A blue-haired boy who looked like a high school student was holding a yellow game console and was concentrating on operating the character.

A petite pink-haired girl wearing the same clothes as the man who chopped her off several times before was sitting on a stool in a neat manner. The long black-edged knife that she had had close contact with Jiada not long ago was placed on her knees.

And...the armored man sitting next to her was exuding extreme oppression from just now.

Judging from the atmosphere, these four people should be in the same group.

"Who are you? Why do you do this to me?"

Jiada asked directly.

The aura that the other party exudes has nothing to do with the word friendly. He is the kind of person who has the words "I am your enemy" written on his face.

"You can call me the Shadow Emperor."

The armored man said.

"Well, just adding a little bit of armor and trying to pretend to be someone else is really casual, isn't it, Mr. Yang Weiwu?"

Sugizawa Mirai said with a smile.

According to her status, it was pure transgression for her to intervene in the conversation between these two people. If even one of these two people was dissatisfied with it, then it would be her fate to be killed.

Fortunately, neither the Shadow Emperor nor Jiada was displeased with her interruption. On the contrary, Jiada diverted her attention to Mirai Sugizawa because of her words.

"Oh, do you know him?"

"Of course, this is what I love deeply..."

Under the light of the sword that also cut off the space, Shanzawa Mirai's great head rolled on the ground.

The Badlands sword returned to its sheath and continued to rest on his legs.

"If you just chop it off like this, if we can't come to an agreement later, you'll have to send the guests back to Badlands."

The boy said with a smile.

Is her name Badlands?

Jiada silently wrote down the name.

"What's the sign that we in the Shadow Realm are coming together?"

Badlands asked coldly.

"Hmm...are you happy when we are negotiating parties?"

"Then as long as I feel comfortable cutting, we won't be able to reach an agreement."

"Wow! Look at Evil King! This guy is making violent remarks! Hahaha, he is obviously the guy among us who most hopes to have friendly discussions with these wastes, but he is the first to use violent methods. As expected, Evil Land It’s very to my liking!”

Yishui, who looked like a young man, laughed loudly and hugged the 30-year-old adult man next to him to make his own comments.

"Hmph, are you calling us trash?" A dark-skinned boy of [-] or [-] years old snorted coldly, "The people in front of you are at least the vampires of the old generation, and there is even a true ancestor. Of course, if you feel that here You are the only person from the Lion King Agency who can't do it, so that means you think you are a strong person?"

"Who is this guy?"

"Iblisbel Yagiz, the son of the Second True Ancestor, Eye of Extinction."

"What is the difference between the old generation and the true ancestor?"

"The True Ancestor can play for a long time. In the old generation, he would die if he dug out his heart and beheaded him at the same time. However, it seems that if only one of them is removed, the result will not be much better."

The casual conversation between the two angered Iblisbel.

"You guys, do you look down on me and our noble true ancestors?!"

"Are true ancestors precious?"

Badwater asked the Shadow Emperor.

"...There are only three True Ancestors left in this world. After today, there will be more True Ancestor No. 4."

"Oh~~~Rare animals! I understand, I understand."

This kind of remarks - no, it was insulting - completely angered Iblis Bell.

So he summoned his beast.

"Come on, Duamutef, tear this guy apart!"

The golden jackal bared his fangs in this room, which was about the same size as a study with empty bookshelves, and pounced directly towards the evil water.

The air-shredding minions were about to touch his head. Bad Shui smiled and spat out a few words——

"Black rhino armor, fit!"

Dark green light enveloped his whole body, and the jackal's attack only made the sound of hitting metal when it landed on him.

The green light faded, and the armored warrior wearing pitch black armor looked at Iblisbel with bright yellow eyes.

"Let's talk about it first. I didn't strike first, it was just self-defense, so it doesn't matter if it's a little casual, right?"

"I need them to witness the ending with their own eyes and go back to inform the three empires and Japanese officials."

Translation: It’s up to you whether you want to die or not.

So, Black Rhino Man tore apart the golden jackal, activated the Zen Seal, and immobilized Iblisbel, who was about to summon the next beast.

He walked up to the young man and tore Iblisbel's body into pieces like a high school student who had finished his college entrance examination tearing up the thick test papers he had written for a year and throwing them away one by one.

"The limbs are almost torn off. If it is torn off again, the immortality of Laobi will be lost, but His Highness will die."

Evil Water, who had torn Iblisbel into pieces in just a few minutes, was happily preparing to arrange the opponent's facial features into the arrangement he liked, but was interrupted by Evil Gold.

"Besides, seeing him angry but helpless towards you, isn't it the ultimate insult to a person with such a strong self-esteem?!"

Bad Shui, who was originally feeling dissatisfied, thought about it for a moment after hearing these words, and felt that what the other party said was reasonable, so he happily threw the piece of meat in his hand to the ground.

Seeing Iblisbel struggling and moaning in pain, Vatra who saw the present from the side finally spoke.

"Mr. Badwater, the reason you invited me here seems to be that you can give me an opponent that is beyond my reach and will allow me to continue to challenge you? Could it be that you are referring to the third true ancestor?"

"How could it be? A thing as fragile as the True Ancestor can be killed casually. With your ability, you can almost surpass it even if you fail the challenge dozens of times without dying. I mean invincible in the true sense - let me Let me introduce you to the absolute ruler of the Shadow Realm, the Shadow Emperor."

Bad Shui, whose tone gradually became somber, made exaggerated movements, extending his palms flat and pointing his fingertips at the Shadow Emperor.

"Oh, this one?"

Vatra narrowed his eyes.

From just now, the familiar beasts in his body have been constantly warning him, targeting the evil water in front of him and the evil gold and evil soil beside him. They also have a certain influence on the other vampires and Xian Guyong present. There was no reaction except for the armored man.

Theoretically speaking, there would be no problem in judging a familiar whose perception is far superior to that of a vampire. That person should not be a threat at all, but the aura in his hands does not look like that of an ordinary person.

The film world?Instead of being respected based on strength, isn't it that the person with the most brains is the dominant one?

This is Vatra's judgment.

And he didn't miss what Sugizawa Mirai said just now.

He knew the name Yang Weiwu, and they had met him. About three years ago, he brought No. 12 with him and was sent to this island on a whim.

I remember that the information I collected later was that the man lived an ordinary life. He was at the company every day like a boring ordinary social animal. During holidays, he would go out with No. 12 and so on. Vatra felt quite regretful after knowing that. of.

And now it seems that if Sugizawa Mirai is right and this man is the Yang Weiwu he knows, things will be a little more interesting.

But, there is only one point.

"I'm afraid this one can't satisfy me."

Vatra tactfully tried to get Badwater to agree that he would be the opponent who was willing to fight with him continuously.

"That's right. Even if you can't die, it's enough to challenge an unreachable monster once."

Bad Water looked understanding.

Vatra: "..."

No, what I mean is that he doesn't look very strong and wants to try it with you.

Evil Jin, who had seen through Vatra's mind, said nothing.

People and demons in this world fully recognize the power of the beasts, so they will not consider the situation where the beasts will encounter monsters that are so powerful that they are not in the same dimension and cannot sense it.

The Shadow Emperor is a man who misses old friendships.

He would allow them to repeat this process in the present because of all the bad things these shadow guardians had done, while watching with cold eyes as they were killed one by one by their past selves.

He will also give himself a reward because of Vatra's help in the past combined with the other party's pursuit (finding excitement and fighting powerful enemies).

Of course, since this man refused, if he later realizes that Badwater's words are true and even modestly wants to fight the Shadow Emperor, then they will probably be lifted from the [Domination] that prohibits them from attacking Vatra.

"Then let's get back on track."

A neutral voice that could not distinguish between male and female sounded. The Shadow Emperor opened the silver phone on the gauntlet of his left arm and pressed a few buttons.

Then, a purple light screen was projected, and a scene of a fight between two blond vampires appeared in front of them.

"This is... No. 12 and the [Original Miko], right? Because of the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, her hair color changed from black to gold, and her eyes turned into bluish-white flaming pupils. This is amazing It’s so…beautiful!”

Vatra said happily.

This man has no interest in appearance. For him, interesting and powerful enemies are good or ugly, regardless of whether they are male or female. Anyway, he just wants to fight.

"The Feast of Flames... The more deeply you participate in this ceremony, the more memories will be taken away. Even I, the True Ancestor, cannot directly avoid this. Do you want to use this to erase Our memory of today?”

Garda asked.

"Don't worry, Princess of Chaos, the memories that will be taken away from you today will be paid for by all Japanese officials."

The Shadow Emperor said on the ground.

"What's the meaning!"

The female high school student who had been silently observing the situation suddenly stood up, her eyes fixed on his figure.

"Japan seems to have passed a document that requires 8000 people from the southeastern region of Genkami Island to serve as sacrifices. The participating party with Genkami Island as the holder will hold the No. 12 Flame Night White Aurora-Fur. Will Lorestina make a profit by joining the Feast of Fire? Although Aurora is considered to be yours at any time, since you can accept 8000 people as sacrifices, it means that your officials think it is okay. Should we face the consequences with the mentality of 'breaking the jade' instead of 'bowing and apologizing'?"

"Are you kidding! That's 10 people!"

"10 people are human beings, but not nearly 3 people?"

"I...that was to limit the possible disasters as much as possible, and to confine the Fourth True Ancestor to Xian Shen Island!"

"Without the Banquet of Flames, this disaster would not have happened at all. Your so-called minimizing the disaster is equivalent to creating nuclear wastewater and then not wanting to spend money to dispose of it, so you just poured it into the sea and then bowed and apologized to the whole world. Saying that red bean paste is privately held in Marseille is like there is really nothing we can do about it, so it’s just a matter of course.”

Without turning his attention to Xian Guyong for even a second, the Shadow Emperor kept his face facing the two figures on the light screen.

"But one thing you can rest assured is that the people who paid the price did not include the Japanese demon attack officers, or organizations like your Lion King Agency that said it was just for self-defense but ended up doing a lot of things that have nothing to do with this word. It’s not much affected, after all, I’m not interested in watching ordinary people in this country get killed by something I casually rewritten.”

【134】Feast of Flames ([-])

"Since you don't want to hurt ordinary people, why do you do this kind of thing?!"

"Xian Guyong." The Shadow Emperor called out the other party's name, "Has your mind been washed away by your Yamato culture? Are the Japanese officials, as decision-makers and leaders of events, just ordinary people? Or are you? Do you think that the so-called ordinary people are just those guys who are above you, and the guys you treat as consumables are not even human beings?"

These words, which could be said to have lifted the opponent's last fig leaf, made Xiangu Yong unable to say anything anymore and could only stand there with a bitter look on his face.

"The most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in this world is that some people clearly know that a bunch of bullshit things are their fault, but attribute it to the inevitability of fate, saying that their way of coping is just the worst of all. choose."

"Unfortunately, from an objective point of view, aside from the filter of this country that cannot be applied to me, your remarks are bullshit."

"I quite like how shameless they are!" Bad Shui said, "And won't she understand if you speak Chinese? After all, you are just a female high school student. She can meet the needs of this in terms of strength. At this age, you probably won’t be able to become proficient in eight languages ​​in the remaining study time, right?”

"Baishui, shut up... (whisper)" Wujin said, "Your Majesty doesn't care whether the person on the other end understands or not, even if your majesty curses smoothly, he is not an important person anyway. But if you continue to show your sense of superiority like a bully..."

The silver-gray sword passed through Bad Shui's chest, and the black rhinoceros armor, which could see the attacks of the familiar beasts as if they were nothing, was directly penetrated.


The armor disintegrated, and the high school boy vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Oh, the standard ending——"

Evil Jin said with a "sad" look on his face.

"Put the corners of your mouth down. After all, a coolie just died."

"Wow, Badland, is this how you view Badwater?"

Ignoring these two subordinates whose brain circuits and concepts were obviously different from those of normal humans, the Shadow Emperor held a long sword and slid it across the light screen like a school teacher pointing a pointer at the key points on the blackboard.

The tip of the sword touched the light screen, zooming in on the screen——

"Heh...heh...the fourth true ancestor is nothing more than that."

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