This three-cobalt sword with a length of more than [-] meters is a special living weapon among the beasts. Its power is different from the lava and poison of the first two, but a more violent and unsolvable gravity control.

The living weapon itself has properties closer to real matter. Even if it is composed of magic power, its weight will not be much lighter than the same volume of silver. Coupled with this ability, even among the twelve familiar beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor It is also the most destructive one.


The Fourth True Ancestor ordered.

The black three-cobalt sword flew up, then flipped over, with its tip facing downwards.

"Fall down."

The power of gravity began to take effect, and this living weapon started with the simplest attack, which was also the last attack that Aurora wanted to face.

The ice surface became smooth and flat under the influence of magic. Even though it was difficult to move under the pressure of gravity, Aurora still used this to move quickly, and used the power of vibration to move the surrounding heavy objects and pile them up in front of her.

Soon, the violent shock wave blew away these heavy objects together with Aurora.

Fortunately, she didn't have a way to deal with it.

"Coming soon—Al·Meissa·Mercury!"

The two-headed mercury dragon swallowed up the debris. For this familiar beast called the Devourer of Space and Time, it can even cause irreversible damage to the world by devouring space on a large scale. It is worthy of the name of natural disaster. Familiar beast.

"Coming soon—Alnasl Minium!"

The crimson bicorn released a shock wave and attacked...Zaharias.

"Arrived soon - Mesarthim Adamas!"

The extremely gorgeous gem blocked the ferocious attack of the familiar beast, and the huge bighorn sheep with a diamond body appeared behind Zaharias.

"Hey, you recognized who I am, but you never thought about why the last time you saw me, you saw a middle-aged man, and now I look like a teenager. What's going on?"

The young man said in a tone that was almost proud.

"Ah, yes, yes, and you used the silver mist of the carapace to devour two base bodies, but in the end, the Fourth True Ancestor only got back one familiar beast. Ah, I thought you were like that because you had figured it out. Come on, make a counterattack! In the final analysis, it’s just a fool’s last gasp. Weapons can’t rely on their brains——”


Aurora let out a heavy breath, and the fear in her eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a cunning look that found that she had the possibility of successfully defeating the BOSS.

"It seems... not as invincible as I thought at first... the most powerful god-killing weapon!"



On Mars, Yang Weiwu breathed heavily in the emperor's armor, half kneeling on the ground.

On a planet where more than 95% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, humans cannot survive without the help of tools.But sound can travel here.

The orange-red earth opened, and the Shadow Emperor, who had been driven nearly a hundred meters underground half a minute ago, jumped out.

Hellface Shura's armor is covered with cracks, but they are slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is really...I thought that you would not be able to withstand the power generated by the operation of Ultan's core energy ball, and that the Emperor's Armor would be unable to be repaired, rendering you half-powerful. That's why I asked the Badlands to combine several worlds. The technological intensive training and repair warehouse pretends to be a game warehouse to strengthen your body. But in the end, your strength is weakened due to the awakening of consciousness? "

The Shadow Emperor's voice reached Yang Weiwu's ears.

The pain that felt like a branding iron on his chest and the heat that penetrated from his skin to his bones made him feel a little dazed and unable to respond to the other party.

But he noticed one thing——

I am wearing the emperor's armor now.

After resisting the attack of Shura's Purgatory Halberd and directly grabbing the Shadow Emperor, Yang Weiwu used his forehead to carry out his own attack.

"You actually didn't choose to evade in embarrassment, but just exchanged injuries for injuries... It turned out that my 'idol baggage' started from this time! Sure enough, when people look back on the past, they will always have the feeling of killing the past. My own opinion."

Not caring that Yang Weiwu would hear it, the Shadow Emperor said to LISA.

"How to say?"

"Because the Emperor's Armor is truly the most handsome and powerful in his heart, there is no possibility of the Emperor's escaping in embarrassment. No matter what kind of powerful enemy he faces, no matter what kind of dilemma he encounters, even if the person in the middle is just one person. There is no way Yang Weiwu can become a hero, and Yang Weiwu doesn’t want something like that to ruin his idol image.”

"I think you have a hundred million misunderstandings about the term idol baggage."

"This is the most suitable word I can find. Wuji commits suicide!"

All the energy in the whole body completed the contraction in an instant and exploded from the body.

The five scarlet gems on Prison Face Shura's chest lit up with purple light, and terrifying thunder and lightning was generated, shaking Emperor Man and Shura Man away.

"Is your usage the way carbon-based organisms should use?"

"As long as you are used to the pain and have enough energy to repair your body before being dried to pieces, Wuji Suicide can be used as a regular escape skill."

Also knocked to the ground, the Shadow Emperor climbed up first and rushed forward with the Shura Purgatory Halberd to chop.

Yang Weiwu, who had no time to get up but had regained some consciousness, raised his leg and kicked him. With the invincible defense of the emperor's armor, he stepped on the sharp edge of Shura's Purgatory Halberd and kicked him away.

The Shadow Emperor simply threw away his weapon, hugged Yang Weiwu directly, and used naked choke.

"Fuck! How could someone use the same moves as his enemy?!"

"Because you are your future self, what's wrong with using your old moves? Do you like the hero because of the present and it has nothing to do with the past?"

Listening to the whispers of the Shadow Emperor, Yang Weiwu felt the gradual loss of physical strength, and also tried to kill himself with Wuji.

"You're too cowardly. You can't do what I did just now. You have Ultan's core energy ball in your body. As the supreme star god, Ultan can convert any energy with almost no loss rate. Transformation, which includes life energy. But now you have not [got] that power. If you want to do this, you need to be absolutely arrogant and domineering - yes, that was before you were 16 years old. Do it with that mentality. If you want to, you can."

In his ears, the Shadow Emperor's voice gradually dropped, and Yang Weiwu's consciousness began to wander again.

Go back to your old self?

That kind of thing is absolutely impossible!

The conscious mind begins to quiet down and the subconscious mind rises.

Feeling the change in the opponent's Qi, the Shadow Emperor worked harder.

"Hey, did you fight on your behalf, old man?"

[Ah, hello, successor. 】

The mark of fire and the mark of earth were produced on the top of the head, and the two marks overlapped, creating a meteor shower of lava.

【Fire Rock of Fire and Earth】

"Senior, do you not consider showing mercy at all?"

The two marks of water and wood overlap, facing the marks of fire and earth.

【The lush forest of water and trees】

The growing shadow of a bamboo-like plant withstood the meteorite, and even pushed back, destroying the two marks of fire and earth.

[You have indeed obtained the complete power of light and shadow. 】

The Emperor's Man sighed something like a sigh.

[It’s really amazing. It’s clear what it means. Everyone who has the opportunity to obtain this power will be informed in advance.In the end, whether it’s me, you, or the “Emperor Heroes” before me, we all made the same choice. 】

"There is still a difference."

The Feng Feng Feng activation button was pressed, and the Shura Splitting Wind Claw appeared on his arm.

"You accepted the [Shadow] of the entire universe with your own will and became the Shadow Emperor. The remaining remnant exists as the Emperor Knight to lead the bright world to prevent [the present] from losing to the [past]."

"The essence of the Shadow Realm is, in the final analysis, just a gathering place for the remnants of the civilization that was eliminated and destroyed before the reincarnation of the universe. What you seniors have chosen is the [future]. I plan to keep the [past] in mind and wait for the [future] .”

"Although it's nothing extraordinary, I have to say that through cheating, I found a little bit of another possibility that is different from you."

"So, it would be better for you who follow your own stable [balance] and [the way of heaven] to die in my memory as idols."

[If this is your nature after forgetting that memory, then I think I have reason to consider helping you forget it now. 】

"Forgetting? No, I accepted that fact and successfully transcended it."

【That is the best ending. 】

The Shura Purgatory Halberd and the Emperor's Halberd exchanged swords and made an explosive sound.

Even on this planet where more than 95% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, the fight between them still destroyed large tracts of Mars.

[You seem to have been giving tricks to your past self just now. 】


Avoiding the opponent's Golden Gesu, Yang Weiwu hit a Water Concealment with one hand, and then followed with a Human, God and Demon Extermination.

[It looks like a move targeting the magnetic field of the conscious body.According to what is said here, it is a combat skill that can kill and split souls, right?Why teach him this? 】

"Because there is an idiot who will get a sense of morality that is too high for non-humans because of the memory of blood here. And then she wants to solve everything on her own. The problem is that she can end it with her own ability A story, but it can't calm the subsequent readers' questions such as 'What if she loses control?' 'This is the happy ending of the underworld for the heroine'. 'Although the heroine dies, the hero's path can continue? Enough is enough, right? (angry)' thought."

"The brilliance of a heroine who is independent, does not rely on others at the expense of others, whose existence and lifestyle are no different from human beings, and who will lend a helping hand to innocent people is so dazzling that all her shortcomings, big and small, can be tolerated. Such [heroes] ], I think it should have a better ending than [self-sealing] or [suicide]."

【I see. 】

The Emperor, who had received Yang Weiwu's special move, released his weapon and punched him in the abdomen. With his free hand, he used Tai Chi Ray to cause additional attacks.

[Then, I’m confused about the style by constantly pestering you here.Let's use this blow as the final test for "seniors" against "juniors".The Emperor of Light Fights the Dragon——]

The golden light curtain unfolded, and the Origin Armored Beast, whose body was burning with five-color brilliance, emerged from it with a dark and broken figure in its mouth.

"I even threw you on Mercury to fight the Emperor of Light's Dragon, but the result was still so bad, Xin."

Shadow Protector Evil Fire's body moved slightly, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

[As for Mercury, even without me at that distance, the Emperor of Light and the Dragon itself can connect to the sun on its own. 】

Emperor Man explained.

[And the armored beast is actually superior to the armor itself simply in terms of strength, so there is no need to blame him. 】

"I'm not dissatisfied with him losing. It's just that it feels like it will turn into a battle of light and shadow that I have experienced too many times."

The dark energy covered the whole body and soon dissipated. It was like replacing the gold on the emperor's armor with black, the silver with silver grey, the tights with white, the red eyes of the tiger's head, and the bright red on the aurora shield on the chest. A warrior in armor appeared, with the jade and bright red crystals in the eyes of his mask replaced by blue.

He stepped on the evil fire, and the shadow protector turned into red flames, pouring into the belt around his waist.

There were five circular openings on the belt, and in one of them, a symbol with the ancient Chinese character [Fire] appeared under the influx of flames.


[The emperor succumbs to the demon and annihilates it! 】

[The Emperor seals the demon and kills it! 】

The absolute ultimate kill faced the Five Elements Kill. The aftermath of the energy destroyed everything around them almost instantly, making the two emperors' figures disappear in the smoke.

【133】Feast of Flames ([-])

Jiada opened her eyes drowsily and saw a pair of silver combat boots.

What he felt next was the extreme pain coming in like a tide.

"You're awake, Third True Ancestor."

Unable to distinguish between male and female voices, Jiada's mind gradually recalled what happened before she fell into coma.

A man wearing a hooded coat to hide his face took a long knife and cut her into more than 30 pieces and soaked them in different jars.

Then the man took himself to a strange place and released him. After his injuries healed, he repeated the process of chopping himself into pieces several times and waiting for healing before chopping him into pieces again.

Until a figure wearing silver armor walked in.

At that time, the man who chopped himself into pieces called him "Your Majesty" and looked like he was his subordinate in a respectful manner. So Jiada took advantage of the man's failure to react and attacked the man in silver armor.

Then he lost consciousness.

Jiada's vision gradually recovered, she sat up and looked around.

There were acquaintances and strangers around.

His acquaintances include Demitriye Vatra, a subordinate of the First True Ancestor, Iblisbel Yagiz, the biological son of the Second True Ancestor, and Mirai Sugisawa, a subordinate of her, the Third True Ancestor.

If she were a stranger, there was a high school girl that she had a vague impression of. She wore two braids and looked very quiet.

The other party should be one of the three saints of the Lion King Organization, the person who inherited the name of [Xian].

So there are representatives, even leaders, of the three Night Empires gathered here, as well as official figures from Japan.

And the rest...

A man in a red robe, who looked to be in his 30s, was there leisurely and contentedly... Placing scorpions and squid?

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