[Wake up, my subordinates. 】

It has decreed its will.

In the tower, hundreds of swordsmen opened their eyes in unison, and a scarlet light flashed in them.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"

The mournful howls came one after another, but they were restrained by the supernatural field. Coupled with the tower's excellent sound insulation capabilities, not even the slightest sound was transmitted to the outside world.

The so-called willpower and supernatural powers are essentially the power extended by the will, but the former only refers to the power that comes from a single will, while the latter is often the chaotic power of will obtained through killing and plundering.

Countless people are forced to generate their own will, and then mix it with the will of those around them. A large number of other people's thoughts seriously confuse the individual's will, causing the fluctuations in large areas of the will to become consistent.

Finally, the pitch-black power field stabilized, and the scarlet-eyed swordsmen (power beasts) stood quietly in place holding their ferocious-looking inherent spiritual equipment.

The total number is 1502. Although facing that set of armor still makes Yaozhu feel a little inadequate, it should be enough just for testing.

[For me, launch a suicide attack on Shura Xia. 】

The alienated swordsmen opened the door of the tower in silence and walked out amidst a dull sound.

"Huh? So many people coming out together?"

The young man who managed the registration in and out of the Tower of Arrogance raised his head, a little surprised.

Under the vigorous exploration and research of Japanese officials, they have mastered the rules of using the Tower of Pride to enhance the national magic power.

The improvement of the Tower of Naughty Pride is not only much slower than that of the other three towers, but also produces a state of wariness, which is called war mania. Generally speaking, according to each person's own situation, staying in the Tower of Naughty Pride It will appear between 48 hours and 96 hours.

Because of their thirst for power, most people often wait until the symptoms reach an unbearable extreme state before they step out and build a nearby venue that is now used to hold the Naughty Sword Dance Festival to find opponents and fight to solve the disease.

However, because people enter at staggered times and everyone's physical condition cannot be generalized, in most cases it is rare for a large number of swordsmen to leave the tower together.

The registrar looked at the eyes of the people who were so war-mad that even the whites of their eyes turned scarlet. He swallowed and silently pulled the tables and stools so as not to hinder these people's walking and then be beaten to death by them.

Because this was a real incident, the final result was that rescue efforts were ineffective and the responsible official bowed and apologized. The registrar thought about his personal connections and felt that he could not even redress his grievances, so he resigned with great self-knowledge.

In this way, these swordsmen (supernatural beasts) entered the venue of the Sword Dance Festival without any hindrance.


"A bunch of weaklings."

Yang Pojun sighed.

Because many people here recognized Nango Torajiro's identity (Majin) and chose to let others take the lead after he showed a complete crushing attitude, so he is now enduring the burning pain in his chest and waiting for a fool to come to his door. Get beaten.

(Actually, there is another way. You should be able to destroy the Noble Phantasm directly.)

"In that case, wouldn't we have lost a production machine in vain? What a loss of blood!"

(You can often only choose one between life and money, and I only feel that this thing is a pitfall.)

"Can't it be transferred to a different space in my body?"

(It's full. The Star God's core energy ball, the Emperor's armor, and the ritual snake can no longer be filled.)

“Where does that energy go?”

(Inside the core energy ball.)

"Why don't we try to put the Noble Phantasm in? Dad will definitely be curious about what wonderful things will happen."

(I tried it, and the feedback I gave was that unrecognized consciousnesses are not allowed to enter.)

"You haven't been recognized..."

(No, there is an unrecognized consciousness in the Noble Phantasm, and there is more than one.)

"The consciousness of a living person?"

(Dead man, I have communicated with him. A guy named Jhno said that he is the master of Zero Hour Mystery and the first Mystis to carry this Noble Phantasm.)

"Isn't it enough to erase all consciousness?"

Yang Pojun had a strange expression on his face, as if he would not kill the pig until next year.

(I’m a little confused as to whether this counts as smashing a tombstone on someone else’s grave.)

In fact, there is also the reason why Yang Weiwu felt some kind of healing energy coming from the core energy ball, which allowed his body to recover from the damage caused by the huge amount of existence power generated by Zero Hour Mizi at all times, and there was something familiar and familiar. The unfamiliar magnetic field guides the birth of something in the body.

And the source of that magnetic field... is a golden thunder and lightning group.

He could probably guess that this was the third ultimate armor in his body that the emperor had said, but Yang Weiwu was not interested in armor that he didn't recognize, and Xuan Haiyu and Jueqiao Scorpion were guarding him, looking uncomfortable. Hope he's close.

"Screw it. Anyway, I plan to act according to Dad's mentality and approach. I feel that it is possible for that man to do such a thing."

(...He is also a forensic scientist after all, the kind established by the regular police.)

"The professional ethics of a forensic doctor is to respect the deceased, right? Would a guy like him who even smashed his biological father's monument consider respect other than the corpse itself?"

I don't think so.

They all know this answer.

(Anyway, let me struggle a little longer. If I can’t stand it anymore or the enemy is too strong, I will do it.)

"Hmm...huh?! What the hell?!"

With Yang Pojun's horrified expression on his face, a large group of black-smelling red-eyed humanoids appeared on stage one by one carrying ferocious weapons.

"There's something subtly familiar about it."

(It's a supernatural beast, but it looks like a human.)

"This sounds like a certain Light Saw man saying that super beasts can't feel pain. Tell me what kind of monsters you are."

Yang Pojun turned on the Shura Armor's B-ultrasound...I mean the enemy's physical examination function.

Then he saw a large tentacle-like thing extending downward from the brains of this group of people.

"I'm sorry I'm so ignorant."

Fire fire fire start button.

[Rakshasa Purgatory Cannon]

"I'll send them back to the west right now."

The violent fluctuations gathered at the muzzle and turned into light cannons and rushed towards these "people".

At that moment, the magnetic field on his body was consciously coordinated. Yaozhu accurately observed it and identified the true body.

Therefore, it closed the door to the Tower of Arrogance.

In the purple electric light, nearly one-third of the figures were evaporated out of thin air.

【161】Death of John

Xijing Ningyin never thought that such evil monsters could exist in the world.

Yes, that [thing] can no longer be described with the word human.

A dark purple cloak, ancient Chinese full-body armor, black tights, and a helmet with a devilish face.

If these can be described as the opponent's inherent spiritual equipment being complete, then the giant cannon lifted by the armored man with one hand is something else.

With just one blow, hundreds of top swordsmen were evaporated, and the remaining ones were all severely injured, relying solely on the lives of those in front to survive.

We can't let this guy continue. The people there are the future of Japan. The most promising swordsmen in Japan are the most promising to become demons. This group of top combatants and tomorrow's stars, ranging from 15 to 80 years old, will die here. , Japan is completely finished.They will no longer have the right to speak internationally.

So even if it meant death, she would go up.

This is what the two remaining demons in Japan should do.

but why?

Why can't I move?

Not to mention moving, under the opponent's terrifying pressure, she couldn't even put her hands on the competition platform and climb up.

The scarlet crystal armor around her eyes began to distort into a more terrifying appearance in her eyes, and continued to enlarge and enlarge...

"Hi, little girl."

The dull voice reached Xijing Ningyin's ears, making her wake up a little.

The [Monster] came to his side.

"I'll be a good guy today and help you clean up all those guys."

No, that's not possible, that is Japan's hope!

"No need to thank me, remember, I, Emperor Yan, never leave my name behind when I do good deeds."

No, no no, no no no no no...

Desperate emotions surged from the bottom of her heart, and Xijing Ningyin made a final struggle.

Her cutting power is to control gravity. If she can reduce the gravity on herself, she might be able to do something.

【Earthbound Formation】

It is a sword-cutting skill that can increase the gravity in the area dozens or hundreds of times. Once trapped, it will be difficult to escape. Although it is not that useful for demons and some monsters that can use long-range attacks against her against this kind of gravity. But this is the only thing she can do now.

The surrounding gravity is strengthened to a hundred times.

The limit of human free diving is about 100 meters, which is ten atmospheres.

The intensity of atmospheric pressure is closely related to gravity.

Although it is not simply that the gravity multiplied by ten will multiply the atmospheric pressure by ten, a hundred times the gravity is indeed beyond the level that allows [human beings] to move normally.

Demons have the ability to interfere with cause and effect, and Xi Jing Nei Yin tried his best to let the fate of being delayed until people escape fall on the man who calls himself Emperor Yan.


[A change in the gravity coefficient has been detected, and the internal and external gravity balance magnetic field system has been activated. 】

After seeing such words, Yang Pojun's restraint disappeared without a trace almost instantly.


On the tower, Yaozhu watched this scene and made a decision.

I just took a look at the magnetic field components on his body and never did anything unnecessary.

Then, he gave orders to the alienated swordsmen on the field.

[Blow yourself up. 】

One after another, the cutting ability was connected to each other under the link of super energy, and a simple and simple cutting ability was formed.

Its name is, the release of magic power.

If the average magic power possessed by ordinary people is counted as ten, major academies that train swordsmen usually recruit more than one hundred students. Based on this standard, people who can become professional swordsmen will not in most cases. Lower than this.

People in this world theoretically believe that the total amount of magic power is determined innately. For them, magic power is the limit of this life.

Therefore, people who have the opportunity to come here to strive for their greater destiny will often pursue the [future] several times or even dozens of times the original.

The total number of mutated swordsmen is 1502, and the unit with the lowest magic power has at least 1000 units of magic power.

This quantitative change in energy actually causes a qualitative change.

In this world, there is a rule that is clearly understood by people. The stronger the magic power, the stronger the ability itself.

This is not just a matter of adding more firewood to make the fire burn brighter, but the more firewood there is, the more the flame will gradually deviate from the temperature that the firewood can burn.

It is not uncommon for magic to release this slashing ability in this world, but it simply allows the magic to be released with a more destructive effect.

And the effect of the sword-cutting ability born from the millions of units of magic power of these thousand people (one-third of them are already dead, so it’s almost just right) is...


"Should I say it's fortunate that we escaped quickly?"

Looking at the floating island in the distance that was submerged by the black magic burst, Niu Jian sighed like this.

"What on earth happened today."

Lao Li on the side called his superiors with a grimace on his face to report.

"Oh, look, Lao Li, someone survived that kind of explosion alive!"

"Stop farting, that's beyond human level. After all, why didn't it affect Tokyo? Logically speaking, that kind of explosion would be more than enough to sink Japan, right?"

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