Fei Yingli's question is very broad, but Ai is more willing to understand it as an inquiry about the relationship between men and women. She is not possessive. It is better to say that the more people the better, so that Kaguya can hide well. When the world is peaceful, she will be free. At ease.

Chapter 277 Care

Fei Yingli can understand the meaning of love. If you want to take up Qianlu's time, you can do so. Anyway, he is full of energy, and his woman will not say that she is tired of her every day.This is true, neon women put family and men first, and whatever men say is what they want. If a woman is entangled all day long, she will be annoying. Most neon women think so.

After thinking about it and having the right to choose, Fei Yingli was afraid. As she knew very well, if she had to see Qianlu once a week, would she be considered tired of him?

"Qianlu's lovers all want to see him once a week, but are reluctant to meet him more often. Qianlu spends most of the rest of the week alone. It's not that we don't want to get close to him, it's just the distance. It produces beauty, and the passion of being separated for seven days is just enough to sustain a one-night stand to the depths.”

Ai said a little more to herself. Fei Yingli looked at this message and sighed. Is this considered to be controlled by her?

"Well, I understand. Thank you for chatting with me. I'm going to work."

Fei Yingli found an excuse to end the conversation. She was about to ask Qianlu to get up when she looked up and saw Qianlu walking over with a glass of water.

"Drink some water. If you have anything to do at work, we'll talk about it later at work. You have to have a good breakfast! Only when you're full can you have the strength to work."


Fei Yingli responded lightly, turned the screen of her phone to black, put it aside, and took the water from Qianlu's hand.

"I'll go wash up first and you eat first. By the way, what time do you usually go to work?"

"Eight o'clock."

"It's still early then, I'll see you off later."

Before the relationship with Xiaolan eased, Fei Yingli always got up at six o'clock and went to the office at seven o'clock to prepare for work.So it’s only a little after seven o’clock now.

After a simple wash, Qianlu and Fei Yingli sat at a table, enjoying the breakfast Fei Yingli bought.After looking at each other in silence, Qianlu sent Fei Yingli to her law firm after packing up all the affairs at home.

Immediately afterwards, Qianlu drove to the hospital.

Miwako Sato was involved in a car accident at the end of last year. She has been recuperating for more than three months now and has long passed the observation period.When Miwako got engaged to Kaguya a while ago, she also clamored to come to the scene to join in the fun, but when Miyamoto Yumi said that she wanted to see her well, she gave up the idea.It's getting more and more noisy these days. The doctor said that he can be discharged from the hospital at any time. Even rehabilitation has been done. Qianlu thought about it and decided that it would be today.

Not to mention that school is about to start, let’s talk about the wedding that Miwako has agreed upon. If she doesn’t leave the hospital, she and Kaguya will end up hastily.This is not good.

Qianlu was immersed in his thoughts and soon arrived at the hospital.He pushed open the door of Miwako's ward.


Miwako was very surprised when she saw Chiritsu coming in. The time when Chiritsu came was fixed, either on Saturday or after four o'clock in the afternoon every day.So, does he have anything important to do when he comes now?

"Where's Auntie?"

"I went to fetch water. You haven't told me what you are doing here?"

"Pick you up and leave the hospital."

"Hey, Senritsu-san is here to see Miwako, right? Sit down quickly."

Shinobu Sato said this and then hurriedly poured water for Qian Ritsu.

"Auntie, to be honest, doctors like Miwako have made it clear that she can be discharged at any time. If she continues to stay in the hospital like this, she will not be in a good mood towards Miwako."

"Well, it's really time to change places. Then let's go to the doctor to go through the procedures now?"

"Yeah, let's go together. By the way, Miwako, can you tell Yumi that we can have a meal together at noon or evening to celebrate your successful discharge from the hospital?"

"Will do."

After explaining some things, Qian Ritsu and Shinobu Sato went through the formalities and went through the process.There was a lot of free time along the way, and the two also chatted about some matters related to the wedding.

"Qian Ritsu-san, what are your thoughts on Miwako's wedding?"

"Just follow Miwako and your request. I will cooperate unconditionally."

What can Qian Ritsu do? He has been accompanying Miwako these days, but has not mentioned a word about the wedding.As a lesson from Yu and Yukiko's wedding, Miwako is also worried about the wedding. Chiritsu doesn't have any relatives, but she has many friends.If we invite this person over, the atmosphere of the entire wedding banquet will become tense. If we invite some of Miwako's friends and relatives, it will be even more difficult. If people from two circles are put together, won't it be difficult?

"I have a rough idea of ​​what Miwako means, which is to invite some of her colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department and some classmates. Like Miwako, you both have few relatives, so who do you plan to invite to the wedding banquet?"

"Some of my friends, about a dozen people. There won't be many. After all, it's a wedding banquet, and everyone wants to be happy. If some people who only have profit in their eyes come, I'm afraid it will change the mood."

Qianlu finally decided to shut out those dignitaries, even though this was a rare opportunity to communicate with him for legitimate reasons.As for Qianlu's friends, they are all girlfriends.Will they embarrass Miwako? Qian Ritsu probably won't.

"Well, that's fine. Miwako's living area is very small. There is only one Metropolitan Police Department. I hope you can take care of her feelings and not make it difficult for her. It seems that you have done a good job now."

Sato Shinobu is very clear about Miwako's character, and also knows how uncomfortable Miwako is in the process of establishing a positive image for the Metropolitan Police Department as a representative of the Metropolitan Police Department. Miwako is willing to do all these things: talk to people and tell ghosts. .It is conceivable that if some businessmen showed up at the wedding banquet, she, as the protagonist, would have to entertain them. In the process, she would not be embarrassed, but she would not be able to avoid feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

Sato Shinobu felt sorry for Miwako, but he didn't know how to mention it to Chiritsu. Now Chiritsu took the initiative to understand Miwako, which really made everyone happy, and Sato Shinobu breathed a sigh of relief.

Qian Ritsu saw the change in Sato Shinobi's expression and guessed that he had gained Sato Shinobu's favorability, and was secretly happy.After all, marriage is not between two people, but between two families.If Shinobu Sato is unhappy, it will definitely affect Miwako.

Qianlu doesn't like regrets and wants perfection.I have no choice but to work hard to meet the requirements of those around me.

According to Shinobu Sato's idea, he will probably stay for the night tonight. He didn't choose the house or decorate it. Now that it has been delivered, as a wedding room, he must go and see it, otherwise it will appear that he doesn't attach much importance to it. , just taking advantage of Miwako's discharge from the hospital, she went directly to the wedding room to stay for one night.It's just that Hiratsuka Shizuka has to feel wronged and has to wait for another day.

Hiratsuka Shizuka promised to take care of her as soon as he finished handling matters in Tokyo. He had never thought about so many things. He would ask Yukino to take care of her later.

Chapter 278 Miwako Sato

After finishing the formalities, I returned to the ward and looked at Miwako. She had already changed into her own clothes and started packing the things that needed to be taken away from the ward.

"Qian Ritsu, you're back. At noon, Yumi said that she would take Miaozi to have lunch with her to celebrate my discharge from the hospital."

As soon as Miwako saw Qian Ritsu come back, she couldn't wait to say that she would eat out at noon.Qian Ritsu looked at Miwako and smiled knowingly in his heart. It seemed that it was the right decision to leave the hospital. If this continued, Miwako would have a heart disease before she was discharged from the hospital.

"Auntie, do you want to come with us? Let's celebrate together."

"I won't go. There are still a lot of clutter at home that have not been cleared away, and this new home cannot be lived in. We still need to pack it up quickly."

Qian Ritsu didn't invite too many more, because Miwako's party this time was biased towards young people. If this aunt wanted to go over and sit there, the atmosphere would not be very enthusiastic.Now is the time for Miwako to feel angry, otherwise the lifelessness of this hospital will be brought out, which will affect her life to some extent.

"Yeah, mom, after lunch, I will report to the Metropolitan Police Department. I will clean up with you in the evening."

Shinobu Sato was very happy about her daughter's filial piety, but she and Chiritsu thought of each other. Although Chiritsu came to accompany Miwako every day, there was no chance to communicate with each other, and this new home was all. It needs to be warmed by the relationship between Qian Ritsu and Miwako, otherwise it will just be an empty house.There is no telling what will happen in the future, but it is always good for Qian Ritsu to spend more time with Miwako.So she gave Qianlu a vague look.

Qian Ritsu had this idea and was worried about whether his aunt really wanted him to accompany Miwako. Now he noticed Sato Shinobu's eyes and understood.

"I'll come over to help in the evening. Miwako has just been discharged from the hospital, so it won't be good if she's tired."

"Qianlu, do you think I'm some kind of spoiled young lady? Let me tell you, I'm doing very well now!"

Miwako's character is inherently straightforward, so there is nothing sinister about her words, it's more like showing off. Miwako jumped up and down several times as she spoke, just like a child.

"I know, but I want to stay with you and do something for my aunt."

During the many days that Miwako had been visiting Qian Ritsu, she was almost used to hearing such love words, just like an old married couple. She didn't blush, but just nodded in response.Shinobu Sato looked at these small details that were revealed inadvertently during their relationship, and became even more convinced that the union between Miwako and Chiritsu would lead to happiness.Relationships may not be able to withstand the passage of time, but before she leaves, Miwako will definitely learn how to manage a relationship, a sincere relationship and beautiful memories that will be enough to comfort her in her future life.

This is what every mother hopes for her children, and Shinobu Sato is no exception. The inappropriate combination of Miwako and Qian Ritsu catalyzed this expectation and turned it into impatience.

If Miwako is a little bit stupid, she will lose her advantage in this unequal love. One step will be wrong and the other will be wrong. There are so many women around Qian Ritsu that Miwako cannot make the slightest mistake.


At noon, the four met at a family restaurant. After greeting each other, the three girls started chatting enthusiastically.

Qian Ritsu was left aside and did not take the initiative to participate in the girls' conversation. They all talked about the gossip of the Metropolitan Police Department. Even though Miyamoto Yumi talked about it during her visit to Miwako, Miwako listened with great interest.

Gossip is always limited, and for Miwako, a rising star of the Metropolitan Police Department, she went from reaching the pinnacle of life, becoming a rising star of the Metropolitan Police Department, to unexpected disasters, being admitted to the hospital unfortunately, and finally being discharged from the hospital.She's obviously a better target for gossip.And Miike Naeko also noticed a detail that was not noticed by others, and used this to open up the topic.

"Miwako, where was your Mazda RX-7 FD3S modified? I also wanted to buy a car, but after asking the dealer, I found that the collision avoidance capabilities are basically not up to the level of your car. .”


Miwako was a little confused. Her car had just been repainted.Vehicle modification, this topic is generally exclusive to drag racing parties. Of course, the traffic class also has a say. After all, in addition to road traffic accidents every year, more illegally modified vehicles are confiscated, and searching for these illegally modified vehicles is just the right thing. We need to understand the modification factories and ban modifications from the source, or ban modified cars from the road.

So, did Miike Naeko not understand it?

"Yes, when you were in a car accident, our traffic department took care of it. As a result, the best-preserved vehicle at the scene was your car."

Miike Naeko said with a serious face, even the police car was knocked far away by the impact of the large truck, and even turned over.Miwako's car only moved horizontally, and even the body deformed very little.Of course, it may also be because it comes from behind and the contact area is not large, but to be honest, this kind of car is the best and it provides an absolute sense of security.

Later, Miike Naeko went to find a similar modification factory, but they said that vehicle armor modification is generally only used on commercial vehicles of wealthy people, and will never appear on old cars of civilians like Miwako.As you can imagine, money is a big issue.Miike Naeko didn't really want to change it, she just understood that after all, this was Miwako's favorite car.But Miwako seems to be completely unaware, so is there a modification factory that the Metropolitan Police Department doesn't know about?

"I'm not sure. Maybe there was no head-on collision."

Miwako's tone seemed very positive, but she didn't remember the details of that day very clearly. There was a car accident, half of her life was lost, and her soul was scared away. How could she have time to pay attention to these things.But Miwako thought of the doctor's words, and this sentence also reminded her of a possibility.

Miwako kept clamoring to be discharged, so one time the doctor also advised Miwako in an unbelievable tone. The general meaning was that her situation was not that of ordinary people. She was like a car accident involving a well-armed rich man. She was not as dangerous. Big, it will be ready soon.

So, what does this mean?It shows that the fact that Miike Naeko said that the vehicle armor was modified may indeed be true, but Miwako has no relevant memory, and she does not have amnesia. Therefore, the vehicle was armor modified without her knowledge.

Who asked for it?What's the purpose?Miwako asked these two questions almost directly and determined the answers immediately.It's Juyan. The purpose is not to make me half-dead or directly dead.

Chapter 279 Miwako Sato (2)

To be honest, Miwako still can't forget that incident.Tachibana Iwat told her about Kudo Shinichi for no reason. She also felt that something was wrong, but she never expected that this was a matter of life and death.While he was in the hospital, two young big shots from the Metropolitan Police Department were Detective Hakuba and Shiratori Rensaburo. One of them was a rich man, and the other was the son of the top leader of the Metropolitan Police Department. Tachibana Iwa wanted to kill them. It is also logical for her to allow these two to gain merit.

But now, things have turned around. Her vehicle has been modified. The only people involved in this matter who had this ability were Qianlu and Juyan.The former also beat his uncle half to death, while the latter induced her to follow Kudo Shinichi. In the end, she was involved in a car accident while saving Kudo Shinichi and her life was in danger.

Both of them have a grudge against her, but unlike Qianlu's simple hostility, Juyan has a reason to keep her alive, because of her father, and because Juyan may still have a little justice in his heart.Miwako thought so, but without any evidence, the whole thing became confusing again with Miike Naeko's questions.

"It's okay, Miwako, you are discharged from the hospital safely! Come and let us have a drink to celebrate Miwako's discharge."


Miike Naeko noticed something was wrong with Miwako, so she said something and ended the topic with a toast.

After dinner, the three girlfriends who talked about everything were about to return to the Metropolitan Police Department together. Qian Ritsu and Miwako had said that they would spend the entire afternoon helping Shinobu Sato pack up the things at home so that they could return home as soon as possible. move place.Miwako hugged him generously as a reward, but he would be shy if he got any closer.

Miwako returned to the Metropolitan Police Department and immediately found Officer Megure to report, followed by Officer Matsumoto who had been promoted for some time. These were all direct superiors. After a brief conversation, Miwako found that there was nothing that still needed to be dealt with. Since the detectives were hired as the Metropolitan Police Department's special operations team, the speed at which the Metropolitan Police Department solves cases has skyrocketed, which has made the public's trust in the Metropolitan Police Department increase day by day.

After hesitating, Miwako decided to talk to Tachibana Iwa.If that matter is always clear, there will always be a thorn in my heart.What if, Miwako means what if, if the leaders of the upper-level police department of the Metropolitan Police Department ignore the people and wantonly persecute their people for the sake of intrigue, then do I still need to stay in such a police department?

Miwako didn't know, she could only pray crazily that Tachibana was an excellent leader who still had justice in his heart, otherwise Miwako felt that she would be extremely disappointed!

"Please come in!"

With Tachibana's permission, Miwako stepped into his office again.

"Officer Sato, welcome back to the team!"

Tachibana smiled when facing Miwako, but the scars on his face made the smile full of aggression, as if a vicious person was looking at a dead person, showing a cat-and-mouse playful mockery.

"Sir Orange, you're fine!"

"If you have any questions, please just ask."

After finishing speaking, Tachibana Iwa returned to the work at hand, not taking Miwako seriously at all.Miwako was also angered by such contempt. Damn it, last time I listened to you and walked out of this door, I almost went to hell!How can you not feel guilty at all!

"Chief Orange, what happened to my car accident?"

"According to the report of the Traffic Division, it was Officer Sato who suddenly accelerated, rear-ended the car in front, and was hit by a stalled truck, causing the accident."

Tachibana Yan discussed the matter very seriously, as if the advice he had to Miwako before the car accident didn't exist.

"Then why did you try to trick me into following Kudo Shinichi's car!"

"Inducement? I just made a suggestion, or even just said it casually. It's you who makes the decision!"

Miwako thought about it carefully, and it was true. At that time, Tachibana Iwak asked whether she wanted to follow Kudo Shinichi, and she just said it without any end, and she actually went, in a private capacity.

"My car was tampered with. I want to know, if there is a story with me as the protagonist, what is the purpose of the person who saved me?"

Miwako was sure that Tachibana would not use any extreme language, and the real conspiracy could not be told, so Miwako wanted to see if Tachibana could solve her doubts in the name of a story.

"To put it simply, I asked you to go, not to ask you to die. Of course, I also considered the situation of you dying, so I made modifications. As for why I don't want you to die, on the one hand, you and Qianlu There is a big connection. Your existence and your actions will make the public believe that the Metropolitan Police Department has a lot to do! On the other hand, I have worked with Masayoshi Sato, and like you, I have stood in your position and spoken out. But You understand it now, don’t you?”

Miwako was shocked by Tachibana's honesty, but then she felt more helpless.What Ju Yan said clearly was to learn to be tactful, but after learning to be tactful, she was also afraid. She was afraid that one day she would offend someone or be plotted by someone because she was not tactful enough, so she chose to retreat or at least stay away. Be sleek and away from the camera.

"I'm getting married to Qianlu, in a few days. I won't stand here anymore. We are all mortal, but I don't want my mother to give away her white hair to her black hair."

Hearing Miwako's words, Tachibana was disappointed, but he could also understand that Miwako was not alone. She could not ignore the feelings of her family for the sake of justice, not to mention that she had been severely beaten by society and was really facing the difference between life and death. The great terror of time.

"I understand you. I will take care of your current position. Also, do you need to be transferred to a civilian position?"

"No, I still want to stay here. That's it, just take a look."

Miwako chose to stay away from power disputes and worldly attention, but that doesn't mean she has to stay away from the front line. At least she will still investigate the case.

"If you need any help in the future, feel free to come to me. On behalf of the Tachibana family, I would like to congratulate you on your marriage to Mr. Wuliangta Chiyo."

Tachibana made a promise and gave his blessing to Miwako's wedding for the first time.Officially speaking, even though Miwako knew that not many capitalists and careerists would come to her wedding, she still felt the influence of Senritsu.Originally, they wanted to use Qianlu as a backer to stay away from the intrigues caused by power. Now it seems that the Metropolitan Police Department and even the National Police Agency are divided into different factions, and they are intrigues with each other.

Wait, Miwako suddenly realized something.Why did you marry Qianlu?I was worried that Juyan wanted to kill her for profit. Now that the misunderstanding has been revealed, is this combination unnecessary?

Chapter 2 Miwako Sato (3)

Miwako came out of Tachibana Rock's office and returned to her work station. She opened the internal system of the Metropolitan Police Department and planned to take a look at some cases to gain some knowledge.

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