Indeed, running away directly is also a way, but the other party did not attack directly, and there are people coming and going around now. As long as the man is not the type who can wait for life and death for no reason just to kill him, then this is the best way for them to communicate. opportunity.

Hope just came to talk to myself.

It was rare to find a city with so many torches, and Lamy really didn't want to escape without much gain.


The young man who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old said, pointing to the empty seat on the bench next to him.

Rami sat down.

"It's called Bone Picker Lamy, right."

"Yes, what is this gentleman's name?"

"Emperor Yan."

The short answer reminded Lamy of what he saw on the news that morning, the figure who casually massacred hundreds of people.

"So, sir, what do you want to see me for?"

Not quite sure if the other party was the Emperor Yan, Lamy adopted a normal method of asking.

"Actually, I am hunting the Red World disciples."

One sentence almost made Lamy stand up.

The oppressive feeling from the other party at that moment could indeed be called murderous intent, and it stung his entire body.

"But this is not my only purpose. For the time being, if you can meet my other requirements, it's not impossible to let you go."

"...Please tell me."

"I am now looking for outstanding masters. If you can find a few suitable ones for me, I will consider letting you go. Or if you find me two disciples of the Red World, I will also let you go."

"...As for the free master, I know a fire mist warrior called [Evangelist] who is quite good. If you want to find one, you can consider her. As long as you wait for a while, she will Come here on your own initiative.”

Rami said.

"Your friend? No, it should be an enemy, right?"

Yang Pojun looked at him with a smile.

"Don't you dare try to take advantage of me?"

Let me help you deal with the enemy. How dare you say that?

"Yes, she is the kind of traditional Fire Mist Warrior who signs a contract with the Red World Demon King for revenge. Generally speaking, she will kill a Red World Devil when she sees one. I escaped from her hands. She has been targeted many times, and she has no other grudges with her. Moreover, among the Fire Mist Warriors, her combat experience and free spell level are the most outstanding, so she should be able to satisfy you. Needed.”

Rami said.

"Hmm... I thought you would tell me about the [Spiral Organ] that is said to be the strongest free master."

"...That one has disappeared for a long time, and I haven't heard much information about her."

"This silence is really suspicious."

Yang Pojun said casually.

However, there was no logical problem, so he had no intention of going into details.

"Very good, then let's just say you have one as a guarantee. Then I will let you go if you bring up another Free Master or Disciple of the Red World."

"...Sir, the disciples of the Red World and the Fire Mist Warriors are not as easy to find as you think. After all, in this world, we are not opponents of the demons who can interfere with cause and effect. And unlike most situations, They are the Red World disciples and Fire Mist Warriors who can only act alone in a gathering of ten people at most. Demons can truly quickly assemble hundreds of individuals for the sake of mankind and then form an absolutely overwhelming force with their average strength at the level of the Red World Demon King. . [Coffin Tailor]’s death is the best evidence.”

Another name I have never heard of.

Yang Pojun thought this way.

However, it seems that the status of human beings in this world is not as uncomfortable as I imagined.

Originally killed by the Ritual Snake at first sight, he thought that all the disciples of the Red World were at this level (referring to the ability to eat existence that can be regarded as an instant death ability), and he was still thinking about how Shana was able to hunt Red at her level. Of the disciples of the world.

Now it seems that there should be targeted countermeasures.Logically speaking, it would be better for me to learn it, so as not to have to choose to use the Emperor Armor's ability to kill even high-dimensional creatures to completely destroy the opponent and then seal the power of existence.

"Speaking of which, you should be able to escape at the hands of that sorcerer, right?"

Yang Pojun had not considered the possibility that the disciples of the Red World had any unusually powerful individual abilities.

Through the Ritual Snake, he has tentatively concluded that the Red World's disciples are the type whose combat power is calculated based on size and technology. The Ritual Snake is a typical force with big bricks. Apart from its creative ability, Yang Pojun can only feel that the style is simple. The free method of [Sealing Jue] is also the reason why he can easily suppress the opponent.The Emperor's Armor, whose data is written entirely in feet, has no chance of losing to the opponent if its energy supply is normal.

However, Yang Pojun felt that he was a weakling, and what the weak often needed were basic individual attributes and superb skills that could make up for the gap with the strong.Then, it can be explained that Lamy, who is not considered powerful in his induction, is only highly skilled - at least more skilled than the Fire Mist Warrior recommended by the other party.

"I don't have to kill you, but instead, I'll use teaching as half of the payment for my life. Of course, as far as the results are concerned, I will protect you for the time being, provided that you honestly don't devour humans, and don't touch those torches. "

Not expecting the other party to make such a request, Lamy subconsciously planned to refuse.

He has been collecting the existence power in the torch for many years, which is pitifully small compared to devouring ordinary people. He has his own persistence and purpose. If he gives up like this...

The feeling of something choking his throat prevented him from refusing.

"Do I take this as your acquiescence?"

Yang Pojun said, noticing something strange.

Sure enough, the sudden enhancement of the mental energy field was not a free gain.

The subjective will removed the magnetic field that caused the interference phenomenon of "choking" the other person's throat, and looked at the old gentleman with blue eyes.

"……I have no opinion."


When the young man led the old gentleman back to the coffee shop, he saw the two people talking quietly.

"You seem to have a better relationship."

Yang Pojun, who was a little surprised that they had a conversation topic, sat next to Tiangong Ziyin and motioned for Lamy to sit opposite.

"Talked to each other a little bit."

Tiangong Ziyin said so, but Yang Pojun didn't care about it.

Tiangong Ziyin belongs to the [child] protected by the [hero]. He may have a future of becoming a hero, but that is not now.

But it seems that Shana is in a very motivated state. Maybe the two of them inspired each other.

"Okay, this is my new free-flowing teacher, named Lamy. You two can ask each other to teach free-flowing methods."

Seeing the man's expression as if his old father had signed up for a tutoring class, Shana was silent for a moment, and then said: "I thought you would insist on killing him."

"There's no need to do that if it works, right?" Although Yang Pojun still planned to kill him after he finished teaching him, he didn't intend to say this.I think after getting along with him, Lamy will realize his nature and then resist in order to survive.

He is still looking forward to whether the other party's death struggle can make him forget the other party's identity as a famous person for a moment. According to Yang Wuqu, the true villain's charm is enough to make you forget the other party's position and you in a short time. It is completely different from this matter. Although Lamy looks like that, since the disciples of the Red World seem to be free creatures according to their nature, then this kind of thing is not something that cannot be expected.

"Tiangong, do you seem to have something to say?"

" I need to learn the Dharma?"

"Just take it as a hobby class. If I can learn it, it means you should be able to do it too."

Feng Jue is actually a free method. Although Yang Pojun has the muscle memory of practicing Zen Seal, he has certain advantages in the ability to cut off the causal relationship within a certain range and stop time in the area. There is also a Red World Demon King in his body, but he He realizes that he is still a human being, and there is no reason why Tiangong Ziyin cannot do what he can do.

And it really doesn’t matter if you can’t do it. There are always some differences between people. So far, Yang Pojun has not been able to appreciate paintings and music arts of a certain level. He can only comment from passers-by like “Wow, it sounds good, looks good, or feels average.” .

"If I can learn it...does it mean that it is the result of my efforts?"

"What are you talking about? Isn't that a natural thing?"

"Okay, Teacher Lamy, I want to learn the free method!"

It would be a surefire success if Amangong Ziyin's big, bright eyes were replaced by Mitsui's tearful eyes at this moment, but it's a pity that she can't change them.

"OK, now that the shopping is over, let's go to training."

"Did we go shopping?"

From the beginning, they just went to the art museum to play a guessing game. Shana was overturned by a car halfway. The three of them didn't even appreciate the art exhibits and just stayed in this cafe until now. This can really be called shopping. ?

Shana expressed doubts about this.

"Going to the street is just like shopping."

This remark comes from Yang... Lucun, and is usually used to return quickly when Yang Pojun's mother asks him to go shopping with her.

So this is a family motto (confidence).


Marjorie Doe is a veteran Fire Mist warrior.

She chased the figure of the bone picker Lamy and came to this city.

It was lucky that she found the legacy of hunter Faliagni.

The most surprising thing among them was the glass altar, a Noble Phantasm created by the Ritual Snake that could observe the entire city. Through this Noble Phantasm, she was confident that it would be impossible for Lamy to escape again this time.

Standing in front of a large bonsai that occupies a small half of the floor, there are fragments of a phosphorus called "Lovely Marianne" at my feet.

In the white firelight, these fragments are gradually disintegrating.

"I thought that fetishist would never be separated from this phosphorus in his life, but he actually died outside."

"Tch, it's really boring. I was beaten to the punch by my colleagues."

What was speaking was an extra-large hardcover book, which was an artifact used by her demon king to communicate with the outside world. Its name was Glimoor.

"Hmph, sometimes this kind of thing happens. But getting the glass jar is considered a profit. According to the planned plan, let's get rid of that bastard Lamy."

"Hahahaha, that's true. Don't let the opponent escape from you this time, my dear Marjorie Dou!"

The large hardcover book vibrated, and dark blue fire powder was inhaled and spit out, like the breath of a beast.

"Idiot Marcusias, be quiet, I'm going to use the Noble Phantasm now."

Marchionne hit the large hardcover book hard, causing her contracted devil to make a dissatisfied sound.

【169】Yang Pojun’s initial learning and initiative to jump into pitfalls (4K)

The force of existence is the energy that makes up the world itself.

Unlike magic, which is similar in nature to spiritual power in novels, the total amount of existing power does not actually change due to a person's will.

People who are born with more power of existence will not have much change in their power of existence in the future. Similarly, the same goes for people who are born with less power of existence.

This point is even stricter than the upper limit of magic power that can be increased through training after becoming a demon.

According to the followers of the Red World, there are always some people who are destined to become the kind of artists or politicians who will go down in history, or people who will have a huge impact on the world, such as famous artists or politicians or peerless criminals. Such people are called "great people". 】.

The Red World Demon King will look for humans who have more innate power of existence or who are pleasing to his eyes, sign a contract with them, and through interference with the rules, obtain all the power of existence of the other party in the past, present and future, and then transform the contract person. It becomes a [container] to carry its own body and preserve it in this world.


Yang Pojun touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

"Is there any problem? Or is it difficult for me to understand the basic common sense of the power of existence and the birth process of the Fire Mist Warrior?"

Rami asked.

"Huh? No, not really. I just...slightly feel like I've heard of body modification somewhere."

Yang Pojun, who had been changed into a physique similar to the Demon Sealing Box without permission, said casually.

"Really...then I'll continue."

Lamy, who didn't know much about Yang Pojun's situation, continued to explain.

When the Red World Demon King moves into the container, the so-called Fire Mist Warrior is born.Afterwards, the newly born Fire Mist Warriors still need to experience battles and hone their skills to accelerate their growth.

Generally speaking, because they have the power of the demon king who is far more powerful than the disciples of the Red World, as long as they are not opponents of disciples or even demon kings who are extremely skilled in fighting, the Fire Mist Warriors can grow sufficiently in the face of danger.

Well, I always feel a strange sense of sight.

Yang Pojun felt that he suddenly had non-existent memories.

For example, five big armored men of five colors surrounded him and attacked him. For example, he held the Jueling Sword and summoned hundreds of younger warships to focus fire on his path.

Hahaha, that kind of thing should be a dream!

"Well, what is the difference between a demon king and a disciple?"

Tiangong Ziyin raised her hand and asked.

"There is a difference in levels. When a disciple's power reaches a certain level, he becomes a demon king. The demon king must be stronger than the apprentice. Above the demon king, there is also the Red World Demon King who is called the Three Pillar Gods."

"Three pillar gods?"

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