Yang Pojun turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Eh? Wait for me, Emperor Yan!"


"Why did you say he died, Wei Wu?"

"It's just an impression. After the Red World eats human beings, the sudden disappearance of one person will bring turmoil to the world. The more the number, the more obvious the movement, so they will spit out some residue to make [torches], so that these people can be Those who have eaten will "continue" to exist for a little longer. In this case, the movement will occur later. Many members of the Red World will leave directly before the [Torch] is extinguished, making it difficult for them to be discovered by the Fire Mist Warriors. And hunt.”

"That man—Ayatsuji Kaito is the Torch?"

"I should say... there are a bunch of torches in that dojo, including the little girl."

The snake's voice was as calm as ever.

"And there is a special torch called [Mistis], which is used to preserve Noble Phantasms or special powers. Ayatsuji Kaito has such a Noble Phantasm."

"Are you sure it's a Noble Phantasm... You know its true form, right?"

"Although it sounds incredible, I do know it."

Snake admitted it and had nothing to hide.

"It should be something called [Tyrant]. If nothing else, it is my Noble Phantasm."

"Is there any use?"

"I forgot, it doesn't seem important."


"But [shell] seems to be quite important."


"I just forgot what the [shell] does."


New Year's Day message

It was New Year's Day, and I finally said goodbye to dozens of homework assignments after entering college.

However, I suffered from electronic impotence some time ago, so the activity was postponed to today’s deadline.

So tonight I’m going to compete in the Genshin Festival, so I’ll just do the pigeons today.

Purple Potato Pudding.

【147】The agreement between Yang Pojun and Snake

"Six o'clock, okay, I'm here."

"...Change to backgammon. Flying chess, which is purely about luck, is boring."

Yang Pojun said with a dark face.

It would be a lie to rely solely on luck. The entire Lao Yang family knows how to throw the dice with the specified number, it is just a matter of success rate.

But for Yang Pojun, whose success rate is only 67%, compared with Tiangong Ziyin, who has full luck, he can continue to play flying chess by throwing six points. Theoretically, as long as he keeps throwing six points, he can win at the speed of light, which is probably Only if he goes first and gets all six points can he win.

"Is it really okay for us to keep playing chess here? We won't even look for a place to stay."

"I have prepared a tent for camping in the wild. Let's stay outside the dojo for now. I need to think carefully."

"Thinking about what?"

"Do Torches count as humans, and if so, what kind of humans should I count them as? What do you think?"

Yang Pojun told Tiangong Ziyin about the torch and Mystis because he wanted to hear his opinion.

According to his own experience, as a person who was asked by his eldest father at the age of four if he could accept his mother's passing away (that night Yang Wuqu failed to assassinate Yang Pojun's biological mother and Yang Lucun was pinned to the corner and beaten all night), It should be normal to discuss the definition of human beings and concepts of life and death with an eight-year-old.

"...Why would you ask a child younger than yourself such a question?"

"I can't help but ask Ayatsuji Kaito himself, right?"

"...It sounds like a dead person to me. Whether it's Torch or Mystis, isn't it destined to die in the end?"

"But humans are the same. It's just that one is shorter and the other is longer."

"You are so troublesome...how about treating them as seriously ill patients?"

"It's not impossible, it's just that Ayatsuji Kaito looks strong enough to hit two of us, although it feels like I can hit three of him with my bare hands."

"So, what do you think after treating the other party as a seriously ill patient? Are you still going to get the Noble Phantasm?"


Yang Pojun frowned.

"I hope to help Wei Wu, but he said that taking away the Noble Phantasm will cause harm to Mystis. They treat each other as human beings. I can't bear to do such a thing to someone who has no hatred."

"It's difficult."

Tian Gong Ziyin packed up the flying chess pieces and opened the backgammon box.

"Then what are we going to do next? Change a place?"

"No, we have special training."

Yang Pojun said.

"Take Shana as an example. If the Fire Mist Warriors are all at that level, the average value of the Red World disciples who are hostile to them will probably not be lower than that. At present, I have not been able to face more than ten of them. If you protect yourself against an enemy like that, it will be difficult for you to protect yourself.”

"Why did you first set the condition that one against ten..."

"So both of us need special training. The first is physical fitness. You each carry one kilogram on both hands and feet throughout the day, and I each carry two kilograms. We maintain this state and train every day, allowing us to use magic to strengthen ourselves."

"What about the specific training program?"

"When a bicycle chases someone, one person rides the bicycle and the other person runs in front. When the speed slows down, they run over the other person."


Amangong Ziyin looked at him with an expression like "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Okay, then here are your bikes and weights. Let's run with them first."


"What are you wondering about? Throwing it around without carrying it is a bad thing. Considering your weakness, I allow you to run for 5 minutes first."

Amangong Ziyin looked at this guy with a pale face and looked like he was not joking at all. After a moment of hesitation, he put on the weights and started running with the bicycle on his shoulders.


Yang Pojun looked at Tiangong Ziyin's thin back, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Are you asking him to leave specifically because you want to say something to me that won't make you keep your face?"

"Well, I can't help it. Even I don't really want to let children watch when we talk about something, especially when this matter is quite important."

"So, what is it?"

"Wei Wu, what you said about the Fire Mist Warriors is that they signed a contract, right?"

"Yes, it's probably a tenant contract, but no matter what, the container won't end well after the Demon King leaves."

"As for me, before I came to this world... well, my current impression of the world I was born in is that my father died not long ago."

Thinking of his experience of losing a whole world, Yang Pojun changed his words.

"At that time, before I came out, my eldest father asked me a question."

"If you were given a chance to resurrect anyone, would you use it to resurrect your father?"

"He was a miraculous man, so miraculous that I thought I might believe whatever he said."

"So I was really racking my brains to think about it."

"It's really strange. When the news of my father's death came and was confirmed, I really hoped that he would come back to life. But after I had the 'hope', I hesitated."

"No, it's actually not that strange."

"My dad said that human life is precious because you only have it once."

"That's why doctors and fire alarms look so like heroes. After all, they are professions in which mortals compete with death."

"Maybe I remembered this inappropriate teaching. At that time, my answer was that I would not resurrect anyone. Even if someone came back from the dead, I would not regard them as human beings again."

"Dad looked very disappointed, but that's right. No matter what, he would be unhappy to face a nephew who would say, 'If dad climbs out of the coffin, I will let him lie back down myself.'"


"Draw the sword!"

The sheathed long sword wrapped around the dark winged snake was pulled out a few inches, and black flames spit out from the snake's mouth and wrapped around the entire sheathed long sword.

"Let's make an agreement. I'll help you find things you think are important, and you can help me find [heroes]."

"During this period, we take turns using our own will to decide whether something should be done or not, until we all recover our memories. By then -"

"If our ideas conflict, or our purposes conflict with each other, then let's kill each other seriously."

"Are you serious about this?"


"Obviously we don't have a clear purpose?"


"Even now, do you have a feeling that we will definitely end up fighting in the end?"


"Then let's make a contract."

The black flames formed a snake shape in the air and looked at the man.

"I don't have the ability to make contracts, I can only make verbal agreements."

"It's a coincidence, so am I."

"Then the first thing to do now—"

"Send Ayatsuji Kaito and others on their way."

With a sword, it would take about 5 minutes for Haru Pojun to kill fifty Ayatsuji Kaito, plus the time spent walking in and talking to the snake.

【148】Can luck be such a thing that you can even meet the Red Devil in the wild (4K)

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Faliagny, the King of the Red World, [Hunter]."

The man in his 30s and wearing a cassock said to the handsome man in front of him.

"My name is Wallenstein, one of the Twelve Apostles of Rebellion."

The handsome man narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

"What does a member of the twelve major cadres of the world's number one terrorist organization after the [Tyrant] come to me, the Red World Demon King? Let me tell you first, I have not violated the original agreement set by the [Red World Supervisory Committee] There are rules.”

[Red World Supervisory Committee] is a relatively young organization (it has only been established for less than 20 years so far) that was established by a group of demons after confirming the existence of Red World disciples and forming groups to hunt them down in large numbers. Some demons think that the disciples of the Red World also have dreams (cross out)... Because some demons regard the disciples of the Red World as rare animals, and some demons think that their power may be used by humans, so they make plans such as There is a loose rule that the Red World's followers are not allowed to devour humans on a large scale.

In fact, because of the loose regulations, the demons as supervisors sometimes kill the Red World gangsters when they see them trying to eat someone. There are also cases where the whole family is indifferent when the other party kills someone.Guys like Faliagni, who in recent years have only chosen the best goods to start with, and paid more attention to killing Fire Mist Warriors, as long as they don't bump into the crime scene in front of them, no matter what kind of demon they are, they have no intention of paying attention.

The reason why Faliagni appears so weak is simple. The leader of [Rebellion], the man called [Tyrant], is a demon.

If humans, who are basically unable to even confirm the existence of the Red World Disciples, are regarded as beings below the Red World Disciples in the food chain, then it can be noted that the Red World Disciples can even kill them more effectively than the Fire Mist Warriors. The devil is an existence that is hidden in the ordinary red world.

Faliagni is not an ordinary red-blooded person, nor is he afraid of a mere demon, but now that his plan is about to succeed, he does not want to cause any trouble.

"Haha, 20 years ago... No, there was a famous Red World Demon King hundreds of years ago. The [Hunter] who was known as the top five most powerful in the world actually said that he had not violated any rules... Oh, don't show such a scary look. Expression, in fact we invite you here this time to form an alliance."


"Yes, an alliance."

Wallenstein nodded.

"You should have some understanding of our [Rebellion] purpose."

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