Covering her left arm, which was amputated at the elbow, Aurora looked at the other party with a sneer.

At this moment, her eyes were infinitely close to those of Yang Weiwu at night.

An unabashed disdain for non-human beings, an absolute belief in the three views of self, and the arrogance of being a special person.

Yang Weiwu developed this look because of his family education and his status as a time traveler.

Aurora, on the other hand, was semi-forced to form this kind of state through Yang Weiwu's blood memory and the realization that she was the one who could seal the Fourth True Ancestor. In addition, she was in a life-and-death situation and was completely unintentionally timid. Eyes.

"Stop joking over there, you extra matrix!"

The Fourth True Ancestor, the Original, looked at Aurora with disgust in his eyes.

As the No. 12 Flame Nightborr, Aurora Florestina is actually the most special one among all the Flame Nightlords.

She is the only one so far who has been liberated for the first time. She is a special Flame Yebo who has been sealed and sleeping in an ice coffin since the beginning of creation.

Tianbu has functionally specialized her as the supervisor of the Fourth True Ancestor, the original cursed soul, and is the last line of defense to ensure that the true Fourth True Ancestor cannot be completely resurrected.

Of course, just like the flying graves in tokusatsu dramas always fall down, or the new hook with Superman Aguang says that if it is taken away by the bad guys, there will be big problems, and there will definitely be a vision. The security of the Kingdom of Light is like a cosmic alien rushing in to snatch away the weapon. If the so-called last line of defense is not like the Maginot Line, it can be said that it is trying its best if it plays even a small role.

It was true that Aurora, as the ultimate regulator, had failed to completely resurrect the Fourth True Ancestor after so many feasts of flame, but that was the past.

As the saying goes, today is different from the past.

If Aurora still stays in the underground ruins named the Fairy Coffin that is full of original spells, no matter how much trouble the Fourth True Ancestor makes after his resurrection, after a certain period of activity, she will Forced to "die", the beasts and magic power were used to resurrect the remaining eleven base bodies from several piles of ashes.

But now, the last safety switch has been taken away by a man who has just arrived in another world. The original soul has escaped to the offending witch, disturbing the souls that should not wake up.

So it doesn't matter whether it's subjective or not, the original person who seized the opportunity successfully obtained incomplete freedom.

Finally far away from this disgusting No. 12 (prison/supervisor), Yuan draws the power of the witch to restore his tired soul.

Then she waited for the feast of flames to begin. She arrived like a god, took back everything she had, and continued the never-ending [Holy Annihilation] as the complete Fourth True Ancestor.

Vaguely, she sensed that Holy Annihilation might not be a massacre.

Or rather, not just the Holocaust.

But so what?

She is the Fourth True Ancestor, the most powerful and invincible Fourth True Ancestor, a violent and aloof monster who only wants to kill.

And even now, the familiar beast that had hindered her countless times in the past by just existing and finally took away half of her body stood in front of her.

No matter how much he verbally despises this weak individual named Aurora Florestina, no matter how much he declares that the other party is just a weak and illusory base body, the original cannot deny that even now, it has seized the control of the miko. Like any other familiar beast, she could still be overturned by Aurora.

If Aurora is willing to risk her freedom and seal her away forever.

The small silver teeth gradually elongated and turned into a length long enough to be called fangs. Aurora no longer concealed her intentions or considered her injuries, and pounced directly towards Yuanchu.

"Don't think about it!"

Zaharias drove the diamond bighorn sheep and rushed towards Aurora with the other four familiar beasts.

Even though the magic power of the six beasts was much weaker, they relied on their own power to entangle the five beasts that were like natural disasters. The aftermath of the collision destroyed the surrounding Aurora and the original fierce battle. Irregular terrain was literally leveled to the ground.

The jet-black wings penetrated Aurora's limbs, locking her in mid-air.


This is the original idea.


This is Aurora's idea.


This was Zaharias's idea.


This is what the vampires watching the battle think.

"here we go."

Badlands said.

"It's over, too."

Evil Gold said.

"Go and recover the Fourth True Ancestor."

The Shadow Emperor stood up and closed the Shura Summoner.

The light curtain dispersed, but things did not stop there.


The golden emperor rode the golden horse of light and shadow with the dragon's head, falling from the sky like a meteor.

No, that's not a fall, that's a dive.

It rushed all the way from Mars to the Earth, broke through the atmosphere of the two planets, and still continued to travel at a speed close to the speed of light, heading towards the location of Aurora and the original!

The so-called super acceleration is the basic ability to accelerate all types of one's own speed, including movement, attack, thinking, and reaction.

While enduring the pain as if his nerves were being burned, Yang Weiwu "saw" the current battle situation clearly.

Aurora's limbs were penetrated by dark wings formed by magic power, and her whole body was hung in the air.

The blond girl beneath her smiled ferociously and triumphantly.

What was faster than vision was the horizon he observed using the Ares Heaven and Earth Technique.

In that field of vision, even at this point, Aurora's eyes were still determined.

It was the look of a hero going to death.

It was the look in his eyes that he would risk everything else for everything he valued, for his own will.

Interfering casually in this battle is an insult to Aurora's will.

Yang Weiwu understood this problem.

However, is it possible to just watch Aurora bet on the possibility of losing almost everything?


"Listen, Po Jun, for heroes, their success is often not just due to luck."

"If a dragon slayer wants to kill the dragon, he needs a scout to find the dragon first. The craftsman must create a magic weapon that can break the dragon's scales. The instructor must teach the skills of the potential dragon slayer who has not yet achieved greatness."

"If you want to create an utopia, people need to consider a unified goal. Only by relying on the talents of many people to pave their own way on many roads and explore can they find out a little bit of the right path."

"The so-called heroes are often not created by just rushing to do something when the brain is hot."

"They must have a will that can determine victory or defeat, and everything is logically composed of countless coincidences that help them achieve greatness."

"So, Pojun."

"If one day,"

"You met a guy who was just one step away from being a hero."

"Just try to be the final touch of that natural legend!"

"Even if we can't become heroes, we can still witness the glory of heroes."

"In this way, for those of us who are moved by this brilliance, is it not a success?"


Time approached and stopped under the accelerated thinking, and Yang Weiwu closed his eyes.


In the meditation space with a huge difference in flow speed from the outside world, the golden emperor released his mount from the sky, then fell. His body turned over under the influence of his mind, and he kicked Aurora on the back.

The powerful attack directly penetrated the bodies of Aurora and Akatsuki Nagisa, beating them to pieces.


Yang Weiwu declared this.

So the scene returned to the state where the Emperor was still riding the Emperor's Horse in the air just now.

Once again, he let go of the imperial pony, letting himself fall and kick.

But this time, he used air control to immobilize Aurora's body.

The rhinoceros-like boots penetrated Aurora's body and opened a hole in Akatsuki's body.



He repeated it over and over again, just to find the right finishing touch that would allow Aurora to save her friend "by herself".

And the result of this answer is not far away from him successfully escaping from the Shadow Emperor.

Exiting the meditative state, he let go of the imperial pony in the super-accelerated state just as he did during meditation.

Golden light gathered at the fingertips, and then cut out four sharp edges.


That is the lowest power of Jin Zhigesu. After being suppressed by him, it can only cut off the physical body of ordinary people.

But that's just enough.

Aurora's torso and limbs were separated, and the entire torso was freed from the restraints and fell towards the origin.

The slightly small fangs fell on the original neck as if being approached by the opponent.


This is the soft sound of fangs piercing flesh, and it is also the sound that announces the original defeat.

The long golden hair that shimmered with rainbow light gradually dimmed, returning to its original pitch black, and the blue-white flame pupils also fell silent.

The eleven familiar beasts fighting in the air screamed as they were torn apart by the Emperor of Light's battle dragon, and turned into magic power and flowed into Aurora and Zaharias.

Yang Weiwu stood aside quietly, watching Aurora's body being repaired by the huge magic power and her own immortality, as if going back in time.


Before the body had finished healing, the girl looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Well, I'm here."

"I may not be able to go to school in Caihai."

"I don't really care about schooling. If you want to go, you can go. If you don't want to go, it doesn't matter if I go through the procedures for you."

"In the future, there may be no one to make late-night snacks for you."

"I can buy it myself."

"Maybe no one will drag you to an amusement park that you have no interest in."

"This is a good thing, after all, there are so many people in the amusement park that people are not in the mood to enjoy it."

"Haha!" Aurora laughed through tears, "That's right. Wei Wu is not as useless as me. He can live a good life even if he is alone."

"Mature adults are always more independent than children. In other words, children learning to be independent is the first step to becoming adults."

"...Then, I may never be able to become an adult."

"People have to learn to grow up and become independent. As long as we live, this is inevitable. We can't escape just by saying we can't do it."

The golden emperor told Aurora these words according to the teachings of his elders in his memory.

"But I'm going to die."

Aurora thought about the tone in which she would say such words to Yang Weiwu after she made the choice of the original cannibalism. The result was calmer than she expected, and she even smiled. .

"I sealed the Fourth True Ancestor and saved my friends."

"But I only have two options: seal myself or die here today."

"And the seal will be destroyed one day. I don't want to lose my spirit to the Fourth True Ancestor one day and then forget about you."

"So, I am willing to let my life stay at this moment forever."

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