"Pure love, harem, minotaur, originality, fandom, fantasy, city, transformation, time travel, invincibility, upgrade flow..."

"Every individual life also has its own position."

"For example, I am a [Human], an [Armor Warrior], a [Dominator], etc."

"Aurora is a [non-human], a [vampire], a [god-killing weapon], a [girl with a very immature mentality and appearance], and a [hero who protected 8000 people from being voluntarily sacrificed]. "

"I just removed the [non-human] cognitive label I had for her. This will make you think that I no longer discriminate against non-human beings. In fact, I am just better than myself at this time. It’s a little better.”

"Wait a minute, since you will improve a little in the future, are you still going to let Yang Weiwu go see Aurora? Aren't you afraid that he will do something bad to Aurora?"

"My view of Aurora has changed over the long process of getting along with her. Until now, I didn't have any bad feelings towards Aurora in the past."

"But when it comes to discriminating against non-human beings, I used to be very thorough and pure."

"How to say?"

"For example, if a person was forced to become a false vampire - a Blood Servant, then my past view of this person might have been sympathy."

"And if this person takes the initiative to become a Blood Servant, then his basic psychology is contempt."

"Furthermore, if a person clearly takes the initiative to become a Blood Servant, but says that he was forced to become one, and says something like, 'My beloved family made me become a Blood Servant in order to save my life,' Then my opinion of him would rise to disgust.”

"Most lies are unpleasant to begin with, and lying to people like this makes me, a man who has lost immediate family members, even more displeased. I will just look on with cold eyes at any request made by such a person."

"Isn't that just indifference? I thought you would take action or at least tell people to get lost."

"Some people do not hesitate to deceive and hurt others for what they do. Even if a guy with his own consciousness does something immoral, his firm belief will slightly increase my favorability in my heart. And violence is not an act worthy of superiority. "

"Do you know Zaharias?"

"Hmm... the leader of the Hungarian territory who overturned Iblisbel's car, a pure-minded arms dealer?"

"Yes, he is a person who will use his sister's body."

"If he honestly told his purpose and past, instead of trying to deceive me who has the ability to detect lies, or even if he didn't use the excuse of resurrecting his dead family members, I might have sent Aurora and Akatsuki Sa out as quickly as possible. The hospital let him go."

"But actually... LISA, do you know how many Ling Chi swords a Blood Servant can withstand?"

"How many?"

"Twelve thousand, six hundred and thirty-seven knives. He will die later because of a complete mental breakdown."

"I am generally grateful to Zaharias who provided me with the knowledge that I did not use the second possibility."


Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

I took exams during the day today and caught up on homework left over from last week at night.

Later, I also liked Azur Lane.

Hey, Haman II, York City II, hey, wives hey hey.

Then my Taiwan server horse racing girl, who didn’t read the guide, finally raised her first A horse.

By the time I remembered that there had been no update today, it was almost eleven o'clock!

So either the underworld will be updated today, or it will be updated tomorrow.

【136】Feast of Flame ([-])

Yang Weiwu has known since he was a child that he has the ability to make others "believe" and be willing to help him.

Yes, it's not charm, it's ability.

Charm cannot make a few people who meet you for the first time resolutely choose to jump off a building to defend justice because of your words.

And because of the education he received from his family since childhood, when Yang Weiwu was still called Yang Pojun, he rarely expressed his wishes to others.

In school, many people rush to cooperate with him in group assignments or activities that require team formation because of his excellent appearance and "good guy" personality.

At home, the eldest father and biological father often figure out his thoughts before he opens his mouth. What he wants can often be obtained before he says it, or he will be told how to achieve it as soon as he has an idea.

Because of this situation, he almost never had a deep understanding of his abilities before junior high school. He only heard from his eldest father that he could achieve command effects on people through words.

He said that the nature of this ability will interfere with a person's spirit. In the process, you will know a little bit about the other person's inner thoughts, but at most you can only know whether he is lying. It is difficult to even know how many percent of a sentence is a lie. distinguish.

Under the guidance of his eldest father, Yang Weiwu worked hard and practiced, so that the ability to distinguish lies can be permanent without using [Domination].

So he lived a more popular life.

When there is such a person who can detect your joy, sadness, anger, bitterness and other emotions at the first time, and share the joy, blessing or comfort with you at the first time, then you will definitely feel, "How is this guy?" If you understand me, you must be my soul friend!"

However, Yang Wuqu's original intention was actually just to prevent Yang Weiwu from being abducted by human traffickers. After all, human trafficking is not a capital crime. There are always some beasts who want quick money and will try to join this industry.

And Yang Weiwu did meet a gang of human traffickers and saw the children and middle school and high school girls arrested by them.

Since he was not allowed to further test his abilities at home, he, who was about to graduate from elementary school at the time, was out of curiosity and tried to get traffickers to do to each other what the abducted children would do and what the people they intended to sell might do to each other.

That was also the first time that Yang Weiwu used torture techniques for people who were not from a professional background, the first time that he witnessed a surgical procedure that was not from a professional background, and the first time that an adult's physiological behavior was actually practiced and he watched science popularization.

And, he really understood the meaning of what Big Dad said: Sometimes people look like people but they are not necessarily people.

At least the traffickers will still have human dignity until they die, but Yang Weiwu has already labeled them as "non-human".

So even though the mother who said she had a seriously ill child and was waiting for her to earn enough surgery fees to save her life begged before her death, he still chose to be a bystander and watch her complete her final self-analysis ( physics).

Because of this, after that, he was ordered to absolutely never use this ability on humans.

"Such an approach will only make you lose your respect for life."

This is the conclusion of his father Yang Lucun.

After that, he was constantly improving his three concepts, and during this period he almost never really used his abilities.

But today, he "made an exception" for the first time in a long time.

"what is one thousand minus seven?"

"Nine, nine hundred and ninety-three..."

Zaharias painfully answered Yang Weiwu's question as he cut off a thin piece of flesh with the gem knife formed from the power of the beast.

Yang Weiwu once watched a TV series called Tokyo Foodie by his friend. The other party excitedly described to him the episode in which the male protagonist was constantly tortured. The guy who tortured him was trying not to let the male protagonist lose. Consciousness, feeling the pain to the greatest extent, uses this relatively simple arithmetic to keep his brain active and awake.

Because after a brief taste of the game, Yang Weiwu felt that the logic, plot and combat power of the game would definitely collapse at least once, and he felt that the non-human race settings in it were completely unreasonable, so he didn’t read more.

However, the expression on his friend's face during Amway was still fresh in his memory, so Yang Weiwu still remembered this section.

I just didn't expect that it would actually be useful one day.

Moreover, Zaharias had already cut himself seven thousand and one times.

Alas, he is truly a blood servant of his true ancestor. He is truly excellent in immortality.

After the meat falls off, it will fly back and stick to itself after a while, so that it can be recycled again and again! (happiness)

I remember that in ancient Chinese history, this kind of criminal law should be called Lingchi.

Then the number Yang Weiwu thought of was 3600.

Do you mean $3600 is the starting price?Or does it mean that if you cut it at most, you will die or there will be no meat left to cut?

Yang Weiwu held Aurora with one hand and moved his other arm, which was already sore.

How about fitting the armor together first and then hugging her? I don’t know if I’ve been hugging him for an hour or how long. It feels like it’s going to be dawn if this continues.

Thinking this way, he stayed in the humid wind. The drizzle had stopped long ago. Even if it hadn't stopped, with his ability to control objects in the air, it would still be possible to form an invisible rain-shielding zone for a few hours.

The king wearing silver armor walked over, followed by a group of daring shadow guardians and guests.

"Wow! How cruel!"

The bookstore owner in a red robe shouted.

"Who is this guy?"

Yang Weiwu asked the Shadow Emperor.

"Evil gold."

"It's quite different from the one on TV."

"This one has a brain, and the biggest problem is that he has a brain."

The Shadow Emperor stepped forward and took Aurora, and Yang Weiwu took the opportunity to stretch his limbs that were almost dying.

"So the rest...is that girl with pink hair the Badlands? The ratio of yin and yang is quite harmonious."

"Three boys and two girls... Well... I should say there is only one boy and one girl. There is no point in defining the gender of the remaining three."

The Shadow Emperor said.

"Is that so..."

Yang Weiwu nodded indifferently and then asked.

"When are you going to return the Shura Summoner with LISA to me?"

"Then you need to wait for me to come back from outer space during this time period."

"Oh, are you using the power of the Shura Armor to travel through time because you're afraid of something going wrong? I didn't expect that I would become such a cautious person in the future."

Yang Weiwu taunted the Shadow Emperor.

Although after a closer look, this is my own mockery of myself, but just as people always think that they were just a straggler in the past, how could they do such bad things, in the eyes of the past self, the future self may not be a straggler. soldiers.

"I'm glad you can see clearly. If you take any chances with these shadow guardians, the future may be very bad. Although it is indeed bad, it is impossible to avoid that kind of thing."

The crimson eye lenses lit up slightly, and a neutral voice of praise came from behind the devil-like visor.

"It would be nice if we didn't create a shadow guardian... Even though I want to say that, it's impossible, right?"

"Ah, their existence is proof that I have overcome the five levels of trials, and it is also the inheritance of the spirit of the Lao Yang family."

"Let me think about it, my eldest dad is the King of the Sea, my dad is a bigot, my little dad is the Chief of Thunder Bluff, and I am a racist... What kind of spirit have you inherited?!"

"At best, if Lao Yang's family doesn't have female boxers and little fairies, the toxicity can be tolerated."

"Such a bunch of stuff still has that kind of power. Do you think it can be indulged so easily?"

Yang Weiwu was speechless.

"That was the mistake I made when I was young, and it's the mistake you will make in the future."

"Then the Shadow Emperor from the future, can you tell me why I did not become the Emperor Knight to establish the Bright Realm and rule the world as a king, but instead established the Shadow Realm as the Shadow Emperor and allowed my subordinates to commit crimes in the past? alone?"

"Of course, I don't have any thoughts about myself as the Riddler."

The Shadow Emperor changed the topic.

"But before that, let's settle other important things first."

He turned around and looked at the vampires and high school girls who seemed to have followed them here. In fact, Evil Jin used invisible chains to drag each other out, and then used his own technical power to make them at least slightly posture. Look better.

"Calm down, everyone. Now we, the Shadow Realm, will take over the role of arbiter of the Banquet of Fire from the Japanese official hands. Next, we will announce the outcome of this banquet."

Although I said it was all of you, these words were generally said to a certain vampire with the appearance of a blond young man, because he was the only one who was staring at Aurora tightly.

Yang Weiwu knew the other party, so he was kind to him... Well, what a duke, his surname is Vatra!

Although he lacked the impression of the other party's identity, Yang Weiwu did not forget that his benefactor could still be said to have tried his best.

"Ahem, cough, let me do it next."

Yitzhak rubbed his hands and looked at the Shadow Emperor with beaming eyes.

"...just be normal."


Transformed into the form of a supernatural beast, Evil Gold's six scarlet eyes looked directly at everyone.

He knelt on one knee, opened his arms and raised them high, and screamed——

"Celebrate - he is..."

"Emperor armor, fit together."

"(Fire and Thunder activation key) Rakshasa Cannon."

Light energy gathered in the hands of the golden emperor, and the silver-purple king pointed the cannon at Evil Gold.

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