"Hmph hahaha, brat, before you lose your life, read through the dark history that may help you gain some verbal advantage over me. I will use the new ultimate armor I made to teach you who is the best. It’s a family law!”

The lightning shattered the dragon's head, and Yang Weiwu watched as the other party dealt with the dragon's head with familiar punches and familiar kicks of kicking garbage (referring to people).

"Do you remember how to beat him?"

"I don't remember."

"Although he just said stupid things, it is true that you will die. If I do it again in 10 minutes, the next time you die may be your soul."

The figure disappeared in the lightning.

【185】Ultimate Insult (End) (4K)

"Speaking of—"

Yang Pojun thought about his words.

"Wei Wu, you should know the ultimate insult, right?"

"...I have seen it in your memory."

"Very good, I believe you already know what I'm going to call that... golden-haired man?"


"Oh, Surat. I guess you already know what the next main dish I will prepare for Surat is."

Snake was silent for a moment, and then said: "I don't understand. Why are you so malicious towards the people of the Red World? Apparently according to your memory, your family basically just discriminates against Ni."

"Why do you think the Red World can compete with Nibi? Although most Nibi are lazy and have bad personalities, they don't need to eat people to survive, right? Or do you want to say that you have never eaten humans in your appearance in this world?"

"I provided help to them. In exchange for more of my power, those people voluntarily offered themselves up to their own kind. I think according to your rules, this should be regarded as an exchange of equal value."

"Equivalent exchange..."

His blue eyes narrowed, Yang Pojun stood there quietly, his lips moved slightly, but he still didn't express his thoughts.

"...What are you going to do to my general?"


"Qianbian Chi You, this was his former name. Although now he just calls himself Qianbian Xiudenan."

"You used to work in Tianchao."

"At that time, there was no such thing as dynasty, just tribes. I defeated one of the leaders. As a demon, the price he paid was his own existence."

"Speaking of which, your name 'Fuxi' is..."

"Trophy, so I don't understand why you would be angry at me for using that name."

"Then, can you answer me, what are you going to do to my general?"

Yang Pojun smiled in a way that seemed inexplicable to the ritual snake.

"Before that, let me ask you a few questions."

"Do you know...the reason why I call you [Wei Wu]?"

"How tolerant are you of your partners?"

"It's because I don't like [Yang Weiwu] very much."

Yang Pojun's smile disappeared for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth rose again.

"As his future self, that guy feels like he chose to be an ordinary person due to some kind of shock, or he chose to live a life that is invisible to everyone."

"What is that?"

"Whether it's me now or me in the future, what I like should be [heroes]."

“In that huge world where there is no [ideal hero], my last choice should be [becoming a hero] and [the BOSS that needs to be defeated to become a hero].”

"And what's that half-assed thing?"


"Then second question, do you know how many people I want to insult this time?"

"4 people."

"Wrong - it's zero! Because there is no one hahahaha!"


"just kidding."

As if changing his face, Yang Pojun's laughter was instantly suppressed.

"How did you guess that?"

"Those brothers and sisters were openly insulted by you, Qian Bian... He seems to be working as a bodyguard for them now. It would be a slap in the face for his employer to be indifferent to being treated like this. Although you promised me not to kill him, you didn't promise me Nothing else. Based on your attitude towards the disciples of the Red World, and what I saw in your "browsing history"... it's hard for me not to suspect that you will want to torture him about the things he loves deeply, and then use this to The ultimate insult to him too."

"What about the fourth one?"

"You have never concealed your malice towards me."


Yang Pojun applauded the Red Demon King.

"You are very self-aware, Wei Wu."

"It feels really strange to be called [Weiwu] by you when you clearly hate [Yang Weiwu]."

"Then you want to change your name?"

"No, I think this name is quite good. People of the Red World should still protect themselves when they go out."

"Then let me answer your question. I plan to ask him to tell me who the 'person' he likes most is. If it is a human, let him be killed by the other party. If it is a member of the Red World, let him Kill the opponent. Although the steps are much simpler, it is more likely to ignite anger in his heart than to defeat his will... But I think his expression will become very interesting in that case."

Whether it was his smile or his speech, the Ritual Snake felt that compared to himself, whose flames were dark and ominous, the other party was the villain.

"However, those brother and sister, who are they called? I can't help but have fun, so I just want to stop for the time being. It's okay to let Xiudenan go."

"I can surprisingly remember his name."

"After all, he is a guy who can make me a little more serious (only when he is not using armor). I still have a little respect, although not much."

Yang Pojun touched the black snake-shaped earring on his right ear.

It was the artifact used by the ritual snake to convey its will, and it was named [Holy Listening].

It is a more Chinese-style name. Regardless of the meaning, he thinks it sounds better than "Kokutus".

"Go back, it's almost time."


Between the topless thrones in consciousness, the emperors who share the same body are talking.

[Senior, is it really okay for you to pass on what his Yin soul sees and hears to his Yang soul?I feel miserable being scolded by my past self. 】

[Who are you referring to? 】

[Hahaha, I can’t say.However, before I became the Emperor's Man, I was actually the kind of person who liked to explore ruins and learn about the unique histories of various civilizations. So out of interest, I found a record of a noble person being insulted by myself who had traveled from the future. incomplete records. 】

[Okay, you can shut up. 】

[Hey, senior, could you possibly...]

[You know, Emperor, after every emperor becomes the Shadow Emperor, his consciousness is not immediately covered.Depending on how they have been tempered by various experiences and how long it took them to give up their desire to live, this process can take anywhere from one day to 3000 years. 】

[What is the situation of grinding? 】

[The "seniors" have such a bad compatibility with their juniors that in order to "reconcile" the two parties, they pass on their own experiences of failure and let the other party have a completely sympathetic experience. This is tempering. 】

[I think we can talk about other things, such as Yang Pojun and the Ritual Snake. 】

【What's there to talk about? 】

The Shadow Emperor has a clear understanding of the ritual snake, including the fact that the other party was one of the three pillar gods in the Red World and was in charge of the power of [Creation].

[What was your reason for helping that snake?You should obviously plan to make Yang Pojun become the Emperor's Man. Logically speaking, becoming a Fire Mist Warrior is meaningless. 】

【Meaningless?Emperors from generation to generation have engraved their lifelong will on this armor in different forms.The first generation is wood, the second generation is fire, the third generation... to the fifth generation is water, these are the five elements.The Bagua formed by the integration of the Sixth to Thirteenth Generations, and Liangyi composed of completely opposite forces from the Fourteenth to Fifteenth Generations, and then to the "Absolute Special Attack" of your No. 16th generation. 】

[Every generation of emperors has their existence engraved on the emperor's armor forever, but you say that his experience of becoming a Fire Mist Warrior is meaningless... In your eyes, what is the so-called meaning? 】

Facing the Shadow Emperor's questions, Emperor Man felt no nervousness at all.

[The last battle before death, after all, the battles of the fifteen seniors I know before their death all restarted the universe, perfected the balance rule called the Way of Heaven, and also left traces of the universe before it was restarted on the armor.Speaking of seniors, you didn't tell him that the inheritance of the Emperor's Man required him to hone himself without wearing the Emperor's armor until he could "surpass the Emperor's Man to some extent", and that he had to become a Fire Mist Warrior.It has obviously been confirmed that the power of existence is of the immune type. 】

Facing the emperor, the Shadow Emperor's reply seemed completely irrelevant.

[I have a guess that the experience of Yang Pojun becoming Yang Weiwu, which I can't find at all, may be glimpsed through this method. 】

[What’s the point of getting a glimpse of something like that?Aren't you just an old guy who has been dead for a long time? Why bother thinking about leaving something for future generations and finding a successor? 】

[If "I" were not the Shadow Emperor, but still the Emperor, I wouldn't think about that kind of thing.But in the final analysis, I am closer to a "maintenance tool" than the "former Emperor's Man". 】

If he still had his body now, Emperor Xia would like to rub his face to relieve his mood.

[So, my caring remarks there are just an insult to you?If you still have a concept of personality. 】

【maybe. 】

Speaking of which, how many guys were... insulted today?

The Emperor pondered.


When Yang Pojun returned to the cave, he saw four teenagers who had passed out after working for six hours, a blond boy who had become unrecognizable, and Xiu Denan who had been hung up to this day.

"Is there something missing?"

After canceling the magnetic field energy covering Xiudenan's mouth, Yang Pojun asked him:

"What about the woman?"


The silver-haired middle-aged man looked at him speechlessly.

"[Back to...]"

"Burned out."

"Burned out?"

"Because of her extremely strong will, she violated the iron law that consumes the power of existence to exert power in this world and burned up her own essence."

"So," Yang Pojun looked at him with interest, "Did she do anything?"

"...She managed to burn out."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"You thought she was going to do something great, but it ended up like this?"

"For the white male back then, if he had the ability to commit suicide, he might have chosen to commit suicide in order not to continue to be humiliated."

"To make such a simple guess about a man whose eyes are still unyielding after being tortured by four big men for three months, I think your guess is too one-sided."

Although it is indeed very possible.

"In this case, wouldn't the next humiliation prepared for that so-and-so be useless?"

Yang Pojun looked disappointed.

"Did you think I would say that?"

A heavy side kick hit Xiu Denan viciously in the crotch.


"Do you think that it's just a temporary free method, and I will be blind and unable to see that the chains on the two of them have disappeared?"

Yang Pojun sneered and kept hitting Xiudenan's crotch once for three seconds.

"She is a brainless idiot. She clearly saw that her brother was completely hopeless, and she still wanted to save him. If this is the idea, even I should admit that the other person's emotions are no different from human beings."

"But in the end, if she really wants to prove something to me, judging from the way her brother looks now, her love is just a joke."

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