In the memory of Yang Pojun he had glimpsed, the man named Yang Wuqu should be a big man as strong as a mountain from the neck down like Schwarzenegger, not the man in front of him who looked a bit...quiet.

"Is it very different from what you saw in Pojun's memory? No wonder, after all, this is the will that I tried to transplant into his body before he was born. At that time, I was more inclined to pursue personal image of this type.”

Looking at the ritual snake with completely benign eyes, he could feel the goodwill of the other party.

If you think about it carefully, among the men of the Yang family, this man seems to be the friendliest to non-human beings. For example, Yang Pojun will kill wild cats that break into the house, but this man will treat, clean and take care of the wild cats.

From a human perspective, compared to his younger brother (Yang Lucun) who likes to use violence to quell arguments and his younger brother (Yang Weijia) who often looks at women with disgust, Yang Wuqu is undoubtedly the most powerful of the three. The friendliest of brothers.

So, maybe the other party can help you improve your current situation?

With a black light flashing in his eyes, the ritual snake made a direct request to the other party.

"Can you help me escape from Yangpojun's seal?"

"Why did you leave?"

"I want to create a world of freedom for the Red World disciples. That is what my followers pray to me for. And the Sun Po Army will not help me."

"Is this a matter of course? No one goes back to do something that is not beneficial. Of course, even people like the fire police and narcotics police..."

The smile on his face disappeared for a moment, but at that moment, the ritual snake fell into a brief trance and could not see the cold eyes.

"Even if it's a narcotics fire alarm or whatever, they're still profitable."

For the so-called [justice] and [others].

"But if I saw so many memories of Yang Pojun, there was never a picture of him cooperating with non-human beings."

"Our world is still a human world after all. There are neither dwarf dragons nor red world disciples. In this case, how can you be sure that he will not really help you? Besides, he didn't say that he would use you before Does power create the world?”

"But I have a hunch that even if he really does this, it will never make things easier for the Red World disciples who enter the new world."

It was a good guess.

The man naturally knows that the other person's hunch is correct.

Because that was the result of his interference.

Yang Pojun is generally a good person with normal thinking. Occasionally, he may have some wicked or playful thoughts, which he can only think about.

But Yang Wuqu is not a good person.

In order to achieve his goals, he will abandon the concept of humanistic care to a certain extent and commit atrocities.

[Coincidentally], before Yang Pojun became [Yang Weiwu], he was a person who fit the name of [Pojun] very well.

The so-called broken army means that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.Life is full of changes, success or failure is difficult to judge, seek innovation and change, and move forward courageously.

What's even more [coincident] is that the essence of Yang Wuqu's so-called [ability to communicate with small animals] is [consciousness link].

How could there be such a coincidence?

A person who is easily influenced, a person who has fun that makes others more easily influenced by him.

However, he would not say what he had done just to see the Ritual Snake's distorted expression after getting nothing after killing the believer. In this case, his deception... teaching would be difficult to continue.

"Then, in order to prevent him from harming the people of the world you [love], and also to ensure that your wish can be realized correctly, I have an idea."

"I will find a way for him to intensify the conflict between humans and the Red World's followers, so that you can legitimately get help from all the Red World's followers who exist in this world on the grounds of asylum."

"Why intensify the conflict between humans and the Red World?"

"Once there is an irreconcilable conflict between humans and the Red World's followers, this race with a strong vindictive mentality will achieve [revenge] at all costs. And humans are not really a race that can be manipulated by the Red World's followers at will. Once they Being fully aware of the existence of a race that has been harming our own race for a long time will set off a [holy war] more cruel than any war fought by humans themselves."

"At that time, a considerable number of Red World disciples will die, and the rest will gather for self-protection. You only need to show your power, and tell them that you will create a wonderful new world, and you will Expand your power as quickly as possible. At that time, no Fire Mist Warrior can stop you."

"But, it sounds like this will cost a lot of people from the red world."

"Is your wish enough for everyone to understand? Isn't it because your power was not strong enough that your last attempt failed?"

Yang Wuqu once again used his ability to connect the other party's consciousness and strengthen the weight of his words in the other party's mind.

His words were true, and the other party's past failures were also made clear to Yang Weiwu by the Ritual Snake. Bringing them up here would naturally not arouse the other party's alertness, but instead serve as a fact to enhance his persuasiveness.

In the final analysis, his ability has no "any threat", and at most it is only to the extent of "allowing each other to have a heart to heart". No matter how exaggerated, he can only add a "cross-species" note in front of it.

"I can help you and let him start a war between humans and the Red World."

"Instead, open your power to me."

He didn't think deeply about how many of the "significant number" of Red World followers the other party said would die, nor did he think about the consequences of truly being enemies with "human beings".

In the final analysis, the Ritual Snake is an optimistic and naïve demon. Just as he invited the Fire Mist Warrior to visit when he created Paradise Great Lock many years ago, at this moment, he believed in Yang Wuqu who expressed [goodwill] to him.

【193】Jianzhang·The Fighting God Cup prepared for one person

Shenlong Temple, Main Hall.

The old monk stood in front of the golden statue of Buddha, with his eyes closed, as if he was worshiping the Buddha, and seemed to be in concentration.

Niu Jian sat on the prayer mat where he was supposed to kneel and worship the Buddha, with his thighs spread wide and facing the Buddha statue unreasonably.

"Holy Monk, did you listen to what I just said?"

The old monk slowly opened his eyes, turned around, and looked at Niu Jian with his cloudy eyes.

"Donor Cow, you haven't changed much in all these years."

"Actually, I'm getting older."

"I'm talking about faith."

The old monk turned his head and looked at the golden statue.

"There are two faiths in this country."

"One is the local Taoism, which is basically inherited from Tianhu Mountain."

"One is Buddhism that was improved from outside and combined with our culture, and it is inherited by our Shenlong Temple."

"But today, most people have become unbelievers."

The old monk's eyelids were slightly closed.

"Is this normal? After all, there are neither gods nor demons in the world. It's not surprising that no one believes in things that are not created."

Niu Jian replied.

"Compared to this, regarding the large-scale crowds in the world observing the existence of the Red World disciples, the superiors sent me to ask if there is any clue here at Shenlong Temple."

"Niu Donor, sometimes it's not that important whether the things you believe in exist or not."

The old monk did not answer Niu Jian's question, but kept talking to himself.

"In the past, the disciples of the Red World visited this world."

“An awakened being who witnesses the dignity of the other person is enchanted by his divine form.”

"So the [Buddha] based on the other person was fictionalized."

"This is the origin of this world [Buddha]."

"With the efforts of that enlightened being, the ideas he understood were continued and spread until hundreds of years ago, Buddhism that was very different from foreign countries was formed in this country."

"And about 700 years ago, the largest dispute between Buddhism and Taoism in history occurred."

"To prove our faith, many monks worked together to build this Buddha statue."

The old monk's withered hands touched the golden statue in a blasphemous manner.

"Using the visitor from the red world who met the enlightened being who created the original idea of ​​[Buddha] in the past."

"In the following hundreds of years, monks from generation to generation tried their best to extract magic power through visits and vows by pilgrims, and under the free form of the Red World Demon King himself - the [Thousand-Armed Icon], which was made into a Noble Phantasm. Convert it into the power of existence and use it to activate this precious phantom called [Buddha Kingdom on Earth]."

"Everywhere the Buddha's light shines is the Buddha's land. All the fragrant lands of my Buddhism, regardless of race, good or evil, should all take refuge."

"Donor Niu, regarding what you want to know about the phenomenon of a large number of humans observing the Red World disciples, I do have some news here."

"There is a young man who calls himself Emperor Yan. He sits on the throne of [Masquerade] and commands most of the red people in the world."

"And he sent an envoy not long ago, saying that he would visit Shenlong Temple in person."

"What does he want to do?"

Niu Jian frowned.

"Participate in the God of War Cup."


I originally planned to make a sound of surprise as a compliment, but because the other party's answer was too beyond imagination, it turned into a silly tone later.

"The people he sent said that they would first participate in the God of War Cup. They hope we can help arrange it."

said the old monk.

"Isn't this Fighting God Cup going to be held in more than a year? And why are the disciples of the Red World participating in this competition of human swordsmen?"

"I don't know, but it's not like we can't be accommodating if the game is moved up or something."

"Holy Monk, do you still remember that someone suggested changing the time of the God of War Cup, but you rejected it?"

Niu Jian said angrily.

"Who said you can't break the rules?"

"Lao Na has two answers here, one is official, and the other is Lao Na's personal feelings. Which one does Niu Donor want to hear?"

"Tell me everything."

"According to what the other party said, Emperor Yan himself is a human being. Because of his great kindness to a senior member of the masquerade party, he was supported by everyone to become the leader of the alliance. If you can persuade the other party to do good, it will be a good thing for the world. This is official saying."

"And my personal thoughts are..."

"This donor has given too much. If I refuse, I feel like I can't do it a second time."

The old monk said something that was completely unlike what an enlightened monk should say.

"If I record what you just said and play it for you, it might ruin the reputation of Shenlong Temple."

"If you want, you can wait for them to arrive before preparing to release them, but before that, just wait here for me. They will arrive in a few days, and Jueming has already made arrangements and deployed manpower. "

"Are you planning to open the door and kill?"

"No, the Fighting God Cup still has to be played, but this time it is considered informal. There is not enough time to notify all parties, so we here temporarily decided to fill the vacancy with someone from the temple."

The old monk smiled kindly.

"How many people are there in total?"

"One hundred and eight Arhats, with the addition of old bones like Lao Na, some monks are also quite capable in martial arts. I am considering whether to select them. Counting the distinguished guest, there are 120 eight people."

Niu Jian: "..."

The so-called devil is actually just a general term.

In China itself, it has other names.

For example, Arhat, for example, an immortal.

The old monk in front of him is the only one who is said to be the strongest monk who has achieved the status of Bodhisattva.

Niu Jian is just a human being at best, and he has basically no chance of winning against this old monk.

"Aren't there just a hundred Arhats in your... temple?"

It's too...obvious to go all the way up, right?

"The other party said please do your best. He will bring at least a hundred of the Red World disciples with him."

"What if he plays tricks on you?"

"Have I and Shenlong Temple paid anything? Does the early cleaning count?"

Niu Jian thought for a moment and said goodbye.

"In that case, I'll go back and report it first."

"Please do so. Also, please inform Tianhu Mountain as soon as possible."

"Isn't your relationship on bad terms?"

"In case of overturning, you have to bring your opponent with you. Moreover, most of the demons in this country are with us and Tianhu Mountain. If something happens due to lack of preparation, it will be the ordinary people who will suffer in the end."

"I think it's simple."

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