"I don't know about that kind of thing. Besides, I still have the name Weiwu for now."

"Huh, I got a name for that reason, but you don't intend to use it."

"The owner of this name is not weak. In other words, you in the future are not weak. But you are indeed quite weak now."

"You really dare to say that in this state."

"Sorry, there is a problem with my statement. But the other you really made me understand the weight of memory. I got a little glimpse of the memory that you don't have now, and I can roughly understand the gap between the two of you in comparison. "


"The meaning of fighting."

said the snake.

"Although the other you has no interest in fighting, he does have his own will to do something when he wields the sword, but you are different. Yang Pojun, you are just imitating your eldest father and pretending You are a person with a vulgar character and wanton behavior. In fact, you are not even willing to use your abilities on others."

"How do you know if I don't want to, or if it's better to have fun?"

Yang Pojun looked at him with a half-smile.

"Then you can let the ravaging minions kill your contractor and then commit suicide. I know you can do it."

"Why should I do this? After all, they still have some value to me, and they are still negotiating. And I actually have no reason to kill them."

To appear alone in the world, a member of the Red World needs to devour the power of human existence. It can be said that every member of the Red World who appears alone must be a murderer.However, the Demon King who signed a contract with the Fire Mist Warrior was someone who voluntarily sacrificed his existence. They were actually still alive physically and psychologically, and Yang Pojun had no interest in killing them.

But he didn't need to explain this to something that wasn't even a snake.

"Based on the memories I saw, you are probably thinking that there is no need to explain to me the determination of murderers and your Lao Yang family's definition of capital crimes."

"...How many of my memories have you read?"

"Six to 16 years old."

"Didn't I see everything that should be seen and shouldn't be seen?!"

"I can compensate and let's change to a more harmonious way of getting along. For example, you become a false Fire Mist Warrior. You, who can hold all of me in your body, can do it if you have the right procedures and a huge amount of existence power. of."


Giving human rights is a very simple thing, but it is like saying this to ancient slave owners, they will not set slaves free.

After all, why would you do this?


[That snake seems a little stupid.Why were you so easily believed when you said that Yang Pojun would no longer be able to use his armor soon and would have to rely on his power? 】

[Maybe it’s because I’m telling the truth. 】

[Even if Shura Armor is returning to its original appearance and Yang Pojun will fail the certification system, won’t Emperor Armor still respond to his call? 】

[Because I will forcibly convert light energy into dark energy, he can’t even think about using Emperor Man’s power while watching Emperor Man before truly deciding his position.In the final analysis, with a half-hearted mentality like chasing a star, it's a shame that you can so confidently transfer the summoning rights to him. 】

[Ah, that’s because he has the light and shadow gene in his body.And it’s inverse. 】

[This is also the reason why I can easily change whether he summons the Emperor of Light or the Emperor of Darkness.After all, it is stupid to allow a mature person to revert to the immature mentality of the past and grow up again.Obviously Yang Weiwu can take over, why not force the inheritance? 】

[Oh, because it can’t be done.This guy's body and soul have gone far beyond the "normal" range. The "Shit Mountain Code" of his race's own genes has been deliberately sorted out. The ability to dominate others through words is essentially It is also the superposition of some abilities.Its core essence is to resist all external will and unilaterally spread one's own will in the form of "gifts".The people manipulated by his abilities are not so much dominated as their consciousness is distorted.On the surface, they are afraid that "they are being controlled", but in fact they feel that "they should show that they are afraid of being controlled", because the latter is what he means, and it is also what he means by his ability. The meaning of a creature with a twisted will. 】

[So you want to say that your dignified leader of the Ming Realm has fallen to the point where you can’t even break through? 】

[On the premise of making a breakthrough, we can't do it without ensuring that there will be no problems with the ability that has some extra features attached to it.After all, senior, I am not a scientific researcher, so I can see that so much is the result of experience.Also, if these two sets of ultimate armors are no longer needed, Thunder Yatales can still count on Yang Weiwu, right?Two sets of the Elemental Armor Moon series can also be used. Were you really not fooling the Ritual Snake before? 】

[The premise is that the people who understand how to combine the energy key with the brick include Yang Pojun, so my words may be deceiving. 】

The Shadow Emperor looked at the two elemental elves floating in the air and circling around the golden light group, and said nothing.

【175】will meet

The matter of giving snakes human rights was shelved, as it was not necessary after all.

The matter of finding a mourner as a teacher has also been put on hold. After all, I was knocked unconscious, and the Demon King was humiliated by me not long ago.

However, because the Fire Mist Warriors are far away from society and are no longer considered human beings according to their own terms, Yangpojun decided to treat them as prisoners after thinking about it.

I wonder if we can start a war between humans and the Red World.

But if you really want to say it, most people don't know about the Red World. Hatred cannot be chained and has no benefits. War cannot be fought.

Yang Pojun doesn't know those demons, and he's not good at eloquence (referring to direct control). If we really want to start a war, he will probably have to fight all the Red World disciples by himself.

It is easy for heroes to appear in war, although this hero is not a hero that fits Yangpojun's ideals very well.

But if it is a war for the survival of the race and the country, he feels that the people who fight for it are undoubtedly heroes.

It's a pity that the war he wants is destined to be without hatred, because "non-existence" is like the people who "sacrificed" at the hands of these visitors from another world.

Then, total war will only be his willfulness.

After getting rid of the thoughts in his mind, and trying to convince himself not to act like a fun person and desperately mess up this other world, Yang Pojun looked at Tiangong Ziyin.

"How is your experience operating the power of existence?"

"How should I put it... It's unexpectedly simple, and it's very similar to the operation of magic power. It's just that I can't produce the power of existence by myself. I only rely on what Shana gives me, and it feels far behind my own magic power."

Tiangong Ziyin said.

Yang Pojun nodded, keeping in mind that the other party felt that the two operations felt similar.

He didn't quite understand this.

If the total amount of magic power of an ordinary person is compared to 10, the total amount of magic power required to become a professional swordsman is about 100, but Yang Pojun himself is actually only at a level of 1.

If the saying that the amount of magic power means whether the future destiny is great is correct, then he doesn't think there is any problem in this situation. After all, he is an outsider, and his destiny cannot be shared across the world... right?

In that case, magic power should also exist in his original world.

Getting back to the topic, Tiangong Ziyin's feeling has certain research value, and is useful in exploring the nature and difference between the two energies. Although Yang Pojun lacks the professional knowledge to conduct in-depth research, there are still some tricks to manipulate the body. of.

Yes, it’s Shana and Tiangong Ziyin.

The former is a contractor of the powerful Red Demon King, and the latter has excellent magical power that is said to be rated A.

With the Emperor's Armor that has the ability to manipulate time, the Yangpo Army can allow them to experiment with various abilities. If something happens, they can directly turn back time.

Not to mention that the Emperor Xia who clearly likes Wang Xiangyang and Li Ziyang is now shamelessly using the power of the Emperor's Armor. With the Emperor's Armor, why not worry about not being able to see him in person?As long as he understands the principle of time travel, the first thing to do after solving all the chores is to go to the Armor World to meet the real person!

"So, Shana, how are you doing with Tiangong's training?"

He asked Shana, who seemed to have trained Tiangong Ziyin in close combat abilities.

"I tried my fighting ability a little bit. An ordinary kid of this age would have better luck at best."

Shana, who made two mistakes due to terrain during the battle, responded.

"Hmm...can luck be used in battle?"

Yang Pojun thought of the Son of Destiny who summoned a meteorite to defeat the enemy in a desperate situation. Then he looked at Tiangong, who seemed to be beaten unilaterally, and once again felt that the opponent's ability was very ordinary.

He can't even do anything like falling meteorites from the sky, so Tiangong's luck is that he can be classified into the ranks of super powers.

Thinking about it this way, it wouldn't be bad for Tiangong to try out the realm of demons that requires honing one's own skills and spirit to the limit before one can break through.

Yang Pojun had never thought about the use of that realm to him. It could neither travel through it nor affect the power of the armor.The most important thing is that his skills seem to be pretty good, but he lacks the memory of that part of the training process, so it is as difficult for him to sharpen his spirit now as it is for a [-]-pound fat man to go directly to the intensity of training in the army.

So it's still persecution... He means that training Tiangong Ziyin is useful.

His current evaluation of Shana actually decreased slightly as the number of Red World disciples and Fire Mist Warriors he defeated increased. The demon who didn't know the upper limit was actually more hopeful.

"Then let's rest first. It's getting late. You can take a shower first. I'll buy you some delicious food. Do you have any personal recommendations?"

"Melon buns."

"Rejected, don't replace the main meal with dessert. You can have some after the meal as a midnight snack."

"My word... sushi?"

"Okay, there seems to be a sushi restaurant in this city with good reviews. Let's have sushi for dinner tonight."

Yang Pojun nodded.

He belongs to the type that the last time he ate sushi is the last time. With his forgetfulness, he doesn't know when he has eaten it or whether he has eaten it before. This is a rare opportunity. It might be good to try authentic Japanese sushi.


There is an airport on the route of the sushi restaurant that Yang Pojun will arrive at.

An adult man wearing a suit and sunglasses lit a cigarette and puffed away on the road. The purple flame flickered on the butt of the cigarette.

"Although Hecate said that the area he sensed is probably this area, he can't say exactly how wide it is. And it would be quite troublesome if the leader of the alliance runs around on his own."

The man who muttered quietly frowned, thinking about his first priority this time.

"Xiu Denan."

The petite blonde girl in a dress called the man's name.

"What's wrong, Tilia?"

"Brother ran away just now."

"Then why don't you just go find it?"

"You are our bodyguard, right? What does it mean for a guy who works as a security guard to smoke while leaving his employer behind? Or do you think you can easily find me after leaving my [Cradle Garden]?"

"If Surat had gone so far away, you would have gone crazy, wouldn't you? And you should know where he is, right?"

"In that case, as a bodyguard, you might as well do what you should do."

Seeing the arrogant look on the young girl's face, Xiu Denan sighed.

As a bodyguard for a brother and sister, this was a secondary task he agreed to before receiving the main task.

So, the bodyguard followed the footsteps of the blonde girl in the dress and walked towards where her brother was.

It also brought me closer to a certain boy who was walking to buy sushi.

【176】Unexpected help and personality correction

In the back alley of the airport terminal building, five teenagers committed violence against a teenager.

"This guy can't even speak Japanese."

"You can't even speak Japanese and why are you coming to Japan and doing shit here?"

The violent teenagers wore fashionable clothes, and their faces were full of contempt for the bullied teenager.


A voice stopped them.


The teenagers stopped and turned around.

The person who spoke was a young man of similar age to them, wearing casual clothes and round sunglasses, with a facial profile between handsome and noble.

It's an annoying handsome guy who is charging now (crossed out)

He is a handsome guy who is nosy.

"Huh? Where are you this idiot? We are here to do business, but you dare to mess up our fun regardless of life and death!"

"Your business... refers to bullying someone..."

Yang Pojun took off his sunglasses and looked at the blond boy on the ground who was wearing a fine suit but covered in footprints and garbage. He wondered whether he was 12 or [-] or [-] years old, and then said:

"Bullying a kid who is visiting your country for the first time?"

"It turned out to be a foreigner who can speak Japanese."

One of the boys realized what he meant and laughed.

"A few of us come here every now and then to look for people like this to enrich our withered wallets. The police don't care about us, so you are nothing. You are a bastard with no father or mother..."

"[Kneel down and apologize]."


Something indescribable arose in the heart of the young man who had just insulted Yang Pojun. He almost subconsciously knelt down, his forehead bleeding on the ground, and he shouted loudly:

“Red bean paste private Marseille is awesome!!!”

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