Destroy but do not need to be responsible, kill but do not need to be responsible, abuse but do not need to be responsible... These are true for the people of the Red World who are neither "cute" nor "beautiful".

So why can't humans treat them this way?

Yang Pojun can be sure that he who caused great chaos will definitely become the public enemy of the world——

As long as he promotes himself as the leader of the largest group of Red World gangsters.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had something he wanted Tiangong Ziyin to do.

"Tiangong, let's learn photography."


【195】 Emperor Yan ([-])

"Luo Chao, give me a knife that can beat the Fierce Xing Tian Lie Sword."

Facing Emperor Yan who woke her up after just 10 minutes of rest after staying up late for three days until she was so sleepy that she couldn't stand it anymore, Luo Shao's response was——

"Activate the Type I floating cannon dedicated to Emperor Yan."

The silver floating cannon flew up under such a voice command and aimed at Emperor Yan. Purple electric light gathered in the dark muzzle.

"Asura armor, fit together!"

The armor she made with her own hands was used for self-protection by a man she wanted to kill with her own hands, which made Luo Sha feel like something was rising in her chest.

Just, the feeling of saying to yourself, "Mom doesn't blame him, it's all my fault" after being run away by a wild man outside.

No, this metaphor is not very good.

To put it another way.

It must be that the other half of his childhood sweetheart has been cheated on, and he is still flirting with her in front of him.

?, I can’t bear it!Knock out the Dog Yan Emperor with one punch!

She glanced at the energy comparator at hand.

It was an analytical instrument she made that could compare others with Luo Sha herself as a unit in real time.

In other words, Luo Sha is counted as one unit, and the number displayed above is the total amount of mental energy of the person being compared.

And the number above is——


Luo Sha: "..."

"What kind of weapon did you say you wanted?"

"Knife, long sword, the blade should be wider, and it should be beyond the level of the Fire Punishing Heavenly Fierce Sword."

"Okay, I get it. I'll do it for you when I get some rest. Now get out of here!"


When Luo Sha slept for three days and recalled the incident after waking up, she made a pertinent comment to herself in the mirror——

"Stupid [beep——]."

The display of the analytical instrument can be up to three digits before the decimal point and three digits after the decimal point, and records can be left.

After she woke up, she remembered this incident, and then checked and found that the data was actually 14.250.

And at that time, not only were my eyes so out of focus that I couldn't see the data clearly, but also because my body was crying out to rest quickly, I acted in a way that was objectively cowardly.

Luo Sha, I’m angry!

So she took the consumption card tied to Yandi and walked to the material exchange office.

"Bring out [that] entire inventory for me!"


The broad silver sword and the pincer-shaped weapon clashed, and the purple and blue energy fields materialized. On the silver armor with purple skin and the blue-white armor on the head, they fought in the posture of beasts.

"I've never seen that style of play before. Does it have any special significance? It seems like the energy loss is quite large."

"Energy Field·Beast Form, the secret technique of the Flame Star that has been passed down since ancient times. It is basically used to practice showing one's own energy field a certain precise aggressiveness, although this secret technique was eliminated after continuous improvement. It reduces most of the attack power and improves the practice effect, but if Yan Fei and Yan Emperor are using this secret technique, it will still have a lot of lethality."

Yan Gang was holding a thin instrument on the side to observe the results after the two people's current superpower fields were digitized.

"Those two beast forms are probably equivalent to the combat power of an ordinary Flame Star warrior wearing armor. It's really amazing. The Flame Emperor should be close to touching the threshold of the strongest energy."

"You mean the strongest energy symbolized by the strong man?"

"Yes, a certain degree of mental energy, firm will, and a clear-cut stand between good and evil. When these three points are gathered together, you can achieve the strongest Qi. But rather than saying that the strongest Qi is a symbol of the strong, it is better to say that the strong The strongest Qi will be born in any situation. The kind of power that can restore the energy of the mind at an outrageous speed, and even produce a steady stream of appearances, is necessary to achieve the "strongest" in this world. Although It varies from person to person, but the strength and total amount of mental energy are linked to willpower. Even Xia Tian's indecisive character has the strongest energy by virtue of his own mental energy that exceeds the mark."

Yan Gang said.

"But Yan Fei can't do it. Although his mental energy has reached the standard, he thinks about strikes and other things all day long, but he can't really leave everything behind. In the end, he works there with resentment to wipe people's butts. Such a guy doesn't With Yan Tian’s kind of energy, I’m afraid he won’t be able to possess the strongest energy in this life.”

"I said, Principal."


"According to Yanxing law, the three highest leaders are you, Yan Fei and Yan Tian, ​​right?"


"Then why would he want to strike?"

"Because I also left the overall management of scientific research to him that should have been handled by me."

"Then you still have the nerve to make sarcastic remarks here?"

"What's the point? After all, I often maintain and manage Yanxing's electronic defense system, and give lectures to the academy every once in a while. That guy in Xiatian left all the work to Yan Fei, and he indulged in painting all day long. , or go out to collect materials with the Xingtian Summoner. Last time I washed Yan Fei’s landscape photos of Zhang Fengxing and almost made him angry to death.”

"Why are you so angry at Yan Fei?"

"Oh, that's an internal photo of Fengxing Holy Land. Photography is prohibited, and entry and exit are prohibited except at certain times. Xia Tian went in directly, took photos, and then came back in a big way, bringing Fengxing's fleet along the way. "

"Aren't you just refusing to work and causing trouble for others? Apologize to Yan Fei! Three times, three times!"

"Every time Xia Tian apologizes, I just have to do it next time. I'm different. I never apologize."

This strong scientific man who can be equated with Schwarzenegger from the neck down said without any shame.

"Compared to Yan Fei's mood, I have a project here. Are you interested in participating?"

"……What content?"

"Satellite-related. Sanqi simplified mass production plan, I should have mentioned this. Simplify the God of War Xingtian, Jiden Hiying, and Explosive King Kong, and assemble the summoner for the armored troops, and divide it into three troops in the future. This plan The difficulty is to expand the magnetic field of the three major armors to the extent that it can cover the Milky Way. After all, the Flame Star Armor does not have armored beasts, so this method can only be considered."

"Wouldn't that approach turn a mass product into a joke for the weak?"

"There are no weak warriors in Yanxing. We are full of martial virtue. Oh, we are about to decide the winner."

"Flash Town!"

"Slash with Shura Saber!"

The purple electric light turned into sword energy under the influence of mental energy, and violently collided with the blue electric current, blowing both Yan Emperor and Yan Fei away.

"The output of the Jueying Cyclone Lock is two hundred. In comparison... what is the name of that knife?"

"Sura Purgatory Knife."

"The Shura Purgatory Knife should cost more than 220. The exact number needs to be calculated in detail, but it should not reach 250. As a privately customized work, this is already the limit based on your knowledge."

"Isn't it beyond the Jueying Cyclone Lock?"

"You just surpassed the high-level weapons as [earth] attributes. That thing is essentially a sealed [magic] attribute weapon. Yanxing has a total of three palace-level weapons, and one of them is the posture of that thing after it was liberated. Think about it. If we want to talk about transcendence, we must at least make a weapon with an output of 400."


"...Emperor... Emperor Yan! We are here, wake up!"

The feeling of his body being shaken woke up Yang Pojun.

"Um...are we is your camera control in Tiangong?"

"I just read the manual on the car, but as a novice, it should be difficult to take good pictures."

"Ha-" Yang Pojun yawned, then patted the little boy on the shoulder.

"It's okay, just take your time and learn to take decent photos within a month. Of course, let's try it out today to see how your talent for light and shadow is."

"I try my best."

Tiangong Ziyin lowered his head and touched the camera he just bought in his arms.

"Then, let's open the camera. We have to prepare to go in..."


A man's voice interrupted Yang Pojun's words.

Looking over with displeasure, the person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a downcast appearance. The feet on his head and the dark flesh wings on his back clearly expressed the fact that he was not human.


Randho Fekolu, the Red World Demon King whose essence is like a demon, still retains a considerable part of his original physical characteristics even though he uses the freedom method to make his posture closer to that of a human.

He is an excellent freedom master who is good at defensive freedom. His position at the masquerade is as a guard of Xingli Palace. He is responsible for guarding Xingli Palace, including expelling stray people who should not enter.

Originally, he felt the aura released by Xiu Denan and took the initiative to greet him, but unexpectedly found two young people...whose aura was not right.

The reason why there is something wrong with the aura is that there is a very chaotic feeling of flames mixed with something on the two people. At the same time, the older boy among the two uses a free method that has no cover-up effect to search for this. an area.

This is almost equivalent to a lighthouse setting up large-scale observation equipment at the gate of China.

In other words, it is a very pure provocation, and there is no concealment at all.

Therefore, in compliance with his duty, he took the first step to ask the other party's identity.

Then he saw the boy who was talking to the boy glance at him, take out a silver flip phone, and click on it a few times.


Putting his index and middle fingers together, Yang Pojun, who was wearing Shura armor, put his hand on his forehead.

The purple current is emitted directly in the form of a beam.

The ray, which was only as thick as a thumb, did not produce even the slightest deterrence. The middle-aged social animal Mr. Demon flying in the sky was directly hit.

Then it penetrates, penetrates the body, and penetrates the heavenly spirit with pain.

Feikelu, whose entire body was scorched by electricity, quickly lost consciousness. He fell headfirst from the sky to the ground, making a shallow pit.

Taking off the Shura Summoner, Yang Pojun said nonchalantly: "Listen up, Tiangong. Wait a moment, I will use a very arrogant and violent posture to provoke the Red World disciples inside, and let them all come out to greet you. Then you Shoot and congratulate me at the same time.”

"Congratulations? What...what do you want to say?"

"Good question, let me think about it."

Yang Pojun, who thought about it, accidentally substituted Eunuch Wo's appearance for Tiangong Ziyin.But it's not a big problem. He has investigated it. There are only Sentai in this world, not Kamen Riders, so it doesn't matter if he uses this joke.No one will know the source anyway.

As the saying goes, when the second grade disease occurs, as long as you are not embarrassed, it will be others who will be embarrassed.

Yang Pojun was convinced of this and decided to slightly modify Eunuch Wo's lines.

Let Tiangong Ziyin shout "Celebrate! He is the strongest king who will dominate all the Red World disciples, transcend time and space, and control the power of God! His name is Emperor Yan! This is the time when the tyrant is born!"

Considering that the greater the impact, the easier it is to feel paralyzing shame, Yang Pojun was also worried for a moment whether this line, which was just telling the truth in some sense, would not be good enough.

But it doesn't matter, he wasn't the one shouting anyway.

After telling Tiangong Ziyin the slightly modified lines, Yang Pojun, under his increasingly bright eyes, tightened his expression with a sense of shame and ordered Xiu Denan.

"Go, Xiu Denan, remove that hidden Dharma from me."

By exploring the freedom method, he confirmed the shape and location of Xingli Palace, which is the headquarters of the masquerade party.

However, these cowards used their own methods to hide Xingli Palace.

If it was just to defeat the crusade, the Yang Po Army would only have to fire at the location of Xingli Palace.

However, he now wants to make a film and conquer the famous people at the masquerade party.

Xiu Denan glanced at his colleague who was twitching from time to time in the distance, his eyes showing sadness.

He actually wanted to save the other party, but during this period of time, Xiu Denan roughly figured out Yang Pojun's personality.

Self-will, willfulness, one's thoughts come out one after another, and the will can never be changed. At least Xiu Denan has not seen him say what he will do and then break his promise until now.

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