Snake, who was not very aware of the current situation of his subordinates, said this.

"I think we can talk about the transfer of the boss seat."

Yang Pojun narrowed his eyes.

"Then can you let Shudenan go?"

"Only this time."

"Can you give me a smoother way to communicate with the outside world? I have to explain my identity to you, right?"

"Are you going to ask me to give you a body next?"

"There is no need for this. I can sign a contract with you and make you my Fire Mist Warrior."

【180】The false fire-mist warrior arrives in his loyal Amazon rainforest (4K)

"The so-called Fire Mist Warriors are human beings who have dedicated their past, present and future existence to the Demon King and made them into containers. If their power of existence at each moment is compared to a cross-section, as their status in human society changes, As a result, the cross-sectional area changes, and the length of life is roughly equal to the total height. The more someone is destined to be great, the greater the capacity they can provide. This is why some demon kings want great people as containers."

"On the one hand, it can carry more power, and on the other hand, this kind of person's talent will be stronger."

"But you, the type who has a different dimension in your body and seals me directly, don't need to sign a contract to dedicate yourself. We can sign a contract of mutual benefit. After all, after I get my memory back, you can't use mine. Can you just create money with your power?"

Indeed, for some unknown reason, it was clear that he had the power to create metals from clothes at will before (actually he can do so now). When Yang Pojun just went out, he tried a little and found that he could only create money (as well as Noble Phantasms and Shura). armor).

However, Yang Pojun had already printed hundreds of thousands of yuan bills, so he didn't really care about this kind of thing for a while.

Saving money is because when you have a home, you will make insurance for future precautions.Making money is to satisfy society. Of course, to a large extent, you cannot support yourself if you don’t make money.

However, it is quite difficult for him to find a job in this situation. He is a gangster and he still doesn't know when he will leave, so he just leaves it like that.

The next thing to say is but.

However, although he was not interested in the power of the ritual snake, he was still very greedy for its subordinates.

Just think about it, he is a foreigner who is not familiar with the place, how can he find someone to compare with a fellow countryman who is also a member of the Red World?

If he gets lucky, the Ceremonial Snake, who seems to have no leadership style at all, is actually like the Dragon King who has to look down and out for stupid reasons. In fact, he has the largest Red World organization under his control. The Yang Po Army will definitely use [Domination] on all of them, and then summon all the Red World disciples from all over the world, catch them one by one, and use them all to make the bricks and stones to create a new world!

Um?Isn’t the power of existence enough?There is a zero-hour puzzler that can continuously provide energy.

Hahaha, those are two different things.

If we want to create a beautiful new world where everyone in the Red World can be free, of course we need everyone to work hard together!

"Tell me more about the contents of the contract."

"I give you the power to upgrade your inherent spiritual equipment. Accordingly, you need to help me create a new world. I know you are biased against... us, but I can promise that the Red World disciples in the new world can There is no need to devour humans to gain the power of existence.”

The Ritual Snake is also reflective to some extent. He believes that a large part of the reason why he was destroyed in the first place is that the protective measures were not good enough. If the arrangements in advance were perfect enough, he would have created [The Great Binding Lock], a paradise for the red world's followers. At that time, He would not have failed and exiled Him to the gap between the red world and the human world.

Although in these years, he has not failed to see that the distortion caused by the Red World's devouring human beings to obtain the power of existence has affected the gap between the Red World and the human world, making it narrower. It can be roughly determined that in order to prevent the human world from The distortion of the world caused the destruction of both worlds. Those Red World Demon Lords who chose vessels to become Fire Mist Warriors were right to worry.

But, again, the people in the world are obsessed with desire and are free.

They do have a similar mental state to humans, but that's about it.

For the Ritual Serpent, creating the world and satisfying the desires of the Red World are his desires as the [Creator God] in charge of the power of creation.

Although he hoped to achieve it overnight, the reality is that Yang Pojun's power has too much restraint on him, or it is difficult to break it.And now the timing is perfect to the point where even He is surprised.

We can talk about the rules of the new world later. In Yang Pojun's memory, many things between him and his fathers are negotiable, so there is no reason to reject him, right?

In fact, Yang Pojun’s idea is——

'I was still confused about how to trick this guy into handing over the power to create the world, but I didn't expect that he would come to my door. '

He wanted to create a world because he thought it was awesome and he felt like he could give it a try.On the one hand, he could brag to his family when he looked back, and on the other hand, Yang Pojun really wanted to see the ritual snake showing a very exciting expression.

I don’t know if the world is successfully created by then, and the Ritual Snake who sees the Red World’s disciples moving in will want to fight him desperately.

"Okay, the deal...the contract is established."

Yang Pojun happily agreed.

The black snake wrapped around the sheathed sword highlighted the black flames and engulfed Yang Pojun's whole body.


In the remote Amazon rainforest, in a stone mountain discovered by the Yang Po Army that cannot be found by any detection equipment, is the place where the Red World disciples and the newly promoted pseudo-Fire Mist Warriors are located.

When Xiu Denan woke up, he found that he was hung up like a roast duck.

The first thing he saw was the young man who had fought with him before.

The handsome young man with a distinguished appearance was wearing a white vest, jeans and a work jacket. He was lying on the sofa with his arms spread wide and holding a bottle of wine in his right hand. His pale blue eyes, half covered by sunglasses, seemed to be smiling. looked at him.

For some reason, he had a creepy feeling.

"ton ton ton—"

Yang Pojun drank a small bottle of the freshly made Erguotou in big gulps, enduring the burning sensation in his throat, and showed a smile that could be said to be confident with his anticipation for the famous scene.

"Hey, Qianbian Xiudenan, you are the last one to wake up."

Xiu Denan looked around. He saw a somewhat shabby-looking room, a large number of cabinets filled with wine bottles, and the Aizen brothers and sisters who were hanging face to face like roast ducks next to him. They looked like they had been awake for a long time. .

"Okay, for a small reason, I won't do anything to you. But because of your previous rough behavior, my young heart was traumatized. As compensation, you are responsible for introducing these two to me. . Accordingly, I have provided you with a special seat in advance so that you can savor what comes next."

Yang Pojun snapped his fingers, and the free method that had sealed the brother and sister's mouths was released.

As the younger sister, Delia immediately shouted:

"Hundan! Let me and my brother go quickly!"

(Xiu Denan:?)

"Hahaha, Xiu Denan, please introduce these two to me."

After hesitating for a moment, Xiu Denan, who had just lost to the dragon thrown by the opponent not long ago... decided to take a look at the situation first.

"They are [Aizen], the elder brother is Aizen Surat, and the younger sister is Aizen Tilia."

"Hmm~ So, I heard that the followers of the Red World have their own pursuits. I happened to make a bet with the Red World Demon King in my body. If their pursuit can be recognized by me, then I can let them go. So what is it that they pursue even if they kill humans?”

"Of course my pursuit is to satisfy my brother and devote all my love to him!"

Delia said proudly.

"Hmm...are you the type who is willing to sacrifice others for love..."

Yang Pojun fell into deep thought.

It always feels like I’ve seen it somewhere?But the moral standards of the people around him are pretty good, and they are basically at his level. Those whose moral standards are much lower than him also [choose] to improve their moral standards because of his good reputation.

So this [should be] an illusion.

"And Mr. Surratt?"

"Zhi Dian Zhana."


"I want Zhi Dian Zhana!"

The boy's eyes were full of light, and that look was so innocent that it reminded Yang Pojun of the look in the eyes of the children who turned into light when he watched the last episode of Diga.

He was haunted by the good memories, and his tone became softer.

"Just want the knife?"


The Emperor of Light Zhan Long just finished delivering sushi to Tiangong Ziyin and Shana and came all the way here.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw the summoner waving to Him.

"Aaron, go and borrow Shana's knife from me."

Emperor of Light Battle Dragon:?

Didn't you say that just now?

"Be good, I'll leave it to you."

The Emperor of Light's War Dragon flew away again in a dull tone.

Soon, He returned with an unsheathed samurai sword.

"Clang--" With a sound, the big knife fell to the ground.

Surat's eyes have been staring at the samurai sword since just now.

With another snap of his fingers, the chain that had caught Surat was broken, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Zhi Dian Zhena... Hehe, Zhi Dian Zhena..."

The boy happily hugged the samurai sword and rubbed it with his thin palms.

I don't know whether I should be thankful or regretful, but the other party didn't lick it.

"I want to test the knife."

After speaking such abrupt words, the young man waved his sword towards Yang Pojun.

The long sheathed sword wrapped in golden light stood in front of him, blocking the attack.

The scabbard as black as ink and the red lotus-colored hilt are the Qingming Sword that has been transformed by the power of the ritual snake.

The free left hand plucked as if playing a string, and the flying sword smashed the young man into the ground.

"This guy looks like he's not very smart."

Yang Pojun said to Xiu Denan.

The strong man with strong muscles all over his body instinctively realized that it was best not to speak now.

The young man climbed up, his longing eyes focused on the Qingming Sword.


Yang Pojun frowned.

"Don't you want Zhidianzhana?"

"Already...have it, I don't looks...very good..."

"What you are pursuing at the expense of human life is a hobby of this magnitude."

Yang Pojun needs to retract his previous comments about the other party's eyes. The best he can do is to ask if there is any group where Galio can find the resources when he posts a stupid picture in the group, and then after he has obtained it and tasted it, he will turn it off at the speed of light and lose interest. Degree.

With just this level of desire, the other party could actually be equated with who knows how many lives?

"Very good, your grades are unsatisfactory."

The dark flames stretched out from his fingertips and turned into chains, lifting Surat up again.

"So, you said you love your brother, right? Ti... something."


Deliya, who had been unable to make a sound because her mouth was blocked, looked at Yang Pojun fiercely.

"Sorry, I blocked it because I thought you would make a boring sound."

After the force of the magnetic field covering the opponent's mouth dissipated, Yang Pojun took another sip of wine.

This mouthful feels much smoother, without the feeling that if you don't hold it in, you might burst into tears.

"Answer me honestly, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen to your brother."

"...There is no doubt that I love my brother deeply."

"Even if he cheated?"

"Then I will kill that woman, and then fuck him until there is no smell of other women on him! No, I will kill even the woman he has seen!"

Hmm... The previous paragraph reminded Yang Pojun of wonderful memories.

That was when he was still young and went shopping with his parents and eldest father.

When Yang's mother was trying on clothes, Yang Wuqu hooked his hands on the shoulders of his second brother and nephew, pointed his chin at a beautiful woman in cool clothes, and commented on how well her clothes suited her figure.

Yang Lucun deeply agreed, and was seen and heard by Yang Mu who came out halfway.

After returning home, a cry for help came from the basement.

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