Looking at Niu Jian's hurried away figure, the old monk twirled his Buddhist beads and recited scriptures softly.

At the end, he said "Amitabha" and disappeared into the main hall.

【194】 Emperor Yan ([-])

If you want to ask about the building with the most noble status in Yanxing, it is only the [Tianzhiwu Training Ground].

Luo Sha looked at the two Shaobu guys entangled on the rocky ground and sighed.

“It’s not good for young people to sigh.”

A man wearing half armor stood beside her and said.

Luo Sha glanced at the other party.

This man's name is Yan Gang, and his identity is the deputy leader of Yanxing.

By the way, the leader, Xia Tian, ​​is fighting with a certain challenger on the field with his bare hands.

"Does the deputy leader still care about the psychological condition of a prisoner?"

"Strictly speaking, you are not a prisoner."

Yan Gang pointed the right way.

"The rules of Yanxing are that you can use your own military exploits to change your identity to [one of your own]. Emperor Yan used this power to change your identity. Of course, because he was underage at that time, he relied on his parents to stay Because of his military exploits, he also took on his own credit as a guarantee. So in the end, the result we made here was that you were deemed to need to be temporarily inspected for twice as long as the normal situation, that is, six years. During this period, you If you have not committed any crime, there is no need to treat you as a prisoner. It would be better to treat you as a student who still needs to be educated."

"Besides, you are currently a student at Yanxing Academy. As the principal, I think it is normal to care about the students' psychological conditions."

Luo Shao glanced at Xia Tian, ​​who was holding down Emperor Yan on the court, and then looked at the strong man next to her who had even more outrageous muscles but indeed had profound knowledge, and sighed again.


When the fight was over, Emperor Yan was sent to a special medical room.

Luo Sha visited here with the things she had promised before.

Looking at the grinning man, she silently moved a chair and sat down beside the bed.

"Come on."


"Let me tell you, that guy Yan Tian has agreed to me and agreed to use Xing Tian to compete with Shura. How are you preparing?"

"I think he is afraid of being entangled by you."

After saying this angrily, Luo Sha raised the silver flip phone and waved it in front of him.

"The Shura Demon Dagger has been recorded, as well as the Purgatory Horse. There is nothing else. How do you want to deal with the God of War Xingtian?"

"Front penetration."

"Emperor Yan, I must remind you. If the upper limit of the Fire Punishment Sword is 100 output, the Shura Demon Dagger can indeed reach 160 output, but the upper limit of the Fire Punishment Heavenly Lie Sword is as high as 200, not to mention that there are still people with an output that has reached 500. [-] palace-level weapon, God of War Fiery Sword. Why do you think you can defeat Xia Tian, ​​who is above you in terms of total mental energy and equipment?"

"Of course because I am the strongest."

The man with a scarred face said proudly.

"Actually, if you are willing, I can pass on the position of leader and Xingtian to you in a few years. You have the potential to become a stronger summoner than me, Emperor Yan."

The voice came from the mouth of the injured person next door whose face was covered with gauze.

"...I thought you had frightened your opponent and you had lost miserably, so you made him agree."

Luo Chao glanced at a certain Yanxing leader on the bed next door and said to Yandi.

"On the contrary, I won. And if you really want to count, Xia Tian is an old friend of my father. They were good rivals during the boss battle. No matter what, they would not ignore me just because of this level of trouble. Regardless. After all, he was the one who raised me after my father died."

"But doesn't he open an orphanage? And I've wanted to ask for a long time, why can the leader open an orphanage there without having to deal with government affairs?"

"They are all children who lost their parents because of foreign wars. It doesn't matter if I raise them. After all, Yan Gang and Yan Fei are mainly responsible for the civilian work. I am responsible for being a symbol of force. After all, there are some things that I just can't do."

Honest Man Xia Tian said.

"Forget it, that kind of thing is not very important now. Since Yantian has said that he can give you Xingtian directly, then why do you have to ask for trouble and use the Shura armor I made? It is just using the special armor you got back then. The ancient armor combined with the results of Yanxing technology and a little bit of Thunderstar technology is far inferior to the highest technological crystallization of Yanxing iteration for thousands of years - God of War Xingtian."

"Hmph, if that's the case, how can I prove that I'm the strongest?"

Emperor Yan said.

"When we met in Thunder Star, after some in-depth communication, we confirmed that we share the same path and agreed to walk together. You won't forget it, right? You said personally that you want to create [the strongest] of."

"I said I did... but in terms of in-depth exchanges... you are referring to the time when we had a falling out and a fight when we finally ran over the director and escaped?"

"Yes, at that time I saw through that you had a [heart of a strong man], and you would definitely be a good opponent on my [path to the strongest]!"

"Then how do you feel about letting your favorite opponent make you armor?"

"As long as there is an opponent who is completely clear about each other's methods but has different methods, I will have unlimited motivation! What's more, this opponent can also make me a weapon that suits my needs. My third When I saw the Shura Demon Dagger, I knew that I must find its designer to design my future armor and weapons. Only the strongest one made by me personally is the strongest, not through Xing Tian! "

"Aren't they all weapons to you... And if I make the Shura Armor surpass Xingtian in the future, what will you do then?"

"At that time, the Shura armor is worthy of me, the strongest."

Seeing Emperor Yan's confident look, Luo Sha pressed her temples, and then threw the Shura Summoner at Emperor Yan.

"I want to witness the [strongest]. Although I don't have to be the [strongest], I will test it on you for the time being."

"Then you've succeeded in betting on the right thing."

Emperor Yan stood up.

"Come! Xia Tian! Let's put on armor and fight again!"

Amidst the sound of alarms, tall and powerful nurses rushed in and used physical methods to bring the injured to a baby-like sleep.


Yang Pojun wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and looked at the time.

There are still more than ten minutes before the plane lands.

They are now flying to the headquarters of the Masquerade, a force belonging to the Ritual Snake.

After unilaterally declaring what he would do next to fellow travelers Wilhelmina and Shana, he got on a pre-arranged plane with Tiangong Ziyin and Xiu Denan that day.

Ah, by the way, he has a free method cocoon to bind these two people.

It was a free method that Lamy judged to be very lacking in technical content. It was so simple that it could be solved casually.

But the advantage of this free method is that it can be superimposed in large numbers.

If a single [cocoon] is equivalent to a lock with a simple structure, it can be unlocked by just looking for a piece of "iron wire".

When this freedom method is repeatedly performed on the same individual dozens or hundreds of times, it probably turns into a sophisticated and advanced electronic lock, which can only be cracked by a freedom master with sufficient technical skills.

Yang Pojun directly used [Domination] to immobilize the two of them, and then placed thousands of layers on them.

In the words of Lamy, who was the test subject, it was probably like changing the door lock into a deadbolt.Instead of considering cracking, it is better to use brute force to crack it faster.

Although there are thousands of layers of [Cocoon], even if Shana and the others have enough technical power, it would only take three times Shana's upper limit of existence power to break it by consuming the same amount of existence power.

Having said so much, let’s explain the reason why he chose to travel overnight.

[Initialization countdown: Planet time 29 days 16:32:40]

This was discovered accidentally when he moved Shana and Wilhelmina back to the hotel and took out the Shura Summoner.

There is also an explanation for this initialization.

That is to say, there is currently a BUG in an early program. According to the system core settings, if it cannot be resolved before the countdown, its function as a summoner will be completely abandoned.

When asked about this thing, the emperor got the answer that there are two ways to deal with it.

One is to find a way to start the self-healing program of the Shura Summoner, and the other is to manually repair it through external access.

Both are things that Yang Pojun cannot do.

Because there is absolutely no knowledge and technology to repair it.

So now he rushed to the headquarters of the masquerade all night long. Rather than restraining his subordinates, his main purpose was to find a member of the popular world with scientific research capabilities.

According to Xiu Denan, there is a red devil named Tandanqiuzhu in the masquerade. He is a scientific researcher and the highest technical representative of the masquerade.

The Yangpo Army temporarily positioned the opponent as a preliminary tool person to repair the bug of the Shura Summoner, and they tried to find any knowledge from the Shura Summoner itself.

If the dream he had belonged to Emperor Yan or Luo Sha, the maker of the Shura Summoner, he would have been able to deal with it as long as he had a glimpse of the complete production process and program installation and uninstallation process.

The premise is that that process is not skipped like the story of Emperor Yan and Luo Sha's counterattack.

It can be said that accompanied by uneasiness, Yang Pojun's plane finally landed.

"Let's go."

Taking the two of them with him, he got off the plane resolutely and walked out of the airport quickly.

"Xiu Denan, lead the way."

In fact, he had considered disembarking and changing scenery, but if he accidentally got stuck in a building when it came to transporting people from a distance, it would be fine for him, and Tiangong Ziyin would probably be dead.

So does this count as being tricked by yourself?

Yang Pojun, who was a little irritable, began to think wildly.

But he soon regained his composure.

It is undoubtedly a pointless thing to dwell on the trouble caused by one's own actions that were not wrong. Although he seemed a bit casual in making the decision, at that time, he was still in the mood to save people until the end.The appearance of Tian Gong Ziyin always gave him an indescribable sense of immediacy. He had no intention of leaving the person behind until he thought about how that feeling came about and settled the other person.

Xiu Denan also said before that Tandan Qiuchi went out before he arrived at Misaki City from the base camp.No matter how anxious he is for a few hours, it will take time to find someone and get him to come back.

So what he should do now is actually to sort out his mentality.

Okay, let’s clear it up again.

The current purpose is to "help" the ritual snake create a new world.

The current goal is two: to enjoy a different world by learning from Big Dad’s fun-loving mentality.

The current goal is three: to make a name for himself with the reputation of Emperor Yan.

The first one is that everything is ready and you just need to take your time.Of course, before achieving it, I have to find a way to let ordinary people realize that the free method of the Red World disciples can be used on humans on the entire planet, otherwise the second purpose will [fail].

And the third purpose...

In fact, he didn't want to make a name for himself as Emperor Yan in this world at first.

But when he was wanted for the first time in his life, he reported this name. Thinking that Emperor Yan was also the most wanted criminal in the galaxy, he... got a little more concerned about it.

Just, if you think about it, this man Yang Pojun is only [16 years old] after all. As a person who likes [heroes] and special photography, making jokes and replicating famous scenes is an instinct engraved in his DNA. .

If you want to define his mood in popular terms, Yang Pojun is a fan who falls into idol worship.

As a half-fan of Entei, he was dissatisfied with the Armor crew's failure to fully demonstrate how Entei became the most wanted criminal in the galaxy.

So, in order to fill a hole for the official, he tried to play [Emperor Yan] and filmed becoming the most wanted criminal in the world (earth) and world (ball). Is there any problem?

No, right?Absolutely not!

So does he have any advantages [playing Emperor Yan]?

Yes, the Shura armor, which is more detailed and realistic than the armor crew, is now in his hands.

Other than that, are there any similarities between him and Emperor Yan?

The answer is no.

So the third purpose can actually be explained as Yang Pojun personally filming the Shura Armor movie as an actor in Emperor Yan's suit.

The content is that Emperor Yan was wanted by the whole world and regarded as an enemy, and then won.The cast includes Fire Mist Warriors, Red World Outlaws, and all of humanity.

What are the consequences of letting all mankind know about the Red World?

The answer is chaos.

People will fall into a panic because there are monsters around them that devour their relatives, friends, and even everything they own. This will inevitably cause chaos for a period of time.

Then, when the chaos subsides a bit, people get angry again over their own losses or the losses of family and friends.

Humans are a terrible race. They have far higher intelligence than ordinary animals. They also have morals and more complex malice that beasts do not possess.

For the sake of peace and so-called morality, they will suppress their animal nature.

In order to benefit, they will develop various "equality" requirements.

But the need for “inequality” won’t go away.

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