"It seems like your relationship is going very smoothly."

Because he was a little drunk, Yang Pojun, who went out to vomit and was exposed to the cold wind for half an hour, finally came back and witnessed this scene immediately.

"Hey, boss! Honey has fully realized the status of a disciple of the Red World, and is willing to sign a contract with us to become our Star Fury!"

"Yeah, it sounds pretty good."

Yang Pojun fanned his hands in front of him.

For someone who has just breathed the moist and fresh air of the Amazon rainforest, the smell of the muddy salad dressing mixed with alcohol and body odor in the Amazon rainforest specialty (meaning to be rubbed by hand with the power of existence) is still too much. Rushed.

"leave me alone."


Yang Pojun turned to look at Delia.

"Well, this...Miss, what do you think human love is like compared to the love of the Red World?"


"[Louder, I didn't hear you.]"

"Human love is the worst, most obscene, and most shameless dog | shit love!"

The ability forced her body to respond, and Delia's mute throat let out a heart-rending scream in the physical sense.

"Good good!"

Yang Pojun's eyes were filled with joy.

"I'm satisfied that you are still in such good spirits."


Delia uttered a few syllables in pain.

"My eldest father once said that for a man, watching the man he loves deeply being held down by a bitch is no less than the ultimate insult. For a woman, this kind of thing It's the same thing."

"I have always abided by human laws and morals, and I have never had the opportunity to find examples to demonstrate."

"Now that God has given me this opportunity, I decided to try it on you."

Delia's eyes widened.

"But there's just a little difference."

Yang Pojun waved his hand.

"Asi, you guys, please step aside."

"Yes!" x4

The curtain was drawn.

"[When the curtain is opened again, you will see four charming beauties with different figures.]"


Just as Yang Pojun said, [Tilia saw] a pair of [twin beautiful girls], a [blonde beautiful girl], and a [black long straight beautiful girl] opened the curtain and came out.

"I want to eat hot|dog..."

Surat groaned feebly.

Then, the leading [beautiful girl with long straight black hair] raised his chin.

"You can call him... They are Ji Tou Si, and their names are Dai-chan, A-chan, Ji-chan and Dian-chan."

"I believe your brother can no longer accept women, and you are probably no longer interested in your brother being hugged and hugged by men. I believe that cute girls can cure your previous problems in the last half hour. It’s just the mental exhaustion caused by five and a half hours.”


A harsh sound that was nothing short of a scream came from Delia's mouth, and her final helpless struggle was nothing more than background music to cheer her up.


After turning off the music playing on the Shura Summoner, Yang Pojun came outside the cave again.

If you think about it carefully, most of what that man (Yang Wuqu) said to him is correct.

So, why does that man (Yang Weiwu) live like his father?

In the Lao Yang family, Yang Lucun is the ultimate correct one.

The controversy can be defined by the man's one-sided words.

Risky operations will be stopped unilaterally by that man.

The arrangement was changed by Yang Wuqu and Yang Wei Family Association because of his words.

Yang Lucun is a good person worthy of his career and society, but the atmosphere created when he stays at home is often not very good.

For Yang Pojun, that man's sense of social responsibility and positive attitude towards life are what he has been encouraged to learn, but his conduct in life is far from that of Yang Wuqu's all-rounder.

Even though Yang Weiwu lived as "tied" as Yang Lucun, he still looked like a mother-in-law in the Yangwei family.

So, what is there in that memory that he doesn't have that makes him look like that in the future?

【184】Jianzhang·Yang Weiwu: I want to see Big Dad in person

"Why can't it be done?!"

Looking at the woman questioning him in front of him, Yang Wuqu took out the cigarette with a headache.

"The lie is that you are both infertile."

"What about the truth?"

He lit the cigarette, and the gas he didn't like was inhaled into his throat, passed through his lungs, and finally exhaled.

"In our world, there used to be quite a lot of...well...superpowers. But then the three of us brothers did a little bit...special things, and almost all the superpowers in the world came to us, and we were Integrated.”

"And our superpowers become [receiving], [communicating] and [giving] after self-integration that we can't figure out."

"The second child is the [Giving]. If I insist on describing it, it can transform his will into [Absolutely Effective Attack]."

"What does that have to do with me not being pregnant for two years?!"

The woman didn't understand what he meant.

"Theoretically, this ability should be able to inactivate the shot. Even if you do it for another 20 years, as long as he still uses this method to deal with it, then it will be the same as always wearing a condom and taking medicine afterwards. Same, the chance of pregnancy is zero."

"Why did he do this?"

Women don't understand.

"...Miss Mingming, let me ask you a question."

"You said."

"How old are you this year?"

"16 years old. To the nearest month?"

"No need. So have you realized now why Acun did this?"

Looking at Ming Ming who was confused, Yang Wuqu took a deep breath in anger and then choked on the smoke.

"Ahem! A 14-year-old Madhu girl has been raping a man for two years and she came over to me and asked me why the man didn't want her to get pregnant! Do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

"We love each other!"

"What the heck are two people in love!? I have never seen this kind of thing when a woman uses Rip to confess her love, except for the third child! And when did you find him happy without taking my medicine? That's it. The guy’s single-threaded brain and his inability to get over his guilt are what allowed this thing to continue for two years! Damn you, you still blame the man for taking protective measures?”

"Isn't there a precedent? Isn't it the third brother?"

"You should call him brother-in-law... No! I almost brought him into the ditch for you. That's my and Lucun's younger brother, it has nothing to do with you. Also, although the number of women who have surpassed the third eldest son has exceeded three digits, I let them go, but at least they were 16 years old. How dare you, a 14-year-old who did this, say such things here?!"

"I don't care, either you send me back, or you find a way for me to give Lucun a child. If it weren't for your fault, I wouldn't be forced to stay in this world."

"Hehe, [forced], hehe."

Yang Wu couldn't help but sneer.

"You were the happiest person after that crappy thing stopped working. I still remember that [sounding] laughter."

"Just tell me what you plan to do!"

Huh, what should I do?

Yang Wuqu had this meaning written on his face and looked at Mingming.

Half a minute later, he took out a tube of reagent.

"Go, go, go! This is the extract of my ability. You can just drink it directly. There is no guarantee that it will be useful. No matter how much you trouble me, there is nothing I can do about it."

"Thank you bro!"

This... girl showed a beautiful and energetic smile, and walked away happily with the reagent.


"So, this is how I got here?"

Yang Weiwu looked at this scene and asked abruptly.

The one who answered him was a dragon man wearing scales and armor.

"Old things."

Just some old things,

"What's the point of showing this to me?"

"Wine and food."

As a pastime instead of drinking and eating, let you relax in your free time when you don't have to fight.

"What was their previous relationship?"

"Save the world."

Comrades who saved the world together.

"Do you know what will happen if you continue like this?"

"Just pass away."

It will probably be used by you to defend against the coming.

"Is that all you can say?"


The white palm covered the face covered with scales, and Yang Weiwu used his own strength to drag it over, blocking the golden lightning that came without warning.

The black dragon man was struck by golden lightning, and his entire body exploded.

Dark, thick, petroleum-like blood poured down like a drizzle, dyeing the solid long stick made of steel in the hand of the golden figure whose face could not be seen with a different color.

Yang Weiwu raised his foot, kicked up a long stick that was the same as the weapon in the opponent's hand, and reached out to grab it.

"So, can I understand that the reason why you beat me during this period is partly to test my fighting ability, and mostly because I know that sooner or later I will find someone here similar to the one where you were beaten by Rep You have a black history like ', so you want to beat me up in advance?"

The golden lightning condensed on the long stick, transforming into a huge spear head that could be described as ferocious.

"...There should be no death here, right?"

"Oh, right!"

The dragon head on the ground suddenly spoke.

"Because the rule of our world is that the soul is the carrier of will, so you who have two souls theoretically have two lives under special circumstances. Now that you, the Yang Soul, die, all your memories will flow into the other soul. After all, The will is the same. And under the premise that Yang Lucun knows this information, he will probably really use the sign of death to deal with you."

"Shouldn't you only be able to say...big daddy?"

After blocking the opponent's powerful and heavy blow, Yang Weiwu, still wrapped around the body by the snake, asked with difficulty.

"Come on, Pojun, big daddy, I'm looking forward to you beating your biological father hard! I will use the rest of my life to support you!"


Yang Weiwu almost rolled to the ground to avoid more than a dozen consecutive stabs from the golden figure.

"Yang Wuqu, after I go out, I will go home as soon as possible, and you'd better not catch me when I go back!"

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