"Use the Gengdan Vajra as a signal receiver and transmitter, allowing the satellite equipped with the M crystal to continuously position and emit energy to disrupt my interference in real time. You are... really luxurious now. That is even better than the energy crystal. Although it is not impossible to use energy crystals to directly purify and transform rare companion creatures, the price is too high. How much effort will you spend just to create this perfect replica of the Gengdan Vajra?"

"It doesn't matter. It's my armored beast that mines, my Shadow Guardian that earns the money to build the satellite, and Oxer under my command who monitors and operates the satellite in real time. Only the adjustment of the satellite launch takes me a few minutes. Time itself takes action.”

"...Except for you, how long are the construction periods?"

"Excluding the time to make money, my armored beast has been mining outside for almost six years. I come back occasionally. After all, if it does not damage the planet, each living planet can only collect a little bit, and the wormhole plus the speed of light will also take a long time. Time. Oxer has eight people in three shifts and has been working since I first came to this world, all year round. After all, we can't let him directly link to the sun that I have linked to. That will put a burden on us. The collective unconsciousness is shared, and the consequences will be dire.”

The Shadow Emperor who landed on the satellite said to LISA.

"It's a pity that you won't be used as a street lamp. But...Otan, the Emperor, and the Shadow Emperor. Apart from these three, do you still have the energy to take on other collective unconsciousnesses?"

"That's right, but there are still risks in maintaining them for a long time, so I split them and transferred them to the Shadow Guardians. Thanks to this, I now have to kill five of them with the Emperor Armor."

"So it was achieved by dismantling the parts of the Emperor's armor? Using this method, I thought you cherished this armor."

"I have a deeper affection for the belt used for filming, so I asked Bad Water to take it away. After all, [I] will not have the energy to ensure that it is not damaged for a long time. As for the original armor of the Emperor, ...It can’t be damaged even if it’s plugged into a black hole, and it’s difficult to deform greatly on a neutron star. Stars are orthodox energy sources, so there is no need to consider whether they will be damaged or how to repair them.”

"Orthodox energy supply? What's going on with your... heart now?"

"A transformation of the core energy ball, which is also the first energy source for any armor I use now. I tried the Xingtian Armor some time ago, but after upgrading it, it still broke due to the excessive energy output. Now I have changed The body can only use the ultimate armor. Without them, he is just an ordinary person."

"If you were to die, the explosion would be enough to sweep across the entire galaxy, right?"

"I don't know. I haven't been seriously injured since I became like this. Compared with this, I want to tell you something."


"The Rakshasa Purgatory Cannon, I will install it on the satellite next. Lock the Shura Summoner through the satellite, and I will directly attack the past me here. Then I will be defeated for a few hours."

"There is at least ten years of experience and accumulation between you and yourself now. Don't try to deceive me here. Even if you can hide it from the little girl who relies purely on instinct to read the blood memory, you can't hide it from the thorough analysis of the blood memory. The essential me. How can you lose to your past self like this?"

"Because that involves a part of the individual's unconscious, right."

Although it was a question, the Shadow Emperor had a completely affirmative tone.

"Don't interrupt and answer my question."

"...The existence of the Emperor's Armor in the Armor World is close to that of Ultan in the Universe Star God World."

"I know this, but strictly speaking it should be the Emperor's Armor and the Shadow Emperor combined, right?"

"It has nothing to do with the energy level, I just mean the properties. Although its data can be filled in at any time in the armor world, the speed of light is beyond the speed of light. There is no question of whether it can be done or not, but that is because it is equivalent to a world Administrator authority. In other worlds, the emperor's armor without authority is still a set of armor, and its own output has an upper limit."

"And this value is very high, higher than the normal level of top combat power in the world."

"For example, if the Emperor's armor is Saitama, others can't survive like Boros the Wolf - I'm talking about One's "One Punch Man". In fact, I've never been to a similar world, so you just treat it like this It’s just a simple example.”

"With the same possession of Ultan's core energy ball, we can all use the Emperor's armor to its full strength."

"But this refers to full performance. I think you understand the difference between a veteran who has killed Sekiro 1000 times with the same equipment and a player who is new to this type of game."

"My experience allows me to have a higher lower limit of combat effectiveness, but what determines my upper limit is my subconscious fighting state after losing consciousness. And the way to enter this state is usually to cause me to be seriously injured."

"Then the question is, how can a [human] who has practiced for many years and whose skills surpass the Flame Emperor and surpass...many powerful warriors, fight against the Emperor's Armor controlled by the collective unconsciousness of Star Gods, humans, and all races in the Armor World?"

"You mean you're looking for a beating, right? You have no interest in such things at this time."

"I'm not interested either, but... not long ago, there was a slight change in my mentality. So I plan to change the script, starting with Aurora and Yang Weigo facing Akatsuki Sa, who has become the Fourth True Ancestor, and trying to rescue him. Kill the Fourth True Ancestor at the same time as the other party. For this reason, in order to avoid possible mistakes, I also transferred the soul of Akatsuki Nagisa, confused the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor, and inserted another pseudo-soul."

"But now, what you have to do is to challenge Aurora alone to challenge the Fourth True Ancestor. Did she win with all her accumulation?"

"If you endure the pain and rush forward to suck blood, because as the monitor of the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor, her body structure is different from that of other Yanguang Yebo, so she can directly transfer the power and the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor to herself. It can be done in the body. And if she can complete this task alone, I will give her a promise that as long as I can do it, anything can be done."

"What about your past self? How do you deal with it?"

"Ultan's energy reserve is unlimited, but I only have a small amount of energy in my body now. If I fight with all my strength, five hours will be the limit. Then I will say goodbye to the Emperor Man and Ultan in him. .”

"You took the initiative to beat me up for five hours...that's awesome!"

LISA clicked her tongue in amazement, becoming more and more curious about what this man had gone through.


[If you don’t want anything to happen to Yangwu Qu, come to this place. 】

This is the news Yang Weiwu received after settling Michael Jiesibi and Talisman.

The Shura Summoner is a summoner that mimics a mobile phone. It has a very excellent function of blocking spam messages and unregistered numbers, so the name of the sender, Yang Weiwu, was seen.

Yang Lucun.

It's his father's name.

He can completely guess that the person who will deliberately lead him to somewhere at this time must be from the shadow world (even if he is not, it must be for this message), so he can understand that this is an obvious trap.

But there are always some things that a person cannot tolerate.

How would you feel when someone sends you a kidnapping letter similar to that of your relatives in the name of your dead father?

Yang Weiwu's answer to this question was to come directly to the door.

When he came to the open space outside the abandoned warehouse on the mail, the strong sense of crisis made him immediately complete the armor integration and use the transformation to change the scene.

But a beam of light passed through the space and blasted him out.

The lavender, electric energy column penetrated the five dark red gems on the chest, causing the power display on the opened Shura Summoner to rise slightly.

But the energy flow that broke through the defense made Yang Weiwu, who was already feeling burning pain in his chest, half-kneeling on the ground.


After hearing the footsteps, he endured the pain and looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a figure that looked like a devil crawling out of purgatory.

He took off the broad-bladed long knife from the huge heavy cannon and threw the cannon body aside casually.

Yang Weiwu recognized that knife——

Shura Purgatory Knife.

So he also understood the other party's identity.

Someone wearing Shura armor.

what does that mean?He understood immediately.

Because the memory that was temporarily forgotten by the evil land using technological means began to revive, along with the memory of blood.

"Are you... my future self?"


"Now, what you are doing now, is there even the slightest betrayal of the past?"

The prison-faced Shura was speechless, and just summoned the Shura Demonic Dagger, and the two weapons connected at the ends, turning into the Shura Purgatory Halberd.


Yang Weiwu smiled.

He didn't know what the other party meant. After all, the Riddler would say a few words, but the other party didn't say a word.

It doesn't matter. If the other party betrayed the past, there is no reason for him to lose to such a guy.

If not, then the fact that the other person is standing here means that he will not die this time no matter what.

Moreover, Yang Weiwu believed that he was definitely betraying the past by failing to solve the Feast of Flames perfectly.

Whether it's about the past with Aurora, or...

The distracting thoughts in his mind began to clear, and he summoned the Shura Purgatory Halberd.

There's no need to hold back, it's all your own, just beat him to death.

and so……

[Gods and demons are exterminated! 】


"Why would you just hit your future self with all your strength? Shouldn't you just hold back when hitting yourself?"

"Because it's an attitude that makes me dissatisfied. It doesn't look like a companion of a righteous person. It can even be said that he is more of a villain than a villain."

Using Ares' voice transmission technique to convey LISA's will, the Shadow Emperor raised the Shura Purgatory Halberd.

【Humans, gods and demons are extinct! 】

That's a move that starts out exactly the same as the God and Demon Extermination Cleave, but it's not exactly the same internally.

The most intuitive manifestation is——


The weapon in his hand was knocked away by the huge force, and the numb pain in the tiger's mouth made Yang Weiwu use other moves before he could think about it.

【Promise Ray】

The jade on his forehead shot out lavender lightning, heading straight towards the Shadow Emperor's face.

【Promise Ray】

It's also Shura Armor, and it's even in an upgraded form. There's no reason why he can't do this.

With his martial virtue value reaching zero, the Shadow Emperor dodged the kick with his male instinct. Yang Weiwu, who had caught the opportunity, kicked the Shura Purgatory Halberd with his foot and unleashed another sure-kill move.

[Gods and demons are exterminated! 】

There is no dodging, because the warm-up is almost done by now.

【Earth·Stardust shatters! 】

In an instant, the magnetic field connected to half of the planet below, and the murderous knife that shattered everything fell, and the terrifying magnetic field that even froze the space froze Yang Weiwu's movements, and fell on Yang Weiwu.

The silver armor shattered like a fragile eggshell the moment the halberd came into contact with the armor, and the sword energy generated by the magnetic field crushed the fragile flesh.

Will there be a revolving door before death?

Yang Weiwu didn't see that kind of thing, so he continued to complete the attack even though he was attacked first.

The ear-piercing explosion echoed throughout the area, and Yang Weiwu was blown away.

The Shadow Emperor rubbed the part of his neck where he had just been slashed, and his face under the armor was slightly grimacing.

How could someone go to such lengths to beat themselves up? !

Fortunately, the goal was achieved. The feeling just now and the fact that Yang Weiwu was knocked away instead of being chopped to pieces on the spot are the evidence.

Among the smoke and dust, the golden emperor walked towards him, the tiger head guard on his shoulders and the bright red mask around his eyes exuding bright brilliance.

The Emperor's magnetic field was not deployed, and the reason was very clear to the Shadow Emperor.

"Have you completely restrained your strength... Now you have to consider hiding on Jupiter. The moon probably can't even stop the early battles."

Lei Lei Lei start button.

The purple aircraft appeared beside him like a projection, rapidly transforming from an illusory mirage into a cyber-style single-person aircraft.

【Purgatory Horse】

"I hope the aircraft you make can at least fly better than the Emperor's armor."

The Shadow Emperor said to the summoner in his hand.

"Are you serious about letting a space travel car and an imperial horse travel at the same speed as the fake one?"

"I have sent people to hold back the Emperor of Light and the Dragon."

"Okay, let me go, right? Let me take him into the ditch!"

In LISA's declaration, the Shadow Emperor jumped into the Infernal Horse and took off at full speed.

Behind him, the Emperor's Armor, which had completely entered a subconscious combat state, locked onto the Shadow Emperor based on the magnetic field of the opponent it fought before losing consciousness.

With a kick of his legs, the golden stream of light chased the purple aircraft and rushed out of the atmosphere in one breath.

【131】Feast of Flames ([-])

This is an open space arranged like a sacrificial site.

Five metal coffins and a tightly sealed crystal coffin were arranged in an orderly manner on the ground. Five blond girls with different hairstyles and one gray-haired young girl were wearing plain white robes that looked like they were dressed for sacrifices. , lying quietly in it.

Flame Night Uncle, this is the common name of the blond girls, and it also symbolizes the purpose for which they were created——

A container that seals the true name of Flame Yebo, the most powerful and invincible god-killing weapon in the world, the dreamy ultimate vampire, and the twelve natural disaster-like companion beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor.

A young-looking boy stood in front of the metal coffin, showing an intoxicated expression.

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