The other four people who had just raised their feet to continue kicking the blond boy were stunned for a moment.

"Hey, hey, are you like that?"

"Idiot, there's a Blade Slayer on the other side! And he's a mind control type!"

The four teenagers who reacted obediently knelt down one by one, ignoring the garbage on the ground that they had kicked over and onto the blond boy.

"Hug, I'm sorry, it's because we are blind and can't see Taishan, and we offended you!"

The swordsman is a delicate profession.

On the one hand, they are respected because of their powerful power, and on the other hand, because of the difference in numbers and the criticism caused by some knife-cutting criminals who abuse their abilities, this group has a very strict supervision mechanism.

But the supervisory mechanism protects innocent ordinary people. If these teenagers are found out for doing something bad at least, they will be put into the police. If they are approached by someone they have provoked before, they will follow their habit of robbing rich people. , it will definitely not end well.

So these teenagers gave in quite a lot when they understood that there was nothing they could do against each other.

Yang Pojun looked at the five people with cold blue eyes.

Speaking of which, the Lao Yang family once discussed the issue of apology.

The cause was probably that Yang Weijia, a teacher, complained that a student in the class was violent to another student and refused to apologize afterwards.

Because it was impossible to determine who of the two parties was the first to make remarks that caused a quarrel and caused the situation to get out of control, the final decision was for both parties to apologize to each other.

However, because one of them refused to cooperate, the matter became very troublesome to deal with.

Yang Pojun asked at that time whether an apology would be useful.

So the dispute began.

Yang Wuqu put his feet on the dining table. A rubbish apology that he dared not admit even though he had done it was still rubbish. It would be better not to apologize at all. That would be pure rubbish, and reversing the situation would be an afterthought.And at the end of the day apologizing doesn't solve anything.

The Yangwei family's view is that the truth is one thing, but apologizing is the most basic attitude issue. It's just that a forced apology is meaningless.

In the end, it was the most correct thing for Yang Lucun to kick Yang Wuqu from his seat, apologize and make him pay and not make the same mistake again.

Yang Pojun took a deep breath and asked, "How much did you rob this child for?"

"It's all here."

A young man handed over a bulging wallet. Yang Pojun opened it and flipped through it. It looked like it contained about 80 yen.

Among all punishments, reform through labor and things that go against one's true nature should be the most profound. Sometimes these are even more effective than pure violence.

"still reading?"

"...Yes, I am a freshman in high school, and the other four are three sophomores and a senior."

"How are your grades on weekdays?"

"We... don't study much. We basically skip class."

Very good, this saves trouble.

Yang Pojun issued [control] to them.

"[Apologise" to this child. From now on, if your score on each test paper is less than 80.00% of the total score, you will kick the other four. If you can't do it, you will wear it on the street... Girls' School Run barefoot in a swimsuit and shout your name loudly. Do at least one good thing a month that is helpful.]”

It was impossible for Yang Pojun to do something like murder just because of a word. It was illegal, but he felt that it would be very low-level to do something to such a person, so he used this method.

Speaking of which, it wasn't actually the first time he had done this to reform a gangster who had committed a crime that was not life-threatening but was a mess.

In the past, the senior who bullied the school used his power to send several people to the hospital. This kind of thing still had an impact on him. In order not to waste medical resources, and in order to completely cure some bad phenomena, he successively received medical treatment after he was 15 years old. Continuously have this ability.

A large number of decadent young and middle-aged people who were just hanging around turned into good people who were willing to help others and energetic. News like this appeared in local newspapers.

The five teenagers stood up in horror. While apologizing to the blond boy, they dusted off the dust and garbage on his body, picked up each other's belongings, arranged and wiped them and returned them to each other. Finally, they bowed more than ninety degrees.

Look, what a harmonious scene. In the future, they will definitely become good people praised by everyone.

Yang Pojun thought this way.

However, his approach this time is actually problematic, because there is no set deadline and how to deal with the situation when he is unable to do it, so... I hope these people will be healthy throughout their lives.

"elder brother!"

Some sharp female voices came from behind, and Yang Pojun turned his head.


A tingling sensation pricked the skin.

The last time I felt like this was when Yang Wuqu poured a strange potion into the wild cat he had picked up and turned into a sinewy beast that attacked Yang Pojun in the middle of the night.

He held his sunglasses and caught a glimpse of the blond girl in a dress and... the silver-haired man in sunglasses.

【177】Fuck monsters with flesh bodies are a special feature of special photography

Po Jun, do you know what a warrior pursues?

A warrior’s pursuit?

Under unfavorable conditions, engage in a back-and-forth battle with warriors who may not be as strong as you, in a way similar to challenging a stronger person to break through yourself.

I can't understand it, it feels like I'm being beaten.

… Let’s put it another way, isn’t there a villain doctor in a tokusatsu drama who develops a high-performance transformer for the protagonist and lets him compete with his other works?

I know this, it’s called father-making.

......... In short, after I perform this surgery on you, your fighting nature as the [Terrorous Ape erectus] will be semi-activated. Once you find an opponent that you like, you will most likely be able to ensure the balance of strength between the two parties and even yourself. When you are in a weak position, use the skills hidden in your subconscious to fight against the opponent.


Yes, hands... Damn it, Lucun, when did you come? !


It was like the memory was reviving, or where the memory was flowing in from. This scene flashed briefly in Yang Pojun's eyes.

It is because of this that Yang Pojun's operation of Shura's summoner changed from the fire, wind and thunder activation key to the fire, fire and darkness activation key.

【Sura Purgatory Knife】


Xiudenan is a warrior.

He came to this world a long time ago and has experienced countless battles so far.

There are battles with fellow disciples of the Red World and the Demon King.

There is a battle with Fire Mist Warriors who are weapons of annihilation.

There is also a battle with the transcendent being among humans - the demon.

Because of this, his judgment as a warrior is very accurate.

The boy in front of him was undoubtedly weak.

Whether it is the sense of existence or the magical power in his body that is almost too weak to be detected.

But this boy exuded a sense of danger that made his hair stand on end.

If you observe carefully, the body opposite seems to be too strong, and it is exercised to the point where it exudes a strange sense of strength. However, the overall body is not muscular and strong, but more slender and smooth.

This creepy feeling became even more obvious after the other party pressed the silver phone a few times to summon a long knife.

"Tilia, stop the other party from using that phone!"

What was faster than his words was Xiu Denan's actions, or in other words, his weapon called [Shen Tie Ruyi].

An iron gun fell into his hand, stretched out in an instant, and knocked the mobile phone from Yang Pojun's hand, preventing him from trying to operate it again.

Without the protection of armor, a great sense of crisis enveloped the Yang Po Army.

So he directly used the Purgatory Knife to strike physically.

The purple sword light flew towards Xiu Denan and easily chopped off one of the opponent's arms. Shen Tie Ruyi fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Yang Pojun approached with a sliding step, stepped on the spear, tilted the tip of the knife downwards, and delivered a last-ditch blow to the opponent.

If it were a normal human being, or a normal humanoid creature, facing this mediocre but fatal killing move, the best outcome would be to just open up.

However, the Red World Demon King named Xiudenan, his real name is [Qianbian].

The so-called true name often reflects the ability or essence of the disciple of the Red World.

For example, Alastair's Heavenly Tribulation Fire and Weiwu's Sacrificial Snake.

These true names reflect the two demons' abilities to destroy and create respectively.

And the ability of [Thousand Changes] is——

The jet-black hair continued to grow, slightly blocking Yang Pojun's slashing attack. The extremely fast black shadow hit the blade hard from the side, causing the blade to only cut off a face-sized piece of Xiudenan's body. A piece of thin flesh with long hair on it.

Yang Pojun jumped back and reached out to catch the Shura Summoner that Xuanyin Zhiyin... brought over.

When he summoned the Shura Purgatory Knife, he simply threw the Darkness of Xuan Yin out because he had no hands to hold the sunglasses.

Now it seems that in addition to being used as sunglasses to block the sun and peek into the flow of energy, it has some other uses.

[I'm a little embarrassed, I even pressed the wrong button. 】

"A garrulous comment."

Yang Pojun twisted his head and opened the cover of the Shura Summoner with one hand. The thunder, thunder and darkness activation button was pressed almost instantly.

【Shura Demon Dagger】

The index and middle fingers held the dagger-shaped weapon, and the remaining three fingers held the Shura Summoner and stuffed it into his mouth.

Today he was going to try to fuck a monster in the flesh, to test the depth of a disciple of the Red World.

[I remember you mentioned before that physical monsters are stupid. 】

'This is a special feature of Tokusatsu, a must-try. '

Doesn't this guy have absolute persistence?

While thinking about why Yang Pojun also had the strongest aura on his body, Xuan Yin Zhi An obediently flew to his face and put it on obediently.

Through the darkness of Xuanyin, Yang Pojun saw the turbid purple flames that were constantly burning in the body of the middle-aged man with sunglasses.

Speaking of which, the body of the famous disciple named Ge or Fa or something like that through the darkness of Xuanyin is similar to that of the man in front of him. There is a burning flame in the body, and there is something like a pattern on the outside.

Yang Pojun guessed that it was probably the free style.

However, Yang Pojun didn't know much about this, so he could talk to Lamy later to confirm his thoughts.

There was a sword flower in the Shura Demon Dagger in his hand, and Yang Pojun provoked the opponent with his eyes.

Come fight!

Xiu Denan grabbed the spear with his remaining arm and transformed his body again into a tiger body.

Bear-like arms grew out, the knees below turned into eagle claws, and bat wings and a snake tail grew out of the back.

Flesh sect... This type of transformation sect that can produce severed limbs has only been seen in anime.

Yang Pojun compared the opponent's appearance with the muscle-bald rabbit that Yang Wuqu transformed into after pouring a strange potion, and felt that this one was much more pleasing to the eye.

At least there wasn't a whip swinging underneath that needed to be marked.


The screams diverted Yang Pojun's attention. He saw the blond boy who was still being bullied just now grabbing a bully that he had driven away and hacking their bodies into pieces with a big sword.

Xiu Denan seized this opportunity and directly grabbed the spear with his thick arm and stabbed it.

Muscle memory allowed Yang Pojun to block the stabbing attack with the blade of the Shura Purgatory Knife. He waved the Shura Demonic Dagger with the other hand. The purple energy was transformed into a sword-like form by the continuous slashes, and large swaths of it fell on Xiudenan. On the body.

Control objects in the air.

Yang Pojun manipulated his magnetic field and directly pulled the blond boy over who was about to kill the remaining four people.

Purple electric light gathered on the Shura Demon Dagger, and then launched a beam attack at the flying boy.

Mountain-colored flowers and roots-like things spread out, offsetting part of the output, causing the blond boy to vomit blood and fall to the ground.

Yang Pojun looked at the direction where the flames that had just formed into flowers were flying. The blond girl in the dress was standing there.

【178】Attack the brothers and sisters of the Red World (Update)

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