He looked at the figure who once had the name Surat and gave him a new name.

"Ajin, come here."

Surat... no, Akin crawled over like a dog.

"Mr. Xiu Denan bit him and pulled the flag."

Ah Jin's hand touched Xiudenan's belt and began to untie it.

"what are you going to do?!"

"Punishment for trying to deceive me."

After that, Yang Pojun ignored the screaming Xiu Denan and walked towards the four teenagers on the ground.

Each of the young men who had reached the extreme point more than twenty times had their bodies covered with light red liquid. It was hard to tell whether it was Ajin's or something dirty mixed with their own blood.

"After you wake up, the previous [Domination] will continue to operate. You can just start your life again."

The dark flames wrapped around the four people and weaved their clothes.

Yang Pojun used the air control object to lift the four people, used the air control object to return to Misaki City, put them in an uninhabited alley, and then came back.

By chance, he witnessed Ajin swallowing a hot dog.

"I bit it down...Xiu Denan, how do you feel now? How do you feel?"

"you this……"

"That's enough."

A rich voice interrupted Xiudenan's words.

"I didn't kill him."

"You said before that you had a great time."

"Now you're in a mood again, aren't you?"

"Xiu Denan is the existence necessary for me to create the world."

"Tell me about the specific uses."

"What I exist here is indeed my true body, but if I want to truly exert my power of creation that is enough to create the world, I must have a sacrifice by a witch to complete the complete [Foundation Sacrifice Creation]. Only in this way, as part of the rules of the Red World Only the manifestation of my divine power can be guided into this world. The creation of the foundation ceremony that you forcibly completed with the power of a huge amount of existence is just a very low-level completion of the free method that inspires power, and is not enough to create world."

"Then...if the miko dies, will you not be able to create the world?"

"The Miko was born out of the good wishes of the Red World disciples. Although it was indeed created by me in the beginning, she will be resurrected sooner or later because of the Red World disciples' expectations."

"What does that have to do with Xiu Denan?"

"He will continue to be resurrected to protect the miko."

"Then humiliating him like this is really humiliating him."

Yang Pojun snapped his fingers and canceled the chain freedom method that bound Xiu Denan.

"Let me try to see if there is a better way to use him. Please give me some advice, Qian Bian."

【186】A few people on Valentine’s Day

2 month 14 day.

Valentine's Day, or Saint Valentine's Day.

This is a memorial to a man named Valentine…


"That is to say, I plan to make a handmade chocolate to thank Emperor Yan."

Tiangong Ziyin said.

"If I remember correctly, according to the culture of this country, women will give chocolates to men on this day to thank them or express their love. The men will give chocolates in return next month or something."

Shana said.

But Tiangong Ziyin actually mentioned this matter for a reason.

"I heard Emperor Yan talk about his future arrangements yesterday."

"In a week at most, we plan to leave."


Shana was a little shocked.

"Don't be so surprised."

Amangong Ziyin felt a little funny. It was actually hard to see such an expression from Xia Na.

"He said he was tired of staying here and planned to move to another place."

Shana's mood swings did not last long. After all, she was not really only twelve or thirteen years old as she appeared, and she had experienced more than one separation.

"I'm a little surprised. He said before that he would let me go only if I found someone from the Red World to make amends."

"About this..."

Tian Gong Ziyin hesitated for a moment.

"It's the red world disciple named Xiu Denan and the red world disciple who looks like a deformed dog that he brought back at night a few months ago. He said that those two guys should be counted on the two of us. .”

"That's it."

Shana muttered.

A few months ago, Yang Pojun went out to buy sushi for them, and then came back almost in the middle of the night.

Although they asked their dragon to bring them dinner before they came back, after they woke up and saw the picture of someone being wanted on the news, they unanimously decided to wait until the other person came back and make sure he was wanted. Nothing outrageous was done.

Not to mention the use of knowing it, Xia Na was dumbfounded when she saw Yang Pojun holding a dog and following behind him an important member of the masquerade party.

She was sure that the other party was a member of the Red World at that time, but she failed to recognize Xiu Denan at first sight.

After all, no matter what, it was difficult for her to connect the famous Qian Bian with the middle-aged man with silver hair and sunglasses who kept his head lowered and followed Yang Pojun like a little follower.

Although Yang Pojun directly introduced Xiu Denan's identity at that time and bluntly said that the other party was his subordinate, Xia Na still found it difficult to believe it.

In the next few months, Xiu Denan was like a doll, just blindly satisfying Yang Pojun's requirements.

For example, as a sandbag for Shana during her training.

For example, as a sandbag for Tiangong Ziyin's training.

For example, bringing tea and water to Yang Pojun and giving a bath to the dog who should be a member of the Red World.

Although this statement is somewhat problematic, after getting along with each other for this period of time, theoretically speaking, she should have been kidnapped to some extent, but she still developed some feelings for Yang Pojun.

During this period of time, the Yang Po Army launched surprise attacks on Shana more than three times a day to exercise her combat capabilities.

This approach reminded her of her teacher who taught her how to fight.

She once lived in a fortress called Tiandao Palace and was trained by a skeleton she called "Xiaobai" in a similar pattern.

This experience brought back her memories, and she began to see Yang Pojun as a competent teacher.

Amamiya Ziyin's mention of sending chocolates on St. Valentine's Day and the fact that they would be leaving soon made her feel somewhat similar to sending a bouquet of flowers to her teacher on Teacher's Day.

In fact, Yang Pojun's behavior and purpose are to teach Shana to grow up, which is indeed consistent with his status as a teacher.

"I'll go too."

Finally, the girl made such a decision.


Tiangong Ziyin breathed a sigh of relief.

OK, you have to pay!


“Valentine’s Day has a strong festive atmosphere in Japan.”

Seeing that almost all the shops in the shopping street were decorated with Valentine's Day decorations that would only be used for one day, Yang Pojun commented from a high place.

"You seem to have basically no memory of shopping on Valentine's Day, right?"

"Because I have to go to school. After school, I either go to a cram school to do homework, or I just go home and lie down. After junior high school, I have to take evening classes or even live on campus. Where do I have time for shopping?"

"And in the end, foreign festivals that don't bring holidays are meaningless."

Very realistic evaluation.

This is the idea of ​​Wei Wu, the ritual snake.

"But you seem to have a whim...or a special excitement?"


Yang Pojun nodded.

"I have a premonition of what I'm going to encounter today."

"Encounter? Do you have the character to expect to find a partner?"

"Don't have a biased understanding of a word, Wei Wu."

"Many times, an encounter is not necessarily a good thing, and it does not mean that an encounter must necessarily meet the opposite sex."

Yang Pojun pulled the dog leash on his hand, and Ah Jin "stood up" excitedly, lying on all fours like a dog.

"Just like a few months ago, Xiu Denan and I met by chance."

"If it's this kind of encounter, it's better to avoid it."

Regarding the tragic situation of his subordinates, the Red World Demon King still felt that it would be better not to happen to any Red World disciples.

"As for what you said before about seeking help from humans to create a new world, I still think there are some problems."


"Many disciples of the Red World may and have the ability to help me, but as for humans, the weak ones cannot help, and the powerful ones basically have a repulsive attitude towards the disciples of the Red World. To be honest, even thousands of years ago Demons among humans are also powerful and egotistical, and I don’t think that as times change, this process of achievement will determine whether someone with an unfriendly personality will be able to help us easily.”

Because I had no intention of letting them actually help.

You definitely can't say this kind of thing in person.

Fortunately, the contract between the two of them is quite loose. Although it affects the use of power to a certain extent, the phenomenon of sensing each other's emotions does not exist for them.

"You group of distortion-creating guys can be driven away once and for all. As long as you have enough words, rational people have no reason to refuse. You should have some idea of ​​how serious the distortion caused by the Red World's gang is, right?"

Wei Wu said nothing.

Of course He understands.Although it has not reached the level that the Red World Demon King such as the Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire is worried about affecting the Red World, the investigation during this period has confirmed that the Zero Hour Mystery who should have been transferred to [Mistis] unexpectedly came to Tian Gong Zi due to a twist. Around the sound.

【187】Watch the breath, then meet by chance

Fire Mist Warriors are a type of people who mostly live in their own time.

For example, Wilhelmina Carmel has been wearing a retro maid outfit with a stand-up collar since decades ago.

This cherry-pink-haired Fire Mist Warrior arrived in this city called Misaki City today.

It's not because he wants to conquer some red devil, but because he has a mentality similar to that of a parent looking after his children.

Here, there are children who were raised by her single-handedly after being separated from her for about five years.

That child has no name, because the purpose of cultivating her is to fulfill the instructions she made to her friends - to cultivate a new [Pursuiter with Flaming Hair and Burning Eyes].

As a friend of the previous generation of flame-haired and burning-eyes conquerors, Wilemina, who witnessed his death with her own eyes, did not give emotional education to this generation of flame-haired and burning-eyes conquerors, nor did she give him a name.

However, the Fire Mist Warrior finally chose to use [love] as a bond to retain the new generation of flame-haired and shakigan crusaders. This behavior also led to him developing a caring relationship for each other that was similar to that of a mother and daughter.

The Demon King who is particularly clear-eyed about the fact that his contractor is a person who acts rationally on the surface but actually acts emotionally—Dream Crown Tiamat—has an indulgent attitude most of the time.

As the Demon King, she was just as cold as her contractor... no, I should say ten times colder.

In fact, if you look into her personality, she is similar to Wilhelmina.

"You can see the child soon."

"Too anxious."

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