Miwako did have an answer to the question that suddenly occurred to her just now, and that was that it was unnecessary.That’s right, nothing!The function of Qianlu is only to prevent oneself from being persecuted.But in the actual process, it often turns out that one has to participate in the struggle for power inadvertently.Or without realizing it, it has become an influencing factor in the power struggle.This has backfired.So, no need.

However, it is one thing to realize that it is unnecessary, and it is another thing to decide and publicly not to get married. What will the mother think?Where is Yumi?Where is Qianlu?Where are the dignitaries around Qianlu?

There are so many things that need to be considered, far beyond what I can think about clearly and comprehensively.Just like Shizuka Hiratsuka advised her not to insist on getting involved in Qianlu's relationship circle, because you never know whether you will be a victim or Qianlu's lover.

Now, I finally understand Hiratsuka Shizuka's words, and even more understand that Hiratsuka Shizu couldn't help himself at that time.It's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out. Relationships don't just disappear.

Miwako was extremely irritable. Without any clue, she opened the investigation file about her car accident.

It is unimaginably simple, with only three pages. One page is the accident scene investigation, one page is the witness statement, and the other page is the case investigation report.

Although Miwako is not a police officer in the Traffic Division, she listened to their reports when she played with Yumi and Miike Naeko.

Three pages like this are definitely missing. For example, the forensic examination report of the criminal suspect is not included in this case!Another example is the vehicle condition inspection report, which must be submitted to the final file.

Miwako became calm after the shock. She knew very well that this case could not withstand careful investigation, otherwise it would be hastily closed and everyone would be happy.

It's not like she hasn't heard of this situation before. Her seniors even said that someone in the police academy taught her some implicit rules. For example, when it comes to Yakuza disputes, don't investigate in detail, what is the situation at the scene, and what is the testimony of the witness? Record it truthfully, don't doubt it, don't pursue it.Although Miwako's search section [-] will not find these, she has heard some handlings in her years of work experience.

In addition, although her uncle was the indirect murderer of her father, she still felt a lot of gratitude for his care over the years. When she learned that her uncle had been injured by the Yakuza, The first thing to do is to give those Ji Dao a set and send them in.But what did Juyan say?They are external personnel of the Metropolitan Police Department and represent the Metropolitan Police Department. When criminal suspects resist law enforcement, it is necessary to use violent methods.Miwako really wants to kill someone!

Later, Miwako became the person in charge of special operations of the Metropolitan Police Department and a rising star of the Metropolitan Police Department. She was well aware of her great power and fame, and she also thought about using this to clear away the darkness of the Yakuza, but Before she could take any action, she was admitted directly to the hospital. She also understood that a series of transactions involving interests, power, etc. that could not be disclosed to the public were not to be touched.Just like Kudo Shinichi, whoever comes will die.

Suddenly, Miwako figured it out. Kudo Shinichi was not only the son of Kudo Yusaku. Not only the [-] clans wanted to kill him, but the Metropolitan Police Department also wanted to kill him!Because he stole the spotlight from the Metropolitan Police Department and the detectives represented by him, Miwako suddenly realized the root cause of why detectives were being targeted these days.

She was stunned for a while, then relaxed and sighed, forget it, why are you thinking so much!I am incompetent, and I still feel uncomfortable. As for the car accident, haven’t I learned enough lessons?Forget it.

Miwako just waited idle until get off work and drove back to her new home.Qianlu helped find someone to repair her car.In the afternoon, Qianlu helped his mother completely pack up the things in the original home so that she could live in it completely.

When I got home, I opened the door, said "I'm back", changed my shoes, and walked into the living room. Qian Ritsu was watching TV with Sato Shinobu, and the two of them were chatting.

"Miwako, are you back? Qian Ritsu said that he would stay here for one night, saying that he wanted to stay with you!"

Shinobu Sato is here, and he is very aware of the desire of young men and women who have tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time. Qianlu and Miwako must be unavoidable. After several months of abstinence, it is time to vent their emotions. Qianlu tonight This is also where staying overnight plays a role.Shinobu Sato said it very happily. She thought that her daughter would be shy, or a little bit happy, after all, Qianlu had just returned to China to see her, and she cried and cried in order to get together with Qianlu. Noisy.

However, unexpectedly, Miwako's face was even more embarrassed.Although she and Qianlu were in a relationship, they still stayed in the first stage of the relationship.Holding hands, hugging, kissing, negative distance contact.Among them, hugging is the upper limit.

Miwako is upright, but not an idiot. She has seen disputes between men and women in all her years as a police officer, not to mention that there is Yumi next to her who keeps telling her that Qian Ritsu spends the night at her place.

Shinobu Sato captured Miwako's expression. Zhizi was like a mother, and she knew what this meant.Just embarrassed?Isn't this a joke?Would their feelings make such a thing embarrassing?Could it be that he is here, or that Qianlu's body is not good enough.

Qian Ritsu also saw Miwako's expression and was a little embarrassed. He thought Miwako was ready. After all, under Yumi's mediation, they had gotten to know each other before and were sure to marry.But this time?Qian Ritsu just thought that Miwako had gone back on her word or that she was a conservative who wanted to save the first time until the wedding day.It is also very interesting.

"Miwako, I suddenly remembered that I have a very important meeting tonight, and I will be leaving soon after dinner. I'm very sorry."

Qian Ritsu lowered his head slightly, it was considered that the details were in place, Miwako didn't want to, he came to admit his mistake, this was considered to be accommodating to the woman.After all, he is the scumbag and he is the one who owes the romantic debt. Miwako is willing to share him with others. What if she feels a little wronged now?

Shinobi Sato's face was not very good-looking. For whatever reason, they were not united, which already explained a lot of things.But Miwako didn't say anything. Instead, it was Qian Ritsu who helped Miwako step down.There is no excuse for wanting to get angry at Miwako.I just wrote it down secretly and will ask about it later.

"Then I'm going to wash the vegetables now and help my mother with the chores."

Miwako was relieved to see Qian Ritsu being so cooperative. After all, if Qian Ritsu was really forced to stay, she would have to suffer some losses or get into trouble no matter what. Even her unconscious resistance just now aroused the dissatisfaction of Shinobu Sato.Miwako sighed secretly in her heart, what should we do?

"Well, then I'll start cooking now. With Miwako's help, we'll have food soon."

Shinobu Sato and Miwako both entered the kitchen, while Qian Ritsu stayed alone in the living room. He quickly sent a message to Shizuka Hiratsuka, saying that he would go there tonight.

Miwako didn't want him to stay, so why would he? He and Miwako were the only boyfriend and girlfriend who got married due to a blind date under the pressure of their parents. They didn't have much love, so if they really lived together, it would be embarrassing.Therefore, Qian Ritsu has been racking his brains to dispel Miwako's idea, but due to Yumi's idea and the lack of any good solution, he did not take action.

Now that Miwako doesn't want to, he is still happy!Hiratsuka Shizu is his wife!My wife is truly and deeply in love!Now Hiratsuka Shizuka was so busy that he wanted to go over and take care of her no matter what.

In the kitchen, the two have a clear division of labor and work closely together. It seems that this is not the first time they cook together. Although Miwako is not proficient in cooking, she is also a good girl who often helps her mother.

"Miwako, what do you and Qian Ritsu think?"

Shinobu Sato stopped beating around the bush and asked directly. He didn't have much time to give her any twists and turns. If it was Chiritsu's problem, he could see if he could help. Although Chiritsu was worried about something, it was only because of Miwako's face that something was wrong, so If I help him get off the stairs, he will still get off without any problem. The first thing now is to figure out where the problem lies.

"What do you think?"

Miwako still chose to pretend to be stupid. Not to mention that Miwako herself didn’t think it through well. Just talking about such a general topic is annoying. It’s like, if you confess that you have done something good, if you are stupid, you will be treated like this. To scare someone, it really means to reflect on yourself from the time you were born to now, and then explain these negative things clearly like pouring beans.Miwako thinks too much about Qian Ritsu that it’s not suitable to talk about it, and she can’t finish it.

"Are you and Qianlu both in good health?"

"It's normal."

"Then you guys met and were together before you were hospitalized. You can't have done nothing, right?"

"No, I go home every day."

Miwako followed Shinobu Sato's topic and said whatever she said was true. Fortunately, she didn't mention that she didn't want to get married just now, otherwise something might have happened.

"Then, forget it. It's okay."

What can Shinobu Sato do?There are two people, one is the Neptune who has many wives, and the beautiful woman is not bad at all, so why can't she cheat her?Is it really just about pure love?Since the two of them had nothing to cook, Shinobu Sato didn't ask. Did she still have to support her precious daughter in rushing up to deliver it?

Miwako breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Sato Shinobu had no idea of ​​continuing.

"By the way, when will you and Qianlu get married? It will be about a week after you leave the hospital as agreed before. Now you have to start preparing. You can't be careless about this matter. Qianlu has already said it, but he won't invite him. As for those who don’t matter, just invite some friends. The guests at the wedding will still be your colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department, as well as some relatives and friends."

"I think I can treat you well. You don't have to worry too much. You have to deal with all those intrigues all day long. Just listen to your mother and live a good life. Although I have a lot of wives, I don't have much time to accompany you. And Not mom! When you give birth to a child, mom will feel at ease. Man, it doesn’t matter whether you can trust Odu or not. Mom is here! Your future children will be here too! After all, you have a family. "

Sato Shinobu talked and talked, which was heartbreaking. Miwako also had red eyes. Her mother was the only one who pulled her up. She also understood very well what it means to have a family. .

The more Shinobu Sato said this, the more uncomfortable Miwako felt. Apart from the lack of affection for her marriage to Chiritsu, and the possible interest disputes due to the marriage, there was another person who should also be there. Within the scope of Miwako's consideration, that is Miyamoto Yumi.

As we all know, the social circles of Miyamoto Yumi and Miwako are highly overlapping, so the question arises, if Miwako marries Chiritsu and invites everyone from the Metropolitan Police Department to a banquet.So can the marriage between Miyamoto Yumi and Chiritsu still be blessed by some of her friends in the Metropolitan Police Department?

This is an issue that has to be considered. In fact, when Miwako thought about it, Miyamoto Yumi said that she would not hold the wedding in Tokyo because her hometown is in Kansai and her parents are no longer here. , so she neither needs the blessings of her colleagues nor the blessings of her family.What she wants is to get married on a trip. She can get married while on honeymoon. She doesn’t have to think about wedding photos and can just go and take them wherever she goes.

Miyamoto Yumi's words are correct, but after all, they cannot be made public.At this time, other questions arise. What ring did you wear when you were not married?Why don't you invite your colleagues when you get married?Who is your husband? Why don't you take him out to meet you? etc. These problems added up will give Miyamoto Yumi a bad reputation or even direct social death.This is what people say about fear.

So, do you want to get married?Miwako was lost in thought for a moment.

"Miwako, please help me cut the vegetables. Mom is old too and talks too much, so don't be annoyed."

Shinobu Sato could see the softness in Miwako's heart, and was very worried about what would happen if she was bullied if he was not around.Teach me, it's not that Miwako doesn't know how to do it, she just doesn't want to. Miwako's character is to treat people sincerely, and a sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity.Don't teach her. When Miwako wakes up, she won't have the theoretical knowledge.

Miwako blinked, trying hard not to let the tears flow out. She quickly went to the chopping board and picked up the kitchen knife. With her excellent knife skills, it seemed as if her worries were cut off with the rising and falling of the knife.

At the dinner table, everyone was in peace.After eating, Qian Ritsu left Sato's house and drove to Chiba to find Shizuka Hiratsuka. Before that, he had to buy some vegetables and prepare to make a sumptuous dinner.

Chapter 281 Shizuka Hiratsuka

When Qian Ritsu packed up and arrived at Hiratsuka Shizuka's house, it was already dark.

Hiratsuka Shizuka's home is a manor-style single-family villa. Different from those one-family houses, there are security guards around the villa alone, so Qianlu wanted to come quietly and surprise Hiratsuka Shizu, so naturally he did so. Not here.

Different from the Hiratsuka family in the suburbs where Qian Ritsu had been, the overall building scale here was much smaller, and there was only one villa, so Qian Ritsu knocked on the door easily without worrying about finding the wrong house.

Hiratsuka Shizuka opened the door immediately, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

"I'm very sorry, I just came here today."

"Hurry up and change your shoes. You won't have to go to such trouble next time. There is still some food at home."

Shizuka Hiratsuka saw Qianlu carrying a large bag, and while being moved, she also ideally thought about Qianlu. She walked over and took the things in one hand, and took Qianlu with the other hand and walked a few steps forward. The shoe cabinet is here.


Qianlu's attention was all on Shizuka Hiratsuka, and he was suddenly thrown down by a soft body. With his heart palpitating, he immediately turned his head and saw an eccentric girl, or a woman, Yukinoshita Yang. So.

"What? You don't welcome me? Then I'm leaving!"

Yangno had no intention of coming down, so she lay on Qianlu's back, looking at Qianlu pitifully, as if Qianlu would cry if she really said she was not welcome.

Although Qianlu was frightened and knew that Yangno was acting to some extent, he still softened his heart. He always did this to women who had been married before, and he did not visit Yangno when he came to Chiba. The chat was not very enthusiastic, which felt a bit sorry for her.

"Welcome, of course you are welcome. I miss you. Aren't you out of time? Jing, I am also very busy and have not come here until now. I plan to live in Chiba these days. I will stay with you all day long, okay? ?”

Yang Nai suddenly smiled, but still did not agree.Shizuka Hiratsuka is busy, and she is also busy. If we really go out to play during the day, it might delay a lot of things!

"No. If Xiaojing has to go to work, why don't I use it? Do you want to be my secretary?"

"Okay, if you have anything to say, you can go sit and lie down on the sofa. Now, change your shoes for me."

It's not that Shizuka Hiratsuka is jealous or anything, it's better to say that if Yangno doesn't come, she will ask Yangno to come over.What she's afraid of is that Qianlu is so good to her that she rushes over to eat. She must have a good rest in her current state. Staying up all night doing exercises is nothing. If she really does this, she will most likely not be able to get out of bed, or even He might die suddenly.

"Humph, Xiaojing is jealous, what will you do now?"

Harunoma slipped down and walked to Qian Ritsu's side, with a proud look on her face. After saying that, she went back to the sofa in the living room and collapsed.

Qianlu shook his head and didn't know what to say, but he still looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka in fear.Hiratsuka Shizuka was so happy, are you still afraid of me? Am I such a jealous person?Judging from your appearance, I was afraid that I might have soaked myself in a jar of jealousy.

"We were not the only girls in your house before. What are you afraid of? Come in quickly, Yangno looks like this, she's fine."

Hiratsuka Shizuka previously felt that Yangno's playful behavior was inappropriate, but when she entered the company and saw her colleagues and some friends, they were all polite, as if they were just socializing for the sake of socializing, and they were definitely not That kind of close friend.Only then did I suddenly realize what it means to have a good relationship that allows for fights.Besides, Yangno's fun finally brought a little life to her usually busy life.

Only when playing with Yangno can I feel that I am still alive!

Qian Ritsu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Hiratsuka Shizu's appearance was not a disguise.After all, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Just now, all his attention was focused on Yangno, and his desire to survive was full, but he ignored Shizuka Hiratsuka who was standing beside him.However, in this emergency situation, I still remember that it is good to coax people. What I fear most is hesitating and worrying about one thing and not the other.

Qian Ritsu changed into slippers, walked through the living room, and saw the lazy Harano. Then he noticed that Harano was wearing loose pajamas. Then he suddenly realized whether this was the Hiratsuka Shizuka family or the Harano family. Or is it that Yangno has been here for several days?

In addition to the open clothes, there were also scattered documents on the small table. After thinking about it, Qian Ritsu finally understood that the Yukinoshita family and the Hiratsuka family had already reached a cooperative relationship. The leaders of the Yukinoshita family were Harano and Hiratsuka. The leader of the family has been replaced by Hiratsuka Shizuka, so Harino will definitely know it. Even outsiders know it for the first time. Harano chose to come here because of the cooperative relationship or even the relationship between sisters who have carried the same cannon. Help Shizuka Hiratsuka.

After thinking about this, the worry about whether Yangno's presence here would affect his ability to take care of Hiratsuka Shizu disappeared.

"Boy, I'm going to start cooking now. Are you hungry?"

Qianlu went into the kitchen, not intending to come out and continue to be bored for a while. He looked at the night with the moon above the willows, and his heart was pounding. Although he wanted to give Hiratsuka Shizuka warmth, it was too late.

"We just had tea in the afternoon! Cook less!"

"Yangno has a big appetite, it's okay if you cook more... Wuwuwu!"

Yangno yelled loudly, and Shizuka Hiratsuka waited for her to finish speaking before mercilessly breaking down the situation. However, before Shizuka Hiratsuka finished speaking, there was only whining.Qian Ritsu glanced at the living room. Yangno directly knocked down Hiratsuka Shizuka and used physical silence.It seems that the relationship between the two is really good.

Qianlu just glanced at it and continued to deal with the ingredients in his hands. After having afternoon tea, he had to eat on time. After that, he would wash up and go to bed. It was about this time.

Not long after, a table of delicious meals was finally ready, and the three of them silently chanted around the table, "Let's get started!"

"Not bad! Much better than what Xiaojing did!"

After Yangno took a bite, he started to comment directly. Hiratsuka Shizu was not happy when he heard it. How could he talk?

"Yes, yes, I can't stop you from eating. I ask you to cook a dish, but I have to heat up a pot."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll be cooking these days while you two take a rest."

Qianlu couldn't decide whether the two of them were complaining or just joking, but since it was a decided matter, it wouldn't be considered a big deal.

"Hey, it seems that Xiao Jing is more important in your heart, so I'm here to enjoy it too."

Yang Nai said this seriously, and he was obviously jealous.

"Is this a problem? Yang Nai is waiting for the day when I am free. I will stay at your house and make food for you every day."

"I appreciate the kindness, but there are servants in my house."

Yang Nai once again rejected Qianlu's kindness and love.

Chapter 282 Shizuka Hiratsuka (2)

With Yang Nai's refusal, the chat at the dinner table fell into an awkward atmosphere for a while. Everyone just wanted to have a good meal.

Qian Ritsu was the first to put down his chopsticks. He had eaten at Miwako's house and was not very hungry. In addition, Haruno and Hiratsuka Shizuka deliberately slowed down their eating speed.

"Hurry up and take a shower after eating! What's wrong, do you still need us to take care of you?"

Yang Nao saw Qianlu put down his chopsticks, and also noticed that Qianlu was idly watching the two of them eating, and felt quite shy, haha.

"Why don't I wait until you finish eating and I'll clean it up!"

"Tsk, I have made up my mind to raise the two of us into a state that is inseparable from you!"

Yangno's teasing is always so unexpected.

"How can you two be taken care of by me? You and Jing have both become workaholics. I wish you could just be idle at home, even if I have to work hard to serve you every day. This happens day by day. I’m tired, what are you doing!”

Before Qianlu traveled through time, he didn't need too much money, just enough to survive. Making money was too tiring.Now looking at Hiratsuka Shizuka and Harano like this, this idea is even more confirmed.It’s really not worth the gain. If you are working so hard now, you may suffer from many illnesses when you get old!No matter how much money you have, no matter how good your medical conditions are, it is you who will suffer.From this point of view alone, you must be able to make money as well as maintain your health. This is what a truly rich person looks like.

"What are you doing? I probably want my sister to be free."

Yangono's words were a little lonely. Everything she did in the past was meaningful, at least in her heart. But now that Yukino is like this, everything she has done has become useless.Yukino was not able to enjoy her youth and live as a free person as she wanted.Instead, he fell deeper and deeper into the quagmire of power, and his personality began to become distorted.Even after returning to Chiba, what are you studying now? Economics and management!

"This is a family business. My parents can no longer sustain it. It's time for me to take over for their sake."

Although Hiratsuka Shizu's words were tired, they were more determined.Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.The previous generations like Kaguya and Haruno are different from each other. Most of those who inherit the family property either do it voluntarily and have had this goal since childhood, or they can't bear to see their parents so tired. Hiratsuka Shizuka is both the former and the latter.After all, no one in the Hiratsuka family can inherit except her.So she knew very well that she had just been escaping and now there was no way out.

What can Qianlu do?It was impossible to persuade them to show off. This was not their character. All he could do was to take more time to come over and supervise what they should eat, drink and sleep well.

"Okay, I was wrong. Eat well and don't think too much. It's rare to get back home."

"Don't think so much! You've already cooked the food, why don't you allow us to wash the dishes? Huh? If you really want to do something, give me a back rub later!"

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