"I will continue to work hard, improve my own strength, and then find enough logic to refute his point of view and defeat him completely."

"The way you look now is really too ugly, just like the future I hate the most."

Amamiya Shione, who was attracted by the burning faith in Shana's eyes as she declared this, was brought back to reality by this direct verbal attack.

"...Want to hear my story?"


"I see," Shana's eyes were slightly sharp, "I have a different view on your lack of resistance than he does. I didn't choose to directly hurt your mother to escape. It may also be because even if you were treated like this, you still I still love her, and not out of pure kindness.”

"The two...it feels like there's quite a big difference."

If it were Yang Pojun, he would probably say that he was not a masochist if he still loves you after being so abused.

Tian Gong Ziyin gave a forced smile.

"There is a saying that there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand readers. Different people have different views on the same thing."

"I don't know which of our two opinions is closer to the truth, or whether neither of them has anything to do with the facts, but I have heard that the inherent spiritual equipment of the swordsman is the embodiment of their soul, and the swordsman's ability is An extension of their souls.”

"Whether you did it actively or passively, I believe that it was your most sincere wish. Then there is no need to care too much about the category of your inner feelings. Remember that you do not want to hurt your mother. That’s enough.”

"Are you... are you comforting me?"

"No way to compete! Just discuss the matter!"


"You're welcome."

Shana said with an expression that couldn't be called polite at all.

"Then it's time for me to start thinking about your punishment."


"Didn't I say that you lost the game?"

The innocence in Tian Gong Ziyin's eyes at this moment even made Xia Na think that his previous low pressure was just an act.

"You guy-"


After leaving the cafe, Yang Pojun did not find Lamy immediately. Instead, he came to the rooftop of a building far away from the Li Art Museum.

Leaning on the dark imperial horse, the figure wearing black armor and white tights looked up at Yang Pojun.

That's the Shadow Emperor.

Although he obviously had no memory of meeting the other party, Yang Pojun knew the other party's identity through a vague feeling.

[According to the habits of humans in this world, should I say hello first? 】


[Hello, I am the Shadow Emperor, your senior. 】


Yang Pojun almost slapped him and asked him if he was awake.

【Confused? 】

"...a little bit."

Theoretically, the Shadow Emperor, who is hostile to the Emperor Man, is face to face with him, the Summoner of the Emperor Armor. The distance between each other is no more than ten meters, and they can still chat like this. It is indeed a strange thing for Yang Pojun. Confusing things.

[So, predecessor... No, it should be said that the current emperor has told you about your current situation? 】

"what's the situation?"

[Your identity is between the Emperor Man and the Shadow Emperor. 】

The Shadow Emperor made the gesture of the Aurora of Heaven and Earth, and the golden energy and black energy intertwined with each other and turned into a Tai Chi diagram.

"Emperor armor, fit!"

Without hesitation, Yang Pojun completed the armor fusion.

Although it felt like the other party was not malicious, Yang Wuqu even had intuitively perceptible kindness when he beat him, so the Shadow Emperor's harmless actions did not necessarily mean it was not an attack.

[Don’t be so nervous, I just want to set an example for you. 】

The Shadow Emperor withdrew his hand, and the golden and black Tai Chi diagram was still floating in the air.

There is a bright red ball of light rotating in the eyes of the golden Yang fish, and there is a pale blue ball of light floating in the eyes of the black Yin fish.

[I don’t know if you know now, but there are actually two sets of Emperor Armor. 】

[One set is in your body, and the real ownership rights are generally in the hands of the emperor's consciousness in your body. 】

[The other set, its holder is called the Shadow Emperor. 】

"This is a ridiculous statement."

【Is it ridiculous?The unity and opposition of light and shadow is the absolute law of our world, and even the law of supremacy of will is slightly inferior.In this case, it shouldn't be surprising that the Emperor's armor has two sets corresponding to light and shadow.The Emperor's Armor is like the Yang Fish, and its summoner is this. 】

The Shadow Emperor lit up the crimson ball of light.

[In contrast, I am a Yin fish. 】

[And you are the line between the two. 】

[I’m not very sure how you did it, but you give me the impression that you first became the Shadow Emperor, but because you didn’t follow the rules, you were denied your identity by this power that seeks balance on its own, and then you got the Emperor’s Armor. The right to summon.At the same time, because of the inheritance rules of the Emperor's Armor, you do not have the power to fully control this armor in a true sense. 】

"What are the inheritance rules of Emperor Xia?"

[The summoner who defeated the contemporary emperor's armor body. 】

"Then what are the inheritance rules of the Shadow Emperor?"

[As the Emperor's Man, we face defeat. 】


"Wait, so..."

"Isn't every Shadow Emperor..."

[Not the former Emperor Man. 】

The Shadow Emperor rejected his conjecture.

[The consciousness of countless generations of Shadow Emperors will be superimposed. At most, the new will will be more conspicuous in its performance, giving people the illusion of being passed down from generation to generation. 】

[The previous generations will only leave behind the strongest idea in their will, and the common consciousness that continues a certain kind of destruction that exists in all consciousnesses, as the pseudo-surface consciousness of the Shadow Emperor. 】

"...So, why did you come to me?"

[I said that the opposition of light and shadow is the absolute law of our world. As the "balancer", the Emperor Man and the Shadow Emperor must fight. 】

The silver-gray sword appeared in the hands of the Shadow Emperor, and the blue jade on the sword's grid shimmered.

[I am here to achieve the "result" that the Emperor Man and the Shadow Emperor are "fighting". 】

Although there was still more than ten meters away, Yang Pojun felt a sword being slashed hard on his chest, and large sparks exploded.

"The emperor of light fights the dragon."

Following Yang Pojun's low roar, Siyuan's armored beast passed through the golden light and enlarged its body.

[The Shadow Emperor fights the dragon. 】

The dark imperial horse passed through the silver-gray light and turned into an armored beast that was tit for tat in terms of color matching.

Yang Pojun directly threw the Aurora Sword in his hand, and while using the ability to control objects through the air, he used it as a flying sword in sword control, while turning on super acceleration to launch a close combat against the Shadow Emperor.

[Because existence is the superposition of will, and each is the "strongest" in a certain sense at a certain era, so although in theory it is impossible to win the existence of the Shadow Emperor as long as the will can be unified, but first mention Conditionally it is impossible to succeed. 】

[However, even though the output cannot be superimposed, and the total amount cannot exceed this level of intensity, techniques can still draw on the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought. 】

Using the same hundred-fold acceleration as Yang Pojun to engage in a high-speed fight with him, the Shadow Emperor seemed to be able to do it with ease.

Do you want to open it a thousand times?

Thinking of the feeling of burning all the nerves in his body, Yang Pojun hesitated for 0.01 seconds, and then decisively increased his speed.

If you lose in a fight, you won't lose the battle. Pain is something that happens afterward. If you are drunk now, it doesn't matter if you are drunk now, it won't matter later!Hand it over as soon as the CD of the ultimate move is over. I don’t care about this level of pain. Only when I win can I feel the right to cry. If I lose, I only deserve to be rolled into the grave!

The Shadow Emperor, who was caught off guard by his sudden increase in speed, was knocked back, and then he also increased his super acceleration to the same double speed.

The two men's powerful physical attacks tore apart the surrounding space, and dense black traces appeared out of thin air and lingered for a long time.

The Emperor of Light and the Dragon Battle lost in the battle with the Emperor of Shadow, but he won the dragon-gnawing tail battle by using the diagonal technique and tail-biting technique in Yang Weiwu's memory. With a slight advantage, they rushed towards the two of them with the opponent.

The Shadow Emperor prepared to dodge based on the combat experience of a certain summoner, but was caught by the Yang Po Army and used defensive descent.


A long metallic sound sounded, and the Shadow Emperor grabbed Yang Pojun.

[Unfortunately, the defense on the back is the strongest of this armor, regardless of energy defense. 】

"You don't need to remind me about that kind of thing!"

Yang Pojun, who took off his Aurora Shield and reduced the thickness of his armor as much as possible, used sleeping skills on the opponent.

The abilities of both sides should be the same, so there is no point in using special moves against the opponent. So, what about another ability that the Shadow Emperor does not have?

"The Promise—"

The core energy ball is driven, and the energy is released like a flood.

"——Kill yourself!"

A golden light enveloped the rooftop of the building.

The Shadow Emperor hugged Yang Pojun tightly.

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On the rooftop, where even the bricks and tiles were not damaged, Yang Pojun fell to the ground with his armor removed.

The Emperor's Armor is the most powerful ultimate armor. It can even kill enemies accurately without damaging the environment.The specific case is that Qiankun Aurora killed the four murderers in an instant, and even the floor tiles were not damaged at all.

The high-intensity unarmed attack and defense just now lasted only half a minute in real time. There was basically no attack here. Most of the damage was done to the upper body. Otherwise, this building would probably not be saved.

Now the good news is that he appears to have won.

The bad news is that the opponent was not sealed by him, but took the opportunity to get into Yang Pojun's body when he used Wuji to kill himself, or rather integrated into him.

After that, he disengaged the armor from the crisis he sensed intuitively.

"what is this……"

Looking at his sudden extra perspectives, Yang Pojun felt like his brain was about to explode.


Relying on his concentration, he temporarily dismissed those perspectives.

Let’s get down to business first.

Ares' Heaven and Earth Technique unfolded, and Yang Pojun noticed another thing.

My own energy field has expanded.

It's not a little bit of expansion, but a direct geometric expansion of scope.

In the past, it took a little more seriousness to envelop the entire Misaki City's magnetic field, but now it can be done even unconsciously.

This should be considered... a good thing, right?

Rarely feeling uneasy, Yang Pojun still targeted the old gentleman whom Shana called Lamy.

The old gentleman was walking out of the art museum when he saw Yang Pojun sitting on a public seat.

Not a Fire Mist Warrior, nor a member of the Red World.

Lamy could feel this through the other person's breath.

Moreover, the other party came to find him, and the undisguised Qi lock was the best proof.

As a member of the Red World who has extensive experience of being hunted down, Lamy is still very aware that his status in the eyes of most humans who are aware of the existence of the Red World's members is about the same as a cockroach.So even if the other party was not a Fire Mist Warrior, he walked over very consciously.

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