In reality, the actions of both parties can only be evaluated by the speed of the audience. In less than half a second, the sword in the old man's hand flew out.

"Let me tell you, find someone younger. Old gentleman, you look like you are 90 or [-] years old. Why bother to find someone who is uncomfortable?"

Turn off super acceleration, Yang Pojun said.

"...Amazing, are you from Shenlong Temple?"

"Shenlong Temple?"

Yang Pojun tilted his head.

The impression seems to be that it is the top sect in the world, and it seems that there is also a competition called the Fighting God Cup.Yang Pojun had considered whether to participate. After all, it was said that only the strongest would be judged regardless of status.If you want to gain reputation, it's obviously a good place to go there, and you might even be able to find a [Hero] or a [Villain] who is the opponent of the [Hero].

"Isn't it...that country is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Although Yang Pojun is not from the Celestial Dynasty in this world.

"I'll just be a little more serious."

The inherent spiritual equipment appeared in his hand again, and the old man's figure disappeared.


Niu Jian stood up suddenly and looked at the field with fiery eyes.

"It's amazing, it's amazing."


"That armored man is really not simple. Not only does he have no flaws in his body, he also has a certain kind of momentum."

"Is it the kind of martial arts master or even a grand master who has been trained by a martial arts genius?"

"Grandmaster." Niu Jian's eyes burned.

"That guy is definitely a master of the first generation who is not inferior to Jiazi in martial arts. He is at least a martial arts genius who appears in his forties once in a hundred years."

【159】Ares...Flaming Star Technology, old man!

Drawing the Foot is an ancient martial arts technique that exploits the blind spots of human attention.

The human brain does not have the ability to analyze all the information received, but the organs used for observation have excessive collection capabilities.

Although it is not comparable to machinery, the amount of information is increasing at a rate far beyond the processing capacity of the human brain. In order to reduce the burden as much as possible, the brain will process some important information, and many low-priority information will be considered redundant and will not be identified. .This part of the information that has been given up for identification will not go unprocessed, but will be stuffed into people's subconscious mind.

Just like when people walk on the road, they will see stones and weeds, but they often ignore them subconsciously.

The footwork of pumping the foot takes advantage of this, allowing one's existence to slip into the opponent's subconscious, avoid the opponent's awareness, and thus break into the opponent's sight openly.

When the opponent clearly sees it but gives up on identifying it, the person using the draw foot can silently close the distance between them to a fatal level.

The old man who had won the title of [God of Fighting], Nango Torajiro, used this footwork to approach Yang Pojun at this moment.

Come on, let me see if you did that scene with your superb martial arts, or if you just relied on your sword-cutting ability.


Yang Pojun was wearing Shura armor and watched the old man on the display screen in front of him twisting and moving closer to him, placing his hand on his cane and making a gesture of preparing to draw his sword and strike.

This old man...does he think I'm blind?By the way, this frustrating footwork looks a bit familiar.

(My dad has used it before. It seems to be called tiptoeing. The principle is basically to move in one direction to attract attention, and then move in another direction before the other party reacts.)

Oh, it's that fighting technique that he said was only used by the weak.This old man really doesn't look strong.

Yang Pojun remembered that when Yang Wuqu was a child, Yang Wuqu often used this method to snatch his sesame seed cakes and fruit snacks, which made him so angry that he sued his father, who then explained the principles while being beaten.

After that, people complained that this ability was useless.Because whether the battle is a point-to-point fight or a life-and-death fight, the target will always fall somewhere on the opponent.

People's sight is powerful. If you can't use anything other than your eyes to identify the opponent's position, this technique is a joke. Guys with a slightly sharper perception can detect it.

Even if you don't visually observe the opponent, you can't avoid the need to attack somewhere on the opponent's body, so as long as you focus on comprehensive defense or detecting the impact point of the attack within the range of your reaction ability, this ability will become meaningless.

But Yang Pojun remembered that Yang Lucun did not use any of the above methods at that time.

(Let the perception be limited to a certain area. You can't see, hear, smell or feel it in other places. After locking the opponent, don't let go and fight to death. This is what dad used to do back then. How to catch Big Daddy and beat him up.)

It sounds too mysterious, so Yang Pojun never learned it before, but it's different now. He can do this kind of thing with the help of his mental energy field.

Although the Shura Armor's processor also helped eliminate the interference ability of this step.

But to be honest, this skill is not that amazing. According to my father Yang Lucun, it is difficult for most people to distinguish factors such as distance and position in a short time. It takes a few rounds of circle work to narrow the distance slightly. It can be done, unless you say it is a different world and has rules and bonuses.Then Yang Pojun complained that it was like a fantasy.

He raised his foot and stepped on the little old man's hand on the top of the cane to prevent the opponent from drawing the sword. Yang Pojun used this simple action to break the opponent's momentum.


"Wonderful! It was not affected by the sneaking at all, and it was interrupted in the middle of a nearly perfect momentum. Now the old boy's momentum was also hit. This battle has been lost for less than half."

Niu Jian watched the attack and defense with great interest, which was incomprehensible to a layman, and explained casually beside him.

"It's exciting, please take the knife back first."

Lao Li on the side used his own spiritual equipment - a whip to tightly wrap around Niu Jian's wrist.

"Do I look like the kind of person who would jump down and join a fight in the middle of a fight?"

"It's not a matter of resemblance, you old guy is just that kind of person."


Niu Jian tilted his head guiltily.


This person is not the kind of reckless swordsman who relies solely on his ability, but a real strong man.

Nango Torajiro, who had failed to obtain benefits from Yang Pojun twice, clearly realized this.

Therefore, he did not use his unique sword-drawing technique [Sound Kiri], nor did he plan to use the draw foot, but directly drew his sword in the staff.

Apart from magic power, he was already sure that his reaction and speed were inferior to his opponent's. So it would be very difficult for him to make a profit with his one-hit-kill sword-drawing technique. It would be better to just have a fight with him. A competition in sword skills. (referring to using a knife)

Fire fire dark activation key.

After closing the phone cover, the Shura Purgatory Knife fell into his hand. Yang Pojun twisted his head and was mentally prepared to beat the old man.

Yang Wuqu said that there should be no gender discrimination. When you want to beat someone, you must not hold back just because the other person is a woman. Instead, you should use the mentality of beating a man to kill the person based on whether he can beat him to death. beat.

Yang Pojun realized the equality of men and women from this, and now, he decided to "suit all ages" (referring to beating him in the direction of losing his mind regardless of age).

The slender blade and the wide blade collided, and an impact of a mixture of magic and mental energy erupted, directly knocking the two people lying aside and flying to the edge of the competition field.

Martial arts are used to kill people. The essence of martial arts is just the skills of exerting force and the knowledge of beating the body. At most, it requires learning about medically related visual blind spots and other knowledge.If you want to compare skills, it is just a test of one's movements in a set of styles.

Yang Pojun's understanding of this aspect has been like this since he was a child, so he would observe other people's footsteps and the direction of joint movement, and interact with the visions of someone using different weapons to chop him from time to time. verify.

It's like he now overlaps the other party's path with his own vision.

Although the opponent is shorter and thinner, and the sword is not as slender as Lufa, there are certain similarities in the attack methods.

"Shura sword slash."

The sword face caught the attack, and Yang Pojun used his special move.

Purple lightning swirled around the slashing wave, destroying the sword in the staff and sending the old man flying.

Yang Pojun picked up the Shura Purgatory Knife and used wide-area sound transmission again——

"Who else?"

【160】梼杌: The time to avenge shame is... Farewell! (4K)

At the top of the pitch-black tower, a black supernatural beast stood in place.

Its name is 梼杌.

It controls everything on the island at all times through the supernatural field that covers the entire floating island.

This tower that looks like it was made of swords is the only one among the four towers that does not breed supernatural beasts in the tower.

No, it should be said that under the will of Yongzhu, the tower (demon spirit stone) will not separate its own power, create the kind of rules for weak people to explore the world, and accelerate the adaptation to this world that is very different from the original world. law.

The four ancient supernatural beasts are quite special individuals among the Demon Spirit Clan. Compared to the Shadow Guardians, their personal will is far inferior, but their power is far superior to that of conventional supernatural beasts (Demon Spirit Stones and contaminated beings). combination).

The reason is that the magic spirit stone is not combined with a contaminated individual, but with some huge emotion that is so rich that it becomes physical.

The armor world is a world of will power, which is also called idealism. Explosive seeds that are difficult to appear in other worlds can be found in this world as long as there is a suitable method (possessing armor that can be upgraded or having strong enough shadow energy). ), from an ordinary pianist to an ordinary courier boy, he transformed into a kicker and kicked the final BOSS.

The four ancient supernatural beasts have extraordinary power precisely because of their composition, but unlike the Shadow Guardians, they can command all the demon spirits with the endless will in their magic spirit stone and the will of the leader. Stone creates his own false consciousness.

But that was in the armor world.

The rules of this world are very different from those of the armor world. After plundering the magic power of a large amount of intellectual life by their own means, the four evil spirits who naturally became [Demons] did indeed give birth to their own false consciousness similar to the Shadow Guardian.

As mentioned before, the essence of the magic spirit stone is actually a combination of huge amounts of life energy and the resentment of dead lives.

The resentment here is actually an inaccurate statement, or it is a statement that expresses the most obvious part.

The complete statement is actually that after a large number of intellectual beings understood their own death, the collective unconscious was affected by huge resentment, and a concept similar to racial hatred was produced, and the desire to hate the living and civilization became explicit expressions.

But this cannot hide that its deepest composition is the collective unconscious, that is, a civilization that has died.

Endless knowledge and freedom far beyond the armor world allow them to have their own understanding of the order they were given to "adapt to the current power and wait for the awakening of the Shadow Emperor".

Therefore, Yaozhao did not make the same move as the other three to increase the number of supernatural beasts, but chose another way to diffuse the power of the magic stone.

This tower, called the Tower of Pride by humans in this world, has ten floors in total. The tower at the top will kill anyone who dares to reach it.

As for the remaining nine levels, the closer to the tenth level, the faster the magic power increases.

Of course, the speed is not comparable to the other three towers.

Because the Four Evil Tower's method of increasing the upper limit of magic power is to turn the magic spirit stone into a more finely divided energy body and enter the body of the living body, and then absorb the magic power in the atmosphere, thus increasing the total amount of magic power in the living body.

Strictly speaking, the primary control over those magical powers lies in the hands of the corresponding ancient supernatural beasts, but as long as they do not interfere, the life forms themselves can use these magical powers, which is quite effective for them. Yu changed his destiny against the will of heaven and became [Demon·Pseudo].

To put it another way, once they have the intention to control the magic power that may be several times higher than the magic power of the host itself, then resisting such a thing is just a daydream.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for the swordsmen who have upgraded the Four Evil Towers to resist them.

Yaozhu recognizes the power of humans in this world and is quite interested in the existence of demons.

A desire for strong enemies has made it follow the idea of ​​defeating them one by one since it first appeared in the world. It also made it choose to let Japan, which had obtained the management rights of the Tower of Stubbornness, send a large number of swordsmen here to increase its strength.

It is wrong to say that Yaozhu did not create his own supernatural beast.

The correct statement should be that it did not create a complete form of its own supernatural beast.

After all, the competition venue of the Naughty Sword Dance Festival was not in the Naughty Tower, and the Shura armor also hindered the emperor's magnetic field on his body to a certain extent.

If he could step into this tower in person, he would probably be like seeing the human Xiang Yang with the shadow guardian crouching inside his body, and see the strange (terrible) wonder (terrifying) of seeing a monster's shadow coincide with a human's shadow. scene.

Unfortunately, he did not come here with the main purpose of conquering the Four Evil Towers.The above scenario is only a possibility.

Therefore, before that, Yongzhu discovered Yang Pojun first.

This strong and familiar magnetic field... is the hateful Shura Man!

Among the memories it possesses, there is the No. 1 impression of being blasted in the face by a hell-faced Shura carrying a Rakshasa purgatory cannon.

This is why it gave priority to developing stance abilities that could reflect energy attacks from the Swordsmen.

In order to improve combat effectiveness as much as possible and confirm the enemy's tactical intentions in real time, the Four Evils also have a sense of pain.But in the absence of self-will, it doesn't really make any difference whether it exists or not.

What was the mentality of the Shadow Emperor who created them to complete this design?

Yaozhao didn't know, but what he was sure of was that now was his chance to avenge his shame.

The Shura Man who killed it at the beginning was not the most suitable person to summon him. The thought coming from the armor told it so.

The so-called armor, whether it is man-made like Shura Armor or heaven-made like Emperor Armor, has its own will, just like merging armor with them is to a large extent fulfilling their requirements.

There was indeed a certain repulsion between the Shura Armor and its summoner. Logically speaking, the power was far from reaching its limit, but it was still destroyed.

This time, Shura Armor exuded a sense of chaos.

Yaozao felt that the magnetic field around Shura's armor was very subtle. It didn't seem like two wills were mutually exclusive, but it couldn't be called harmonious.The main reason is that the will of more than one type of armor on the opponent's body is intertwined there, and there are also fluctuations that are vaguely familiar to him, which makes him not want to end it personally.

But it doesn't matter.

It looked at the floor under its feet, and the magnetic field formed by the strange energy allowed it to "see" the cultivating humans on the nine floors below.

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