"elder brother……"

The girl hugged the boy and gave him a passionate and deep kiss.

Yang Pojun could see that a considerable amount of existence power was transferring from the girl's body to the boy's body along the mouth.

Likewise, he also caught a glimpse of the extremely similar mountain-colored flames within their bodies.

Two people from the red world?

The pressure started to build.

But that is not pressure on a strong enemy.

To be honest, in Yang Pojun's eyes, except for the middle-aged man in sunglasses, these siblings are at the level of kindergarten children at best. Even without wearing armor, he still has the confidence to control objects from the air and kill each other. But it is more time consuming.

While thinking, observing the flow of energy, and facing Xiu Denan's continuous attacks with the weapons in his hands, Yang Pojun felt that his brain, which had almost never tried multi-threaded thinking, was in an overload state.

"It's really amazing. He's clearly not a demon, but he was able to fight me like this with a weapon summoned by something that... doesn't look like a Noble Phantasm or a sword-slayer's soul."

Xiu Denan praised loudly.

"My name is Xiu Denan, Qianbian·Xiu Denan. Judging from your appearance, you should know about the existence of the disciples of the Red World, right?"

"How about retreating? You know, you were the one who provoked us first. We just want to take back our suffering companions."

The ends of the Shura Demon Dagger and the Shura Purgatory Knife were spliced ​​together. Yang Pojun held the Shura Purgatory Knife in one hand, took out the Shura Summoner from his mouth with his free hand, and spat at the opponent.

"Bah, an insect that takes human lives to appear in this world is also qualified to negotiate with me?"

Yang Pojun made no secret of his disdain for the other party.

"How can that kind of trash be compared with my brother?"

A sharp voice came from the mouth of the girl hugging the boy.

Even though she no longer used her mouth to transfer the power of existence, she seemed to have no intention of letting go of her brother.

Moreover, the girl hardly paid attention to Yang Pojun, and most of the time she looked at the blond boy affectionately.

The blond boy looked longingly at the... Shura Purgatory Halberd in Yang Pojun's hand.

"Tilia, that one looks so awesome, I want it so much!"

"Hey, brother, don't you want Zhidian Zhana?"

"That one looks more powerful than this useless blunt sword. I want to get that one first, and then go to Zhidianzhana."

"Brother, you can't say that about the Noble Phantasm I prepared for you."

"It hurts! Delia, please don't pinch me!"

Doesn’t it sound quite cozy?

But in Yang Pojun's eyes, that boy didn't have his sister at all.

It reminded him of something happy.

As we all know, sharing happy things can make you happy even more.

Whether it's to make everyone laugh together, or to transfer the smile on other people's faces to your own.

"Little sister, you look like a licking dog."

Yang Pojun recalled the violent words Yang Wuqu said back then in order to make Uncle Wang next door give up being a dog licker and turn around, and modified it slightly.

"Look, your giegie doesn't even look at you, and you can only think... you can only use mere physical contact to cover up the fact that there is no love between you at all."

"Hun Dan! My brother and I are absolutely in love!"

Seeing the annoyed look of the blond girl named Tilia, Yang Pojun continued:

"Really? Then why doesn't your brother want to put his eyes on you? He would rather keep looking at me than looking at you. Your true love is like a licking dog to a female... male god A casual glance made me feel that it was the self-delusion of true love, and the licking made me feel that your tongue should not be used to taste delicious food, but should be used to clean the streets."

Delia trembled all over, and mountain-colored flames emerged from her body.

"Hehe, hehehe... This is the first time I have seen such a reckless guy like you. The humans I met before were either eaten by my brother and me without any resistance, or they wanted to be eaten without saying a word. Kill us..."

"Did you just protect these bastards who hurt my brother?"

Deliya summoned the energy that was broken down into the power of existence after being attacked by the blond boy, and opened her mouth to swallow it.

"Whether you are a friend of these guys or a messenger of justice who is just looking for trouble, I will eat the remaining guys in front of you and severely crush your unnecessary arrogance!"

The other party responded with a slap from the air.

Since air control is a technology that can subtly manipulate magnetic fields to achieve the same effect as telekinesis, there is no reason why simpler physical impacts can't be done. Yang Pojun even felt as if he had practiced it for a long time. He slapped the opponent's movements. Smoother than expected.

"elder brother!"

Delia screamed, her small hands touching the red cheeks of the blond boy.

Yes, he hit the blond boy.

Why not hit the blonde girl?

There are three reasons.

First of all, real insult is not a direct physical attack, such as slapping or kicking the egg.

Yang Wuqu once personally demonstrated that Yang Lucun was hanging up and pulling out the seven wolves' bare buttocks. By the way, the ones who tied his hands were his own seven wolves.

At that time, Yang Wuqu pretended to scream a few times, and soon showed an expression of pleasure.

I was even worried about whether I would be too tired to reach Yang Lucun.

Then Yang Lucun took his wife Fang into his bedroom, and then the strongest man in the entire Yang family said, "Quah! You bitch, you, you, you can't, you can't do this! You can't do this!" Yeah! Don't kiss him in front of me! Lu Cun, you are so old and you are still making love to your wife in front of your single brother. Wouldn't I be shy?!" Such a scream.

Putting aside the fact that the man was selectively homo only towards his second brother and that he hated his sister-in-law to the point where he didn’t even want to see their photos, Yang Pojun understood the real meaning after that. insult.

Secondly, the young man is also a disciple of the Red World, and as long as the disciples of the Red World do not choose a contractor to become a Fire Mist Warrior, they must devour humans before they can appear in this world.In other words, this is also a murderer.

In the end, the other party looked at his Shura Purgatory Halberd with disgusting eyes.

Mountain-colored flames enveloped this area and turned into a golden mist.

"What are you waiting for?! Xiu Denan! I didn't ask you to be a bodyguard just to let you play like a housekeeper there!"

The freedom method called [Cradle Garden] unfolded, and Yang Pojun could slightly feel that the aura in this area began to become thinner.

It's a hidden form of freedom. I don't know what other abilities it has.

Yang Pojun, who had calmed down a bit, no longer had the urge to fight Xiu Denan fairly, and threw out the armored beast wrapped around his arm.

【179】Sacrificial Snake: Trying to redeem people

As we all know, single combat is something only villains do, while truly decent characters should fight in groups.

Although it is a pity that the number of people here is still small, but that is only temporary.

"God and Demon Exterminate!"

A neat special move split the golden mist, and in an instant the brothers and sisters of the Red World were transformed from two parts into four parts.

The scene is not bloody, because their internal structure does not imitate humans, it is just mountain-colored flames that are constantly leaking out.

"It hurts! It hurts! Delia, it hurts!"

The blond boy wailed in pain, pinching marks on his sister's body with his hands.

Cutting in half would be considered torture even in ancient times. If Yang Pojun, who had never suffered such an injury, evaluated this, it would probably be the reaction of an ordinary person.

Although the other party is just a member of the popular world.

"elder brother……"

Delia, who was also cut in half, had a painful expression on her face, but she looked at the boy's appearance, kissed him again, and used the power of existence in her body to repair him.

Yang Pojun watched from the sidelines and learned the other party's maintenance techniques.

The white-gold armored beast uses its dragon tail like a divine blade to compete with the silver-haired man in sunglasses in martial arts.

He had experienced Yang Pojun's feelings.

The so-called armored beast and the armor summoner are actually one and the same.

Of course, one body here means that the armored beast is part of the armor.

The Emperor of Light and the Dragon War Dragon can feel the joy, the touch, and the comfort of... showing their true self when their summoner fights with the other party.

Is it because you didn't use that annoying armor?

He turned his head and glanced at the Shura Summoner in Yang Pojun's hand.

It does have a nasty magnetic field.

The Emperor's Armor is an armor that maintains balance. As a part of the Armored Beast, the Emperor of Light and the Dragon have no favorable impressions of the Shura Armor, which transcends heaven and all gods and demons.

In the final analysis, he was a breaker of rules. If it weren't for Yang Pojun's control, he would have destroyed that kind of thing long ago.

However, there are many different angles to look at things and directions of speculation. This is a conclusion drawn based on the information in the summoner's personal subconscious. The Emperor of Light and the Fighting Dragon did not directly define it, but took into account Yang Pojun's views on The strange-looking "big cat" in front of me (most of the synthetic beasts transformed by Xiu Denan are based on tigers, with other parts added) may have additional preferences.

Armored beasts are special "weapons" of mental energy. To exert their power, they not only require the summoner to be powerful. Rather, for many armored beasts, summoning people is just a requirement similar to that in a horse race in order to calculate the results. It’s just a “weight-bearing”.

But in fact, if the armored beasts can communicate with the summoner, or even become one mind, the armored beasts themselves will also exert their true power.

The Emperor of Light War Dragon knew based on the knowledge left over from his previous generation that he could at least make the range of the summoner's magnetic field expand geometrically, such as covering a city instead of covering a planet.The premise is that he and Yang Pojun can at least guess each other's inner thoughts even if they scratch their butts.

So, if you fight the same enemy, is it beneficial to spiritual communication?

Maintaining the thickness of a finger, the Emperor of Light and the Dragon gave themselves the Xun and Zhen hexagrams.

The Xun hexagram corresponds to wind, and the Zhen hexagram corresponds to thunder, both of which belong to the wood attribute.

As the cyan wood energy flowed through his body, the Emperor of Light's War Dragon waved its tail and struck the Divine Iron Ruyi in Xiudenan's hand.

The power brought by the extreme speed and the secondary damage caused by lightning destroyed it almost instantly, and the whole person flew out.

so weak.

Why does such a guy arouse his fighting spirit?

The armored beast rummaged through the information in Yang Pojun's individual subconscious in distress, trying to get the answer.

Being born powerful, he did not realize that there were two concepts before and after Yang Pojun summoned the emperor's armor. He just felt that, according to the fragments he found from his individual subconscious, the human being named Yang Wuqu It is indeed said that Yang Pojun is the strongest [human] and the second most failed [god].

The young armored beast didn't quite understand the biggest failure, because the records there in Yang Pojun's personal subconscious were unclear. However, since Yang Wuqu called Yang Pojun "God", it also means that He shouldn't be the same as ordinary people.

So that means, should I change my approach?

Passing through the golden light, the armored beast turned into a horse of light and shadow. The noble self-driving mount pointed the muzzle of the front of the car at Xiu Denan, who had just been knocked down by him.


Yang Pojun grabbed the handle of the bike, turned over and rode on.

"Let's not kill them yet."

Pulling the four teenagers, who were incontinent due to fear, to their feet with air control objects, Yang Pojun put away the Shura Purgatory Halberd and the Shura Summoner.

From just now, the ritual snake has been noisy in his mind, saying that he cannot and cannot be killed.

Because it was too annoying, and because he hated the brother and sister who were disciples of the Red World, Yang Pojun decided to listen to what the other party was going to say.

Of course, it was after he defeated these three Red World disciples.

"Come on, Top clear... cough cough string words, I will attack as a rider."

Turning the accelerator handle all the way with one hand, the golden stream of light instantly pushed the five parts, which were more than ten meters apart, onto the front of the car and drove it into the cement floor.

Then, Yang Pojun got out of the car and summoned the Qingming Sword.

"Okay, you can say whatever you want to say next."

"Xiu Denan is my subordinate."

"Oh, none of my business."

"Since you promised to help me create a new world, you can't just kill the Red World disciples who are naturally your allies from a standpoint."

"I can kill any of the Red World's disciples that I want to kill. It's none of your business."

"My subordinates will seek revenge on you if you do this. Obviously, if you speak politely, you can get a lot of help in creating the world."

"To clarify one thing, I'm helping you out of interest, but if you tell me what to do, I don't guarantee what I will do. And after all, if you, the boss, are so messed up, how many younger brothers can you have?"

"As far as I know, the number of Red World disciples should be in double digits, and there must be at least five Red World Demon Kings."

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