All doors encountered on the road were opened in the simplest way.

"Shura Claw Slash."

After confirming the purpose of the other organization, Yang Pojun believed that they were a complete terrorist organization, which meant that they had no human rights, so there was no need to worry about destroying other people's personal property.

"Ability to construct, right? If you directly dig out the ground and then manipulate the materials to assemble it, or directly continue to move it on a large scale, it is not impossible to build a building of qualified quality on the ground and then move it underground."

"It makes sense. I made an empiricist error."

Relying on the golden "psychic power" that Shura Armor could use for some unknown reason, Yang Pojun let Qing Ming float beside him, trying to create an atmosphere of a sword fairy.

Of course, he completely ignored the fact that the armor on his body had nothing to do with the word "Sword Immortal". The detached atmosphere he tried to create turned into the Overlord putting aside the weapon he used to trim his nails and giving a continuous shout to the surroundings. ridicule.

"The place ahead is where the prisoners are scheduled to be held."

"Thank you. Is Tiangong inside?"

"That would be true if Lord Wallenstein hadn't come here to take him away."

"Thank you for your hard work, just let yourself pass out."

Ignoring the members of the terrorist organization who were strangling him and trying to make him pass out due to suffocation, Yang Pojun knocked on the door and kicked it open.

"Emperor Yan is sending you some warmth, is there anyone there?"

Because this meme didn’t feel very relevant in Japanese, he used it in Chinese.

The kicked door was thrown back as the person who hit it swung his arm.

Qing Ming stood in front of him and broke the door.

Yang Pojun saw a man in his 30s wearing a cassock and a group of guys dressed in black in broad daylight who looked like assassins in a domestic third-rate costume film and television drama standing in front of a kid who was tied up.

"Wow, Tiangong, how did you do it? You can encounter the base of this kind of terrorist organization just by running around. It seems that I need to re-evaluate your claim that you are lucky."

This paragraph has been changed to Japanese again, after all, it is to complain to Amangong Ziyin.

"Chinese and Japanese? Chinese or Japanese?"

The man in cassock said coldly.

"People from Tianchao. Please don't mix Chinese and Japanese, okay? Your accent still sounds so plastic, it feels very distorted."

"Humph!" The man snorted coldly.

"You are so brave, you dare to break into our [People's Liberation Army] base."

(PS: The original author is very Japanese. I confirmed this translation after watching the anime and looking for multiple translations. Although the literal translation of Rebellion is rebellion)


In a daze, Snake saw memories like a mirage.


"You just said, what does the name Fuxi mean?"

"It's just a loser's name. I hate this name. It represents my past failure."

"Snake, you know, Chinese people are always misunderstood by foreigners as people without faith."

"Actually, we are far more pious than those who believe in Yahweh, but we do not believe in God...or, in other words, our deified ancestors."

"I didn't say anything about the fact that you were called Fuxi before, because this name really didn't have any special meaning in the past."

"But now, its meaning is the noble ancient sage king of ancient China. What you just said is an insult to the history of my country. I have a very bad impression of you now, so I will tell you straightforwardly how I feel about you. An ideal view.”

"A bunch of bastards who rely on cannibalism to survive in this world don't deserve the ideal new world. You should go back to your bullshit world and eat shit!"

The man with pale blue eyes called out the white dragon with brighter eyes, and golden light lit up on one person and one dragon.

Snake acted first out of unfounded panic, and then he saw a golden sword energy that disemboweled him.


Yang Pojun wanted to rub his temples, but the armor on his body failed to stop him, so he put down his hand and said as gently as possible: "To be honest, I am very happy after reading the history of China."

"Although there are no red flags all over the world, many tragedies did not happen. So in another sense, it is a blessing that those heroes did not appear."

"But, I don't like it when some people give themselves names that they don't deserve at all, so can you change the name of your organization?"

"Huh?" The man smiled, a smile full of sarcasm.

"Boy, do you care about the name of our People's Liberation Army?"

Yang Pojun covered his face with his hands, thinking of his family's words.

There are a lot of people who like Chinese history, and there are also a lot of people who don't know the so-called. It is actually difficult to achieve complete resonance in communication between people, because most people will not thoroughly understand a person for the purpose of communication.

It's normal for void history to be despised, just like the Japanese saying that the things they enshrine in the toilet are national heroes. Who wouldn't spit after seeing this kind of thing?

In this world, the Celestial Dynasty is still the Ming Dynasty, and even the Qing Dynasty has not yet arrived. The awakening is quite fast, and now a constitutional monarchy is implemented. Generally speaking, life is pretty good.

So there is no need to substitute the history of your own world here, and beat the other party like a resentful angry youth with the reason of "you insulted the history of my country."

The soles of the feet wrapped in silver combat boots stepped on the man's face, driving him into the metal wall.

"I can't control it. I'm just in a bad mood and want to beat you up. Can you control it?"

Such unreasonable words, if it were to others, Yang Pojun would not be able to give such a reason.

However, for him, terrorists are not human beings.

At best, they are just beasts that look like humans, right?

What did that sentence say?

Terrorists feel no pain.

Yes, if that's the case, doesn't it matter what he does?

The corners of Yang Pojun's mouth curled up under his armor, and he walked towards the man in cassock.

Wallenstein was almost killed by Yang Pojun's kick.

If it weren't for his ability to change the friction rate and reduce the secondary impact damage as much as possible, then he should have died from the kick just now.


He spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn it, how did you do that? I obviously used my ability to reduce the friction rate to zero!"

"Huh? Has the friction rate returned to zero? That's your slashing ability."

Stopping about one meter away from the opponent, Yang Pojun raised his hand and squeezed it.

"Ugh... ahhh!!!"

Looking at the man howling in a low voice, a childish and ruthless voice sounded.

"There seemed to be a man who tried to do this before. He defeated the Black Rhinoceros Armor by reducing friction."

"I don't quite remember who the man was, but he later gave up the possibility."

"After all, even if the friction force returns to zero, you can still rely on electromagnetic force to lock it, and rely on the energy attack that covers the whole body to attack with full (overflow) and (out) bombardment."

"Oh, my common sense back then was really miserable - I was pushed to the ground and beaten until I couldn't get up."

"Huh? Why does it feel like it's become the No. 1 term?"

"Forget it, that's it anyway. Your boring abilities are useless in front of me. Do you have any new tricks?"

"No...don't move! Let go of Mr. Wallenstein!"


Yang Pojun leaned back and looked slantingly behind him.

A man was holding Tiangong Ziyin, with the gun in his hand pressed against his temple.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot you were here."

Yang Pojun apologized bluntly.

"[Crap all the limbs of my companions.]"

Wind and thunder activation key.

Yang Pojun summoned the Demonic Blade, cut the rope on Tiangong Ziyin's hand, and then removed the cloth from his mouth.

"Aren't you lucky because of your abilities? Why are you so unlucky that you ended up in such a horrible place?"

Tiangong Ziyin: "..."

I want to know too. Aren't I just thinking about whether I can help you in any way, and at the same time thinking about not being caught by you all at once?As a result, I ended up in a place like this for no reason.Although it is true that I was not caught immediately...

As a result, after holding it in for a long time, Tiangong Ziyin did not say this out loud due to her pride, but held on to save face.

"Hmph, don't you want to gain fame? Isn't destroying the strongholds of terrorist organizations a good way to gain fame?"

"That's true, but it would be too stupid for you to go into danger alone. And didn't we originally plan on special training? We can't go on halfway. Forget it, let's find a hotel to stay first."

Tian Gong Ziyin suddenly thought that rather than helping, she felt that the special training was unreliable and wanted it to disappear quickly.

In other words, my ability should be used in this aspect.

Why do you feel so different from before?Shouldn't it be easier to achieve the goal?

Could it be said that his ability failed to activate?

"Ah, by the way, before that we have to solve other problems first. After working on the Tiangong, we need to help all these guys up first."

Yang Pojun pointed at the people on the ground whose limbs were at least severely fractured and had their limbs torn off and became cripples.

"……how about you?"

"I'm watching you work."

"You are hiring child labor!"

"Look at what you said, I won't pay you at all, how can you be considered an employee?"

"You scum have spoken."

"That Que family."

Tian Gong Ziyin took a deep breath and silently helped the person on the ground to sit upright.

Yang Pojun watched Tiangong Ziyin, who was still trembling, calm down, and turned to look at Wallenstein, who was holding a giant sword and reaching behind him in an attempt to sneak attack.

"Hey, are you playing with a one-two-three wooden man?"

Wallenstein jumped up, raised his giant sword high, and struck him directly.

The Demonic Blade caught the giant sword, and an unexpected force came from above.

"In addition to reducing friction, is there also the ability to increase friction? Then this ability is indeed not useless."

Yang Pojun didn't even shake his wrist, he just kept this position and let Wallenstein use his strength.

"[Send your name]."



I always feel like I’ve heard the name in some anime.

"[Kneel down and confess your sins.]"

Wallenstein suddenly knelt down, but he did not act to repent, but looked at him blankly.

People from other worlds are resistant to his doesn't seem to be the case.

"Hmm... Wallenstein, have you ever killed anyone?"

"...not killed."

"How many have you killed?"

"I said I haven't killed anyone."

"【to be honest.】"

"There are too many. Most of them kill whenever they want without even thinking about remembering them."

"Okay, that's my problem. I didn't consider that for some people, killing is not a crime."

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