【158】Trespassing to the Naughty Sword Dance Festival without permission, but never reflecting on your own mistakes (4K)

"Say, Lao Li, why do I feel like everyone around us is looking at us?"

Niu Jian asked the skinny old man beside him.

"When I see a big man with a white vest completely stretched out by his muscles and a fierce look on his face, I will look twice."

Old Li said angrily.

"Why don't you think about the whole coat? You also need to control your aura, which would scare most people. Can you think about dressing up in a nice and low-key way when you go out?"

"Didn't you say that you can just wear something more comfortable? I'm not even wearing my training clothes."

"...how many years ago was the last time you bought clothes?"

"I buy new practice clothes every year."

Lao Li, who was dressed in casual clothes, was speechless.

"Forget it, let's not bring up this topic. Have you finished memorizing what you are going to say to the demon on the Japanese side later?"

"I've forgotten all about it."


Lao Li almost yelled at this incompetent Fa Xiao, but because he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when he was young and had his own opinions on emotional control, and now he was in a public place, he finally suppressed the friendly dialect of his hometown. .

"...Old Niu - do you know what it means that the Tower of Violence is empty?"

"It means the tower owner ran away."

"Then do we know the reason?"

"I do not know."

"If that guy goes on a killing spree, and even the owners of the two towers on the two floating islands in Japan and Unova that were moved by their idiot politicians near their capital come out, guess how many people will die. ?”

"We can't control the situation in other countries. Besides, if something like that happens, it's their own fault, right?"

"That's good." Lao Li nodded, "But have you ever thought that the Tower of Naughty Pride is too close to us?"

"Yes, I remember that the tower owner of the Tower of Naughty Pride has the ability to reflect energy attacks, and can also turn the target of his kill into a puppet that will die at critical moments. His resistance to magic attacks is also ridiculous. If Zhang Zhenren hadn't caught him in the first place, When a Red Demon King used it as a sacrifice to knock back the owner of the Tower of Stubbornness, I'm afraid the casualties would be even more exaggerated."

"The Tower Master of the Violent Tower is not much better. With exaggerated magic resistance, the longer the charging time, the greater the number of wind monsters... If it weren't for a few demons who broke through on their own, they really have a good defense. There’s no way the Raiders can succeed.”

"So do we really want to come here with this configuration? There are only three demons in Japan, right? Plus I am not enough to defeat the stubborn tower master."

"That's wrong, Black Iron Ryoma died a few days ago, so there are only three people including you. Oh, by the way, there is also a little girl. The power of the sword is gravity. I remember that it can pull meteorites."

"Pulling meteorites? I can split even those slow things. Isn't it a reward for beating the tower master?"

"Don't compare your sublimated slashing ability with ordinary people because you were possessed by the violent tower master. In theory, it should be considered a physical attack, which is better than nothing. Also, don't just default to the tower master here. He will also leave his tower. Sounds very unlucky."

"I have a hunch that this may not be the case."

"Shut up, you old crow's mouth!"

Lao Li angrily handed the VIP ticket he bought in advance to the ticket inspector.

"Are there only two of you? (Japanese)"

"Yes, two. (Japanese)"

"Lao Li, your Japanese is so bad."

The veins on Lao Li's forehead twitched.

"That's better than a guy like you who can't speak."

“Are you two Chinese guests? (Chinese)”

"Well, yes. Lao Li, look at how authentic his Chinese is."

Lao Li listened to the ticket inspector's broken Chinese with a colonel-level accent, and resisted the urge to attack Niu Jian.

"Speed ​​up and get in!"


Niu Jian walked in first.

There is a VIP channel for VIP tickets. There are no receptionists on the road, but signs instead.

After losing sight of the ticket collector behind him, Niu Jian said softly: "Is it necessary to watch this boring game?"

"The Naughty Sword Dance Festival is the top competition in this country. Its priority is even higher than the world-class professional swordsman competition KOK League competition in this country. The content is a group of professional swordsmen who have not yet climbed the ladder of demons. The swordsmen compete here on the floating island where the Tower of Arrogance is located.”

“Does this count as building a house on an active volcano?”

"There are still temples built at the foot of dormant volcanoes, as well as volcanic tourism, so this risk should not matter to Japan."

"KOK seems to have a ranking, right?"

"It's the world ranking." Lao Li corrected him, "Although Chinese and Russian players are prohibited from participating."

"Oh, that deserves to be called the World. Is there any reference value to a competition where the two countries with the largest number of demons in the world are not allowed to participate?"

"From what I can see, the brats in China are probably in the top ten or bottom at most. There is no one to succeed them. When a Japanese won the God of War Cup that year, I knew that our generation was ruined. The results look like this now. Two generations were destroyed.”

"Now the national policy doesn't seem to support ordinary people to stand out independently. It's normal if it fails."

"Those of the older generation are holding on to what little they have. Maybe this time is an opportunity for the new generation of our country to cheer up."

Niu Jian has not paid attention to this aspect for many years and declined to comment.

They finally arrived at the corresponding viewing room and saw an unexpected scene.

A man wearing silver armor sat sideways on the back of a white-gold dragon.

In front of him, two swordsmen fell to the ground.

"Is this game a three-person melee?"

Niu Jian, who saw this scene when he came here on the way, asked.

"No, it's one-on-one. It seems that something has gone wrong. Just wait patiently and wait for the organizer to come forward. If nothing else, you can meet the Japanese demon who got the title of God of War because of your absence. people."

"Is he the one guarding the tower?"

Niu Jian looked a little more energetic, his leopard eyes staring closely at the armored man on the field.

"If that Japanese [God of War] doesn't have any real skills, he won't be able to do well in front of that guy."

"Is this armored man so strong? Is he a demon?"

Old Li was a little surprised.

Generally speaking, most demons will try to avoid participating in major events involving a country because of their power and transcendence.

By the way, the total number of demons in the Celestial Dynasty accounts for the majority of the demons in the world.

So Lao Li's surprise was just superficial.

Anyway, they won't be the sword-slayers of the Chinese dynasty. After all, the old guys in China stay at home, and the new generation is not so ostentatious.

Then the armored man's next sentence in Chinese made Old Li spit out the tea he had just drank.


"Phew, the dragon body is quite uncomfortable."

Yang Pojun let out a sigh of relief after regaining control of his body.

(Why did you just throw me down? Silly [beep--], if my hand speed hadn't been fast enough, Mader would have sent this one directly.)

"Isn't there the Emperor's Armor that automatically protects the body?"

(?You broke into the game without buying a ticket and gave someone a weapon to interrupt. When you lead a villain, you also use the image of the Emperor. Aren't you afraid of nightmares when you dream at night?)

"Then the Shura Man is fine? Obviously...oh, there are three summoners and two wanted criminals, so that's fine."

(Whether Lufa is considered a wanted criminal is still debatable. After all, King Pierre is not even willing to send more people to chase him. Of course, it does not rule out that King Pierre is a fool [beep——].)

"I think he might be sending weaklings to defeat the mentally retarded bosses of the film industry. After all, it's hard for me to believe in the IQ of a guy who attacks heroes for that kind of reason."

(I’m going to take the armored beast back, what are you going to do next?)


Under the armor, Yang Pojun raised his lips.

When he was bored before, he actually tried to find the hidden function of Shura Summoner. As a result, he found an ability that is very suitable for use now.

Press and hold the wind button for three seconds, and then press the start button. This will allow everyone within the range of his mental field to hear his voice.

[Don’t change your name when you’re walking, don’t change your surname when you’re sitting down.I, Emperor Yan, am here today to defeat all enemies. 】

The arrogance without giving any face was accurately conveyed to the ears of everyone on the floating island where the Naughty Tower was located. The scene was originally noisy because the armored man descending from the sky defeated the two finalists of the Naughty Sword Dance Festival. The child became quiet.


"Old Niu, what do you want to do?"

Lao Li grabbed Niu Jian, who was flexing his wrists and preparing to leave.

"Go and deal with that guy who uses the name of our country's ancient holy king. Mader dares to take any name these days. It doesn't matter if it translates to Emperor Yan in English, Japanese, and Hebrew. It's still embarrassing to call him this name in Chinese. I don’t want to live anymore.”

"Calm down, maybe someone is here to fish. This kind of thing is very common now. There are not just one or two guys using genealogy to fish. The two of us came here directly using Shenzutong. We didn't apply for a visa. Whatever If you intervene, it will be very troublesome later.”

"...Then I'll wait and see."

Niu Jian took a deep breath and sat back on the sofa.


(Excuse me, what are you doing?)

"To attract hatred, I plan to let a strong enemy fight with me, and then I will be disemboweled and take out the Noble Phantasm."

(Good strategy, but why don’t you take it out yourself?)

"It's rare to have such an energy reserve. Why not take the opportunity to increase your reputation? And shouldn't you say to make slight modifications at this time?"

(Is this something you should have known at that time?)


Yang Pojun didn't quite understand what he meant.

Obviously, the organizers of the event will not wait until the matter is settled like the police in detective movies.

"Is this gentleman from China?"

Wearing a kimono embroidered with an unknown family crest, an old man of somewhat short stature walked over.

"Yeah, are you going to fight me?"

"If you can just retreat, I can let you go for the sake of my past experience of living in China for a period of time. Of course, if you insist on fighting, I, an old man, can't do it. .”

"If possible, I would like to have a young and strong warrior. Word of beating an old man would be detrimental to my reputation."

"Emperor Yan? I know a little about the history of that country. In the Celestial Dynasty, this name should not be used casually, right?"

"Indeed, but here Yandi is a name, not a title."

"It's a bit surprising that people from China would choose such a name."

"It's normal, more than one person said that."

At least when they first saw Xing Tian, ​​several friends of Yang Pojun had different opinions on whether Yan Emperor was his name or not.

By the way, he is a name guy.

"That's it. Then, although you seem to be quite capable, sneak attacks in the middle of the battle still break the rules. Please fall down obediently."

A cane appeared in the old man's hand.

The fierce momentum rushed towards his face, and even the audience far away in the auditorium could feel the sharp momentum.

However, Yang Pojun was wearing armor, so he basically felt nothing.


The cane, no, is it the sword in the cane?

Yang Pojun watched the opponent pull out the slender sword in the staff at an extremely fast speed, attack him with the sword-drawing technique, and silently changed the super acceleration from ten times to a hundred times.

What could have been considered a swift slash in his eyes suddenly slowed down. Yang Pojun walked over, bent his fingers, and flicked the connection between the blade and the handle.

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