"Where is your company? I'll go over and see you."

"Are you coming to Chiba?"

"Okay, aren't you going to have a meeting? I just came here because I have something to do. I'll go back after checking on you."

"Oh, my company is here."

After Hiratsuka Shizu told the company where he was, he said a simple goodbye and hung up the phone.

Qian Ritsu was in a very complicated mood. He asked Raiden to go to Hiratsuka Shizuka's company and bought some throat lozenges along the way.

When I arrived at Hiratsuka Shizu's company, it was a serious construction company with four floors. Hiratsuka Shizu's secretary had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Your company looks very busy?"

Qianlu followed the secretary to the elevator and saw many people moving things in a hurry.

"Recently, the company has new business, and the president is new, so everything is complicated."

Qian Ritsu probably knows what's going on. The original distribution company has not yet been established, but now Hiratsuka Shizuka has been replaced. The original company has to adjust, and it is really a big step to open a new company. Pulling the egg.

I followed the secretary upstairs and entered the president's office. Shizuka Hiratsuka was not here.

"The president is still in a meeting. In addition to new business issues, the original company also has some projects that need to be followed up."

The secretary didn't speak in detail, at least Qianlu didn't think there was any need to follow up like an old lady rushing behind.

After sitting for a while and almost finishing the tea made by the secretary, Hiratsuka Shizuka finally opened the door and came in.Unlike when she was in Tokyo, Shizuka Hiratsuka often showed an unusual youthfulness because of her job and the good relationships she held. But now her dark circles cannot be covered even with heavy makeup. Come on, the sense of age is immediately there.

"What's wrong with you? You've become like this within a few days since you came back!"

Qian Ritsu quickly stepped forward and pulled Hiratsuka to sit next to him and made her a cup of tea.

"I bought some lozenges, do you want to eat them?"

Hiratsuka Shizu nodded, drank some water, and then took one.

Qianlu just looked at Hiratsuka Shizu in silence. Although there were many things he didn't understand, he didn't choose to ask. For now, he still wanted her to have a good rest.

"I have never been an intern in a company, so I don't understand many things very well, and I can't convey my meaning, plus there are things at the distribution company. So, I have been a little too busy recently."

"Didn't you say you came back to be a teacher? Why did you come to the company? Did your uncle and aunt mean it?"

"I mean it myself. I want to get used to it in the past few days. When things are arranged properly, I won't be busy anymore. Being a teacher won't be a year or two, so I think it's okay to be a teacher while taking care of the company. "

Hiratsuka Shizu asked her parents for this company, but she never dared to say that she would continue to be a teacher. She knew that if she had no grades and no abilities, her parents would never let her do this.Originally, she thought it would be enough to follow Yukino and read Qianlu Company's daily report, but she didn't expect that she would be so embarrassed when it came time to go on stage.

"Then I'll come over tomorrow afternoon to see if I can help you with anything. If I can't, I'll prepare a meal at your house and wait for you to go home."

Qianlu felt that he could help to some extent, but he was still a little unsure and left himself a way out.

"Come here, I won't look inside your house! You have a company down there! Besides, I don't go home very often."

Hiratsuka Shizuo was moved in her heart, but she still had no intention of letting Qian Ritsu come over. One was because her words were true, and the other was that Qian Ritsu did this. She was afraid that she would not be able to handle the work wholeheartedly. If she relied on him for everything, What should I do without him?

"What if you don't go home? Just sleep in the company, that's not good. You have to know that only by sleeping well can you work well!"

Qianlu knew that some people were homeless and focused on work. Unexpectedly, Shizuka Hiratsuka was also like this. Seeing her like this, he didn't even know how many times she had been home!This made him feel very distressed, and his words also contained a bit of severity.

"Okay, I'll just listen to you! But you can't just take care of me all the time! Where's Miwako? Where's Sayuri? Besides, you're going to start school in less than a week!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't want to make the relationship so tense, so her attitude softened, but she still secretly told Qian Ritsu not to favor him all the time.

"Miwako is about to be discharged from the hospital. My wedding with her is said to be scheduled in a few days. Sayuri has also lived there forever. But what about you! Your company is in Chiba, and we only spend so much time together. What's wrong? I also have to find more time to spend with you."

Seeing that his words were effective, Qianlu increased his efforts.Hiratsuka Shizuka saw that he was so affectionate and had nothing to say. If she continued to give in, there wouldn't be much affection left.

Qian Ritsu and Hiratsuka calmed down for a while, then got into the car that had picked up Fumino Furuhashi and returned to Tokyo.

Chapter 269 Fumino Furuhashi

In fact, it is not that close from Chiba to Tokyo. The two administrative divisions are very large. If you are on the edge of each other, you will have to spend twice the time commuting.

So while in the car, Qian Ritsu was concerned about Fumino Furuhashi's study progress.

"With Yukino-chan's help, everything has been going smoothly. The teacher even said that he would come over for a home visit sometime to have a chat with my family and see how I study! If nothing else, after the exams at the beginning of the semester, , the teacher will come over. After all, I am already a senior in high school, and there will be a tripartite meeting in the second semester. Although my father has agreed to my wish, it is best to get the teacher’s consent. Sorry, Qianlu!”

Although Furuhashi Fumino was sitting, he turned around and bowed slightly to Qian Ritsu.

"Are you a teacher who is a girl? If you really come to my house, I'm afraid I will be lectured by the teacher."

"She's a woman! And she's quite reasonable."

Furuhashi Fumino's class teacher actually didn't want to talk to this outstanding student with perfect marks in liberal arts, and simply ignored her dream of science. After all, most people thought that Furuhashi Fumino would give up.The only person who is sure that Furuhashi Fumino will still stick to it is the tutor provided by the college, Kirisu Mafuyu.

She often persuaded Furuhashi Fumino to give up her dream, but now that she saw that Furuhashi Fumino's grades had improved, she rarely persuaded him. Instead, she used her authority to open many special channels for Furuhashi Fumino and Ogata Rizu.This gradually transformed Furuhashi Fumino's dislike for Kirisu Mafuyu into his current favorable impression.

"Female, that's not bad. But I'd better go to your house."

"My house has been gathering dust for a long time! Besides, Teacher Kirisu Mafuyu is a great beauty!"

It was rare for Furuhashi Fumino to see Chiritsu being a little nervous, maybe because he was worried about being lectured by the teacher. This made Furuhashi Fumino, who had been lectured by Kirisu Mafuyu, slightly interested in watching him being lectured.

"Okay. By the way, if Yukino doesn't come here often in the future, I will find a way to ask Ai or Kaguya to tutor you. Ai, how are your academic performance?"

"I have mastered all the knowledge I learned in the three years of high school. I took last year's test papers and tested myself. I can definitely get into Tokyo University."

Ai works hard to prove herself. After all, if she can't do it, then Kaguya will teach her. Kaguya teaches Ai. I'm afraid it's not her who can tell Ai. Ordinary humans can't even solve simple questions of this level, so they should die quickly!As for whether it is an exaggeration, it is not an exaggeration, because Ai has done this to better serve Kaguya, but in order to keep a low profile, her test scores have always been in the middle of the pack.

"Then it's fine."

In Qianlu's opinion, Ai is an excellent teacher, not to mention character issues.Just saying that Ai is a maid, this should make her more patient and receptive than ordinary people.After all, having taught Fumino Furuhashi, he understood very well what it means to not be lazy, but he was simply stupid and did not understand science knowledge at all.Speak repeatedly and thoroughly.Only then can Furuhashi Fumino achieve a good learning effect.

Furuhashi Fumino couldn't wait to hear Ai's words, so she wouldn't directly think that she liked this kind of thing. On the contrary, she was keenly aware that the passion of Ai had other purposes, and what Ai showed now was far from herself. .

how to say?Furuhashi Fumino has met Kaguya. She knows Kaguya's coldness and knows that this is her disguise. She is still a normal girl at heart.But love is different, her passion, everything about her seems to be a disguise, and her heart is as cold and, well, desperate as Kaguya.

Furuhashi Fumino believes that her intuition has helped her make a significant contribution to maintaining interpersonal relationships and should be infallible.So what kind of situation would create such two extremes?Furukashi Fumino didn't know, but he was more frightened and at a loss in his heart.She has absolutely no experience with these two types of people.

Ai has some skills in the intrigues for so many years. At least she has been reporting to the superiors for so many years. The superiors did not make things difficult for her. It can be seen that she can guess what the people above want to see, and thus Write some specious content and hide the truth.Therefore, she also noticed something strange about Furuhashi Fumino. However, she was not as keen as Furuhashi Fumino. She just regarded it as a new acquaintance with the gap between friends who were not familiar with each other.

"By the way, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, do you still remember?"

Qian Ritsu was a little sidetracked by Furuhashi Fumino's topic, and only then did he remember that there was something more serious.

"I remember that he was the new light novel writer who looked mature on the outside but young on the inside?"

I have read the novel, but I don’t know Kasumigaoka Shiu, and the publicity point of Kasumigaoka Shiu didn’t dare to promote it with photos of Kasumigaoka Shiu.Therefore, after hearing what Furuhashi Fumino said, I realized that Furuhashi Fumino sees things so clearly, and his words are quite interesting.What does it mean to be young at heart?

"Yeah, she has a book signing tomorrow, and Akane Kosaka asked us to go and support her."

"Cheer her up?"

It’s true that Furuhashi Fumino doesn’t understand what support is. Call it a compliment. Furuhashi Fumino thinks he can’t lie. The only thing he can praise is his writing style. I won’t talk about the plot. If I say it, I won’t avoid criticism.You said holding a book and pretending to be a loyal reader, Furuhashi Fumino thought that he didn't like reading such simple romance novels.

Qian Ritsu told her his thoughts about love. As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed the strange look in Fumino Furuhashi's eyes.

"Fumino, please speak. Don't just look at me like that, I'm embarrassed. Haha."

"Do you think her novels are good?"

"The writing is very good, it's a nonsensical sweet story, and it's basically impossible to write a good one later."

Qianlu can use his many years of online writing career in his previous life to judge this novel. It is a pure orgasm in his head.

"Then why are you lying to people like this? Is it to please girls? That is indeed a good way!"

"!!! This, how can this please girls?"

Qianlu still can't change, isn't this support?And it doesn’t seem like there’s any big problem with it!

Fumino Furuhashi naturally had his own opinion when he said this, and he believed that Qian Ritsu was a person who could talk well and would not play with girls' feelings, so he didn't bother to ask, but unexpectedly he was asked anyway.

"First of all, let's not mention the question of whether to lie or not. Just by doing this, you will leave a deep impression on others, and then you also provided me with such excellent traditional novels. If she encounters difficulties, she will be the first It’s you who I’m looking for. If I talk to you too much, I’ll fall in love with you over time. As for the situation around you? The country supports it. If you continue to coax, it will definitely work.”

Qianlu was speechless. This was indeed the truth.Didn't Qianlu say that he wanted to play Kasumi no Gao Shiyu, and that it was annoying? I don't like this novel in the first place, but you still want to communicate and play with me?

"So, Fumino, do you have any good suggestions? How can I support you?"

"Just cheer me up. Don't say anything. Just cheer me up. This is finally support."

"That's it, let's cheer her up tomorrow. By the way, is there any universal sentence? I always think that when the time comes, I can say, you have to work hard, you have to work hard, and hold on."

Qianlu always felt that just shouting a few slogans gave him a feeling of being bossy.Furuhashi Fumino shook her head. There was no better way. She knew Qianlu's attitude. If she didn't want to interact with Kasumigaoka Shiu, then everything would be said.

Chapter 2 Kasumigaoka Shiyu

Back in Tokyo, after a night of warmth and rest.

Early the next morning, Qian Ritsu got up and headed to Akihabara.This time only he and Fumino Furuhashi went.

When they arrived in Akihabara, Machida Enko had been waiting at the main entrance for a long time. After a brief greeting, Machida took the two of them to the exhibition hall.

"The autograph session is expected to start at eight o'clock. It's still a little over half an hour away now, and I didn't see anyone in the queue outside. You can chat for a while if you want. Security has also confirmed with me. Yes, the risk level is very low now."

Qianlu nodded to show that he understood. In fact, he didn't know how to speak without being embarrassed. He could only pray that Kasumigaoka Shiyu wouldn't be willing to talk to him too much.

"Teacher Kasumi Shiko, good morning!"

"Miss Kasumigaoka, good morning!"

Unlike Fumino Furuhashi who regarded himself as a guest, Chiritsu completely regarded himself as a fan of Kasumigaoka Shiu.

Kasumigaoka Shiu was also surprised by Qianlu's title. After all, Qianlu could be considered a senior for being able to write five excellent stories. She was also a senior in the field of traditional novels. It was impossible to call her teacher.

Kasumigaoka Shiu couldn't help but think of what Enko Kamachida said last night that Senritsu and Fumino Furuhashi were coming over to meet with him before the book signing.The words at that time were somewhat implicit in comfort. Kasumigaoka Shiu finished writing the first volume of the dreamlike encounter of a boy and girl's perfect first love, and then the second volume was unable to be written. Under the reminder of the editor, and about love The understanding is not in place, so Shiyu Kasumigaoka joins the second role, starting a party struggle that is enjoyable to watch.

But obviously, this is not the story Kasumigaoka Shiyu wants. This novel carries her dream. What she longs for should be the perfect love between two people for a lifetime.Instead of some green plum falling from the sky intervening halfway.Therefore, Kasumigaoka Shiu realized that he had lost control of the plot, but relied on his literary genius and excellent writing to successfully publish the second volume.In fact, it has reached the point where it has to be published.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu knew her own shortcomings and also guessed the sales volume of the second volume.This autograph session can be said to be an announcement.The last save for sales.It can be said that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wanted to kill the thief but was unable to save his life.She has completely accepted her failure.

Therefore, this result can be said to completely live up to Akane Kosaka's previous move of asking Qian Ritsu to give her some creative ideas at the dinner party.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't understand at all why Qianlu came. It stands to reason that Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't listen to the old man's words and was suffering the consequences before his eyes. He was asking for trouble. He was not worthy of pity at all!

After ruling out the two ideas of inviting Akane Kosaka to support him and coming over to congratulate him when he saw that he had achieved results, Shiyu Kasumigaoka had a reasonable guess about the purpose of Qianlu and Fumino Furuhashi's arrival, and he was sarcastic!

However, the fact that Qianlu is talking about Kasumigaoka Shiyu's teacher really makes Kasumigaoka Shiyu confused!

"Hi everybody!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu responded with a generous smile.

"Well, let's come over. You must have some ideas, right?"

Qianlu rubbed his hands in discomfort. It was really embarrassing.Even if he doesn't know him, he doesn't like the matter of support himself.Therefore, this is the only way to open the topic.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu only replied with one modal particle. She was embarrassed to say too much. If she got the wrong meaning, it would be a complete social death.

"Fumino and I are here to support Kasumi Shiko-sensei at your autograph session. Please also ask Kasumi Shiko-sensei to sign these two books! Please!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face became extremely weird. From a behavioral logic point of view, there was something wrong with Qianlu. Why was he so crazy?Even Furuhashi Fumino on the side was a little dumbfounded.But Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't be so straightforward, saying he was sick!After signing, Kasumigaoka Shiyu directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"Qianlu, why did you think of coming over to support me?"

"Of course it's Miss Kousaka who asked me to do it, so, Kasumi Shiko-sensei, goodbye! It's Fumino's time now!"

Qian Ritsu threw the blame to Akane Kosaka without hesitation and cut off the possibility of the topic continuing.Kasumigaoka Shiyu is a big trouble. She has never been beaten by society or beaten to death by reality.Such young people are the most troublesome.

Fumino Furuhashi watched Qian Ritsu's performance and confirmed one thing in his mind, that is, Qian Ritsu was a bit like a bad guy.If you are his friend, you have no serious illness, and you ask him to do something harmless, he will really do it seriously.Of course, this does not rule out that Akane Kosaka or Shiu Kasumigaoka are of sufficient use value to allow Qian Ritsu to pretend to be a fake fan.

"So, Fumino? Are you here to support me too?"

"Of course, but I didn't bring the book. Regarding the plot of this book, I believe your editor and you have talked about it many times. You have not made any compromises, and the second volume was written reluctantly. Of course these These are all my guesses, which are completely baseless. If I am wrong, please forgive me, Shiyu! Speaking of which, why is a light novel author unwilling to modify the plot? And he is also a talented beautiful girl writer. ! I think there is only one reason!"

"That is, this book is her dream and her emotional sustenance. If so, as for your opinion on this book, if you want to finish it, please ask Ms. Kasumigaoka to have a serious relationship, or go to Try pursuing a less than qualified lover.”

Furuhashi Fumino's advice was like flipping the table. Kasumigaoka Shiyu was a little silent. All her disguises were torn apart by Furuhashi Fumino and thrown to the ground.She listened to the whole passage and recognized the truth behind it, but there was still one thing she didn't understand!

"Teacher Fumino! Why is he an unqualified lover?"

"Because it's fun!"

Furuhashi Fumino blinked playfully, but in fact she did not tell the truth, or did not tell the whole story. Both methods will lead to one result, that is, Kasumigaoka Shiu's dream is a fantasy from beginning to end.

A perfect relationship is a lie from beginning to end. It may have sweetness, but more of it is the pain of running-in and the dullness after adaptation.

The former is to make Kasumigaoka Shiyu completely give up, while the latter is one of the few ways to survive. At least it will not completely destroy Kasumigaoka Shiyu's beautiful image of love. She will only think that she has not met the right person yet.Once their eyes meet, it will undoubtedly be a repeat of the first path.

Therefore, Furuhashi Fumino showed her these two ways.

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