"Well, just call me Wu. Qianlu, I have to say that you are still very handsome. I feel that Moezi has a plan for a long time, and will take this opportunity to get what she wants."

Kiyura Mai made fun of Ito Moeko. This level of joking meant that Chiritsu was no longer an outsider. Although Chiritsu sounded a little embarrassed, she smiled and sat between the two of them.

Soon a waiter pushed the dining cart and knocked on the door. There was an ambiguous atmosphere as the food was served.

While eating a small amount of red wine, Qianlu also drank a little wine. The sense of distance between them disappeared with the alcohol and a few jokes.

Qingpu Wu looked at Qianlu and felt that this person was much better than she had imagined. He was simply making money without losing money, and the topic started to go astray.

"Hey, do you have many wives? Can you tell me your story with them?"

"Actually, there are no stories or stories. They are all forced by the situation."

"Then let's talk about it!"

Moeko Ito looked at Mai Kiyoura, who was more open-minded than she was, and didn't know what to think for a moment.

Qianlu talked about it casually, it was just an exchange of interests, and there was nothing interesting at all, but Qingpu Wu listened with interest and nodded from time to time.

"Then how do I compare with them? Or rather, how do I compare with Yukiko?"

Qingura Wu didn't know when she closed the seat distance between the two, and the two of them were almost touching each other.Qianlu didn't know when he put his arms around Qingpu Wu's slender waist, smelling the scent of a mature woman, and Qing Pu Wu rubbing against her again and again, and his heart was burning.

"Of course you are beautiful."

"Wooden ah!"

Mai Kiyoura straightened up and kissed Qianliu, and then Chiritsu went completely crazy. Seeing that she and Mai Kiyoura were about to have a gunfight in the living room and a misfire occurred, Moeko Ito was so embarrassed that she quickly pulled the two of them into the bedroom.

The mobile phone next to the bag left by Mai Qingura lit up slightly, indicating that the delivery was successful.

Chapter 264: Enough is Enough

It was almost midnight when Qianlu came out again. Really, a good man had three gangs to help him, both physically and mentally exhausted.

"I see others are holding their waists, why are you still covering your head! Hahaha."

Raiden Zhen was still wearing a neat set of clothes and was sitting on the sofa in the living room reading a book. When he saw Qianlu coming out, he laughed out loud.

"Sister, you are right. You are like a wolf and a tiger! Your waist can still bear it, but to be honest, if you do a movement for more than a few hours, you will know what it means to lose your energy."

Qianlu recalled the last time he fought against Landlords with Fei Yingli and Yukiko. At that time, they were already half dead. Now there is another person added. How do you ask him to survive.

"Are you hungry? I asked the hotel chef to prepare dinner. Why don't you go and wash up?"


Although Qianlu's body can remain in one state, as a normal person, it is very necessary to eat and drink as he should.

"You just sat here all afternoon?"

When Qianlu came out again, Leiden was actually putting the food from the dining car on the table.

"No. Someone from Nijo's family has come. Aren't you busy? I'll go and meet him, and then I'll wait for you when I come back."

"The Nijo family belongs to the Nineteenth Clan? What's wrong with them?"

Qianlu is now completely looking at the problem from the perspective of the former Wuliangta Chiyo. These are all things that he needs to care about and deal with.

"Several women in their family have no connection with Yi Nengjian. Now Yi Nengjian will be on the news, so we are not allowed to come and ask."

"What's the purpose of this? Kujo Takayuki is dead, and the Nijo family is still rushing to join in. Is this a desperate act?"

Qianlu enjoyed his meal and didn't forget to take the time to complain.

"Actually, neither of them cares about money. The Kujo family wants to bring the Raiden family back, and the girls from the Nijo family are deeply in love with Inoumo. There is some news about him who has been missing for so many years. Of course, we need to ask clearly. .”

"Isn't Yi Neng suddenly in the hands of the Nineteenth Clan?"

Qianlu was shocked. Is this person dead or alive?

"Not here, but what is certain is that this guy should have died seven years ago. In the past seven years, except for the Kujo family who raised a banner and attracted other people, there was no news about Yi Neng's instantaneous activities. No one was seen alive, Since there was no body, the Tachibana family had no choice but to make him appear on the news in order to smooth out the influence of his existence."

Raiden really confirmed it with Tachibana Chika, and I can understand why he had to make up the headlines afterwards.Disappearance is not terrible. What is terrible is that when you disappear, someone uses your name to do some unreasonable things.

"Then the one who came from behind, Xiyuanji, Xiyuanji Yuezi! How could the security let her in!"

Qianlu was under fire at that time!Suddenly a person came in, and I almost died of fright.Later, they were pulled by Qingpu Wu, and the four of them became intimate.

But Raiden Makoto said that she was going to meet the Nijo family in the afternoon, so how did Saionji Yueko get the room card and get past the so-called seamless security that Raiden Makoto said.

"There is indeed security. After verifying her identity, she reported it to me. It was me who instructed the hotel to issue another room card. What's wrong? Are you unhappy? These three have their own merits, and ordinary people can hold them in check. I have to thank God for going home alone. I am grateful for my blessings in my previous life. Now, I am three times happier!"

Raiden really didn't take Qianlu's emotions seriously at all, but was full of bad intentions between friends.What can Qianlu say? He gets all the benefits, so he can't just curse others. It's not like being unreasonable.

"You didn't have dinner?"

Although Raiden Zhen was taking his time, with this posture and the food on the table, it seemed that the amount of food he ate was about the same as Qianlu's.

"After eating, I'm hungry again. My brain is so tired!"

Raiden was really discouraged, showing a completely different laziness from his usual capable self.

"By the way, what happened when Mashiro Shiina returned to China?"

Qian Ritsu has some doubts about Mashiro Shiina. He previously said that the Neon government would let her go back to the country. A world-class painter does have this political value, but is she coming back to go to high school?I'm afraid this is not funny!

"Shiina Mashiro, how should I put it? Well, you can understand that this is a political example set by Daiying in the face of the high-level talents who left Neon and moved to their side. As for her being in high school, first of all, she is a world-class painter. The title was blown out, but her painting skills are indeed quite good, and her works have always been priceless. In fact, it was her, or her family, who did not want to sell, and raised the price. Then let some famous people brag about it, and then do it It has become what it is now. When she went to this high school, you can simply understand it as gold-plated."

Qianlu was dumbfounded. What kind of genius plot was this? He knew that there were some problems behind it, but he didn't expect that it was all problems.

"Okay. I really didn't expect these things. Yukino handled some of the recent daily reports for me. Now it's Kaguya. I just need to be a mascot."

"No, please don't, what are we doing now? We are in charge of Neon's economic lifeline. If there is a slight mistake, there will be another great recession. If you don't watch out, something will really go wrong. This time it will be all over. It’s over.”

Lei Deng is really energetic. Hey, brother, how can you relax? This is all the hard work of many years. It’s not easy to achieve the current achievements. You don’t care if you say you don’t care. This is not Give up halfway?

Raiden is really about to collapse. What am I working so hard for?

"Well, I'll pay close attention. Sorry."

"Forget it, eat."

Lei Dengzhen looked at Qianlu's face that changed instantly, sighed, and continued eating.She couldn't see through this person. Since Wuliangta Chiyo became Wuliangta Qianlu, many ways of dealing with things have changed subtly. Maybe this person has never shown his true character. These are just for disguise. To achieve a purpose, what is it?

Quan Cai is obviously not. Over the years, he has rarely thought about benefiting himself.At most, it is that men's "nature" has been released now, so what is he doing for it?Is being a representative office of Rheinland Life consistent with the purpose of Rheinland Life?In order to have a peaceful environment, science and technology develop rapidly.

Raiden's speculations were rarely supported by facts. This man was like a huge mystery, and she knew nothing.

Thinking of this, the thunder and lightning stopped suddenly. She didn't want to think about it too much, as long as he didn't take any action that substantially affected her purpose.Another important reason is that when you want to solve the mystery, you have to get close and explore the mystery. This will make Leiden Zhen gradually mix the feelings of men and women in the relationship between superiors and subordinates, which is very unfair. wonderful.

Chapter 265 Threesome

After Qianlu finished eating, he went to sleep in another room.

The next morning, it was just dawn, and the other room was still a little dark because the curtains were closed. As the first person stretched and called out, the other two people made a little movement.

Even though they didn't have to see anything embarrassing, the chaotic memories of last night were enough to embarrass these three people.

Fortunately, their stomachs rang, and they realized that they had not eaten for most of the day and had been exercising vigorously, so they were so hungry that their chests were touching their backs.

"Ah, who's touching me?"

Saionji Yueko felt a restless hand touch her body directly.

"Yunzi, you are at the bedside. Use the landline over there to call down below to prepare breakfast."

Ito Moeko retracted her hand, turned over again, and faced Saionji Yueko.

"I'll call you."

Saionji Yueko's voice was a little hoarse, but she was the craziest one. She bluntly told the other two what it means to be the last to come first, and to be better than the first.

"Then, you two go and wash up first. I'll lie down for a while."

Moeko Ito took the phone and said something, then with the help of dim light and memory, she dialed the number, ordered a lot of breakfast, and specifically ordered it to be delivered to the door.

Qingpu Wu was very obedient. She immediately got up and prepared to wash up. She turned on the light as soon as she entered the bathroom.

In an instant, the lights brightened the room enough for Ito Moeko and Saionji Yueko to have a frank meeting.

Saionji Yueko felt very embarrassed in her heart as she felt Ito Moeko's movements. Not to mention the conflict between her and Ito Moeko, this scene and the memories in her mind made her so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole into herself. Buried.Saionji Yueko is one of those people with great contrast.

Ito Moeko rubbed her eyes and looked at Saionji Yueko, probably guessing what she was thinking.While lying back, he hugged Yueko Saionji's arm.

"Yunzi, I'm sorry! Are you still angry with me?"

The guilt and regret in Ito Moeko's words deeply stimulated Saionji Yueko, which also made her immediately change from pretending to be dead to being at a loss.

"No, it's not. Phew, Moeko, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so suspicious of you, under the premise that you have made everything clear."

Saionji Yueko also turned over and faced Ito Moeko. After taking a deep breath, she finally made the apology she deserved.

"It's okay, I was too impatient. Then we will still be good sisters from now on, right?"

Ito Moeko hugged Saionji Yueko tightly, and the disadvantages of being honest with each other were exposed. People's hearts are against people's hearts. This is a matter of thick skin.Moeko Ito has this psychological construction, but Yueko Saionji does not.


Saionji Yuezi responded slightly and stepped back a little. Ito Moeko just let go.The two of them returned to their initial calm, lying flat on their backs, listening to the gurgling sound of water, recalling the madness last night, or just being aimless in a daze.


"Okay, how long will you two stay in bed? Get up quickly."

Qingpu Wu brought a gust of fragrance, wrapped in a bath towel, and shook the quilt covering the two of them. A gust of cold wind blew by, instantly making them wake up and shake.

"I'll go first. Don't shake the quilt. Yuezi can't catch the cold."

Ito Moeko quickly sat up and covered Saionji Yueko with the quilt. Turn down the central air conditioning in a hotel and blow it for a long time. You should be cool or not. In addition, this is completely crazy and she hasn’t eaten much. Her body Naturally there is not much resistance.

"Okay. Is breakfast here?"

"No, just go out and wait."

Moeko Ito shook her head and hurried into the bathroom. It was a bit awkward to be naked.

"Reconciled so quickly?"

Qingura Mai sat next to Xiyuanji Yuezi, lowered her head and whispered in Xiyuanji Yuezi's ear, who was concentrating with her eyes closed.

"It's not you! Why did you tell me this place."

"I've made it clear, it's definitely not some deception. If you want to come, I can really say that you have a cute child in your heart."

"Yes, yes, you should go out and see breakfast quickly!"

"Okay, then I won't bother."

Qingura Wu smiled and did not continue to tease the Saionji Yuezi. She just did it casually. She did not expect that the Saionji Yuezi really came.That’s not bad. At least the sisters who have eaten a cake will get along well if nothing unexpected happens. You know, people will be lonely. In addition to family, a long-lasting friendship is also necessary. Qingpu Wu doesn’t want to lose this Either of the two friends who share the same adversity, she has been working hard for this.

Qingura Wu's good mood did not last long. As soon as she walked to the living room, she saw two women. One was Raiden Jin who came with Qianlu and met them before.The other one is blonde but not a foreign girl.

"Good morning."

Qingura Wu smiled awkwardly and then said hello.

"Good morning, this is Wuliangta Ai. She is Qianlu's fiancée."

Raiden glanced at Kiyura Mai, said hello, and after introducing Ai, he continued to focus on the document in his hand.

Ai came back to his senses from this uncomfortable novel, and looked at Qingpu Wu with some irritation in his brows.

"Good morning. Let's have some breakfast first. The person under your reservation told us, but we have prepared it first. If you don't have enough, just order more."

Although Ai greeted Qingpu Wu enthusiastically, Qingpu Wu felt very bad. After having fun yesterday, today my fiancée blocked the door. This expression showed that the visitor was not malicious!

"Enough is enough."

Qingpu Wu looked at the full breakfast on the dining table. There might be some leftover!

Kiyoura Mai was eating breakfast with her head down, and Ito Moeko came out soon, but compared to Kiyoura Mai's embarrassment, she was quite natural.

"Mrs. Love, Miss True, good morning."


"Morning. Just call me Love, Mrs. Biega."

Ai specially emphasized this title. Even if she was a lady, she couldn't get her head started. If she adapts to it, her mind will be lifted, and it won't matter if Kaguya hears it later.


Moeko Ito called this name the result of racking her brains and thinking.You know, there is more than one Madam of Wuliang Tower, and there is more than one Miss Thunder.So, I called him over awkwardly.

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