Yang Pojun was interested in learning simple greetings and sentence patterns in the first few languages ​​up to Japanese, but he was really unable to do so in the latter languages. The last sentence, "Uncle, can you speak Chinese?" made the old man silent.

Then there’s the classic question of one question, three no’s… and two no questions.

Faced with the old man's three questions: "Who are you?" "What are you doing here?" and "Here you come?", Yang Pojun could only answer the first one.

After that, the old man frowned and asked him some questions that seemed to be about common sense. As a result, Yang Pojun honestly imitated his answer during the exam, and the old man taught him the contents of the previous chapter.

"So your kid has lost his memory, right?"

"Hard to say."

"What's your father's name?"

"Yang Lucun."

"How many people are in the family?"

"My dad, my mom, and...oh, my dad passed away yesterday, so it's just my mom and me. If I insist, my eldest dad lives with us, so we can barely live with the three of us."

"I really don't remember who brought you here?"

"Yes, I have."


"It's a black thing called Xuanyin's darkness."


What's the difference between this and having no impression on you?

The old man took Yang Weiwu to his residence, a natural stone house on this floating island.

A stone bed with no bedding.

A round stone table surrounded by four stone benches.

There were also two boxes that looked out of place in the house.

"Sit down, I'll ask an acquaintance about you."

The old man let him figure it out and opened a box. There were many iron boxes of different sizes and several medical kits inside.

Taking out an iron box, taking out paper, pen, and ink from it, the old man placed it on the stone table and began to write.

"Are you... writing a letter?"

"There is a special magnetic field here, electromagnetic signals cannot be transmitted in, and satellite phones are useless. There is only this ancient method of communication."

"Isn't this a floating island? Who can help deliver the letter?"

"There are special mailboxes here and under the floating island, and there will be some gentle creatures to help. Don't provoke them out of curiosity!"

"Don't worry, uncle, I won't do that. So, uncle, what do you call me?"

"My surname is Niu, and my full name is Niu Jian."

"It makes me hungry."

"I'll try my best to send you out before you starve to death. You can't eat the food here. You will come back one day after eating it."

Is it because of addiction?

Yang Pojun moved his lips and looked at Niu Jian writing a letter seriously, not wanting to disturb him.

"How about little doll pen calligraphy?"

"I have learned some ways to write more beautifully."

"very good."

Niu Jian took out another piece of letter paper.

"Here, make a copy of what the uncle wrote, and make it more attractive."

Yang Weiwu took the letter and looked at it.

Hey!I can't understand it at all!

At this time, he thought that this was a different world. Even if the languages ​​were fortunately connected, the words might not necessarily be the same.

Damn it, could this be testing him?

Under the heavy gaze of the opponent, Yang Pojun compared the size difference between the two sides in his mind, and chose the latter between using his [Domination] and looking at the content.

The other party seems to be quite kind, but it is not good to use this ability casually, and if my own ability is cracked, there is no telling how bad the relationship will be.

With this idea in mind, Yang Pojun saw some clues.

"You are... a top-notch wild grass!"

"...Don't brag randomly and recite the main text."

"Old Hu, I picked up a doll here. I don't know where it came from. It looks like it has lost its memory. I don't have anything to eat here. You can bring some. It's best to send someone over directly to borrow it... Uncle Niu, you made a typo here, it’s ‘pick up’ next to the handle, right?”

Niu Jian slapped his thigh.

"Nang Xipi, I just said that my writing skills are top-notch! That old guy Lao Hu also said that my broken handwriting can't be recognized by anyone except his size and the people I know. Look, even ten-year-old kids say this is Good words!”

No, it’s indeed a bad calligraphy. It’s just that the calligraphy of the uncle in my neighborhood is the same as yours. I’m quite familiar with people, so I can barely recognize him after seeing him a lot.

However, these words were obviously inappropriate to say, so Yang Pojun just showed an awkward but decent smile.

Copying quickly, Niu Jian packed the letter, told him to stay here, and walked out quickly.

Listening to the footsteps gradually getting lighter, Yang Pojun looked around idly.

No one was interested except those two boxes.

But you can't just open other people's private belongings. This is a matter of basic etiquette.

In order to teach him this, Dad once gave the example of the teacher checking the school bag.

Even if it is a surprise inspection, if he asks you to rummage his bag in front of you, he will respect you more than if he takes the opportunity to rummage through your bag while you are away at recess or physical education class. At least the former is considered as the teacher fulfilling his duties and Power, the latter is pure animal behavior.

Although Yang Pojun felt that the latter's evaluation was somewhat excessive at the time, he chose to agree after the other party deliberately emphasized the shape of the strong pectoralis major muscles under the tights.

This is the spirit of non-violence and non-cooperation (dense fog).

Closer to home, he didn't have the habit of looking at other people's things, so he chose to sleep on the hard stone bed.

A little sleepy...

Good night, Aurora.



Who is Aurora?

Yang Pojun "opened his eyes" and found himself in an empty hall.

The darkness of Xuanyin floated quietly in the air, and Yang Pojun had the feeling that the other party was watching him.

"I need an explanation."

[This is exactly the purpose of me trying to get you into a meditative state. 】


[The state you can enter when you are in a peaceful state of mind can also be regarded as a state of cultivation. 】

"Oh, that sounds weird, so let me first ask if the contract between us is still in effect, right?"

[I know what you want to say, but it’s not because of me that you are like this now. 】

Yang Pojun put on an expression that said, "I hear you continue to fart."

[It’s like this, during the process of time travel, you bumped into this world’s specialty—a god. 】

[After an in-depth exchange between the two of you, you finally chose to confront each other with swords. 】

[The result is that you were unable to adapt to the rules of this world because you were new here, so your integration was delayed, and you were attacked first by the other party. 】

[However, due to different rules, the opponent's attack did not have the original effect. You just regressed in physical age and lost no more than ten years of memory. 】

"Would you like to hear what you're saying?"

Yang Pojun looked at it with the expression of an old man on the subway cell phone.

"Can this price be described as 'just'???"

[Originally, everything about you will be wiped out by the opponent. In the case of an away game, even if you have the Emperor's Armor, you should be lucky to be able to save a life in the face of an attack of that nature. 】

"What about that God? Tell me where He is. Sooner or later I will kill that guy for revenge."

[If you plan to find Him, I advise you to give up. 】


【Because he is in your body. 】


[The opponent did attack you first, but it was only a successful attack. After that, you used the emperor's armor to smash his body and defeat his will, and finally completed the seal. 】

"What does that have to do with Him being in my body?"

[Because I transformed your body into something similar to a magic box. 】

"...I remember we agreed not to be human beings."

[It’s just a built-in different space, and the race has not changed. 】

[One more thing, I don’t know what you think now. 】

"Are you Uncle Long's father? Tell me."

[Just as the other party did not successfully kill you, you did not completely seal the other party. 】

"Huh? If it's sealed, it's sealed. What does it mean if it's not completely sealed?"

[This means that he can use your eyes to look at the outside world, and at the same time rely on his own power, which will affect your use of the emperor's armor to combine. 】

"...Xuan Yin Zhi Dark, do you know what I want to do now?"

【Run it back? 】

"You understand me, so the next question is, how much time has passed since the first time you said you wanted me to travel through time, and then as long as you didn't do anything, I could help you fulfill our agreement. What I want is me The year of subjective experience is not the time that you can play tricks on me and use different flow rates in different worlds."

Yang Pojun was not sure whether the beautiful blond girl he thought of before falling asleep was the cosplayer he saw at which comic show or an acquaintance he had forgotten, but he was sure that his XP did not include petite beautiful girls and blond hair. In addition, it is impossible to find a wife and then run away to a different world.

In addition, in my impression, the vacation time traveled back in time was summer, so if nothing else, it should be summer vacation. In my impression, I was already halfway through my freshman year of high school, so it should be late autumn.This sense of time dislocation made him suspect that something was wrong with his memory.

In the end, the other party admitted personally that he had lost no more than ten years of memory.

What does not exceed ten years mean?

Most of the year is no more than ten years.

More than nine years but not more than ten years.

So how much time does this guy who likes word games spend to understand him? This is what Yang Pojun cares about.

[...This is the second world you traveled through. In the first world, you spent about four...seven years, allowing your body to grow to the age of 22.And your vital signs are about 12 years old now, so I would say that you have lost your memory for no more than ten years. 】

"I traveled through time to the age of sixteen... No, you wanted to say four at first, and then my body grew to 22 years old... In other words, I traveled through time. So what do you mean by spending seven years?"

[About three years have passed mentally at a speed far exceeding that of the physical body, and the memory has also increased in this way.If nothing else, the loss of memory is the same as the age of physical regression. After all, you come from a world where the will is higher than the soul and the body. 】

[Then these are the gains you got in the previous world. 】

The silver mobile phone was "vomited" out by the darkness of Xuanyin, along with two golden keys.

"Shura Summoner and...what are these?"

The two golden keys lit up with blue light and purple light respectively, turning into a silver-blue squid and a silver-purple scorpion.

"Ah Chu and Ah Xie...didn't Big Daddy say that you went to where you should go?"

Yang Pojun looked at his two childhood playmates in surprise.

He still remembered that when he was 12 years old, Yang Wuqu told him that he would no longer have these two little guys to accompany him. He was sad for a long time and never wanted to reunite here.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The joy made him even forget to face Xuanyin Darkness... Shit!

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