The owner of the evil eyes smiled.

"Why should I let you go? You are a treasure we finally found. Letting you go like this won't do us any good."

"Hey, ***, take that girl to Experimental Area No. 8."

Another voice came over.

"Oh, okay. Is it your turn to change your shift?"

"What a stupid thing to say, no one will defend it."

"Ha, then you want me to continue working?"

"It's only a matter of a few minutes. It's not what you have to do after sending people there anyway."

The man who was supposed to be the guard cursed a few words and opened the door.

Humanoid beings with various organs that were obviously not found on Earth appeared in front of Yang Pojun.

"Be honest and go."

Yang Pojun took one look at the opponent's large body and felt that the tonnage gap between himself and the opponent was too large, so he gave up struggling and followed the opponent honestly.

After he stepped out the door, the scene instantly changed like a Toei studio, except that it was not a back mountain or a warehouse pool, but a place with a bunch of complex instruments.

Two fully clothed researchers lifted him up and stuffed him into an instrument.

[The purpose of this instrument is to use your talent to analyze a rule of this world. Once it is completed, you will almost be abolished. 】

Xuan Yin Zhiyin hiding in his long hair said.

"What rules?"

【Fierce fighting evolves.It is the power that allows the tools created by mortals to be sublimated under the power of individual will. 】

"A little familiar."

These words did not come from Yang Pojun's will, but what his body said.

He lost control of his body.

[Perhaps there is someone in your world who has received information from this world and created a work that contains the content of the evolution of fierce fighting. 】

"What you call sublimation, is it the strongest?"

[Sorry, I forgot to tell you.I'm not sure about this, but if there are no surprises in the evolution of fierce fighting, it is the only way for this world to become the strongest. 】

"Then there is no need to worry about my life or death."

【why? 】

"I promised you to travel across the world and nourish you with my soul for my own purpose. And my purpose is to witness or create the strongest one, even if I am just a stepping stone, it doesn't matter."

[If you don’t see the end, how can you be sure it’s the strongest one? 】

"that's me……"


In severe pain, Yang Pojun sat up directly and lifted up his clothes.

The well-proportioned chest has dense lines like spider webs, exuding a golden-red brilliance.

What happened?

(There's good news and bad news.)

"Let's say the good news first."

(If the free law of this world requires the consumption of the power of existence, then we should not need to consider whether it is enough to snatch the Red Demon King, because the Noble Phantasm we obtained before is continuously generating the power of existence.)

"Sounds great, but what about the bad news?"

(The power of existence is constantly being generated.)


(In the form of flames.)

【157】In order to deal with the zero-hour mystery, Yang Pojun decided to talk to the four murderers

Ultan's power is the storage and conversion of energy.

Does it sound like a common ability?

So put it another way.

Ultan's power is unlimited energy storage and ultra-low loss conversion between any energy.

When Otan was in his native world, as the supreme god, he had absolute control. With his own power, creating all things was as simple as breathing for him.

Of course, because the premise is that you are in your own native world, after arriving in other worlds, the core energy ball that fully inherits his power will expose its own shortcomings.

First, Otan does not become the Supreme God because of his core energy ball, but the only person worthy of his supreme god status is this ability, so his core energy ball has such ability.

Second, although Ultan's core energy ball can store energy infinitely, it itself does not have the ability to generate energy out of thin air.In other words, if all kinds of energy are compared to liquids and the core energy ball is a pool, then the energy poured in needs to be obtained by itself.

Yang Weiwu roughly figured out the above points and then referred to his past experiences. He could roughly confirm that he should have absorbed solar energy when he was exposed to the sun in the past, and then part of it was converted into some kind of energy that is beneficial to the body.

However, at first he only obtained solar energy by basking in the sun. Considering the size of his human body, the efficiency was only that much. If the human body were compared to a plastic water pipe, such a small amount of energy would not even be able to expand the water pipe.

But it's different now.

That damned Noble Phantasm was activated for some unknown reason, and it continuously produced exaggerated power of existence. Then it first overflowed in his body and was sealed into the alien space in his body, and then entered the core energy ball to be transformed.

There is a key issue here, because the power of existence appears in his body first. Even if this energy itself does not have much destructive power, part of it will be converted into heat after the amount accumulates and emerges.

To make a vivid metaphor, his body as a plastic water pipe is allowing the magma with the same volume as the Three Gorges Dam to be poured into an infinite pool.

He didn't know if something was wrong with the pool, but Yang Weiwu felt that something was about to happen to him.

"Really or not, is it possible to generate the power of existence at such a speed?"

Stars can emit endless light and heat all the time because they are undergoing nuclear fusion all the time. What power does this Noble Phantasm have to continuously produce such a huge amount of energy?

(I have three methods here. We should be able to make a decision before we die.)

"Tell me."

(The first one is to use the Emperor's Armor to seal energy. As long as the sealing speed is fast enough, it can be solved in theory.)

"How do you seal something like that? And will this prevent me from using the Emperor's Armor?"

(Maybe, I can’t be sure since I haven’t tried it.)

"Then try another one."

(Sealed Noble Phantasm. There is also a small problem in this case.)


(I don’t know the upper limit of the two-dimensional seal. If it is not completely stopped after the seal and is still generating energy, it is not impossible for the seal to be broken through.)

"What about the last one?"

(Throwing that Noble Phantasm out, I'm not sure how much damage it would cause without knowing how to stop it.)

"Why do I feel that the results of the three are similar? If I die, will the different space still exist?"

(I don’t know, that was caused by Xuan Yin Zhi Dark.)

[Don’t worry, as long as you are alive, that different space will be the most stable space in the world. 】



Yang Pojun understood.

He took off the Emperor of Light's War Dragon, which was used as a bathrobe belt, pointed at the ground and said, "Change!"

(...It may not be able to understand human speech now.)


(That is to say, my brain is not very good. In the past, I was able to cooperate with you in sealing the ritual snake because I took over the operation, but now I can’t do it at all if I hadn’t taken over.)

"Teach me!"

(Are you sober?)

"No matter what, I want to try what it feels like to turn into a dragon and fly."

(What about the body?)

"You do it." Yang Pojun said matter-of-factly, "Isn't this possible?"

(Yes, yes...)

But my future self may have sent me here so that it, let us do something...

Yang Weiwu still didn't say this.

Too many worries are meaningless to me at this period.

Deeply understanding that in the past, he was a person who always had his own ideas and could not listen to advice at all, Yang Weiwu didn't say much and just told the other party the way to get the number.

Although I feel a little uneasy, there should be nothing wrong...right?

The pale blue eyes were stained with a bright red color, and the dominance was exchanged.

The armored beast, whose eyes gradually became more alert, moved its body, holding its original body in its mouth and preparing to take off from Wuhu.

"Wait a minute!"

Yang Weiwu stopped the other party, opened the door, walked to Tiangong Ziyin's door and knocked on it.

"Tiangong, I'll go out for a while."

With a "click", the door opened, and the thin boy yawned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Go out for a night run and look for the one with the severed hand."

Yang Weiwu was referring to a cadre of the ox-horse terrorist organization called Hualun... or something. During the fight with the Ritual Snake, this guy was lucky enough to escape and did not die on the spot. He was picked up by Yang Pojun on the way. Come back.

"I understand, how long will you be out for?"

"Be back soon, probably."

If the problem can be solved by going out, then I will come back and sleep again.

It’s clear that there is no longer a situation where two souls are fighting each other randomly. Why do I still have to go out and stay up late at night?

With this thought in mind, Yang Weiwu returned to his room,

"Let's go...can I use the Purgatory Horse?"

(What nonsense are you talking about?)

The armored beast, who was as thick as his waist, turned his head and used Ares's voice transmission technique to convey his thoughts.

"Shouldn't you be turning into an imperial pony at this time?"

(If you let go midway and fall, wouldn’t it be a falling object? Come here quickly, I’ll hold you in my mouth.)

Yang Weiwu prayed that the coat in his hands was strong enough, and then walked over.

"Speaking of which, do you have a goal?"

(Isn’t the Tower of Four Evils very suitable? There’s no one there anyway.)

"You want to take me all the way back to China? Then it's better to just change the scene by apparating."

(No, I’m going to Japan’s Naughty Tower, which is over in Tokyo and is quite close to here.)

"How do you know where the Tower of Arrogance is? Logically speaking, shouldn't this thing be strictly supervised?"

(Search online.)

Yang Weiwu took the Shura Summoner from the other party and looked at the content on the light screen.

"Empire Ultimate Invincible Battle!"The Strongest Swordsman Finals!Hosted with the Tower of Arrogance! 》


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