"Then...what are you going to do with Aurora?"

"Tell her what happened, wish her happiness in the future, and then moisten it."

"...Before, Big Daddy said that I have the possibility of becoming someone like him."

"Yes, I remember it very clearly."

"Then I thought, that man is a man who likes my dad, hates my mom, and looks down on his third brother. In order to find the mood to respect the dead, he became a forensic doctor. He usually works as a Neptune for one month or even one week. The king of war."

"From a family and human perspective, he is a pure scumbag." The Shadow Emperor said.

"Yes, so, what's the difference between your plan and his?"

The Aurora Shield on the chest was removed and merged with the Aurora Sword to become the Emperor's Halberd.

"The reason why I allowed the Flame Banquet to continue is to confirm whether Aurora has gained her true self. Although I am somewhat surprised that she made a heroic decision, it is also because she has her true self. A symbol. This also shows that she can live in this world by herself even without me."

He also took off the pitch-black Aurora Shield, and summoned the silver-gray Aurora Sword, combining it into the Emperor's Halberd.

"You still make this choice when the atmosphere between you and Aurora has reached this point. What kind of behavior is Ultra's behavior of escaping from marriage?"

"I gained strength during the long journey and strengthened my belief that I will not pursue eternal life. From a scientific point of view, a man named Yang Weiwu will reach his end and die when he lives up to 150 years old. And for the true ancestor with infinite lifespan, having a short-lived father-in-law... my friend is really cruel."

"You just wanted to talk about your husband, right?"

"The atmosphere has reached a point where it's natural to slip up."

"Ha ha."

Yang Weiwu sneered.

"I don't plan to discuss my lifespan with you. After all, I think 'civilizing the years' is what I want to pursue. It doesn't matter whether it's long or short."


"If my future self, after I achieve my ideal, makes this kind of fucking operation that sounds very suitable for writing about the crematorium for chasing a wife or the crematorium for chasing a husband, or regretful abortion, then there is only one thing I have to do. "

"I will definitely correct Yang Weiwu (myself) like you!"

"The Emperor of Light Battle Dragon!"


Siyuan's armored beast roared and rushed towards the two of them.

[The emperor succumbs to the demon and annihilates it! 】

The Shadow Emperor sighed slightly as he saw that he was getting closer and closer to his final kill. His super-accelerated mind was thinking about whether the remaining time would be enough for his past self to remember to cherish the armored beast of the present.

You can’t think about it enough, right?After all, although I may seem obedient at this time, when it comes to key issues, I don't listen to anyone at all, even my future self.

Unfortunately, Aurora's plans are at the crux of the matter.

Bad Earth's body was pulled over by the Shadow Emperor, and he completed a perfect [Defensive Coming].

As the golden symbol with the ancient yellow character [Earth] that appeared after his death fell into his waist, the Shadow Emperor summoned his own armored beast.

"Come on, [Shadow Emperor Fighting Dragon]."

The dark dragon tore through the space, crossed a distance measured in light years, and came to the side of the Shadow Emperor.

End of volume testimonials

OK, brother, I have deeply reflected on the four events in this volume.

The first two original events seemed meaningless due to the protagonist's single perspective and unclear situation (as well as the super slow update speed and my poor writing style), so they were just used as pitfalls to be filled in when returning in the future.

The existence of Jesibi, Yitzhak and others is to provide a pre-dug pit and to lead out the Shadow Emperor behind.

As a result of the almost complete information gap, it seems that Yang Weiwu suffered a lot in the past, but I also said that he did not suffer a defeat against the enemy (at the time, I was worried that the routine I thought of would be seen through at once, but now it seems like a word game Also useful).

And the fact is as you can see, Yang Weiwu is just experiencing the fate that is affirmed by his future self, which is equivalent to not opening this crap book but thinking that this is probably the most likely way for me to realize my own wish to complete a hero's story, so I started this book with similar thoughts.

Fortunately, I persisted until the first volume was completed and did not deviate from the characters and outline (although the detailed outline is already in the seventh edition).

I have already mentioned the disposition of Enlai Island at the end of Volume [-], but Aurora’s ending is not necessarily certain, because Yang Weiwu’s final mentality is that I do not value immortality and intends to naturally end life as a human being (only Refers to accepting the end of life under normal circumstances)

The second volume is to fill in the pitfalls about the elemental elves and himself, so it is a semi-open volume (meaning that you will write the whole thing you want due to time and space), and it is also to complete the inheritance of the Shadow Emperor.

In terms of setting, the power of the Shadow Emperor fell into this world along with the four ancient supernatural beasts. The four evil beasts guarded this power and waited for the arrival of the summoner of the Emperor's Armor.

Then, if nothing else goes wrong, you will see me trying to describe a large-scale group battle (referring to a pair of N's), the inheritance of the golden spirit and the broken army spirit, crushing other people's wishes, leading evil people to beat up a loving family, etc. ( I felt a little guilty after looking at the title of the book).

Then, I hid some Easter egg content in the new chapter related to the work. Maybe the old man could guess what kind of world I was sewing (sad)

So see you tomorrow and wish you good morning, good afternoon and good night.

Volume [-]·The summoner of the Emperor's Armor will not dream of the old-timers

【138】Four Evil Tower

This is a floating island located above the western part of China.

More than a hundred years ago, a total of five floating islands appeared around the world.

It was discovered that four of these five floating islands would bring all the creatures in the area under the island to the island every time.

And on those four islands, there are towers of different styles.

The tower longs for the strong to enter.

This is the consensus that people have reached.

Because countless strong or weak people, whether humans, animals, or plants, will inevitably become strong once they walk out of the tower alive.

The Island of Miracles and the Tower of Grace, this is what many people who knew them first called them.

This is a world where destiny is determined by birth.

People have mysterious energy called magic, and they each have abilities driven by magic.

In ancient times, they had titles such as magicians and qigong practitioners.

In modern times, they have another name——


They manifest their souls into weapons that display their power and majesty like staffs, such as swords, spears, halberds, bows, staffs, threads, and even paintbrushes that have nothing to do with combat. These weapons are called [Devices]. )].

With these inherent spiritual equipment, the swordsmen are able to achieve miraculous powers beyond human capabilities.

The powerful can command time and turn it back.

Weak people can make sports competitions in a world without demons meaningless.

Whether it is a force institution such as the police or the army, its main members are swordsmen.

Although everyone has magic power in their body, the ability to be a swordsman and the power to embody the inherent spiritual equipment can only be obtained by the chosen one, and most people have low magic power, or have supernatural powers. It's mediocre, it can only quickly restore physical strength and improve eyesight.So after all, this is still a miraculous power that only a few people can enjoy.

And those four islands, or rather the towers on those four islands, will be regarded by people as miraculous towers of grace.

No matter whether a person with strong or weak magic power steps into it, his or her magic power will be continuously enhanced just by staying in it.

Those who do not have the ability to cut a sword will be given the ability to use a sword, and those who have the ability to use a sword will have their abilities enhanced or even sublimated.

Such a dreamlike existence that selflessly bestows the power of miracles will undoubtedly be regarded as a miracle itself.

But it's not just humans who can gain power.

After entering it, animals will grow at a faster rate and increase in strength.Once a certain growth time is exceeded, the legendary Warcraft, Phantom Beast or even Divine Beast will be born.

It's the same thing with plants, even worse.

Growth acceleration, genetic modification, diversification of transmission routes, self-cultivation of predatory individuals...

After enjoying the miracles brought by the four towers for ten years, people have tasted its hidden dangers, causing mythical monsters to appear on the earth.

But just after the first sixty years since the floating islands appeared, people's evaluation of them changed fundamentally.

When they finally spent all their efforts to kill all the monsters and plants, and killed all the animals and plants brought to the island several times in succession, they ensured that no more dangerous monsters would appear in the first 60 years. Year……

A pillar of light rose from the only floating island that had never invited anyone or anything.

A dark, blue-colored light beam.

Subsequently, a monster walked out of each of the other four floating island towers.

A monster with the power to overturn the entire world.

One was a monster with thorns on its head and scythe arms. It defeated tens of thousands of swordsmen with absolute ferocity, razing everything in its path to the ground.

One is a monster with a body like a dinosaur and an eagle-like head, holding a sword and shield. It will look for the strongest opponent in a certain area, and only after completely defeating it will it choose the next enemy. However, its exaggerated strength is almost He destroyed half of humanity's top combat power.

One is a red, oval-shaped monster with no eyes, two pairs of wings on its back, four hands and two legs. It will choose people who have committed evil deeds to kill first, and kill them based on the evil deeds they have done. Afterwards, you gain strength proportional to the amount of evil.

The last one is a gorilla-headed warrior born with two horns. He uses a spear to kill human beings on sight, regardless of whether he is strong or weak. He is the monster that has caused the greatest damage to human beings.

The four murderers in the tower returned to the tower 24 hours after they went on a killing spree, and a stone tablet engraved with unknown characters appeared in front of the tower, which stated the rules that the tower owner would go out every sixty seconds. , as well as the rules for people who gain power on the tower. Their power will be adapted by the tower owner.

It was after this time that people realized that miracles were by no means free of cost, so they called the towers of grace on the four miraculous floating islands the Towers of the Four Evils, namely, violence, arrogance, evil eating, and greed. .

After people withstood the second ravage by the monster called the Tower Master on the stone tablet, they confirmed that the records on the stone tablet were correct and established the position of Tower Keeper. On the one hand, it was to prevent some people with malicious intentions. On the one hand, the purpose of landing on the island is to make timely observations and countermeasures while using the Four Evil Towers as much as possible.

"So little doll, you understand what the hell you are now, right?"

The old man with a white beard and muscles all over his body looked at the boy who was about eleven or twelve years old in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

"Hmm... inside the Four Evils Tower?"

"...It's on the floating island with the Tower of Violence. If you enter, something big will happen."

"That doesn't seem particularly bad."

"Then how did you come to this ghost place?"

"I didn't create it! I was here when I woke up."

"Is your father dead? Let a little baby like you run into a place like this."

"Oh, your guess is quite accurate about what happened yesterday."


The old man couldn't control his expression for a moment. It took him a moment to calm down, and then he reconfirmed: "Are you kidding?"

"No, he was a fire alarm and died trying to save others."

"……Feel sorry."

"It doesn't matter, I'm over the initial emotion. My name is Yang Pojun, can I recognize you?"

The boy with bright red eyes stretched out his hand to the old man.

【139】Current situation of Yang Pojun (4K)

Yang Pojun is a freshman in high school, that is, a new high school student who has only been in high school for about half a semester.

On a hot holiday, he met a pitch-black UFO who claimed to be the Darkness of the Mysterious Yin. Under the temptation of the other party's genuine Emperor's Belt, he agreed to his request and chose to travel across the world with him.

Then hundreds of millions of little problems arose during the process.

For example, at first he just wanted props for the filming of Armored Warriors, but it turned out that the real ones seemed to be really powerful.

For example, he bumped into something on the way through time, and when he woke up, his body had shrunk to the size of a 12-year-old.

For example, he remembered that he was a freshman in high school and had only been in school for half a semester, but Yang Pojun had the impression that he was sent here during the summer vacation.

In short, the problems he encountered were as follows -

I came across a genuine product that I don’t know if it can be used, my growth was reversed, and I had memory problems.

Logically speaking, according to his habit, he would first determine what else he can do, and then analyze how to improve the situation as much as possible.

But before that, a strong old man caught him.

What happened next was that the old man seriously interrogated him as to why he came to this dangerous floating island.

Fortunately, the old man can speak Chinese.

At first, when he saw Yang Pojun's face, he asked for his identity in fluent English. Because he was so fluent and matched with the opponent's benevolent appearance, he was stunned for a long time. Later, he switched to French, German, Italian, Japanese, etc. A range of languages.

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