【135】Feast of Flame ([-])

It is true that Aurora was created as a special matrix to seal the Fourth True Ancestor.

But if she really has the power to execute the Fourth True Ancestor, there is no need for Tianbu to keep a betrayal weapon, right?

In fact, Aurora knew this through the memory of blood from the moment the original was taken away from Akatsukisa's body along with the beasts through cannibalism.

So she also understood that if she still wanted to follow the three views and moral sense learned from Yang Weiwu, the only way was self-destruction.

Because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't kill an immortal soul.

And expelling the opponent will only free a monster with higher control over the beast.

Live with pride.

This is the most important thing Aurora learned from Yang Weiwu, and it is also a sense of morality that only her situation will become like a curse.

The golden emperor looked at her, and his bright red eye armor dimmed a little.

As if confirming her choice.

That's the best, isn't it?

Yang Weiwu can return to his own world with peace of mind, and Aurora does not have to say goodbye to him and have painful and lonely memories.

Everyone got the ideal ending, it was basically a happy end!

As the warm liquid fell from the corners of her eyes, Aurora lowered her head silently and let out a low sob.

"You are crying."

"That's rain."

"Then why are you trembling?"

"Everyone would feel cold after wearing this kind of clothes on a rainy day and getting wet now!"

"That's not what you said when you were eating seven balls of ice cream."

Yang Weiwu exposed her lies without giving any face.


Aurora took a deep breath, then raised her head suddenly, her red eyes looking at Yang Weiwu viciously for the first time in her history.

"Ah! That's right! I'm crying!"

"I feel sad because I will never be able to eat seven balls of ice cream again!"

"I'm so sad that I won't be able to see everyone at Stile again!"

"I feel sad because the academy life that you have worked so hard for me for so long, and Nagisa and I have been looking forward to for so long, is gone!"

"I'm so sad that I won't be able to see you again!"

"I'm...crying because I'm afraid of dying!"

"Why can't you sometimes stop deliberately pretending to be a straight man who doesn't understand anything even though you know what I'm thinking, just like others and just care about me and coax me!"

"I also want to... follow the example of everyone else and express my feelings to you, the one I like!"

The girl was trembling and crying, and the volume of her true words gradually broke.


Yang Weiwu took out a dry towel from the Magic Sealing Sticker that he carried with him. He used the power of the Five Elements to gather rainwater to heat it, wet the towel, and wring it out.

Then the man used a rough scrubbing method that his old father did not even think about whether it would bring snot and all on the towel and the entire face to clean Aurora's entire face.

"As for me, I'm a pretty bad guy."

He said this while wiping Aurora's face.

"Compared to when girls are smiling, I prefer to see them looking embarrassed after a fight or looking like they are crying sadly."

"Sounds bad, right? My dad said that before."

"My eldest father also complained about me and said that in the future I will probably only be able to become his kind of guy who relies on his face to get away with money and not care about his heart, and who is single and contributes more to society than harming the girl's family."

"Of course, that person will still harm girls when he is single, so I feel that he is far worse than me."

"My family gave me a lot of advice on my hobby, and finally I came to a conclusion."

"If one day I meet a girl who can't help but want to see her cry no matter what..."

Aurora's attention was attracted, and she ignored part of the original mental attack.

"Then learn like a normal person and chase that girl."

"Lying! It's obvious that the girl was the one who found the trouble in her original words!"

"So you really looked at my memory without my permission."

"That...that's force majeure!"

Although the tone was somewhat passionate, the increasingly lower tone still exposed Aurora's guilty conscience.

Throwing away the towel, Yang Weiwu patted the girl's face.

"So, if that's what you're going to do, that's my answer."


So do that?How to do it?do what?

Aurora's brain was shut down for a moment, and she didn't even dare to think about what the other party meant.

Yes, yes, yes... Do you want to agree to my unspoken confession? ! ! !


The powerful knife fell on her head, causing Aurora to let out a small exclamation.

"If you want to live proudly, see more beauty, and enjoy an infinite future, just ask me."

Yang Weiwu took a few steps back, and the Snow Mastiff logo on his waist popped out of his belt and flew into the air.

The Aurora Sword lay flat, and a groove opened in the sword grid, which caught the falling Snow Mastiff symbol and then sealed it.

"Just watch, Aurora."

"This sword is to celebrate the end of this boring banquet for you."

“After today, boldly pursue the future you want.”


"Shake Thunder!"

The dark clouds in the sky condensed endless thunder snakes, which fell on the Aurora Sword held high by Yang Weiwu.

The long sword's blade was stretched to a length of over a hundred meters in an instant, and then the lightning compressed it, shrinking the extended width and length of the sword to just a few inches.

The sword fell, and the white-gold blade slashed across Aurora's body.

The light energy that harnessed the power of the golden element instantly cut off most of the original main soul that was entangled with Aurora's soul.

On the clenched left fist, a white-gold light lit up.

Yang Weiwu punched Aurora in the chest.

This is a five-element sure-kill that he has thoroughly mastered in his fight with the Shadow Emperor. It is divided into two stages of attacks: cutting and boxing. The former is used to attack material and even spiritual souls, while the latter is capable of both hardness and softness. It can bypass the fragile body and directly attack the ethereal soul. It can also double-strike and aggravate the pain caused by the first cut.

Aurora only felt a fist fall on her chest, and then the pain from the original torture that she had suffered just now disappeared as if it had been removed.

Yang Weiwu stopped and removed his armor.

In the center of the bright red eyes, a little golden star changed dimly, like a star twinkling.

In the drizzle, Yang Weiwu hugged Aurora.

Warmth and happiness surged together, and the tired girl quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Yang Weiwu remained in this posture, lost in his own thoughts.

Zaharias witnessed the entire process.

He wanted to do something, but from the moment Yang Weiwu fell from the sky, an absolute pressure hit him from the whole body.

Then, he who had just tried to command the King Kong of the Sheep to resist felt an overwhelming feeling in his internal organs due to the power of the golden dragon.

Now, Yang Weiwu, who had released his armor, finally no longer brought him such a sense of oppression. The dragon that was originally more than ten meters long had shrunk to a foot-long size, floating around the two people with its body coiled up.

Zaharias, who was finally free, just wanted to escape as quickly as possible...

That is impossible.

He is an arms dealer!

He is an arms dealer who licks blood and makes money by selling his life!

He can use other people's lives as a bargaining chip to gain profits, so why can't he himself?

He had collected information about Yang Weiwu and had seen [Yang Weiwu] with his own eyes, so he confirmed one thing.

If there is no problem with his intelligence system, the [Yang Weiwu] he met back then is definitely not the same person as he is now!

The person in front of me should be an ordinary person with empathy and kindness.

Since he is not the racist human supremacist, then he may be able to rely on his help.

Even if it doesn't succeed, this "good person" who, like Aurora, would think that tens of thousands of people they don't even know who have their memories taken away can be called sacrifices, and he won't do anything to him in the future.

Therefore, Zaharias said: "Hello, Mr. Yang Weiwu, this is the first time we meet. My name is Zaharias."


There is no denying it, this guy is definitely not the same person I met before!

Zaharias suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and continued.

"It's like this. You may not know that I participated in the Flame Banquet all because of my sister."

"younger sister?"

"Yes, many years ago, the No. [-] Flame Night Uncle was unearthed, and my sister was unfortunately used as a sacrifice to awaken No. [-]."

"During this process, the lord who found Number One used additional rituals on his own initiative, causing Number One to go berserk and destroy his entire territory."

"Everyone was killed, including me."

Yang Weiwu looked at the other party's sad expression and couldn't help but ask: "Then why are you still alive now?"


"Because my sister, Priesta, is the number one guardian miko."

"After my death, she used her life as a cost to forcefully order No. [-] to transform me into a blood servant of the True Ancestor."

"I cannot accept her death, so since she was resurrected, I have been constantly looking for ways to save her."

"Can you imagine what it feels like for a brother who has lost his only relative?"

Yang Weiwu fell into silence.


"Speaking of which, I'm quite surprised."

The Purgatory Horse was flying to the earth "slowly", LISA said to the black emperor.


"You seem to have changed your discrimination against non-human beings, and although you appear to be a villain on the surface, what you do is actually quite decent."

Regarding LISA’s emotion that was almost a compliment, the Shadow Emperor’s answer was——

"Has your logic processing center and information collector finally broken?"


"I have not changed my discrimination against non-human beings, although my average favorable opinion of non-human beings has slightly improved."

"Then you look so caring about Aurora Florestina?"

"That doesn't mean anything."

"It's like novels have their own labels."

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