“…a violent organization that advocates that knife-cutters should get more rights?”

Faliagni thought for a moment and said.


Wallenstein shook his head.

"The so-called swordsmen are the humans chosen by God! We, the 'new humans', have such great power and lofty status, but we have to be confused with ordinary humans. Don't you think it's strange?"

do not think so.

Faliagny had settled in the Celestial Empire before, and later he witnessed an ordinary swordsman become a demon and then easily kill a Red World disciple.

In his eyes, swordsmen are just a profession for human beings. At most, they are professions with a greater influence of innate factors. In essence, those guys are still human beings, even demons are human beings.

But it is undeniable that ordinary humans or knife-cutters are indeed as weak as insects to him. Demons are like humans with guns facing him, a "human" with a knife. As long as the opponent has the ability, he will die. It is not difficult to take yourself along with you.

So Faliagni is very strange about this kind of behavior that must draw a line between himself and his kind. It's like a person saying that his parents are old and he is still young, so he is a new human being and is the parent of an old human being. It’s just as strange that he should work his ass off to worship himself.

However, he has dealt with humans to some extent, and he knows that idiots from terrorist organizations like to promote their theories to deceive ignorant idiots. If they continue to follow what the other party says, it will be easier for things to progress faster.

"Well, so what?"

"We sincerely invite you to join us at Rebellion."

"Hey, is that the Swordsman's organization? Are you looking for me, a Red World Demon King, to come in?"

"Why not? We are also existences that are superior to all living beings. We are destined to create a world where new humans (swordsmen) inform lower humans (ordinary people). But we all know that the establishment of a new world is difficult. Yes, why not find allies for this?"

"What can I get?"

Faliagny was not interested in listening to Wallenstein's ideals, he only wanted to engage in the power of existence.

"A city."

Wallenstein held up a finger.

"We can help you devour the entire human population in Misaki City. In the future, there may be more low-level humans available to you as food."

"Atmosphere." Faliagni applauded.

"But as far as I know, even a remote island country like Japan has two demons, let alone a country like China with three demons. In your organization, only the leader himself is a demon, right?"

"This is exactly why I came to invite you to join us. There are too many rats that are blocking us from creating a new world, and there are especially many countries like China. To use the ancient saying of China, they are the guys who eat in groups and never change. "

Wallenstein sighed.

"Then, let me see what you can do. If only one tyrant has the ability to make me look twice, our conversation can end here."

Faliagni was slightly moved.

The other party is a terrorist organization, and credibility cannot be guaranteed, but because of this, they don't care about the lives of ordinary people, so it seems credible that they would offer such conditions.

But as he said, if the other party cannot show the strength that satisfies him, his joining is not to seek benefits for himself, but to choose to jump into a deep pit.

"This is why I am the one from among the Twelve Apostles."

Wallenstein smiled.

"Although I am not a demon and am relatively young, my strength is among the best in the organization."

"Watch carefully, hunter."

"My power as the 'Chosen One'!"

There was a knock on the door of the room, and Wallenstein, who had just summoned his own spiritual equipment - a giant sword, showed an unhappy look.

"Come in."

"Master Sword Master, we captured a child. He opened the code lock on the road and entered the depths of the base. We suspect that there may be a traitor within the organization and sent the child to cause trouble for you."

"...It seems that I am a little late asking for your advice."

"It doesn't matter, I can accompany you to see it. I also want to see what kind of children dare to break into the organization I may join in the future."

"Then please, Mr. Hunter."


Tiangong Ziyin was restrained in silence.

He did carry the bicycle and ran all the way as requested by Yang Pojun, and then found the base by accident, and got in with a random press of his luck.

However, a guy like him carrying a children's bicycle would be easily spotted no matter how short he was. Then, surrounded by a group of guys who looked very suspicious, he was surrounded and arrested.

Fortunately, the other party sees him as a child, so he doesn't seem to be planning to do anything to him for the time being. Maybe he can wait for Yang Pojun to save him?

Tian Gong Ziyin suddenly thought of two questions.

The first one is that although Emperor Yan rescued him and has become his current spiritual sustenance, he actually has no idea how strong he is. Maybe he is saying he is strong but actually he is not. So exaggerated?

After all, I only saw him tying up girls "of the same age" to play pranks, and he seemed to be able to teleport and create things out of thin air.

He didn't know exactly what kind of sword-cutting powers that man had.

the second……

Yang Pojun asked him to run, but did not say how the two of them would find each other or contact each other.

Thinking of this, Tiangong Ziyin's face suddenly turned pale.


Yang Pojun placed a radiant object in front of his chest.

That was the Noble Phantasm he took from Ayatsuji Kaito.

He walked into the Ayatsuji Dojo head-on, and invited him to fight in front of the torches. Then he gave the opponent time to get his weapons, and also gave the opponent time to use his family's secret skills. Finally, he blocked them all and slashed his head with a sword.

If possible, he hoped that the snake could be separated from the hilt of the sword. It was very uncomfortable to use a sword that could not be pulled out. The sword wind required at least a foot of distance to generate, so it was not very useful in close combat.

Informing the remaining torches that they were dead and killing them in advance, Yang Pojun tried his best to find a way to prevent their remaining [existence] from being "forgotten", at the cost of now having to walk to chase Tiangong Ziyin. .

"This kind of operation actually consumes most of my current strength...creating matter basically consumes very little. It's really strange."

"This should be very reasonable. Rather than creating the bodies of fourteen people, letting them carry the remnants of these torches, and then having their deaths recorded by the world, which is such a complicated record-keeping process, just creating matter can be done with just a few stones. .”

The creative power of the serpent is essentially the transformation and free use of the power of being.

Everything has the power of existence, including stones, water, fire, and people.

The members of the Red World only devour humans because human existence is closest to them, but no matter what substance they are, they can be transformed into the power of existence.

Then there is no need to be surprised that snakes use earth and stone to make money and tools.

"Do you think there is a possibility that we can use your ability to create a world?"

"It's unrealistic. There isn't that much power of existence. Even if we want to create a planet, it would still require the power of existence of a planet, unless we can get a perpetual motion machine that creates the power of existence."

"Let's go and look for it. Items that can generate the power of existence infinitely, and items that can store so much power of existence. Maybe there is a treasure phantom that can do such nonsense functions."

"Aren't you looking for a disciple of the Red World?"

"Let's forget about it for now. We haven't even seen the shadow of the Red World disciples along the way, and we can't ask for information. It might be easier to find Mystis directly than the Red World disciples who can't tell where they are hiding. Unless we encounter a Red World disciple who possesses a large number of Noble Phantasms next, we will go find the Noble Phantasms. But that will happen after the special training, and I will find the Tiangong first. By the way, is there anything there? ?”

Yang Pojun pointed to a forest that looked ordinary.

"It feels like it has the ability to cover up traces of something, and there are signs of life underground."

"Wait a minute, I'll use the Shura Summoner."

Yang Pojun took out his silver mobile phone and started "checking the surveillance".

"Oh, Tiangong was arrested."

"I see."

"They don't feel like good people."

"I see."

"Tied up."

"I see."

"Can you change a line?"

"Then...go to save people?"

"Let's go, Shura Armor, merge together!"

The [Marshal] waved his dark purple cloak and signaled the snake to open the door.

"...I can't do anything right now."

He reminded.


Yang Pojun was silent, then opened the cover of his phone.

Fire fire dark activation key.

【Sura Purgatory Knife】

Purple electricity lingered on the silver-purple sword, extending the blade by almost a third.

"Why did you drop the ball at such a critical moment?"

Yang Pojun sighed helplessly, and the Purgatory Blade Slash fell to the ground, and began to cause wanton destruction.

The electric light turned into a slash, destroying all the disguises on the ground, revealing a downward passage.

With a flick of his cloak, Yang Pojun walked down carrying the Shura Purgatory Knife.


"Is there anyone here? I'm looking for someone here. He's a boy who looks like a girl."

Without any awareness that he was an uninvited guest, this person called out to the people here without restraint.

Not long after, the response came.

"I'm here to find that brat."

"Catch them first and then go ahead. All departments are ready to fight. There is no need to be merciful, just use real swords."


The sound was so loud that I could hear it clearly from here.

Yang Pojun thought to himself.

He then activated his super acceleration powers.

In an instant, the man in silver armor walked up to the people hiding in the underground building, flipped the long knife, and knocked two of them unconscious.

"I actually got here in an instant..."

"Teleportation or acceleration ability?"

"Enemy attack!!!"

Stretching out his big hand, Yang Pojun pinched the mouth of the yelling person and casually opened the phone cover.

Wind wind wind activation key.

【Shura Splitting Wind Claw】

"Asura claw slash...minimum power."

The purple claw-shaped attack knocked down almost everyone present in an instant.

"Okay, I believe you are willing to lead me, right?"

Grasping the face of the only brother still standing (?), Yang Pojun moved the demon-like face of Shura Armor closer to him.

"[Take me to the child you captured.]"

In this different world, he used [Domination] for the first time in a long time.

【149】The reason for attacking gradually becomes villainous

"So, this seems to be an underground stronghold of an organization called R... or something. Do they have so much money and free time? They would still build a stronghold in a place like this. It is strange that it has not been discovered. Is there no sound from the construction? "

Like a chicken, Yang Pojun grabbed the prisoner's belt and carried him forward.

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