(There is still a difference in feeling.)



"That's fart."

After defining Yang Zhihun's own thoughts, Yang Pojun looked at the man and woman sweating profusely in front of him.



"Continue, don't stop! If you still have the strength to scream, it means you still have the energy!"

"Are you sick? Why do you let him sit on my back and lift dumbbells?"

"To give you some weight."

"What does that have to do with training? As long as the Fire Mist Warrior masters the Freedom Technique, a little physical improvement is irrelevant. It would be better to say that because we no longer have the past, present and future, it is theoretically impossible for us to grow!"

"Is that right?"

Yang Pojun asked the two Red Demon Kings.

The exquisite pendant is hung on the gorgeous Qingming Sword, leaning against the wall.

"That's true. Human beings are too weak. They will be destroyed easily after losing their own existence, let alone improve through hard work."

Alastair said.


The Snake Heart of Sacrifice said that this old acquaintance had probably never seen the devil before, and he really thought that Yang Pojun was his contractor, and had this misconception. At least this man had nothing to do with the word weak.

Yang Pojun, who had returned to 1.7 meters tall, sat on the sofa in the room and took a sip of orange juice.

Hmm...it's difficult to handle.I heard Xuanyin Zhiyin mentioned before that a demon is a state reached through a breakthrough after the memory and body have been honed to the extreme. In this way, the possibility of the Fire Mist Warrior becoming a demon is lower. We can only hope that Tiangong Ziyin will become one. The devil.

But he is still an eight-year-old child, and his body is still growing. It takes years to hone it to the extreme.

Will I look like a middle-aged social beast when I return home after such a long time, and will my family mistake me for the resurrected father Yang Lucun?

(I don’t think so. Moreover, there is even the free method to create matter, and the free method to change the age of the body should also be developed.)

It makes sense, but that needs to be decided after I confirm the true form of the power of existence.

(After all, it is about occult science. No matter how I look at things like torches, they feel like moving graves. Speaking of which, there should be no valuables that can be dug up on the graves of dead people to make money from the dead, right? In that case, I would really want to kill all the people in the world. Disciple.)

It doesn't make any difference, anyway, I'm ready to steal the power of the Red World Demon King's existence.

Yang Pojun's eyes narrowed.

"Why did you stop? Tiangong!"

"Hug, I'm sorry, I really don't have the strength."

"Oh, let's rest."

Amangong Ziyin got off Shana's back and put down the dumbbells.

"I didn't ask you to come down! Sit back, take your own spiritual equipment, put it on your lap, and do the Sword Zen for me!"


"Or you can choose me to chase you in the car and you run in front."

"I-I'll do it!"

Amangong Ziyin gritted her teeth and sat back amidst Shana's gloomy expression.

"...Hey, Emperor Yan, right?"

"Well, I can't change my name, but I can't change my surname."

"You said before that I can challenge you at any time, right?"

"um, yes."

"Then I want to fight you now!"


The girl with flaming hair and scorching eyes pulled out the unsheathed long knife from the night hat. Flames rolled on the blade and slashed at Yang Pojun.

"Hmph, defense is coming!"

Yang Pojun threw out the invincible armored beast, and the Emperor of Light War Dragon bit the blade and was in a stalemate with Shana in mid-air.

Yang Pojun took off his slippers and kicked the girl's young face.Shana wanted to put away her sword and retreat, but she was a step late because the Emperor of Light and the Dragon bit the long sword named Zhi Dian Zhana.

Because of this mistake, she flew backwards and smashed a big hole in the wall.

"This is a hotel room. We can't disrupt official business. Remember to use the power of existence to repair it later."

Yang Pojun said lazily after jumping back on the sofa and putting on his slippers.


"Huh? What did you say?"

"It's not...over yet!"

The red flames flooded the long knife and formed a giant blade. Shana stepped on the wall, pulled out her body, and jumped directly towards Yang Pojun.

Fire, wind and thunder activation key.

In the purple electric light, a black hand stretched out two fingers and clamped the blade.

"How can a mere mortal sword surpass this invincible ultimate armor of the universe war tyrant!"

Although he had a vision of being beaten by a strange red figure when he took the sword, Yang Pojun did not pay too much attention to that kind of thing. Instead, he twisted his fingers slightly and made the Chodachi scream.

In the end, Zhidianzhana was not broken, because before that, Shana was forced to let go by the excessive power gap.

"What's the point of giving up during a fight? What's with that expression on your face? That look in your eyes... Do you think you can resist me at this level? Ah! Listen to me clearly! If you can't defeat me, you will suffer this kind of pain We have to face it every day!”

Noticing that the other party was not crying, Yang Pojun promptly changed his words and put on a villain face to try to encourage the other party.

Judging from the results, the girl really liked this trick and silently got up and used the power of existence to heal herself.

"Do you want to continue?"

"I will definitely defeat you tomorrow!"

good!A typical hot-blooded protagonist must be a strong and determined man with completely different voices and will not fall because of the so-called Asasi!

Yang Pojun showed approval in his eyes, and then used the Shura Armor's information detection ability to play back the opponent's actions and energy fluctuations, trying to analyze the operation of the opponent's power.

However, due to the lack of sufficient examples, the analysis progress can only be said to be average.

Let's find out if there are any other disciples of the Red World in Misaki City. It would be better if they are good at the free method.

He thought so.

At the same time, a gorgeous Fire Mist Warrior came to the city.

【156】About Luo Sha·Part [-]

The so-called lucid dream is to dream while realizing that you are dreaming.

Yang Pojun belongs to the type who seldom dreams. Because he doesn't have a healthy schedule, he basically sleeps to death, so even if he knows the concept of lucid dreaming, this is the first time.

He saw himself in the mirror with a blurry face, waist-length hair, human shape, gender...

He squeezed his lower body with his hands, but there was no feeling. It would be better to say that the test he had just planned to test the man and woman turned into a thigh tickle.

I thought I had autonomy.

Scratching his butt unhappily, Yang Pojun was dissatisfied with the setting that prohibited people from taking off their pants.

Hmm... wait, it seems... not a complete lack of autonomy?

He tried squats, push-ups, grimaces, handstands on the ground with both hands on the ground, handstands against the wall, etc., all with success.

So, is this a dream exploration game?

With his interest aroused, Yang Pojun began to explore the room he was in.

There wasn't really much to explore, it had the beauty of a bare home...I mean nothing but the cold metal bed and the smooth metal walls that he used as mirrors.

No clues to identity or current situation?

Yang Pojun glanced at the closed metal door. There was a sliding slot on it.

There seemed to be such a door in the movie, but he had the impression that it was specially used to hold prisoners or experimental subjects.

So is my dream identity one of these two?

Yang Pojun stretched out his hand towards the door, trying to use his ability to control objects from the air to directly destroy it.

Is this also prohibited...

Feeling that it was not that there was no reaction, but that the desired changes in the magnetic field were calmed down, Yang Pojun generally understood that there was something strange about this dream.

So, why not try to combine armors?

"Emperor's armor, combined-"

The sound stopped suddenly, as if something was stuck in his throat.

It seems that this is not a lucid dream, at least, not a normal lucid dream.

Yang Pojun lay on the cold and hard metal bed, his mind empty.

If there is only one place in this room with hidden items...

He rolled out of bed and looked under the bed.

The unexpectedly high bed legs allow for an unobstructed view of the bottom, and it’s clear that nothing is superfluous.


Yang Pojun stretched out his hand and groped on the bed board.

There is a foreign object at the corner between the horizontal bed board and the vertical bed board.

Yang Pojun took it out.

Black, approximately spherical wave substance.

It is the darkness of Xuanyin.

It's a little bad luck.

Yang Pojun showed a disgusted expression.

[What's wrong, have you finally decided to use my power to escape from here, Luo Sha? 】

Who is it calling?

Yang Pojun looked at it without knowing why.

[You take the aliens in a strange world too lightly.Directly demonstrating your own power to understand its inner nature will only reduce you to the prisoner you are now.If nothing else, they will use you for experiments and drain your value quickly.It would be bad if we didn't escape quickly. 】

Oh, is Xuan Yin no Darkness the narrator?

It feels much more useful than playing dead.

So my main mission is to escape as a person named Luocha?

Then try to see if you can use [Domination].

Yang Pojun stood up, walked to the metal door, and slapped it hard, making a noisy sound.

"It's so noisy! You stinky girl, please be quiet!"

Accompanied by such curses, the metal piece was removed from the surveillance opening on the door, and a pair of vicious eyes stared at Yang Pojun through it.

Oh, Luo Sha is a woman.

Yang Pojun, who just thought that Xuan Yin Zhi Dark was talking about Rakshasa, only had this feeling, and then he tried to use [Domination] on the opponent.

"【let me out】."

"Huh? Little girl, have you gone crazy after staying here for too long?"

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