, Qianlu is a little worried that he will not be able to take care of so many people. What is love dedicated to? If he leaves, will she leave too?

Before these issues were clarified, Qianlu was still full of worries about loving his fiancée.

Qianlu didn't choose to take a shower today, but instead took a bath. In his mind, he was reviewing the events in his past, and his thoughts were a little far away for a while.

"Dong dong!"

"Qianlu, do you need me to serve you? If you are tired, in addition to taking a bath, you can also rub your back to relieve yourself!"

Ai's tone was a little anxious. It had been 15 minutes since Qianlu came in. Generally speaking, ordinary people can soak for more than an hour. The water temperature of Qianlu's bubbles was adjusted by Ai's hands. The temperature was definitely not high, so dizziness was impossible. Go over there and then slide into the water and drown.

But Ai is still a little worried, what if?What if there is something wrong with Qianlu's health?What if something happens to Qianlu accidentally?The only one she and Kaguya can rely on now is him. Nothing can happen to him, so it's better to keep an eye on it.

"No need, I'm almost done washing it."

Qianlu got out of the bathtub and turned on the shower.Hearing Qianlu's reply, Ai breathed a sigh of relief, quickly returned to bed, put the bath towel on the chair beside him, and continued to warm the bed. In Kansai, it's early April like this, so it's still a bit cold at night. What's more, the central air conditioner was turned on. She sneezed when she came out. Qianlu's hair was fine, and he must be very tired. If the quilt was cold, then he, a personal maid, would be too tired to wash up and sleep. You've neglected your duty.

Qianlu put on her clothes, and as soon as she came out, she felt the meaning and the look of love and expectation.First, he turned off the lights in the room and returned to bed with a flashlight on.As soon as she came up, there was a beautiful snake wrapped around her. Qianlu was wearing short sleeves and shorts. Naturally, she could feel the tenderness of the girl's skin in the exposed areas. Her heart was filled with heat. The hot water from the shower and the warm temperature of the bed made her feel hot. It all made Qianlu want to lift up the bed and have a big fight. Once he was exhausted and sweaty, he should feel much better.

But Qianlu, as a Neptune who has tasted many women, can still resist his impulse.If you don't reason now, you will be at a disadvantage if you talk about things later, which is not good.Not to mention, the reason why Ai Tie is attached now is just because of a ridiculous engagement.

If you are happy with your grudges, you will push them away.Qianlu wants to spend the rest of his life with his woman.

Chapter 2: Misplaced Identity

"Wait, let's talk first."

Qianlu and Ai distanced themselves a little bit, and Ai was a little stunned. Even at this point, Ai could still talk well.Her whole body was entangled, and her legs were rubbing restlessly between Qianlu's legs. She could feel the giant thing about to move.

"I am your fiancée! I love you Wuliangta!"

Ai didn't stick to her rashly, she just bit Qianlu's earlobe and used an extremely alluring tone, trying to make Qianlu happy!

"Well, fiancee can get divorced after getting married, but fiancée can't? I want to know, why are you so anxious?"

Ai understood Qianlu’s words, man’s possessiveness!As a woman who is a normal man, how can she make her man feel at ease?Love knows it all too well. First of all, you must avoid chatting with other men, be alone, and communicate in any way.Secondly, you must reject all possible ambiguities, and even the possibility of being sexually assaulted by other men must be avoided. Women, men, he can put you on the shelf and abandon you, but you must not do it for the sake of temporary greed. Do it three times, and you will lose your man.

"I am a woman. I came from the Shinomiya family, but I have mastered many secrets. The only one I can rely on now is you. Once I leave you, I may face the pursuit of the Shinomiya family. I can only Only when I completely leave it to you can I feel at ease, otherwise it would be like this now, with a wall separating us, and I would be worried all day long."

As Ai talked, he pressed her against her again. This time, Qianlu was moved. The grievance in Ai's tone made him feel distressed. Knowing that Ai couldn't leave him, he felt relieved and his hands began to become restless. , want to grasp that warm heart.

"Yeah, and also, although Kaguya and I agreed to be together forever and be a pair of good sisters, I betrayed her after all. The Shinomiya family holds the evidence, even though they have returned the original documents. , it’s the safe deposit box number of a certain bank, the password is..., but I always have to be afraid, Kaguya, I can’t rely on you, what else do I have! My parents don’t care about me, they think like me, they are just an insignificant pawn of the Shinomiya family. , you can throw it away at any time, wuwuwu, I’m so scared.”

Ai held up the big hand that was holding her little thought, and pressed his whole body against it. This was a huge friction, and out of courtesy, Ai held the restrained Qianlu's little brother with both hands. After the little brother was liberated, he nodded happily and wanted to have an in-depth communication with his beloved sister.

The two of them worked together to make the brother and sister a match made in heaven. They had nothing to say all night, and they both felt happy.

"Get up!"

Qianlu opened his eyes drowsily and saw his good sister with purple hair and an angry face!Real thunder and lightning!

"Let me go, why are you here!"

Qianlu was so frightened that he quickly sat up, stepped back, leaned against the wall, and pulled the quilt nervously.

"Oh, my dear brother, I don't want you anymore, just let me sleep!"

It was a familiar feeling. The beautiful snake was on top again. Qianlu saw his little brother's proud head held high, but now there was an outsider. This was embarrassing.He quickly took out a pillow from under his body and covered it up.

"Schedule, what's the first item today?"

"Let me see."

There was a schedule under the bath towel that Qianlu left on the bedside. He must have prepared it because he wanted him to familiarize himself with the schedule and plan early. But last night, oh, my good sister, really, Qianlu was the only one You know, if a woman thinks about that, she may not be able to compete with a man. Women are also good at driving.

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