Chapter 271 Kasumigaoka Shiyu (2)

Kasumigaoka Shiha had the idea of ​​trying Furuhashi Fumino's proposal, but it was obvious that neither path was feasible. The former was because he didn't have a good partner, and the latter was because he thought that if he put down his body and pursued it, no one would be able to refuse. .Moreover, it would be too wishful thinking to let go of oneself and pursue an imperfect partner.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly focused on Qianlu.He is the best man Kasumigaoka Shiyu has come into contact with so far. Except for being a bit of a playboy, he is more in line with the definition of a perfect lover.

"Qianlu, you must have quite a few girlfriends, right?"

Kasumigaoka Shiu is a person who will work hard and take action when he makes up his mind. Even if he is not sure whether to pursue Qianlu, but in terms of Qianlu's personal emotional experience, his story is definitely far more interesting than those of those in the harem. novel.

"It's quite a lot. I can't even count them without counting them on my fingers."

Qianlu really didn't expect Furuhashi Fumino to give that kind of opinion, and he didn't expect Kasumigaoka Shiyu to be moved. However, it seems that it is absolutely impossible for Kasumigaoka Shiyu to pursue such a passionate lover.He is no longer an imperfect lover, but a complete Neptune.

"Then tell me about your emotional experiences! Especially any interesting stories!"

Qianlubai Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was speechless when asked.How to say?He remembered that he had said it once before, and there was absolutely nothing to say.

"Didn't I say it before? It's all about interests. If we really want to develop a relationship, I don't have the time."

Qianlu directly refused to share it. In addition to being uninteresting, it seemed to him more helpless and a bitter memory.

"You really don't like each other? I thought that in the end of the marriage, we would like each other, if both parties have no resistance?"

Kasumigaoka Shiu had heard his story and Hiratsuka Shizu's story, but not the others'. And after such a long time, something must have happened, right?Unexpectedly, he still said no, and there was a lot of regret in his tone.Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard that most of these marriages can develop into old couples and eventually love.She was curious as to what this principle was.

"Marriage first, then love! Love is nothing more than knowing, understanding, adapting, and spending the rest of your life, nothing more, nothing more."

Qianlu is not very sure of Kasumigaoka Shiyu's idea. The bustling world is all for profit; the bustling world is all for gain.Especially marriage, this kind of pure exchange of interests, is unlikely to cause changes due to family decline.Even if this is not the case, when interests are higher than marriage, this person is destined to despise feelings. How can he have meaningless feelings that may even affect interests in the day-to-day relationship?Unless one party is too lazy to please, the other party can give some positive responses from time to time.

"It seems that my knowledge is shallow."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu openly admitted her shortcomings and bowed slightly.

"Okay, let's not talk so much. Your readers should be here too. Fumino and I will take our leave now."

Qianlu made it clear this time, hurry up, I don’t want to talk anymore.

"Then will there be another chance for us to meet in the future? Just like an ordinary friend, we will have a cup of tea and chat."

"I have always believed that there is no pure friendship between men and women."

Facing Kasumigaoka Shiyu's invitation, Qianlu declined with a malicious guess.

"Am I allowed to assume that you are trying to pursue me?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled openly. The invitation she sent to Qianlu was at the level of ordinary friends. Since she didn't want to pursue him, why did she ask him out?Because Kasumigaoka Shiyu wants to understand one thing, what if, what if!Qianlu has a story, but the relationship with her is not to that extent, so it’s not easy to tell more about it.If I get to know him better, and even get to know those Qianlu's girlfriends, will I be able to know their stories?

Qianlu's response was beyond Kasumigaoka Shiu's expectation, but she has always been very ignorant. It's not that she doesn't know what is interesting in situations where public and private are clearly separated, but her understanding and understanding of Qianlu, and what Qianlu was willing to show just now. As a book fan.She thought she could joke with Qianlu appropriately.

"I have no shortage of women. Although your novel is not a best-seller, I can honestly say that the money that comes to my hands is enough for me to find a student like you and support her for more than half a year. Although you are indeed rare , but not unique. Kasumigaoka Shiyu, I don’t like you very much, but I understand and support your dream.”

Qianlu said the most hurtful words. Kasumigaoka Shiu's joke can be understood as her pride. Even if she is a man, she should pursue her.Of course, maybe there was a misunderstanding in what he said, but Qianlu didn't care anymore, he liked it as he pleased.I had no intention of establishing a good relationship with Kasumigaoka Shiyu.As for supporting Shiyu Kasumigaoka, that's purely because he came here as a young man. What young man doesn't have some orgasms and fantasies in his head?

"Then I can pursue you with peace of mind?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is still smiling. Qianlu's words are indeed hurtful, but in the last sentence, what Kasumigaoka Shiyu lacks now is understanding and support. This makes Kasumigaoka Shiyu subconsciously reduce the weight of the previous part, and Qianlu said It's indeed a fact, isn't it?

"If you are serious about what you said, then I choose to agree. Moreover, I have always been straightforward with my girlfriends. We go out on dates, go shopping, have dinner, watch movies and stay up all night. If you refuse, we break up!"

Qianlu has only three responses to these jokes, one is to attack, one is to take it seriously, and the other is to laugh.Kasumigaoka Shiu's jokes have gone from being bad at the beginning to being extremely funny now.Qianlu wants to know if the female high school students in Neon are really open-minded.

"Hmm, it's not bad. You should have paid for it, right? And the hotel is the best, right? I don't want the precious memories in my life to happen in some dirty place."

"Just this afternoon?"

Qianlu was really shocked. Now, did he agree?ah?After coming back to his senses, the first thing he said was to make this matter completely final.

"Of course not. I'm tired from signing autographs all morning, and I also need to be at my best to leave a good memory!"

"Okay, I'm leaving."

The fire that was ignited in Qianlu's heart was extinguished in an instant. It was also because she was not an ordinary female high school student, but a talented beautiful girl writer. She probably said this just to ask for a condition, and she didn't give an affirmative answer to her question. She just wanted to See his jokes.

After understanding this, Qian Ritsu lost interest and left after saying goodbye to Fumino Furuhashi.

Chapter 272 Kasumigaoka Shiyu (3)

As soon as Qian Ritsu left, Machida Enko, who had been eating melons and watching a show next to her, couldn't sit still.

"Shiyu, what do you think? Dare you joke with him? What if he takes it seriously? If you don't obey, he might directly coerce you!"

Machida Enzi's worries are not groundless, but because of the virtues of capitalists, they can do some good things.Especially for a man like Qianlu who has stood on the top of the mountain. He has so many girlfriends, except for one benefit, which is more or less a man's nature.Kasumigaoka Shiyu is so beautiful and tight, if he really falls in love with her, tsk tsk tsk!

"He is a good person! A kind-hearted person like Fumino is willing to stay by his side. I have met him a few times and we have gotten to know each other well enough to make jokes! Besides, I really want to be him My girlfriend’s!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu showed a strange smile.Machida Enoko has a big head. She still doesn't know how her author, who has a high self-esteem, can casually be someone's girlfriend. In addition, Furuhashi Fumino's words and Kasumigaoka Shiu's words are basically untrustworthy.

"Shiyu, you and I share weal and woe. What do you think?"

"Yuanzi, what do you think of Qianlu? Apart from being a playboy, is there anything else wrong with him?"

Kasumigaoka Shiu didn't answer, but asked Machida Enzi instead.Machida Enzi looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu carefully and saw that she was sunny. Knowing that it was impossible for her to say something from her heart, she sighed and said it directly.

"Nothing wrong. I even want to be his girlfriend. He doesn't refuse anyone who comes anyway!"

Machida Enko is almost [-] this year. She and Akane Kosaka also talked about their thoughts on love. After drinking too much, Akane Kosaka took the lead in giving up on herself.

"The pressure is so great, and Qianlu has the idea of ​​annexing my family. In addition, I am working for him now, and he is surrounded by young ladies. If the gambling agreement is lost or there is no suitable one in a few years, Man, I will go and confess my love to him. He must have a child, just to be happy."

Machida Enko was also pulled by Kousaka Akane at that time, and she was moved by the words, and she also played the sisterhood game. If it's really not suitable, then let's go together.

Kasumigaoka Shiu was really surprised when she heard Machida Enko say this. She originally thought that Machida Enko would say something bad about Qian Ritsu in order to dispel her thoughts, but she never thought that she would rush to send it up herself.

"Don't be surprised. Think about it for yourself. If you are successful in your career, find a man to marry. What will the man do? According to the ideas of most neon men, just be a housewife. A few of them are Accept it, everyone is busy, but if you are busy every day, the relationship will fade to some extent. When it fades, you will quarrel. If you argue too much and don't compromise, resign, and keep in touch, we will definitely separate."

"Anything short of that would be those who put on a display and become a house-husband. Just think about it, you work so hard every day, and when you come home you see a display. That display is kept at home all day long, eating and drinking. The only thing you need to have fun is a girl. After a full meal, you want to take a shower and go to bed, but he is domineering over you when you go to work tomorrow. Even saying this, he even wonders if you are messing around outside. That's the situation , can you find the right one in this place with few people? Ha!"

Machida Enko ended the fantasy with a cold snort, which actually made her more convinced that getting close to Qian Ritsu might be a better choice.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu fell into silence for a long time.She can also be considered a successful career, if she does not give up light novels.How many results can be written?According to Machida Enko, is there any solution?

First of all, it is impossible to solve the problem for most people. Even if it can be solved, it will only happen to a small number of people.What should a small number of people do?It's simple, work together and have an office romance.Or get off work early and go home to work on your relationship.But in Neon, neither path is realistic. If you fall in love in the office, your boss will drive you away. If you get off work early, your boss will drive you away.As for being a boss, ah, I'm sorry, every boss in Neon has a few lovers as a standard.

Even if there are a small number of people, they can die directly!Kasumigaoka Shiu hates people who eat and wait to die!That's what most think too.

"Don't think about it, you're only 16! You'll eventually find the right one. There are so many light novel writers, just find one with the same interests. Sister, I'll do it for you. I'll help you keep an eye on it. Get ready and open the door. Got it!"

Machida Enzi knew that Kasumigaoka Shiu had some thoughts about Senritsu, so there was no use in talking more. She just needed to take some actions to interfere with Kasumigaoka Shiu.

"Yes, I can find someone with the same goals! Perfect!"

Kasumigaoka Shiu clapped her hands and suddenly realized that she really wanted to thank Machida Enko.

"Okay, let's talk about these things later! Sit down first and get ready to sign!"

Machida Enzi pulled Kasumigaoka Shiu down, sat on her seat, and carefully prepared several opened signature pens.


Kasumigaoka Shiu also saw the staff walking towards the exhibition hall door, and the queuing area outside was already overcrowded.Today, in addition to Kasumigaoka Shiu, a light novel writer, there are other light novel writers holding a book signing on the side.They are all unknown.The purpose is to gather a number of people so that the scene will not be so deserted.

Kasumigaoka Shiu soon met her first reader.

"Hello, Teacher Kasumi Shiko! I am your loyal fan A Yirunya. Please sign this book. Can you write it as a gift to An Yirunya? Please! I am blogger TAKI, and I have I have given you strong support for your novel! I hope you will write this novel, Mr. Kasumi Shiko, it is really beautiful! Please!..."

An Yilun has also become an enthusiastic fan. Rather, he has always been crazy about his favorite otaku works.

Kasumigaoka Shiu also knew this blogger TAKI. He was unexpectedly enthusiastic and cheerful, even a little fanatical.Kasumigaoka Shiyu's initial worry about not having many loyal readers came to nothing.But as An Yilunye kept chattering, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt a little embarrassed and even said she was scared.Firstly, this person took up too much time, and secondly, Kasumigaoka Shiyu knew very well how much he could write in his novel, and his expectations would most likely turn into disappointment in the end.

"This reader thanks you for your enthusiastic support! Teacher Xia Shizi will definitely create better works with heart!"

Machida Enko saw Kasumigaoka Shiu's dilemma and spoke directly.But An Yilun would also go completely crazy.It must be said that it is precisely because of these fanatical fans that some people misunderstand this group so deeply.

When he saw An Yilun, he didn't know what he was interested in. When he was discussing in detail how to make a good novel, Machida Enzi spoke again.

"Please look forward to it when you get home!"

"What's going on! If you're causing trouble, just drive him out!"

An Yirunya's behavior not only aroused the dissatisfaction of Machida Enzi, but also aroused the dissatisfaction of the people waiting in line behind him.After such a fuss, An Yilun finally realized what was going on. He apologized and bowed, and after a few more minutes of fussing, Machida Enzi wanted to call security before he left the position in front of Kasumigaoka Shiu.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's head is getting bigger. I originally thought that Machida Enko would have very few fanatic fans, so I scorned the security guard, but now I finally realize the importance of security. Really, hurry up, and just fork out if there is another one.

Chapter 273 Fei Yingli

Qian Ritsu returned home from Akihabara and communicated with Fei Yingri through text messages during lunch time. He planned to pick Fei Yingli off from get off work in the evening.Fei Yingli naturally agreed.

On the other side, Fei Yingli, who received Qianlu's text message, was enjoying lunch with Nanami Aoyama.For Fei Yingli's health, Aoyama Nanami must make Fei Yingli eat fresh and hot meals, lunch boxes and so on!Of course, Nanami Aoyama didn't think about what to do if she went to school.

Fei Yingli felt the girl's affection and was too embarrassed to refuse.She was even more embarrassed to ask the girl to bring her food, so every lunch time, she would go home to have lunch with Nanami Aoyama and take a short lunch break.

After many days, Fei Yingli felt the warmth of home that she had never felt before, and she deeply placed Nanami Aoyama in the position of her daughter and sympathized with her.Of course, Fei Yingli would not say anything embarrassing or do anything embarrassing. She just put the lack of care for her daughter in these years on Nanami Aoyama.And this kind of care just gave Fei Yingli some experience, making her get along with Xiaolan a lot less unfamiliar.

Coming and going, it formed a cycle of its own, which made Fei Yingli very happy.

As for whether Xiaolan would meet Nanami Aoyama when she came to accompany Fei Yingli, that was not the case. Fei Yingli deliberately staggered the schedule of the two people for some unknown reason.So much so that now it is logical to prevent Nanami Aoyama from coming over at night.

"Nanami, you don't need to come over at night. I have something on hand here."

"Yes, Sister Yingli."

Nanami Aoyama is already very skilled in calling her sister Eri, and Yukiko also asked Nanami Aoyama to call her sister Yukiko. On the one hand, they have the same husband, which means they are sisters. On the other hand, they call her sister young!Moreover, Yukiko is not an old aristocrat, and does not have that much sense of superiority.Fei Yingli had heard Nanami Aoyama call her Yukiko several times by accident. After thinking about it, Nanami Aoyama called her sister, which was one of the reasons why she was not allowed to meet Xiaoran.

Qingshan Nanami shouted, it's over, this generation is somewhat in chaos.In fact, at Yukiko's wedding, this generation was almost in chaos. Fei Yingli just turned a blind eye, or she didn't want this generation to be so chaotic, or even indirectly aroused Xiaolan's suspicion.


In the evening, Fei Yingli got off work on time. When she got downstairs, she saw Qianlu greeting her from a car.

"Yingli! Come here and get in the car!"

"it is good."

Feiying agreed and came to the ordinary car. She opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. She fastened her seat belt. Qianlu started the car and took her home with him.

Fei Yingli observed Qianlu who was concentrating on driving. There were still some dishes in the car. It was obvious that Qianlu not only wanted to pick her up from get off work personally, but also cooked for her. This made Fei Yingli a little curious and moved.

On the one hand, it was because someone with Qianlu's status could drive her car, buy groceries and cook for her.On the other hand, it is doubtful, how is it possible?

"Yingli, why do you think of me? Have you thought about it? I miss you too."

There was still a little traffic jam in Tokyo in the afternoon. Even though the distance between the office and Fei Yingli's house was not long, Qianlu still noticed Fei Yingli's eyes while waiting for the traffic light.Qian Ritsu said it would be a lie if he said he had no feelings for this woman he had sex with. After Yukiko reminded her, he also remembered his neglect of Fei Yingli.Therefore, he looked directly at Fei Yingli and said this half-jokingly and half-sincerely.

Fei Yingli didn't know how good she was at identifying lies, but at this moment she was willing to believe Qianlu's words, she was just simply moved.

"I miss you. You must be very busy after so many days, right?"

Fei Yingli didn't complain about anything, but found the steps for Qianlu.

"Well, I'm quite busy. Yingli, rather than me coming to you, I would rather you send me a message to hint me. Because I am such a short-sighted person and am content with the present. And there is also Xiaolan's problem. , I heard from Xiaolan that she will come to see you many times now."

If it were another less mature woman, she might have thought, why am I looking for you instead of you looking for me? If you like me, can't you be more proactive?If you don't find me, it means you don't love me!

But Fei Yingli is different. She knows that Qianlu is indeed very busy, and she is also very busy, and she tends to neglect things when she is busy.What's more, Qianlu doesn't only have her as his lover, but there are many women. Even Qianlu's house is enough for him to see. Therefore, if he can't remember himself, he really has to take the initiative and strive for happiness by himself. .Fei Yingli doesn't have any princess disease. She thinks all day long that she is the center of the earth.

Adding another question from Xiaolan, Fei Yingli nodded seriously.Qianlu regretted it after saying this. He felt that these words made Fei Yingli less attractive.Fei Yingli's calmness and recognition surprised him.

"Xiaolan did come to find me. So, if you know my house, don't make a raid. I will look for you. Once every two months, okay?"

Fei Yingli nodded and followed Qianlu's words.As for why she didn't resist these things at all, it was because she and Mouri Kogoro divorced after Qian Ritsu helped Mouri Kogoro. Through this, Fei Yingri's mentality was changed by her to become Qian Ritsu's lover. .

Before I got a reply, the horn of the car behind me rang.Qianlu started the car in a panic and drove smoothly for a while before Qianlu relaxed.

"If possible, I would like to see you once a week!"

Qianlu was extremely serious in what he said.Even when he was in school, on Saturdays and Sundays, he would definitely visit Miyano Akemi and Sato Miwako.It lasts all day long.Fei Yingli has a job here and a law firm, so she doesn't take a weekend break or anything.So a whole day of companionship is probably not necessary.But seeing each other once every two months is too long.

Fei Yingli looked at Qianlu in surprise, no, aren't you a student?Add to this the company, the woman around you, and all these conditions combined, are you a superman?Fei Yingli's face suddenly turned red, and her brain was twitching. Not all of her companions were full of gunfire, and some were serious about sleeping.Fei Yingli wanted to give herself a slap. When did you take this kind of thing so seriously? Do you even doubt your status in Qian Lu's heart?If they really want to fuck you, how can they put down their posture and serve you wholeheartedly?

"Are you too busy? And it may not be suitable for me."

Chapter 274 Fei Yingli (2)

Fei Yingli's words had a certain flavor to it, not that she didn't want to, nor that she was resisting, but that she was intentional, but had to decline politely, and it just felt like she had no choice but to do so.

Qianlu was very surprised. Don't look at Fei Yingri, he played with Fei Yingri several times, and even had a threesome with Yukiko. They were so angry that Fei Yingri seemed to be very open-minded, but in fact she was not.Due to her biology, she is open in bed, which is exactly in contrast to her behavior after getting out of bed, thus highlighting Fei Yingli's conservatism.Fei Yingli resisted this kind of relationship.

But now, Fei Yingli seems to have no intention of resisting. This is very strange. In less than two months, what can happen?ah?

"I do have time every day. You can always find one day a week. Just like now, I buy some groceries, pick you up from get off work, cook, wash and sleep. That's it, ordinary."

Qianlu still insisted on his idea, and Fei Yingli was not so resistant. He didn't want to strike while the iron was hot!It’s not about how much I like Fei Yingli or the level of love, but when I look at my own woman purely, I feel a little more distressed. Yes, Fei Yingli is the only one, so he won’t take the initiative to sign a long-term contract. In the future, he might be able to forget her for a few months, which made Qianlu feel very guilty.

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