"Okay, that's great!"

He hugged the petite girl standing next to him with empty eyes, her eyes filled with a look even better than Iskandar's when he looked at King Pika's treasure.

That is the pursuit of weapons.

It is a businessman's enthusiasm for goods.

The young man considers himself a qualified businessman.

The pursuit of product excellence has always been based on the status between the buyer and the seller, and the value of the product itself to earn the maximum profit within a certain range.

Of course, if the advantageous position he occupies is high enough and the risk is lower than the excessive returns, he doesn't mind swallowing it up with the buyer.

Although he is called a person who makes money from dead people, isn't the essence of a businessman to exchange things created by others for more and more valuable things through his own ability?

And now, as an arms dealer, he is about to possess the most powerful arms that no one in the world can surpass - the Fourth True Ancestor.

The girl he held in his arms was a miko named Akatsuki Nagisa. She contacted the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor while her father was exploring and sealing the ruins of No. 12 Homura Yebo, and became his vessel.

What a great miracle!

A mere shrine maiden of the Son of Man could actually contain the cursed soul of the Fourth True Ancestor!

The son of man, who was supposed to be destroyed in an instant, survived and even lived in good health for nearly four years. The price was only the loss of the miko's psychic qualifications.

No, this statement is not accurate. It is not that it is lost, but that all the psychic qualifications are used to serve the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor. This makes this child unable to use spiritual medium qualifications such as sects. Ability

Until about half a year ago, a woman calling herself Ilitia came to his door and informed him of Akatsuki Sa's existence.

It was around the time when he sent his men to investigate in person that the miko's physical condition began to decline.

However, the boy didn't care about Akatsukisa's health. It was normal for humans not to be able to bear the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor. If anyone could absorb the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor in such a simple way, then The value of the Fourth True Ancestor will undoubtedly be...

?Significantly improve your oral health!

As long as we find enough high-quality shrine maidens, we can use their lives to create a controllable Fourth True Ancestor, instead of resurrecting the other party and then serving as dogs or using the other party to carry out a one-time massacre.

Isn’t this more cost-effective than simply resurrecting the Fourth True Ancestor?

Although based on the sufficient data he obtained from MAR as his partner, combined with the "Soul Transfer Technology" he bought from a woman named Ilitia, the boy was confident enough to turn Akatsukisa into The Fourth True Ancestor will then use his own methods to completely turn the Fourth True Ancestor into his own commodity.

First, a spell to capture and bind the soul is buried in the body of an excellent miko (who is dead), and then the fourth ancestor is asked to revive her.

The only way for vampires to save people is to transform into blood servants, because the extremely violent beasts cannot gently heal or even resurrect the dead.

The way to become a blood servant is for a vampire to suck blood from a non-vampire, or to directly give a part of his flesh, flesh or bones to the other person and implant it into his body.

The former will directly trigger the soul capturing spell and the soul binding spell, allowing the soul of the Fourth True Ancestor to enter the prepared miko's body.

The latter... The technology provided by Ilitia included a technology that directly had a huge mental impact on both parties through blood connections. It was verified by the young man that it was indeed effective.

So the moment the Fourth True Ancestor implants the body tissue of the miko he prepared to transform into a Blood Servant, he will certainly discover the spell in his body, but by that time the deal has been done, and it is already too late for the Fourth True Ancestor. .

This is the strategy he laid out for his own products!


"I'm telling you, Evil Wood."

After stirring the lollipop in the coffee a few times and putting it into his mouth, Yitzhak spoke in a vague voice.

"You were the one who went out to seduce the arms dealer last time, right? What methods did you use to make him believe that you could surpass him like an idiot?"

Lying on the hospital bed, her face so bright that she didn't look like her limbs had been broken not long ago, Mi Jieshibi smiled brightly after hearing this.

"It stimulated his awareness that [there may never be a more valuable commodity in the world], and then slightly reduced his attention to the consequences of failure. This is what businessmen are like, if the profits are high enough, they will even hang themselves with the rope All can be sold. And human beings are creatures that pursue ideals. So when the result of achieving the highest possible ideal is combined with the greed of a businessman, we can't predict what kind of stupid things people will do."

"When I think that he might directly use the bones of his own sister as a sacrifice to create a controllable Fourth True Ancestor, this feeling of use between blood relatives reminds me of the past... just in Talisman The little bit I relived is simply not enough!”

Looking at this girl's bright smile, Yitzhak thought for a moment what kind of expression a normal human being should have.

Oh, yes, it's disgust.

So he said with a look of disgust: "Wow! Your hobbies and inner connotations are really more disgusting than a rotten, maggot-infested corpse!"

"Is there anything you can do? Your Majesty's [control] over me is [forbidden]! Let alone Kaiyin, I just think about the physical entanglement between girls... ugh——"

Looking at the limbs and torso of the other party that had just been healed by him, Yitzhak showed no emotion at all.

Knowing the consequences of disobeying [Domination] and forcibly violating one's own survival instinct, the price is this, and they all know it.

So Akmu is totally doing it to himself.

Not laughing out loud is out of basic respect for your colleagues.


"Hey, what do you mean by laughing so loudly while drinking coffee in the ward?!"

Mi Jieshibi said dissatisfied.

By the way, the Shadow Guardians have no respect for each other at all, and they will laugh more if they find an opportunity to laugh.


[A strong person is a fool who has a goal that he can never reach, but still keeps chasing it.When you crave lollipops, you should pursue the candy house, and your smaller desires will already be fulfilled on the way to collecting enough candies to make your own candy house. 】

This is the wisdom of the ancestors (the memory of Yang Weiwu’s blood), what Weiwu’s eldest father once said to Weiwu when he was a child, to encourage him to have a lofty ideal.

Yang Weiwu’s ideal at that time was to become a [hero].

That is……

"So what are your lofty ideals?"

The bad earth interrupted Aurora's memories.

"Hey! Did I... say what I was thinking?! Where to start?!"

"…'The strong man is possessing'…"

"Didn't that come out right from the beginning!!!"

Looking at Aurora with a shameful look on her face, Badland sighed in her heart.

In this state... she is not the kind of warrior who can enter combat mode anytime and anywhere. It is no need to think about finding another possibility for her to break through Akaki's plan of rescuing Akatsuki Sa through cannibalism.

Finding human breakthrough miracles in non-human beings... She still couldn't find a single case of this kind of thing.



Bad Earth asked because he didn't hear clearly what Aurora said before.

"I said, my lofty ideal is to be with Wei Wu forever!"

Very ambitious idea.

This is the true idea of ​​Badlands.

She knew a few guys who had the guts to say they wanted to be with Yang Weiwu forever, and what happened to them...

Regardless of this, that man is determined to wait until his human body expires to become a star god, then go to the armor world to arbitrate for eternity, and say goodbye to humans from now on.In other words, the eternity Aurora wants is no more than a hundred years. No matter how optimistic the estimate is, Yang Weiwu will not live to be 150 years old.

And that's ridiculously short compared to the endless lifespan of a vampire.

But it's not that important whether it's possible or not. What Badland has to do is over, and all that's left is to wait for the results.

"I will send you here, and you will have to walk the rest of the way alone."

Aurora felt for a moment that the other party was referring to something, and her heart seemed to be grabbed by something.

But when she thought about this matter, she was the only one who could not escape it. When she thought about her first friend being in danger, she felt fear and courage at the same time.

Being afraid is not something to be laughed at. Everyone feels afraid and powerless at times.

But if you don’t choose to face it from the beginning to the end, but just escape blindly, some things will never be solved.

The girl was walking in the rain, and the fine rain strands turned into ice needles under the influence of the cold air emanating from her body, falling to the ground and breaking.

With Aurora as the center, a wide ice road gradually spreads out within a radius of hundreds of meters.

If this was an urban superpower set, maybe the director would say that it was designed to embody the power of the world and the earth to surrender to Aurora, who holds half of the fourth true ancestor's beasts. .

In fact, Aurora was preparing her own venue.

Having refused to directly obtain the blood memories of hundreds of thousands of humans, he was destined to be unable to surpass the Fourth True Ancestor in experience who chose to accept it, so there was an absolute gap in experience.

Even though there is one more familiar beast than the opponent, Aurora is inferior to the opponent in terms of the most fundamental magical power and technology. This is an undoubted fact.

Then, preparing an external factor that she can take advantage of is her way to increase her chances of winning.

Freeze, shock, cut off, lightning, fog, and swallowing of time and space.

This is her method. Among them, the familiar beast that obeys her orders the most and is the most proficient of Aurora is the Enchantress Blue Ice. She has already practiced using magic to control the by-products of her power (ice cubes and frozen soil), and now it is even more so. There are companion beasts that can cooperate with each other.

Circling around the final battlefield that the opponent had chosen as informed by the Bad Land, Aurora finally came to the center and saw the boy holding her friend.

"Balthasar Zaharias."

The girl called out the other person's name.

"Oh - did you recognize it right away? Hello, No. 12... Oh no, I should call you Aurora now, right? Finally, you plan to participate in this banquet and stop running away. Yet!"

The boy's face was much more immature than the previous middle-aged man's appearance, but his exaggerated and funny movements still had Zaharias's personal style, making Aurora convinced that she had recognized the right person.

"I am Aurora Florestina, the one who will end the feast of flames with my own hands!"

The fear has not dissipated from his eyes, but he is determined to suppress it. This girl who usually only gives the impression of a cute and weak girl next door is now a real [Flame Night Uncle] in the eyes of Zaharias. (Part of the God-killing Weapon).

"Okay, okay! Then let the banquet usher in the final stage!"

Zaharias let go of Akatsukisa in his arms, and the soul of the Fourth Ancestor, who was still restrained by the time-stopping magic tool given by Ilitia, immediately woke up from the miko's body.

The young man passed through the chest of a base body with his bare hands, held a bone that shone with dreamy brilliance in his hand, and handed it to Akatsuki Sa.

The True Ancestor, who was driving the miko's body, grasped the rib and crushed it.

Dreamy light penetrated into her body, and the dark wings broke through the clothes on her back and unfolded, folding like the scythe of death.

The wings then extend towards the remaining base body.

The above process only took less than five seconds, and Aurora, who had not been able to figure out the situation at first, understood that the other party was only recovering strength from now on.

"Don't even think about succeeding! Coming soon - the silver mist of the carapace!"

The silver carapace beast appeared, spitting out silver-white mist. Whether it was frost, frozen soil or cement and steel bars, it was assimilated into the same mist the moment it came into contact with the silver mist.

If it covers the matrix in the coffin, it will probably prevent the other party from taking away the power.

——The premise is that it is too late.

The speed of the Wings was far greater than that of the Familiar Beasts. The Fourth True Ancestor quickly took away the ribs of two base bodies - the containers where the Familiar Beasts were stored - leaving only two for Aurora.

Two more wings stretched out from behind. At this moment, the fourth true ancestor's magic power had surpassed Aurora.

There is no room left for me to worry about the memory of blood... Understanding this, Aurora hesitated for a moment and chose to devour the two base bodies that were transformed into silver mist.

But she soon realized something was wrong.

"Eh! Why—"

【132】Feast of Flame ([-])

"Hehehehe... Hahahahahahahaha - have you found out? Yes, I have already transferred the magic power from the base bodies to Akatsuki Nagisa! How do you feel now? How do you feel?!"


A familiar beast that was suddenly absorbed by her began to snatch the magic power allocated to other familiar beasts. Aurora, who was still performing magic manipulation in a delicate way, suddenly felt like she was tasting the vanilla flavor on the outer layer of layered ice cream. The mustard-flavored ice cream layer inside was just as uncomfortable.

"Arrived soon - Water Spirit White Steel (Sadalmelik Albus)!"

A water demon with the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower half of a blue-and-white giant snake with snake hair on her head was summoned.

It is a familiar beast that symbolizes the immortality of vampires. Its ability is to turn back time and return things to their original state.

The water flow came into contact with the silver mist, and a manticore wrapped in purple flames appeared, penetrated and absorbed by its jet-black wings.

The Fourth True Ancestor, with four jet-black wings sticking out from his back, looked at Aurora proudly and stretched out his hand to summon the remaining beasts.

"Coming soon - CorTauri Sucinum! Kiffa Ater! Shaula Viola!"

The amber Minotaur made of lava is over ten meters tall, and the purple manticore beside it is not much smaller than it.

But the most oppressive thing is not them, but the Black Sword of Yama.

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