Psychoactive weapons can make people lose their minds.

The allure of making a telekinetic weapon with your own hands has an allure that transcends all pursuits for the [craftsmen] who can make telekinetic weapons.

So there is no need to choose between killing Luo Sha directly or killing her after using her.Even if his instinct for many years told him that he must never do this, he would regret it.

In fact, this patience does not take long. In up to ten minutes, the dagger will be made. Then they only need to use it as the core to make matching armor to create a powerful warrior.

That will be a strong man with the ultimate armor. With him, Thunder Star will have a great chance to defeat the leader of Flame Star, thereby winning the war between the two planets.

Yes, as long as this mental weapon is manufactured, it will definitely...


There was a violent breaking of the door, and a man wearing silver armor and a leather jacket walked in with a humanoid object under his arm.

"You are... a guy from Yanxing! Did you actually get here? I didn't expect that your stealth skills have reached this level!"

No, that guy came in directly, but if you count Wushuang as stealth... this is not the power of technology.

Luo Sha was floating in the nutrient solution and wanted to spit bubbles, but unfortunately her mouth and nose were blocked by a respirator.

"The idea of ​​stealth is actually not quite right. It seems that you have spent a lot of time researching. Thunder Star's military power has been almost defeated by our Flame Star. Although I sneaked out, from now on you can only use security Those androids with little fighting ability can tell that Thunder Star has lost."

"You bastard! Who are you talking about?!"

"My name is Emperor."

The armored man pointed at himself with a thumbs up.

"Haha, very good. A guy who doesn't even have the name [Yan] broke into this place... Boy, regret what you did!"


Amidst the roar, the siren sounded.


The director, who planned to activate the counterattack module arranged in advance inside the experimental center, rushed directly to the test bed and took off the dagger.

"Young brat, I'll use you as a sacrificial knife today!"

There is a custom in Yanxing that elite warriors can add the word "flame" to their names, and the standard for this elite warrior is to reach the mental energy level and reach adulthood.According to the physique of people on this planet, they can basically reach this standard in a short period of time before reaching adulthood, so in the eyes of the director, the other party is just a little devil.

The emperor drew out the sword he had been carrying on his back and got into a stance. The corners of his mouth under the holster grinned with excitement, then calmed down.

Because the guy called the director broke a facility filled with nutrient solution and handed the dagger into the hands of a thin... female.

Holding the dagger, whose tentative name was smelly and long, Luo Sha poured her own energy into it, gently swung the purple slash, and neatly cut off the director's head.

Then she removed her respirator.

"You really added some unexpected variables to me, the guy named Emperor."


The emperor tilted his head.

"who are you?"

"Luo Chao, the [strongest] seeker."

"The strongest? Haha, that's not a small statement. I am the strongest emperor in the future. Are you interested in a fight?"

"No, please go back."

"Haha, then hand over the dagger in your hand, that should be my trophy."

"Why should what I made be your trophy?"

"Obviously, they should have captured you. You can tell by looking at your clothes, so the things you made as their trophies belong to them, and I won..."

The words were drowned in the torrent of energy weapons, as were the figures of Di and Luo Sha.

【173】Capture of Marjolene Doe

"Why did you interrupt me so suddenly? I feel like I'm about to reach the climax."

After being pulled out of the so-called "inheritance" dream, Yang Pojun looked at the emperor on the golden throne with displeasure.

[The prey you have been waiting for has arrived. If you don’t go out, something will happen. 】

"What could happen? Don't I have the emperor's armor to protect myself? Or are Tiangong and the others being attacked?"

[The problem is self-protection, which is probably about to die now? 】

"What doesn't work?"

Yangpo Junhuo exited the meditative state anxiously, and then he saw——


Marjorie Doe had to admit that the glass altar was indeed a very superior treasure, worthy of being the work of the sacrificial snake.

This Noble Phantasm, which monitored the entire Misaki City, including the surrounding mountains, easily allowed her to observe the torches throughout the city, as well as notice the conspicuous torch in the wilderness.

Although I only came here to try my luck at first because I didn't notice any movement inside the city after squatting for a long time, I unexpectedly caught the real owner directly.


A dark blue flame coat enveloped the whole body of this model-like chestnut-haired beauty. The flame garment named [Toca] turned her into a flame monster. She approached the figure with a ferocious grin and a figure standing next to her. Inside an ordinary person sleeping.

Not far away, a colleague and a human kid were practicing the use of the power of existence. Although she didn't know what the other person was thinking, if she dared to hinder her, Marion Lin wouldn't mind having a fight with the other person.

She pounced on Rami in the form of a fire monster.

Then he was kicked out at a faster speed.

Feng Jue and other things have already started in the process of getting closer, which is not impossible for a free master of her level.

However, the purpose of this free law is only to cut off the causal relationship, and to ban the time of ordinary people who cannot use the power of existence. There is no special bonus.

This also means two things.

As a free method of non-assisted combat, its aura and presentation will be obvious to people with a method of perception such as Fire Mist Warriors, including Yang Pojun who will not be stopped by time.

Another thing is that although she knows that this thing has no actual benefits, Shana used the sealing action when she first faced him. When he fought with the Ritual Snake, the other party also used the sealing action. In other words, in Yang Pojun believed that this thing was a provocation.In other words, he defaulted to the opponent as a hostile unit without thinking.

As for the automatic guardian of the Emperor's Armor, the operator actually prioritizes subconscious combat without the intervention of the summoner who has the right to summon.

The subconscious mind here is not the individual subconscious mind, but the collective subconscious mind.

Just like Wang Xiangyang transformed into the emperor's armor and tore apart four ancient supernatural beasts with his hands, relying on the inherited memory in the light and shadow gene to complete the killing with fists and kicks as the main attack methods.

The collective subconscious component of Yang Pojun is something more complicated than that.

The result is--

The golden emperor stood there and raised a hand.

The dark blue flame monster seemed to be held by invisible hands, with its feet off the ground and struggling desperately in mid-air.

It was thrown out like garbage, and a deep pit was created in the earth.

Most of the Flame Coat Tokar collapsed due to the user's momentary loss of consciousness, but this doesn't mean anything.

The Fire Mist Warrior is two persons in one, the product of the combination of the human being as the container and the demon king as the power provider.

Marjorie fainted, and the devil inhabiting her body was not there.

The real name of the Demon King, Markosias, is the Minion of Trampling. His character is notoriously bad.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet such a monster. Are you a devil? My torn minion, Majonline Duo, now is not the time for you to sleep like a good baby over there. .”

The large hardcover book spit out dark blue purifying fire and swept through her body. This flame that could heal almost all injuries awakened Marjoline's consciousness and allowed her to stand up again.

"Hey, hey, hey, what an unexpected harvest. I didn't expect to encounter such a tricky prey..."

"Hahaha, my dear Wine Glass, Majeon Lin, you were almost killed by the other party just now."

The demon king's roar came from this artifact, causing Majolyn to strike.

"Shut up, idiot Marco, this guy is not something that the Fire Mist Warriors should deal with. The flames of existence are difficult for most demons to achieve in combat. Hey, who are you? Why do you want to protect La? That guy!"

There was no answer because Yang Pojun was still meditating at this time.

There is no need to answer, because whether he is there or not, what he should do and what he will do is actually the same.

Golden light gathered in his hands, and the Aurora Sword appeared in the Emperor's right hand.

The long sword slashed down, and the ethereal Pi Lian flew toward Marqiong Lin like a ribbon all over the sky. Its essence was the deadly sword energy that had been changed in shape.

There is a saying that the only martial arts in the world that cannot be broken is fast.Emperor Man doesn't need to be fast to achieve the same result.

Just use range attacks.

Even if she wakes up and her body is repaired by the purifying fire, the healing effect of this power will not be achieved overnight, and Marjorie, who has not fully recovered from her injuries, is defeated again.

The light energy gathered in front of him, forming a green light post with the word "water".

【Crazy waterfall top】

Just like an ordinary person being hit head-on by a high-speed train, Marion Lin's body was knocked away and twisted into a dangerous shape in mid-air. She was about to hit the ground and cause secondary trauma.

At this moment, Yang Pojun woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he saw something being sent flying by him, and subconsciously stopped the other person with a meditation seal.

That's how he had time to look at the area that was shrouded in sealing. There were large traces that looked like they were trampled and sprinted by heavily armored beasts and traces that looked like they were dug out by falling meteorites.

"What just happened?"

He turned around and asked Lamy.

" have eliminated the enemy. This is Miss Marion."

The old gentleman pointed at the chestnut-haired woman whose limbs were twisted in opposite directions in mid-air.


Yang Pojun looked at his neat clothes, then glanced at the two people who were looking at him from a distance. After thinking for a while, he figured out that all the injuries on the other person's hands were probably caused by him. Using his impression of being able to The seal of rewinding time slightly restored the opponent's body to health, and then released the meditation seal.

"Puff, crack, crack!"

Marjorie fell to the ground defenseless.

【174】The Naive and the Conspirator

"real name."

"ravaged|ravaged minions"

"Replacement human name."




The Demon King with a rough masculine voice was silent for a moment.

"Um...strictly speaking, the disciples of the Red World have no gender, but if we insist on appearances..."

"Shut up, Rami, I didn't ask you."

His pale blue eyes were full of anger. For a special effects chef who had watched a long and mediocre plot, it was undoubtedly extremely unpleasant to miss important content that could make his emotions rise and fall.

Of course, Yang Pojun is rational and will not attack others just to vent his anger.

The mud-covered soles of the size 42 shoes stepped directly on the large hardcover book. Yang Pojun scraped the mud off the edges of the large hardcover book.

"You Hun Dan! You actually! How dare you..."

Dark blue fire powder was sprayed out from the large hardcover book, attacking Yang Pojun's body that was "unprotected" by armor at this time.

The Qingming Sword fell into his palm, and the dark flames swallowed up the dark blue fire powder.

"This flame... the ritual snake?! You actually came back!"

"The minions of the ravage... Although it can't be called the first meeting, but we basically just looked at each other from a distance, so let's call it the first meeting."

Snake said as he looked at the large hardcover book.

"By the way, Snake, give me a way to be the ultimate insult to the Red Demon King."

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