Chapter 254 A crack

After the conversation was completed, Chiritsu left Tachibana's house. He had no plans for the afternoon, so he made a temporary appointment with Haneda Hideyoshi to continue playing chess.

"Let me introduce, this is Shakudo Rina, the president of the women's chess club. The other is Miss Sora Ginko, who is known as Shirayuki-hime of Naniwa, and the third is Kiyotaki Katsura, the daughter of Kiyotaki Kosuke. The three of them are They all come here to exchange and learn, and also serve as referees.”

"Hello, Mr. Wuliangta. I've heard of his reputation for a long time. I'm Sakya Hall Rina. Please give me some advice."


Qianlu shook hands with the most famous aunt politely. Those who can become the president are middle-aged, or even older.However, he still looks quite young, like in his thirties.

"Hello, Mr. Wuliangta. I am Kong Yinzi, please give me your advice."

Sora Ginko's greetings made her a lot closer, and she didn't even say anything. She was just a friend. She had her own arrogance. In terms of shogi, she didn't think this unknown person could have any strength. Due to her identity, she reluctantly mentioned it. Ordinary people, Kong Yinzi thinks so.

Qianlu also smiled, shook his hand briefly and let go.It's forgivable to be beautiful, young and temperamental, which is normal.

"Hello, Mr. Wuliangta, I am Qingtaki Guixiang, please give me your advice!"


Qingtaki Guixiang's greeting highlighted the appearance of a great general, bending down fiercely, almost ninety degrees.This made Qianlu extremely embarrassed, so she had to deal with it quickly. Fortunately, she had no idea of ​​maintaining her posture, otherwise she would have to work hard to get her up. Qianlu was very afraid of the kind of person who would stalk someone just to get someone to agree to something. Fortunately, Qingtaki Guixiang is not this kind of person, but she just used too much force.

It is actually normal for her to use too much force. When Haneda Hideyoshi was introduced, he deliberately used the name Kiyotaki Kosuke's daughter to introduce him. You can imagine what kind of identity this person is. He is just a passerby. In addition, in the two In front of a big shot in the shogi world, and having seen Chiritsu and Haneda Hideyoshi fight back and forth before, it was normal to feel nervous and use too much force.

However, her behavior stimulated Sora Ginko, who didn't know about the chess game between Chiritsu and Haneda Hideyoshi. Kiyotaki Kosuke only showed the video to Kuzuryu Yaichi, and then went into seclusion.She didn't take it seriously, and there was no problem in treating him as an equal.But when the senior sister made such a fuss, she felt in her heart that she was being punished and was about to be criticized. The president treated her as a junior, so she should be treated as a junior. If the senior sister hadn't used so much force, she wouldn't have seemed so different.

But things didn't go as she expected. When the senior sister acted like this, it seemed like she didn't understand etiquette.Sora Ginko was a little embarrassed and wanted to make up for something, but Qian Ritsu and Haneda Hideyoshi had already sat down at some point.

"Yinzi, what are you thinking about? Come and take a seat."

Qingtaki Guixiang wanted to follow Shakudo Rina, but when she saw Sora Ginzi standing there in a daze, she quickly pulled her in.Until Kong Yinzi was pulled to the seat, she was still a little entangled, but with the sound of the chess pieces moving, she shook her head and got rid of those distracting thoughts.She wanted to see how Qian Ritsu lost. As long as she lost miserably, she could take advantage of shogi.

Haneda Hideyoshi observed Qian Ritsu, who seemed a little absent-minded after taking a step, smiled, and didn't say anything. I don't care if he likes it.Besides, in the previous sentence, Chiritsu was absent-minded, sometimes teasing Miyamoto Yumi, and sometimes looking at Kiyotaki Katsura. Kiyotaki Katsura had been addicted to shogi, so she didn't notice Chiritsu looking at her, but Haneda Hideyoshi noticed it. .

This time he put a lot of effort into inviting Kong Yinzi and Qingtaki Guixiang just to make Qian Ritsu look interesting.Although they agreed to play chess with you, they are very busy themselves and are not very willing to play chess. After making a move, they will sit idle and wait for Haneda Hideyoshi to make a move. How can this be done? This is not good hospitality!Therefore, Haneda Hideyoshi suddenly came up with such an idea.As for whether he thought about distracting Chiritsu's love, leaving Miyamoto Yumi in the cold, and then trying to win it back, only Haneda Hideyoshi himself knew.

Qian Ritsu and Haneda Hideyoshi were going back and forth, which made Sora Ginko anxious. Thinking of her senior sister's unusual attitude, she vaguely felt that there was something going on here.Moreover, the last time I saw Qian Ritsu was in the Kuzuryu Bayi competition hall. Senior sister and master would also go there. Could it be that something happened at this time?


"Yinzi, what's wrong?"

"Did Mr. Wuliangta and Mr. Haneda fight against each other in the club last time?"

"Didn't Master tell you?"


"Didn't Master give the video to... Oh, maybe I remembered it wrong. I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry."

Kiyotaki Guixiang seemed to have remembered something halfway through her words. She clasped her hands together and apologized to Sora Ginzi. She covered it up for Bayi. It wasn't just for Ginko. Ginzi liked Bayi. Bayi got the video but didn't share it with Ginzi. If you think about it, this kind of behavior is very unfavorable.Moreover, Yinzi will definitely be angry if he finds out. What's the use of being angry in this situation?It also interrupts thinking, well, even though my own thinking was also interrupted by money.

If Qingtaki Guixiang doesn't take the responsibility, Kong Ginzi may not realize anything yet. After all, her emotional intelligence is not very high and her mind can't be turned around for a while.However, now that the senior sister said this, wow, it became clear instantly. Bayi got the videotape and didn’t share it with me. Then I didn’t realize the strength of Mr. Wuliangta at all. Then there was a problem with etiquette. Bayi is really good. Very!

In fact, Kuzuryuu Yaichi had forgotten that as his opponent, Haneda Hideyoshi's game, he had always paid close attention to it. He had watched all the games on video, and even said he had studied them thoroughly. Now there is another game that the master praised as Classic teaching video, how can you not be excited about this?

At first glance, it seems unremarkable.Look again, Qianlu is an exhaustive strategy.Watching it for the third time, I am curious whether Qianlu is superior in chess or winning psychologically.After all, Haneda Hideyoshi's ideas were thoroughly studied by Kuzuryu Yaichi, and I was fooled by his ideas. After thinking about it, I completely forgot to share it with Sora Ginko. Who can blame me? After all, he is famous. As a shogi star, Kong Ginzi has encountered this situation before.

But now is different from the past. In the past, when Sora Ginko realized the problem, he would go to Kuzuryu Yaichi as soon as possible to bully him and vent his anger, or he would be persuaded by Kiyotaki Katsura, and he would not stay in his heart. What a pimple.But now, she can't leave yet, and she still has to bear the verbal dispute caused by the disrespect. This is an imperceptible crack buried in the rupture of Kuzuryuu Yayi's love.

Kong Yinzi was accumulating strength, so she calmed down and returned to the chess game.Qingtaki Guixiang thought she had been fooled and returned to the chess game.

Chapter 255 Two Geniuses

A game of chess was played at dinner time, and the two were inseparable. In the end, the winner was decided, and it was Haneda Hideyoshi's victory.

"I accept it, Lord Qianlu."

"Then let's have dinner together? How about it?"

"of course can."

Haneda Hideyoshi smiled and was very happy, probably because he experienced a hearty battle and finally won.So I readily agreed.

"Do you three want to come together?"

"That's disturbing."

"excuse me."

"excuse me."

Shakudo Rina took the lead and set an example. Kiyotaki Guixiang and Sora Ginko had no reason to refuse, so they agreed after being humble.

Since the game was in a hotel room, all they had to do was go out and take the elevator downstairs.

"Haneda-kun, you are now specializing in shogi. What are your plans for the future?"

Qian Ritsu picked a topic at random. He didn't know much about shogi, and he was talking about business. Raiden was not around, and there were three girls behind him.So this kind of fake and empty topic started.

"The goal is to become an eternal celebrity like President Moonlight! Senritsu-kun, if you can enter the shogi world, you will definitely be a good opponent of mine! I also look forward to meeting you again."

"I'll forget it. I don't have much ideas and everything is complicated. It's hard for me to take a vacation like this. I have to come here to do business. School starts in more than a week. I haven't fully enjoyed my vacation life yet. Woolen cloth!"

"Hahaha, so you don't know what reality is until you come out of society."

Haneda Hideyoshi obviously felt very much for Chiritsu's lament, and he also laughed and sighed.

Qianlu just expressed some emotions about the contrast in life, and did not consider that there are still three people who are eating melons. His identity as a student is also a disguise and he is not a real student.The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Both Kiyotaki Katsura and Sora Ginko were shocked. They saw Chiritsu chatting and laughing with Haneda Hideyoshi, and thought that he was still a rich man in his late thirties, and with his shogi skills, he wouldn't be able to compete with Haneda Hideyoshi without years of accumulation. The beatings came and went.

Now that Qianlu has revealed his identity as a student, it is true that this misunderstanding has been pushed to a new peak.It was originally a natural achievement, but now he has become a dual genius in business and shogi. Otherwise, how could his family be willing to let him out to handle the family business? Otherwise, how could he have a back-and-forth fight with Haneda Hideyoshi.

"So how do you compare with the rising star of the shogi world, Kuzuryuu Yaichi? Last time I saw him saying he wanted to challenge you?"

"He doesn't want to challenge you yet, he is just like this. We all say that he is a shogi star and is obsessed with it. But to be honest, the time for my duel with him is far from over. He and I will eventually have a battle, but not now. By the way, Kong Yinzi is his senior sister, you can ask her."

Haneda Hideyoshi did not judge the level of the two people, and Sora Ginzi couldn't say anything, so he could only smile awkwardly.

"Yaiyi is indeed like a shogi star. This may be because of his love for shogi. He seldom pays attention to things other than shogi, and often does some rude things for this reason. Please allow me to say sorry on his behalf."

"It's okay. Love is a good thing. It is because of people who love something that things can progress. What about you? As his senior sister, you must have played chess with him a lot, right?"

When Qianlu saw that Kong Ginzi was so rude and apologized, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. He immediately agreed and continued on the topic. He originally thought that Kong Ginzi would complain about Kuzuryu Bayi, but this happened All of a sudden, Kong Yinzi was silenced.

"Chairman Moonlight is very optimistic about Kuzuryu Yaichi, and I am also very optimistic about Ginko. The two of them will definitely be the leaders in the shogi world in the future. However, shogi will no longer be very popular by then. This is not a good thing. , I wonder if Mr. Wuliangta is interested in joining the Shogi Association to create a group of Shogi idols. In addition to promoting Shogi, they can perform road shows, receive advertisements, etc. like ordinary idols."

After seeing Sora Ginko's silence, Shakudo Rina immediately took over the topic.She was optimistic about Kong Yinzi, which was why she interrupted this awkward conversation.The conversation just now also verified some speculations, some speculations that were enough to cause Sakyamuni Rina to worry about Sora Ginko.For example, will Sora Ginko's feelings for Kuzuryu Yachi affect Sora Ginko's decision-making? Will Kuzuryu Yachi's overwhelming victory in the duel with Sora Ginko trigger Sora Ginko's fear of shogi?

These speculations still need further verification. Now it is necessary to attract Qianlu's attention so that Kong Yinzi will not leave a completely bad impression on Qianlu. After all, Kong Yinzi's fame also gives Shakya Tang Rina a chance. Her idea of ​​becoming a shogi idol.Maybe she and Qianlu will have a superior-subordinate relationship in the future.

"Isn't this not good? After all, it will affect their love for shogi and distract them. More importantly, the reputation problems faced by idols will seriously interfere with the mentality of these shogi celebrities. And the exchange of interests The resulting disputes will all affect this declining chess sport. In the end, due to the lack of results and bad reputation, ordinary people will become disappointed with shogi, and then form an endless cycle."

Qianlu is completely copying the development of Jinyuan football in the previous world. To be honest, when athletes engage in endorsements, it might just be like this. After an endless cycle, those who die can no longer die.

Shakudo Rina was a little stunned. Although she ran a fashion brand and did some business activities, she obviously didn't consider that much, at least not as far-term as Qianlu's words.

"Since Mr. Wuliangta has considered this situation, he must have a way to deal with it! To be honest, I think Kuzuryuu Yaichi and Kong Ginzi are both excellent candidates. One is only 16 years old The youngest Dragon King in history, one is only 14 years old. Her personal record is full of white stars representing victory. She is known as the "Shirayuki Princess of Naniwa". I am optimistic that she may become the first female professional chess player. These two are the future pillars of the shogi world and have caused a stir before."

Shakado Rina reacted quickly, complimented Qianliu, and took advantage of the situation to bring the matter to a point where Qianliu could nod his head.This is forcing you to have a baby. After all, everyone has talked about this, so you can’t live up to their hard work.But Qianlu can. He really doesn't have any good solutions, and he doesn't want to have any contact with these two children. It's too troublesome.

Chapter 256 Lots of ideas

One is 16 years old and the other is 14 years old. They are both brothers and sisters. They are both geniuses and both shine in the same field.Qianlu can take off his head. I'm sure these two people have a crush on each other, and if nothing else goes wrong, they will definitely be able to be together in the end and spend the rest of their lives together.Who is the most popular among the neon wedding crowd?They are childhood sweethearts!

Let’s not mention their emotional problems, let’s talk about whether they have gone through puberty, whether they have the arrogance of geniuses, and whether Neon has said that child labor is not allowed!Once these three prerequisites are taken care of, how can we still sign them?It’s simply a waste of money!

"Sorry, I still prefer shogi, and I hope that these brothers and sisters can reach an unprecedented height. As for using idols to promote shogi, I really don't think so, so be it, I see clearly Taki The lady is very good, if she can achieve success in shogi, I will definitely make her a shogi idol!"

Qianlu didn't stick to his words, which would offend people to death, so it was better to introduce a third party and set an impossible condition.Kiyotaki Guixiang is a suitable candidate. She is young, beautiful, mature, charming, and very humble.Such people are absolutely rational, and cooperation will definitely be successful, but it is not yet valuable.

Kiyotaki Guixiang, who was suddenly called, was flattered and couldn't react for a moment. She opened her mouth slightly, but she didn't know what to say.Shakado Rina took a look at Kiyotaki Guixiang and found that she did have the appearance.But her shogi achievement?This, this is a bit of a fantasy.As an old man in the shogi world, everyone is aware of Kiyotaki Kosuke's strength, but is it just his daughter?It really doesn't work.

"Miss Kiyotaki, are you willing to become an idol?"

"But I..."

"Just tell me if you are willing!"

Shakado Rina was very anxious in her words. When talking to Qian Ritsu, she was prepared to talk slowly about this strategy of promoting shogi. In the end, she even had to pay for it.But now Chiritsu has relented. Even if Kiyotaki Katsura can't do shogi, she must be able to do it!

"I am willing."

Kiyotaki Guixiang was a little frightened by Shakudo Rina's momentum, her voice was low, but she agreed.

"Well, I will personally guide you in shogi from now on until you leave, so be prepared. Mr. Wuliangta, are you satisfied now?"

Rina Sakyamuni put away her momentum and turned to have a smile on her face. She was ready for what Qianlu asked for. Now she still needs a piece of news, a piece of news that Qianlu completely affirms this cooperation, both ways. Only by rushing can you get good results.Shakyatang Rina deeply thought so.

"Of course. However, this matter should not be rushed. She still needs to be famous and needs to settle down. Before that, our cooperation can use some people who are famous but have few competitions to give a lecture, hold some competitions, and set up some bonuses. , and cooperation with the school, these need to be solved by everyone's joint efforts. This is my secretary's business card, and she will arrange the relevant matters."

Qian Ritsu could see that Kiyotaki Katsura was hesitant and unconfident. Shakado Rina's behavior of driving ducks to the shelves made him feel guilty about Kiyotaki Katsura, so he became a peacemaker and came up with some new solutions. plan.Sakyamuni Rina would be laughing now, yes, indeed.It’s worth the trip!

Kiyotaki Katsura watched this group of people determine the future of the shogi world while talking and laughing, and then she realized what kind of person Chiritsu was. He had more energy than she had imagined.In addition, her excitement about becoming a disciple of Shakado Rina was overshadowed by her fear that she would be chosen by Senritsu and become a shogi idol.

Kiyotaki Guixiang's fear reached its peak when she was arranging seats at the dinner table.There were five people in the group, Qian Ritsu took his seat first, and then Shakudo Rina sat next to Haneda Hideyoshi, leaving two seats in the middle.

"Come on, Guixiang, I can call you that, sit here. Yinzi, sit here."

The seat designated by Shakado Rina for Kiyotaki Katsura was close to Senryu. Although the table seemed to be very large and the seats seemed to be widely spaced, from Kiyotaki Katsura's perspective, they were very close.

Kiyotaki Katsura is not some ignorant college graduate who has just stepped out of the society. She has been around for a while. Although she has not gone out to work, she is very familiar with these parties, seating arrangements, and toasts. , arrange for you to be close to the master’s house, you think about it, you think about it carefully.In addition, Shakudo Rina attaches great importance to the promotion of shogi. Kiyotaki Katsura can understand it, but selling herself out for this matter is too much.

Qingtaki Guixiang lowered her head and clasped her fingers. She tried hard to tell herself that it was no loss, no loss, no loss.

First of all, her father also wants to promote shogi. This is basically what these old people think. She also has plans to help him. Now sitting here, making Qian Ritsu happy, and promoting shogi can provide more resources. Isn’t this helping? him?

Secondly, she was chosen, but she also gained the favor of Rina Shakato. With her training her, there was no need to worry about not being able to realize her dream of becoming a female chess player!What's more, Qianlu requires himself to be successful and famous, and Shakudang Rina will even focus on cultivating himself. Isn't this great?

Finally, Qianlu is also very handsome, very mature, young and rich, even though he is a student, so what?Others are getting married and having children after graduating from high school. Why are you hesitating?Besides, you have to have a boyfriend sooner or later, and because you want to become a female chess player, you have no time to think about relationship issues.Just think of it as having a boyfriend, you are still an old cow eating young grass!

Qingtaki Guixiang secretly convinced herself, and in the end, she even wanted to blame Qianlu.But I never thought that Rina Sakyado had no intention of considering Kiyotaki Guixiang when she arranged this seat. She was the first person to consider Sora Ginko.

If you want empty money to get close to Qianlu, maybe something will happen!It's better to keep them apart so that you can help take care of them yourself.

"Ginko, are you still thinking about your discussion with Kuzu Ryuu Hachi?"

Sakyamuni Rina leaned over, approached Kong Ginzi and whispered.

"Well, I haven't beaten him in the past two years. It would be a bit embarrassing to say it."

Kong Ginzi faced Shakyadou Rina, feeling a little unnatural.This is not the case. Although Kong Yinzi has his own arrogance, most of the time he talks about things and is straightforward.Her silence at that time was just thinking of a question, a question arising from victory or defeat. Why didn't Bayi give in to her?

Chapter 257 Life Goal

To put it clearly, from a rational point of view, Kongyinzi should go all out in every game of chess. If you don't give in, giving in will be looked down upon.From an emotional point of view, I accompany you almost every day. I like you, but you are an idiot. Why don't you let me?Aren't you going to coax me?

Therefore, Kong Ginzi was very awkward and tangled. After falling into this logic, she stopped all other behaviors, including communicating and reading the atmosphere. Then she was greeted by Shakudo Rina, who forcibly removed her from her own Pulled out of his thoughts.

Shakudo Rina could see clearly that not being able to win was only one of the reasons. What really troubled Sora Ginko was the little girl's love brain.She finally understood the underlying reason why Qianlu didn't want to cooperate with these two brothers and sisters.This is definitely a delay.In addition to delays in cooperation, shogi is also delayed!

Shakudo Rina is very worried that this kind of love brain will affect Sora Ginko's performance, which will then cause a chain effect.But she had no choice but to match them up. Both of them were in love, so there was no doubt that something would happen.Dismantle it, it won't go well with your conscience, and there will be even more problems after it is dismantled!And after figuring out the two paths, the deeper reason was revealed. She was only 14 years old, what kind of life experience could she have!Help her this time, what about next time?What about next time?What about adolescence?

Sakyamuni Rina sighed and said nothing more. Just let it go and teach her her best. How far she can go is all up to her.

Kong Yinzi was hopeless, Shakyatang Rina looked at her other new disciple, the future depends entirely on you!

But Kiyotaki Kika is visibly cramped. Shakado Rina thinks that maybe she is not used to the atmosphere here. In a sense, there are big bosses here, and she is the only newbie. How can she not tremble?But the seats were all reserved, so it was impossible to run over and chat in the middle of the way. I could only sigh and look at someone else.

Qian Ritsu and Haneda Hideyoshi didn't know what they were talking about. You could vaguely hear some keywords about cooperation and funding. They probably talked about finance.

In fact, what Qian Ritsu and Haneda Hideyoshi were talking about was very simple, about how to take care of the Haneda family's property.

"Qian Ritsu-kun, are you interested in playing a game with me or others in the Shogi League occasionally? Our Haneda family can provide the support you need in the Kansai Mutual Aid Association!"

Haneda Hideyoshi believed that this was a very sincere transaction.Qian Ritsu is a little confused. He keeps hearing about the Kansai Mutual Aid Association, so what is this!


"For example, the Tachibana Daimyo will step down in 1998. At that time, the candidates for the Daimyo will be chosen from the Ooka family and the Inou family. But as we all know, the Inou family is gone, and Inou Shun was also in the legal news last night because He was suspected of fraud, which led to the bankruptcy of the Ineng Consortium, and was sentenced to life imprisonment. When he was finally arrested, he was found to have died of fear of crime. But there is also Ineng Cheng in the Ineng family! The [-]th clan of the Kansai Mutual Aid Association, passed down by General Raiden, took up a lot of money. Half of it, plus my connections with the Haneda family, it’s not you who has the final say on the name of Kansai.”

"The Yi Neng family is gone, and Yi Neng Cheng is dead."

Although Qianlu was very moved, it was impossible for him to go back in time and say to himself last night, ah!Don't agree to this Moeko Ito, Yi Nengcheng has a big role!Qianlu estimated that if he had known that Yi Nengcheng had such a use, he would have agreed to Moeko Ito's request.Without him, it would be pitiful.

But the reason why Yuuki Shozo could agree so readily was also found.I thought Tachibana Chika was just talking, at least the arrest of Yi Neng wouldn't be so quick, but I didn't expect it would only take half a day.It can be seen that Yi Nengjian must have been under the control of various Kansai families, or he may have been dead long ago.

"Then there are the Suzuki family and the Raiden family. The former was the candidate for the previous term, but later the candidate ran away, and the Suzuki family also abstained. The latter also broke away from the Kansai Mutual Aid Association. As long as they operate secretly, they can be Someone stepped in!"

Haneda Hideyoshi has thought about this condition a long time ago. There is no way that Yi Nengcheng can reject it without using it!

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