"Yes, if the gap between the Red World Demon King and the Red World's disciples is just a matter of quantity, the Three Pillar Gods are far behind them in terms of quality. For example, the crusader with flaming hair and scorching eyes, her The Contract Demon King is the [God of Punishment], one of the three pillar gods."

Lamy looked at Shana.

Oh, the classic protagonist configuration has unique abilities that are different from other professionals in the same series, and the upper limit is extremely high.

Yang Pojun, who was already looking forward to Xia Na, didn't have any additional thoughts when he heard the news. He just felt a little happy, but not much.

"The God of Punishment, Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire, has the power to control [Judgment] and [Conviction], and has the absolute right to destroy the disciples of the Red World and the Red World Demon King."

Looking at Tiangong Ziyin's curious eyes, Lamy subconsciously started to explain in the direction of the Three Pillar Gods.

"Don't go off topic, talk about something useful."

Yang Pojun was dissatisfied.

"...The essence of the disciples of the Red World in this world is a body composed of the power of existence and ability, which means that it is closer to an energy creature than a carbon-based creature. Through such a body, in the human world, the disciples of the Red World can even I feel more comfortable using my abilities than I did in the Red World.”

"As I said before, the power of existence is the energy that constitutes the world. The disciples of the Red World were originally unable to appear in this world because there is enough power of existence to complete the phenomenon of [constructing existence]. In other words, The very act of [creation] is an exercise of the power of being.”

"The so-called free law is, in a sense, a kind of creation."

"Humans have an interesting saying: Give a monkey a typewriter and let it type one key per second according to its own feelings. If the time can be extended infinitely, one day the monkey will type out a key. World famous."

"The principle of freedom method is simply [typing]. Even if the skills are insufficient and the time (power of existence) is enough, you can do anything."

"Of course, due to various reasons, the possibility of collecting a huge amount of existence power alone is very low, so at this time, more sophisticated free methods with clear direction and free methods to amplify the free method are needed."

Free spells are abilities similar to magic and sword-cutting abilities, but unlike sword-slayers who have a clear cutting power, free spells can usually be learned through independent learning.

The Free Style is something that looks like a magic circle, and its effect is an amplifier, which can expand the scope of the Free Law, or replace the Free Style to maintain the operation of the Free Law.

"So...the end of your freedom master is a programmer?"

Yang Pojun's question made Lamy stunned.

However, he has been traveling in the human world for many years, so he still knows what a programmer is.

"It's okay to understand it this way. In fact, it is precisely because the law of freedom has the law of creation that many methods such as Fengjue and Divine Words of Expression can be passed down so easily."

"Under the design of...the spiral organ, Feng Jue has simplified the freedom method that can temporarily cut off cause and effect, which greatly helps the Fire Mist Warriors in their mission to prevent the world from being distorted and destroyed."

"It's also convenient for the Red World's gangsters to eat humans without being discovered."

Yang Pojun said.

He also knows this free method, so he knows the effects clearly.

Demarcate an area, and the cause and effect within it will be temporarily cut off from the outside world, and living creatures will be unable to move.No matter living or dead, as long as the power of existence is used to repair it before the seal is lifted, then after the seal is withdrawn, everything will be as if it never happened.

Of course, if a human being has been eaten by the Red World and has lost the power of existence, then there is no way to save it.

"Indeed, while helping the Fire Mist Warriors complete the mission given by the Red World Demon King, Feng Jue also prevented many Red World disciples from being discovered and killed by the Demon King immediately. But everything has two sides, Spiral I can’t say for what purpose the organ serves to spread the ban.”

"It's not about making torches anyway."

The casual remark made Lamy break into a cold sweat.

"...Compared with the purpose, learning the principles of free law is probably more important."


After explaining some knowledge about the Law of Freedom, the Power of Existence, and the Disciple of the Red World, Shana, as a guide, went to help Tiangong Ziyin feel the existence of the flame.

Yang Pojun and Lamy looked at them from a distance and started talking about other topics.

"By the way, Lamy, can you identify the ability of the Noble Phantasm?"

"There is a free method that can check the ability of the Noble Phantasm, but I haven't delved into it very deeply. After all, the difference in nature between the Noble Phantasm and the free method is not small. It's just about knowing the use and how to use it."

"Oh, that's enough. Do you know what this and this are?"

Yang Pojun casually threw the revolver and the ring of unknown meaning that had caused him to be disemboweled to Lamy.

"[Happiness Trigger] and [Blue Sky], it seems that the hunter died in your hands."


Asked Yang Pojun, who had no memory of when he had killed a member of the Red World.

"The current Red Demon King ranks among the top five in terms of strength. He once killed a large number of Fire Mist Warriors and is also called the Fire Mist Warrior Killer. The reason... is probably due to his excellent strength and this Noble Phantasm, the Happiness Trigger. "

Rami raised his revolver.

"The effect is..."

"Ah, okay, there's no need to introduce this. I remembered it. The one called Fafa seemed to have explained that this thing can make the Red World Demon King wake up and burst the container. Let's talk about the flaws and then introduce the ring."

"... Great people have been mentioned before. Because they have possibilities far beyond ordinary people, the container they built can fully accommodate the Red World Demon King and still have room to spare. Even if the Demon King is awakened, it will not be burst. , so this kind of thing is meaningless to great people, but it may cause the opponent to temporarily have a sharply increased power by allowing the Demon King to appear."

"Well, let's go back and ask Tian Ti Jie Huo Shana if she is a great person. If so, this thing can be used as a seed blasting tool for her in the future."

Yang Pojun, who had already thought of a possible way to play this precious phantom, stuffed it back into his pocket.

"This ring, if I read it correctly, should be [Azure Blue]. It can open a barrier to resist fire attacks."

"What about the upper limit?"

"Ignoring the three pillar gods, the Red Demon King should be able to prevent fire attacks with this ring."

Fire resistance equipment, essential for playing fixed dungeons.

Considering that he has the purpose of helping the Ritual Snake to create a new world, and will inevitably have to deal with a large number of Red World disciples in the future (physics), he feels that this thing may be of some use.

If the resistance is strong enough, you can consider using Tiangong Ziyin, and then let him take a position similar to a war correspondent, shooting the first shot of the armored warrior fighting the Red World disciple at close range.

"Very good. I thought you would feel very reluctant about helping me."

Lamy, whose whole body was aching with the stabbing intention of killing, did not say a word.

"Ah, by the way, do Fire Mist Warriors usually use Noble Phantasms and Freedom Techniques to fight?"


"Then let's see if this thing can be used as a regular combat treasure? It can be used against Fire Mist Warriors and Red World disciples."

Silver light emitted from Yang Pojun's chest, and his silver figure fell to the ground.

Lamy: "...This, this can't be done."

How come you have the free form of the proxy body prepared by the Ritual Snake, so you are not afraid of being visited by people at the masquerade? Also, this thing is very dangerous and can kill you if you are not careful.

"Huh? Can't this thing be used for fighting? It obviously looks humanoid."

"...I mean, it's not a Noble Phantasm, it's a free form."

"Free style?"

Yang Pojun looked at him doubtfully.

Didn't you say it was something similar to a magic circle?

"Although the style is a bit strange, it is indeed a free-style. It is divided into an empty shell and an emotion collection device. If we want to talk about its use... it is a container similar to the Fire Mist Warrior, which can accommodate the existence of the Demon King and facilitate the preservation of existence. Walking around the world while consuming all your energy.”

"Then I can just use a torch like you do, right?"

"The details are not something I can explain clearly, but that's the result."

Rami said.

"In other words, this thing is of no use."

This is how Yang Pojun defines it.

But it would be a pity to throw it away like this. Let’s stock up first to see if there is any possibility of using it in the future.

"I'll take a nap first. Remember to record their practice results. When I wake up, I'll see written records and specific training plans."

Not caring whether Lamy could do it or not, nor what Tiangong Ziyin and Shana would do during his so-called "sleep" time, Yang Pojun untied the armored beast wrapped around his wrist and turned him into The Imperial Horse lay directly on it and entered a meditative state.


Between the ceilingless thrones, the dyed emperor sat on the golden throne.

Seeing that half of the opponent's armor was golden, half of the armor was black, and the tights were also in contrasting black and white styles, Yang Pojun felt a little headache.

"So, you are traumatized, senior?"

[Correction, the enlargement of the throne would be unsightly. The old man didn’t mind sitting on the ground and hacking at me at all. I finally used this compromise method after much consideration. 】

"Isn't it still traumatized?"

[If I lose, whether you want it or not, now that you are the only one who has the right to summon the Emperor's Armor, you will automatically be permanently equipped with the Emperor's Armor. That is the price of holding this power. 】

"Okay, I came to you to ask what happened to the other me."

[He has gone to receive the inheritance of the ultimate armor. There are corresponding seniors who have taught him everything. He will definitely gain a lot when he comes out. 】

The emperor pointed to the golden lightning hanging in the air.

"This is... the third set of ultimate armor in my body that you mentioned before?"

[Yes, Thunder Yatales, the ultimate armor in the elemental armor series. 】

"He didn't go in voluntarily, did he?"

[It’s not true, but I think you should be willing to accept the inheritance of another set of ultimate armor voluntarily and actively. 】

"I will not accept the inheritance of the Emperor's Armor. The Emperor's Man should be a hero, not someone like me."

Yang Pojun refused.

[I’m talking about Shura Armor. The dream you had before is part of the inheritance. It is the memory of the armor’s maker. 】

"I'm not interested in that kind of thing."

[It contains the No. 1 memory of observing Yan Emperor’s heroic achievements. 】

"Excuse me, are there any necessary preparations for inheritance?"

He changed his tune so quickly!

The Emperor was almost speechless.

[As long as you have the thought of integrating the Shura armor in a meditative state. 】

Yang Pojun lay down on the ground, and his body was quickly wrapped in purple electric light.

【He is a child with rare pursuits. 】

[It is indeed rare, so senior, can you not look at his memory through me? 】

[I need to confirm why there are fragments of the Shadow Sword in his body.In order not to destroy the traces, you may feel aggrieved for the time being. 】

【170】About Luo Sha·Part [-]

This is probably... the 165th time we've been to this facility, right?

Yang Pojun thought so.

He had no intuitive feelings about his experiences during this period. He could only estimate the number of times he had entered and exited this facility based on the amount of change that was almost the same each time through a certain [knowledge] that was gradually increasing in his mind.

How long will it take?

[It's still a little bit worse. 】

The dark voice of Xuanyin came into my mind.

Ending cause and effect... It sounds like such a powerful ability, but it's actually pretty useless.

[If you are willing to take the initiative to use your talents, you don’t need to wait so long to meet the conditions for my ability to activate.But in the final analysis, you are just a mortal body, and the ability to understand the essence is still too powerful for humans. 】

It's really ridiculous. For humans, there is no overly powerful ability, only the appropriate method of use.

Yang Pojun thought so.

[I don’t deny that you have that possibility, but it is only a possibility after all. If you rashly understand one of the truths in this world, you will definitely die, Luo Sha. 】

Luo Sha...?

With his consciousness rising and falling, Yang Pojun recalled that he was not really a guinea pig who was caught here for experiments, but was receiving the inheritance of Shura Armor.

【What's wrong? 】

It's nothing, I just feel a little bored.

This was not Yang Pojun's idea, but that Luo Sha's idea.

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