Qianlu was a little moved by what he said. After all, the person he placed in this position indirectly guided whether Nihong was close to the Celestial Dynasty.Some people may say that our country does not lack this kind of dog, but if you don’t lack it, you can give it to America and let her let the dog bite you. This is unrealistic.This dog must have an owner, why can't it be the Great Heavenly Dynasty!

But thinking about it carefully, the problem is huge. If the Suzuki family really wants to choose a candidate, they will probably let Suzuki Sonoko. But she, Qian Ritsu knows it in her heart, and is reluctant. Suzuki Sonoko would rather live in this world as an ordinary person. World.If the Raiden family has a candidate, it will most likely be Raiden Makoto, Raiden Movie is just a fool, and Raiden Mei is still a high school girl.What are you doing here?Raiden is really at his wits end, so where is the Kansai Mutual Aid Association?Do you really think she is superhuman?

"This matter is not something I can decide. I need to talk to Raiden Ryoma again."

Haneda Hideyoshi even laughed. It's not up to you to decide. Are you the boss or Raiden Ryoma is the boss? If you refuse, just refuse. He said it so tactfully.

"Okay, then eat."

Just as the food was being served, Haneda Hideyoshi took the opportunity to end the conversation.There was another round of drinking and drinking, and the busy day was over.

"How's it going? Did you talk about anything?"

Leidenzhen sat on the sofa and looked at the documents, and asked Qianlu who had just returned without raising his head.

"We chatted for a while. Has she gotten up and eaten?"

"After eating, I just went to bed. Don't think about those things yet. The Haneda family and the Shogi Alliance are both neutral forces worth fighting for."

"I know, are you hungry? I brought supper, let's eat some together?"

Qianlu originally thought that Ai might not have eaten anything, so he packed some food and brought it back. Now it seems that it is no longer needed, so he just separated from Leiden.

"Okay, eat something."

Lei Dengzhen looked at the packed meal in Qianlu's hand and guessed the purpose. Well, he's quite a good man.

The two of them ate and chatted about their thoughts with Haneda Hideyoshi in the afternoon.

"I have to agree, but if we really want to take the Raiden family back, we must win the kendo competition. Then let the Raiden family become independent again and then join the Kansai Mutual Aid Association."

"Is that when Lei Movie comes on stage?"

"Whether it's her or not, it's me who does the work."

"Aren't you tired?"

"Dealing with various families in Kansai is not the exclusive function of the president of the Kansai Mutual Aid Association. I also want to do it. I just want to do more casually. It's nothing tiring."

Qianlu was speechless. Raiden was very similar to the people of Chika Tachibana's generation. They were both pure and willing to work tirelessly for a goal.He admired this kind of person.

Chapter 258 Tension Situation ()

After chatting in the evening, Qianlu went back to find Ai and sleep with her.Raiden said that she would communicate with Haneda Hideyoshi on specific matters.

When I woke up, it was another beautiful day.Raiden brought a new schedule. His visits were reduced to three days, and there were only two serious visits left. One was to visit the Ooka family in Kyoto, and the other was to visit Hanyari City. A family.

The second step is to go to Ohara City to meet Ito Moeko and her sisters. Raiden really planned this trip for a whole day. Qian Ritsu felt that she was definitely thinking wrong. Who am I?Ah, knowing that they are somewhat psychologically traumatized, and still fighting landlords with them, isn't this pure scum?

Apart from this point, the last itinerary also shows how deeply Raiden really misunderstood him. He went to the location of the crew, Okino Yoko and Sakurajima Mai, and Fujimine Yukiko went out to shoot scenes in Kansai. Will this still happen? We haven't finished filming yet. Raiden really wants Qianlu to come over and visit the class, so the schedule allows about half a day.

"Leave before seven-thirty, um, there's still half an hour."

Chiritsu woke up Ai who was still sleeping, started to pack his things, and headed to the nearby Haniyari City. They were now in Kitakyushu City on Kyushu Island.

After a lot of fuss, the two of them went out together. Lei Dengzhen had been waiting for a long time.

"The car is ready."

Raiden Jin said, and then led them to the underground garage.Qianlu looked at the slightly huge convoy in front of him, and for a moment he couldn't figure out whether he was going to visit or go to war.

"Let's get in the car."

Lei Dian really saw Qianlu's doubts, but he didn't waste time explaining anything.When the convoy started, Qianlu looked at the convoy through the car window and was really speechless.It didn't matter that there were several cars of different types in front and behind him, and there were cars sandwiched between him. Qianlu suspected that if this was a rear-end collision or some other unexpected accident, he would definitely turn into a sandwich biscuit and die.

"The person we are going to visit this time is Mr. Ichiraku from the Ichijo family. He is the leader of the Shuei Group, the core group of the Yamaguchi Group. Recently, the Shuei Group and the gang hive from America have been fighting. Within three months, the local The Metropolitan Police Department has received more than [-] reports of shootings."

Qianlu's mouth twitched, are you so awesome?On average, there are more than five cases a day. This neon customs must be a fool!

Ai was also a little scared, so he shrank closer to Qianlu and hugged his arm tightly.

Lei Deng really didn't say much. He took out the documents he carried with him and began to take the time to review them.From now on, we must pave the way for next year's changes. In addition, so many companies controlled by Qianlu are basically managed by the father and daughter of the Leiden family. If you want to delegate power, it really won't work. Qianlu has a handle on the general direction, Xiao They have to control the details, otherwise they will make a mess and affect the whole body. After so many years of integration, the group is now basically a collective.

Qianlu leaned back and closed his eyes to rest.Love is also resting on Qianlu's shoulder, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Soon, the motorcade arrived at the home of Ichijo. The car door made no move to open. Qian Ritsu looked through the car window and saw many people standing outside and walking around, presumably to confirm whether it was safe.

Not long after, there was a knocking sound on the car window.Leidenzhen opened the car door and was the first to get out of the car.After another while, the car door was fully opened, and Leidenzhen stood aside, waiting for Qianlu and Ai.

Qianlu originally thought that it was a fuss and there was no need to bother with it, but in the end, as far as opening the door was concerned, it was really not a hassle.

When I got off the car, I saw that a house was located in the city. There was a road in front of the door. There were cars parked in front and back, and there was no end in sight. There were four or five people standing next to each car.Arriving at the main entrance, there were two men in black at the door. Looking inside, they were both people.

"Hello, I am Ichijole. Come with me."

A boy said this, his face showing visible restraint and discomfort.

Follow the music and turn left and right. Although this looks like a larger villa in an ordinary residential area, the design here is very complicated.

After walking for a while, they finally arrived. When an old man saw them coming, he stood up, walked out, and welcomed them in.

"I'm going to do it one by one, Brother Chiyo. You're welcome and safe."

"Stay safe."

Qianlu knew that Ichijo Issei was talking about him, so when he saw that he wanted to hug him, he went up to hug him.

Immediately after the two parties sat down and briefly chatted about the current situation, a subordinate came over.

"Master of the family! Beehive and the others are coming!"

"Why are you panicking! Talk to yourself about what happened!"

"Yes, this is their greeting card!"

Although Ryunosuke Sasaki's tone was anxious, his movements were still calm and neat. He bent down and handed over the post respectfully.

Since the others were standing at the bottom of the steps and did not enter the house, Ichijo Issei also stood up, walked outside, took it over, and took a look.

Goodbye, just as the two words convey, it is just a meeting to discuss, not a war.Ichijo Issei originally felt that starting a war was impossible. On the one hand, the matter was too serious and would affect this place and even the entire society, so he kept suppressing it. On the other hand, he and Adluto were old acquaintances. No matter what, it is impossible to break up and start a war directly.

Ryunosuke Sasaki said that he would start a war. It is probably because he has never seen a serious visit from his enemies in all his years as a Yakuza. Generally speaking, the most likely thing is to declare war and negotiate peace.

"Go, bring them in. Hospitality! Don't be rude!"

"Yes, Lord Patriarch!"

Sasaki Ryunosuke agreed and quickly withdrew.

"Brother Chiyo, you are really going to turn this neon scene upside down! What a great move, I'll give you a toast."

Ichijo Issei opened the greeting card and placed it in front of Qianlu, then picked up the cup, toasted it, and drank it all in one gulp.

Qianlu looked at the post, which contained only two lines of concise words.

One rule, one rule, one thousand rules for the Infinite Pagoda:

I, Adluto, and my butler, Claude, have heard of your reputation for a long time and have taken the liberty of visiting us. Please forgive me!

Qianlu felt that he didn't know any Hive, but when he saw the name Adluto, he remembered that impressive thing. Looking at it now, Adruto should have a certain say in Rhine Life. , otherwise he would not know that Rhein Life has made significant progress in life sciences, otherwise he would not know that the Tachibana family among the nineteen clans has an unusual bloodline secret.

Soon, people sat down on all sides of this square table, Adruto, Raiden Zhen, Qianlu, Ichijo and Izheng.

Claude, Ichijo Raku, and Ai are on the sides and rear of Adruto, Ichijo Ichigi, and Qianlu respectively.

We had a brief chat with each other again.It wasn't the same as Tachibana Chika's shocking words yesterday, but it was surprisingly ordinary.

Qianlu didn't stay to finish the meal, so he said goodbye and left.

Chapter 259 The next grass-roots team ()

Without even having lunch, Qian Ritsu and Ai followed the convoy all the way to Kyoto. This is the capital of the conservative nation in the true sense. Although Raiden Shogun’s castle tower is closer to Osaka, it was actually built to communicate with ordinary people. They are separated, so Kyoto is the real center, while Osaka is more preferred for the Konoe family under General Raiden.

The father of the current head of the Ooka family in Kyoto is the former prime minister of Neon, and he is also one of the top leaders of that faction. This alone is enough to illustrate the status of the Ooka family in Neon.

Unlike the Tachibana family and the Ichijo family, the person responsible for leading Qian Ritsu and Ai in was only a maid, and she was also wearing a kimono.

Qian Ritsu kept this in mind, and was then taken to a Japanese-style room. Like the Ichijo family, Ooka Akira, the head of the Ooka family, had been waiting for him for a long time.

After a simple greeting, Ooka Akira did not talk about some insignificant topics like Ichijou Issei, but directly pointed to a topic that Qian Ritsu had only been concerned about last night.

"To be honest, I don't agree with this candidate system. No candidate has to be decided between two families. This is not the new rule of the Suzuki family! Among the nineteen clans, only our family Hongye, The candidates for the Tachibana family, the Ichijo family, and the Suzuki family are still in high school and are 16 years old. Voting will start the year after tomorrow and they are only 18. What does this mean? Isn’t this nonsense? So, I hope Chiyo-kun can let Raiden The family will return to the Nineteenth Clan and let Miss Raiden Shin take charge of the overall situation."

Qianlu didn't quite understand for a while. It stands to reason that this kind of opportunity to be the boss must be lucrative. Age is not a problem. You, the father, are still alive. Give me a few pointers and you will slowly get better. Besides, Well, you are also a child raised by the family. Basically, you can raise elites. How can you be so stupid?Two years, two years and you still don’t understand?Therefore, Qianlu had doubts, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he simply left it to Thunderbolt Shin.

"I respect genuine opinions, come on, let's talk about it."

Raiden really didn't think about how this topic could come to him. He just thought about how to maximize the benefits, and then followed that idea.

"When our Raiden family left the Nineteenth Clan, we said that if we attack the Ineng family and steal their money, we will no longer have the shame to stay in the Kansai Federation. If we go back now, I'm afraid we may not be able to go back. Go back It may not be popular. If I agree to such a thankless thing, my father will probably expel me from the Leiden family immediately."

Qianlu just heard last night that Lei Dianzhen had thoughts on this matter. Why did he change his mind again?

"Hey, no! Among the [-] clans, the Hiiragi family, the Kamisato family, the Kujo family, and the Maplehara family are all affiliated families of General Raiden. By then, they only need to win the championship in the national kendo competition and defeat Poison in the Enbuden heart. Shima Saeko can revive the reputation of the Raiden family. In addition, Naganohara Xiaomiya, the young head of the Naganohara family, has always been on good terms with the Kamisato family, and Chiyo-kun has close contacts with the Ichijo family and the Tachibana family, and recently he has also been with the Haneda family. , the Suzuki family came and went, and the Haneda family became friendly with the Mikado Oikawa family. There were more than ten families here. Including the Ooka family, there were eleven families here, and the Konoe family, Takaji family, and Nijo family We have always been on good terms with the first few families, and the other three families all obey the Ju family, so there is no need to worry about big things happening!"

When Lei Dengzhen heard this, he was confused for a while. He hadn't seen each other for many years. Even if there was a huge involvement here, why was Qianlu still entangled in it?Logically speaking, the only ones who really stick to Qianlu are the Ichijo family and the Tachibana family. What about the other families?It’s okay if you’re not familiar with it.But now it seems that it is his destiny to go back?

"The head of the Ooka family really knows all the members of the Kansai Mutual Aid Association! Why not nominate yourself as the next president of the Kansai Mutual Aid Association? In this way, great things will happen!"

"Miss Raiden, can you open the skylight and speak frankly? Only stupid people can sit in this position, only your people can sit. Chiyo-kun, you are the one everyone expects. Can you tell me your answer now? ?”

Ooka Mingluo is very aware of the changes in the neon business world in recent years. There may have been some business opportunities in the past, and he could use economic means to profit from them.It doesn’t work anymore. Ever since Qianlu set up a business association and Tianming Technology Company in Kanto in the past seven years, the price has not fluctuated much. It can’t even affect the price. How can it affect the macro-finance?Therefore, people with vision approached Qianlu and asked him to help with the agency. After the operation of the agency was completed, there was still money to be made, which was much more than usual, so most people did not make a fuss. As for a small number of people, , all bought a house in hell.

Akira Ooka knew that now was the critical moment, Chika Tachibana did not resort to any means to stay in office, and even cooperated with the Suzuki family to create a candidate system, and just put Ooka Momiji in the position. What is this?In addition to the fact that the women of the Orange family have been responsible for raising their daughters seriously for generations, what about others?ah!It’s all tea art, what kind of messy useless skills are being raised by Yamato Nadeshiko. What use can such a person do if he comes to power?Either a gun blocker or a mascot.Which one is better?He didn't want his daughter to go up there and do nothing but stir up hatred, or even become a scapegoat.

"I respect her decision."

"That's right, Chiyo-kun, if you could have explained it clearly seven years ago, we wouldn't have fallen into the passive position we are in now."

After Ooka Mingluo finished speaking, he sighed, stood up and left.Watching Ooka Mingluo leave, Qianlu noticed a figure on the screen, got up and left.

Don't blame Ooka Mingluo for being resentful and powerless. This is also what most neon capitalists think.Seven years ago, Neon was in economic crisis. Who could save it was Qianlu, so it was normal and understandable not to hit him.Later, it was discovered that Qianlu had won over most of the capitalists. If you wanted to beat him, others would not be happy. So this is, I can beat him, I have this ability and ability, but I have to give up.

Ooka Akira left. Qian Ritsu and Raiden really didn't have much interest in staying here, so they got up and left directly, checking into a hotel in Kyoto.

At night, Qianlu finally saw what the next generation is.

A large number of the next generation of these nineteen clans were brought over by Haneda Hideyoshi.

"Brother Qianlu, I have shared your idea with everyone, and everyone agrees with it, so I want to come over and have a meal together. Come, let me introduce you to Tachibana Mile Flower, Ichijo Raku, and Ooka Momiji, Kamisato Ayato, Kujo Kamaharu, Gohan Manchi, Naganohara Xiaogu, Maplehara Manyo, and the others were all busy and didn’t come, as is always the case.”

After introducing each other, they had dinner together again, and then they went back to their respective families. In fact, the declining birthrate is not obvious in the Nineteenth Clan. The most obvious one is late childbearing.Qianlu also gradually understood what the situation was.Your next generation must have its own team when it comes to the transition. Those who can sit at this table are basically joining the team in advance. This is the team that Raiden will really lead in the future.

Chapter 2: How to leave an impression on Kasumi Shiko

After eating and drinking, Qianlu returned to the hotel room and planned to wash up and sleep.

Not long after he lay down, Ai was chatting with Kaguya on his cell phone. Qianliu was about to surf the Internet when a call came in. It was from Akane Kousaka.

Qianlu didn't know what happened to this eldest lady. Since he asked her to set up an online media company, she has been involved in all walks of life. Although Han Xin said that the more soldiers the better, but in the end she is knowledgeable but not good, and she is greedy. The look of being stretched to death.The two intersections were still writing novels and Nanami Aoyama.Qianlu had a vague feeling that this call might not be trouble.

Ai stood aside and heard the phone ringing for a while, but Qianlu didn't answer it. He thought it was his own problem, so he got up and left.

"Where to go?"

Qianlu quickly hugged Ai.

"To the restroom."

Ai just went to the bathroom. There was water in the room and the phone didn't ring. Qian Ritsu had been relying on Yukino and Raiden Makoto to analyze the pros and cons of the matter. Now that they are not around, Ai should be able to do it. After all, he can monitor Kaguya is somewhat capable.

"Listen with me and tell me what you think."

Aijian Qianlu said this without being pretentious, and the phone would hang up after another ring.It doesn't matter if she listens for a moment. She has too many debts. Anyway, it will all depend on Qianlu from now on. Ask yourself, after a hundred years, they will probably be buried together. So, what are you afraid of? There is no fear in love.

"Hey, is this Mr. Wuliangta? Sorry for disturbing you."

"Yes, Miss Kosaka, just tell me if you have anything to do. I will definitely help you if you can."

"That's troublesome, and it's not a big deal. Mashiro Shiina is sure to arrive in Tokyo in three days. She is 16 years old. According to the wishes of her family and herself, she plans to complete high school. I thought about it, It was decided to put her in the high school affiliated with Suimei University of Arts. Suimei University of Arts is a well-known art university in neon, and its teachers are enough to teach Shiina Mashiro. And Nanami Aoyama also happens to be studying here, so the two of them study together. It’s a kind of support. So, this is because I want Nanami Aoyama to take over the job.”

"Then give it, what did she say? Doesn't she agree?"

Qian Ritsu's mind was at a loss for a while. He only remembered that Aoyama Nanami had taken care of Fujimine Yukiko and had experience in serving people. Coupled with Shiina Mashiro's illness and the fate of the two, this arrangement was appropriate.

But in fact, if you say Aoyama Nanami is suitable, she is not suitable either. She is the person named by Qian Ritsu. To put it more simply, she is Qian Ritsu's woman. It is a bit insulting if you ask her to serve a patient.As for serving Yukiko, is it an insult to Nanami Aoyama? It's a bit. But what kind of configuration is Fujimine Yukiko? She has a wedding ring on her hand, had a wedding with Chiritsu, and received a marriage certificate. This configuration can be regarded as bullying by the big house. It's a small room, so Akane Kosaka can't say anything.

But this is something I have to say, and I have to talk to Qianliu first. Even if Yukiko misunderstands her and disrespects her, I still have to talk to Qianritsu first, because Qianritsu is older than Yukiko, so it’s okay if she offends Yukiko. Like that, without changing her surname, and even after such an incident in the past, she is not a woman who can be put on the table, so there is no need to consider her opinions first, whether she means to look down on her, and the consequences of this, Akane Kousaka Affordable.

But offending Qianlu is different, that's why it happened now.

"Okay, then I will discuss it with Miss Yukiko later. There is one more small matter. I wonder if you are free in the morning the day after tomorrow?"

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