As soon as Ito Moeko sat down, she was given a resentful look by Kiyura Mai, who was a little confused.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"It's okay, just eat quickly. Where is Yuezi?"


The appearance of Saionji Yueko was even more humiliating than the embarrassment of Qingura Mai.You have to bend down to show respect when saying hello.Ito Moeko looked at it and finally understood what Mai Kiyoura's eyes were saying.But she can't explain that much now, gossiping in front of others is nothing!

Chapter 266 Interpersonal Relationships

The three of them were enjoying their meal. From time to time they looked at the two people next to them who were lowering their heads. In addition to observing, they were also curious about where Qianlu had gone.

"Ai, go and ask Qianlu to get up and have breakfast. He has a busy schedule today."

Lei Dengzhen took a look at the movements of the three people and saw that they had almost eaten and there was still a lot left, so he also urged Ai to wake Qianlu up.Yukiko is filming in Nagoya, and she might take him to where to go.Fumino was playing with Yukino in Chiba, and if he went to Chiba to pick her up, maybe Qian Ritsu would go to see Hiratsuka Shizuka again.The most important thing is that I have arranged to meet Kasumigaoka Shiyu tomorrow morning.

Lei Deng was really thinking that maybe this or that, he wanted to use a private plane to transport Qianlu, but it was a pity that the schedule was temporarily arranged, but the plane could not be arranged temporarily.

"it is good."

Ai put down the novel in his hand and entered one of the guest rooms.

"Qianlu, wake up!"

Ai looked at Qianlu who was sleeping soundly with a pillow in his arms, shook it vigorously, and called out in his ear again.

"Love, what time is it!"

Qianlu let go of the pillow and turned to lie down, but he didn't mean to open his eyes. His soul was really hollowed out.

"Miss Zhen said that you have a busy schedule today and it will be too late if you don't get up."

"Alright, alright."

Qianlu lazily got up and walked to the bathroom to wash up.Ai observed whether there was anything in the room that needed to be packed. After making sure there was nothing, he went out.

"I'm awake and brushing my teeth."

Ai reported to Raiden and sat back to read the novel again.

After hearing Ai's words, Raiden nodded without raising his head, while the other three people at the table hurriedly finished the last bits left.


As soon as Qianlu came out, he saw the reception area where several people were sitting. There were some empty plates and leftover breakfast on the table.Qianlu started to cook directly. There were so many things to do, it was impossible not to eat quickly.

"Ms. Ito, do you have any other needs? We plan to leave soon. The room is due at twelve o'clock tonight."

Ai closed the book and asked the three sisters who had just sat down.Ai didn't want to care about these things, but Lei Dengzhen said that if she didn't speak up, this person would be at odds with Qianlu for who knows how long, so before coming, Lei Dengzhen made an agreement with her that she would tell her at the right time. clear.

"Can you arrange some manpower to protect us and our children? Of course we can pay for the security costs ourselves."

Moeko Ito answered, does she think this request is reasonable?I paid for it myself, so I should be able to get by no matter what.

When Ai heard this request, she didn't know what to say, and couldn't agree to anything, so she could only look at Raiden Zhen on the side.

"Qianlu's private security has always been lurking around you. You don't have to worry about safety issues. As long as it's not a natural disaster or a traffic accident, you are basically safe. The shooting incidents that have happened around you in recent years are triggering Security treaty.”


Only then did Ito Moeko suddenly realize, but according to the descriptions of Saionji Yueko and Kiyura Mai, usually a passerby took out a gun and beat another person for no reason. Although this kind of thing was rare, it happened two or three times.Then how did they know, and if they knew why they wanted to kill him in public?When Ito Moeko thought about this, she somewhat understood. This was to intimidate.

"Also, have you ever considered leaving Ohara City? As far as I know, the admission rate here is worrying. And the four famous schools, Ichinose Academy, Private Shuchiin, Teitan High School, and Advanced Education High School are all In Tokyo, if you are willing, I can help you with your transfer."

Raiden finally said a few more words.Without him, if these women are still looking for Qianlu, Qianlu will have to come here from Tokyo again, wasting time and going back and forth, and safety is also a problem.Therefore, after careful consideration, Raiden really invited them to come to Tokyo for development.

After hearing Raiden Shin's words, Kiyoura Mai and Saionji Yueko were both a little silent. It was hard to leave their homeland, and they really couldn't bear to leave it, but what about their children?Children always need a good growing environment. In terms of educational resources, Ohara City cannot compare to Tokyo.

"We will think about it, then let's go change clothes first and then tidy up."

Ito Moeko pulled the two silent people up, said something and returned to the room.

"Qianlu, are you done eating?"

"Go now?"

Lei Dengzhen watched them enter the room and decided to leave with Qianlu.


"of course can."

Qianlu nodded wildly. He was a little embarrassed facing these women who had had in-depth exchanges with each other. Moreover, he was not having a smooth relationship with them, but eating fast food.If they really sat face to face, they would probably just stare at each other.

Lei Dengzhen went up to the door and knocked on the door, informing the three people in the room. After receiving a response, he took the two of them out of the hotel.


inside the house.

"Mengzi, why didn't you say that his fiancée would come!"

"Yes, yes, I am really afraid that she will slap me when she comes up!"

The one who questioned Ito Moeko was Kiyura Mai, and the one who was afraid was Saionji Yueko.

"She can't be considered a fiancée, because she is already loved by Wuliangta, not to mention that this woman accompanied Qian Ritsu to visit the Tachibana family, the Ichijo family, the Ooka family and other famous families, so it is not an exaggeration to call her a real wife. As for this "Why don't I tell you? It's because she's a nice person, and she won't do anything with her status as a wife."

Ito Moeko explained that Kiyura Mai and Saionji Yueko felt sad because they were not loved, so they nodded and believed Ito Moeko's statement.

"Then, what are the differences between the four prestigious schools in Tokyo?"

Qingura Mai was most concerned about this school issue. , if there is indeed a suitable one, then it is not impossible to transfer it.

"Ichinose Academy focuses on educating people and emphasizes teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. It is a public school. Teitan High School is a high school affiliated with Teitan University. It has a direct admission channel and is semi-private. The other half of the management rights are just under Chinuri. In the hands of the company. The highly cultivated high school emphasizes the survival of the fittest, and is completely closed and militarized. It mainly cultivates a werewolf who can survive. The private Shuchiin emphasizes social interaction, and most of them are children of aristocrats, and they have a consistent system. School."

"To put it simply, the upper class attends Shuchiyuan, comes out to inherit the family business, and uses highly developed high school training to manage management talents, plus scientific research talents from Tendan University. The rest of Ichinose Academy enters the government system or enterprises. "

Moeko Ito is quite familiar with this high school choice, but Makoto Ito has never been to high school and hired a private teacher for the purpose of cultivating a puppet.

Chapter 267 Yukiko

The cherry blossoms in April are the time for romance. When Chiritsu came to Nagoya, he saw many cherry blossom trees along the way.And what Yukiko's crew needs is exactly this scene, just like the encounter between the male and female protagonists in Five Centimeters Per Second.

"Yukiko, long time no see!"

"Qianlu, I miss you!"

Neither Yukiko nor Chiritsu are used to calling each other husband or wife in front of other people. It was obviously a reunion between two people after a long absence, but Chiritsu's car was parked not far away, and he could vaguely feel it. The eyes of the people in the car.Also accompanying Yukiko were her two good apprentices, Okino Yoko and Sakurajima Mai.

After a simple hug, Qian Ritsu wanted to take Yukiko out for a walk, the two of them.

"Is there anything else you two want? Yukiko and I want to talk alone."

"No, you guys can talk, I won't interrupt."

Okino Yoko seemed to be going through the formalities as a courtesy, sensing that Qian Ritsu was not welcome, and left happily.But what was unusual was the way Mai Sakurajima hesitated to speak.

"Yukiko, you go to the car and wait for me. I'll talk to her."

Qian Ritsu put Yukiko away directly. He knew Sakurajima Mai's situation very well. She was special, at least for this ordinary world.Yukiko nodded and let go of the hand that had been holding Qian Ritsu.

Sakurajima Mai watched Yukiko leave, then looked at Qian Ritsu, took a few steps forward, and was almost face to face.Then he said it in a low voice.

"Qianlu, do you know Rhine Life?"

"How do you know? No, they are looking for you?"

Qianlu was originally shocked. After all, the existence of Rhine Life was highly confidential.Later, I contacted Tachibana Chika about the abnormality mentioned by her, and coupled with the abnormality shown by Sakurajima Mai previously, it turned out that a key figure was missing in this matter, Rhine Life.Therefore, it is not surprising that Mai Sakurajima knows.

"They said they could cure Makinohara Shoko's heart disease. The price is that Azusagawa Sakuta, Futaba Rio and I must join Rhine Life and report all kinds of abnormalities around us at all times. They also said that their boss is you. By the way. , Azusagawa Sakuta is sure that the little girl he met is this."

"It's better to listen to them. If there is anyone in the world who can cure heart disease, it's probably Rheinland Life."

Qianlu knew very well that even with a heart transplant, the patient would only live less than four years after a successful operation, but immunosuppression was enough for these patients to drink a bottle.But there is one in Rheinland Life’s technology tree that successfully independently cultivates patient organs.It’s not about creating a clone and killing people to take their organs, but directly cultivating them and transplanting them directly.

"Okay, I'll contact them when I get back to Tokyo. Anyway, thank you!"

Mai Sakurajima bowed sincerely and left.Qianlu has a headache. I don’t know what the situation is like at Rhine Life!Can I ask?cannot!So what if something happens to you?Salad!This is where Qian Ritsu has a headache. Mai Sakurajima is just the beginning. Qian Ritsu can feel that there will definitely be more trouble later.

Qianlu quickly put this matter behind him. He was drunk today, and he will be worried tomorrow.You can't let these annoying things affect your relationship with Yukiko!

"Yukiko, you have been here for so many days, have you ever gone shopping?"

"No, although there are not many scenes, most of the time is spent teaching Sakurajima Mai and Okino Yoko. I have to say that they still have great potential and are willing to work hard!"

Although Yukiko had a smile on her face when she said this, the complaint in her words was still evident.

"Someone is bullying you on the set! Tell me who it is and I will arrange it for you!"

"No! I'm just worried about whether my role can pass the review. After all, I was completely banned during the time I left."

"Then don't worry, I'm talking to the director of the General Administration of Publishing, who's his name, Aragaki..."

"Yui Aragaki?"

Yukiko was so excited that she threw herself on Qianliu, staring at Qianliu closely with shining eyes.

"Yes! She asked me to take care of her daughter, and then it will be your business!"

"Okay, I knew you had a way!"

Yukiko cheered and kissed Qian Ritsu, happily.

Qian Ritsu was in a very good mood when he saw Yukiko cheering for joy like a little girl.I took Yukiko and walked around, looking at the cherry blossoms all over the sky. This scene was very nice.

After walking around for a while, I walked back again.We were chattering along the way, talking about a lot of trivial matters in our recent lives.At this point, my mouth was dry and I had nothing to say, but Qianlu still had something to say.

"What do you think of Nanami Aoyama?"

"What a nice person! Why do you suddenly ask about her?"

Yukiko was a little confused, but she was in a good mood!What does Qian Lu mean by mentioning other women in such an ignorant way?Qian Ritsu told her what Akane Kosaka thought.

Yukiko was stunned, but she quickly realized it and gritted her teeth with hatred.He hired someone from Eiichi Yamagishi without saying anything, but he told his boss backhandedly. His boss fell in love with this person and didn't say anything. He just ignored her without saying anything to her, right?She was so soft-spoken.

Of course, if she was really angry and wanted Qian Ritsu to reject Akane Kosaka, she wouldn't be able to do it.At least you can't do this. Firstly, it doesn't give Qianlu a good impression. Secondly, it gives these snobs an excuse to embarrass you. This time you can act coquettishly with Qianlu and ask him to help you. What about the future?Therefore, blowing pillow wind is a decisive method, and it is not used for every trivial matter.

"Isn't that good? I've used Aoyama Nanami, and it's really good. If she takes care of Shiina Mashiro, it will be no problem. However, I gave her to Eri and asked her to help take care of some Eri. After all, if she is tired Too much, if something goes wrong, you don’t want to be wrong?”

As Yukiko talked, her mind came up, involving Fei Yingli, and she used a "I'm doing it for your own good, look at how grand I am, and I also help you take care of other women."Qian Ritsu was indeed moved. After all, Yukiko's image has always been to be a happy person, and Fei Yingli did show less concern and felt a little guilty.

"Yeah! You are the only good wife I have!"

Qianlu took the initiative to kiss Yukiko and spoke sincere words of love.After receiving Qian Ritsu's response, Yukiko's dissatisfaction with Yamagishi Eiichi and Kosaka Akane dissipated a lot.

"Want to stay the night tonight?"

Yukiko is very curious. As a woman from Chiritsu, she should know Chiritsu's itinerary, but Raiden has never revealed it.Even when Qianlu came, he was only notified half an hour before arrival.

"But, hurry back to Tokyo. I'll make it up to you well next time we meet!"


Yukiko was a little disappointed, but understood.

Chapter 268 Shizuka Hiratsuka

Qian Ritsu and Yukiko walked around the set again before leaving Nagoya.

Since we started early, it was only around [-]pm when we left Nagoya.

Qian Ritsu felt a little regretful. For Kasumigaoka Shiu's autograph signing event, he had made himself miserable and lost the chance to get along with Yukiko. It was really not worth the gain.But after all, they agreed, and Leiden Zhen had already given notice, so there was no way he could go back on his word.

In short, Qianlu arrived in Chiba out of random thoughts.

When you arrive in Chiba, you can't just look for Furuhashi Fumino. Furuhashi Fumino heard that Yukino was moving back to Chiba, so he followed him all the way. The two had similar personalities, so they got along well.Moreover, apart from talking about literature, the two of them also tutored Fumino Furuhashi in science.Now that I have taken Fumino Furuhashi back, I don’t know when she will come over next time, and I don’t know if Kaguya has the patience to teach her.So Qian Ritsu decided to go find Shizuka Hiratsuka first.

Lei Deng really listened to Qianlu's words and was not surprised. She expected Qianlu to be a kind and righteous person.

"Where can I find it?"

Although Leidenzhen had guessed it, she didn't make any arrangements. She didn't even know where Hiratsuka Shizuka lived.When Qianlu heard Raiden Zhen ask this, he suddenly realized that he didn't know Hiratsuka Shizuka's address in Chiba.

Qian Ritsu quickly took out his cell phone, found Shizuka Hiratsuka's number, and called him.

This is the third time I have called.

"Qianlu, I'm sorry, I was in a meeting just now. Is there something wrong?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice was a little hoarse, as if she had said too many words, and Qianlu felt a little distressed. After all, Hiratsuka Shizuka was in a much better state when she was in Tokyo. She often joked with him and was very carefree.Instead of being like this now, it’s all business, finish it earlier and hang up earlier.

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