If you listen to him, the most you will get is a beating.

If you don't listen to him, I'm afraid that this will be the fate of a certain red man who has now been renamed Ajin.

But fortunately, he listened to Yang Pojun's purpose on the sidelines, so there was no room for maneuver.

Since what he wanted was for Xingli Palace to be released from hiding, there was no need to use any violent means.

The turbid purple flames rose up and engulfed Xiu Denan's whole body.

The huge chimera with a tiger as its trunk stretched its body in mid-air and let out a deafening roar.

The sound reached the inside of Xingli Hall and found that his [General] had returned. The personnel responsible for maintaining the Hidden Free Law quickly lifted the Free Law and revealed the true face of this building called Xingli Hall.

【196】 Emperor Yan ([-])

[Eternal Nail] - The professional academic name of Yanxing Research Institute is the sustainable-class star-powered strong magnetic diffusion device.

For most civilizations, stars with incomparable lifespans would qualify as eternity.

This is also the origin of the name Nail of Eternity.

However, Luo Sha had various complaints about this device, which was originally said to be similar to a satellite but turned out to be a "planet" (meaning it revolves around a star).

"Don't we need to consider the possibility that it may be melted by high heat or malfunction due to overheating?"

"Energy weapon, schoolgirl."

The senior researcher No. [-] next to her made her speechless with just these six words.

What black technology?

Can everything be explained by just using the word "intentional energy"? (angry)

"Imagination can explain anything."

As if hearing her voice, another researcher No. [-] said.

"Okay, everyone, come over here. Let's start with the experiment of weakening the Explosive King Kong for mass production. The tentative name is King Kong Armor."

Yan Gang clapped his hands, held up a yellow game console and said.

"Which of you wants to try using this to fight against Luo Sha's Shura armor?"


A bunch of big muscle tyrants raised their hands.

Luo Sha looked at this group of people and suddenly remembered that one of the conditions for joining the Yanxing Research Institute was a theoretical defense.

It does not necessarily require winning, it only requires one step between winning and winning to pass.

Well, one is to refute the opponent theoretically, and the other is to physically defeat the opponent in the defense.

On Yanxing, a planet with simple folk customs and abundant martial virtues, this unique civilization uses a top-level governance system similar to the tribal leader system and a simple and crude merit-based promotion plan coupled with innate body functions that can be said to bring great luck. A situation has been achieved in which combat effectiveness is basically proportional to the amount of knowledge.

At least that's what researchers are like.

Therefore, every time the top research institute selects fresh talents, there will often be a defense where both pros and cons team up to participate. Most of the time, only the guys who stand at the end can enter.

The big muscle tyrants here are almost all intellectuals with strength that is not weaker than that of the captain of Yanxing's regular armored army.

To put it simply, he is a strong man who can beat at least ten Luo Sha with his bare hands.

After a brief physical exchange, a man with a bruised nose and face crawled out from the crowd of a pair of people who had been beaten unconscious.

Yan Gang handed over the King Kong Summoner in his hand to the other party.

Taking out the [Diamond Armor] summoning card, the opponent directly completed the transformation.

"Wait, fight here?"

"Don't worry, the instrument casing is strong enough to withstand non-weapon special attacks."

Do you assume that a laboratory is also considered a martial arts training ground?

Seeing the look in Luo Sha's eyes, Yan Gang guessed her thoughts based on his many years of experience.

"Strictly speaking, the Supreme Research Institute has an army establishment, an additional legion and a scientific research force, with [Human] (Xingqi) gene awakeners as the main members. Of course, as a [training ground] and as a [laboratory], there are The intensity is above the average level of the regular military training ground.”

Luo Sha: "..."

There were too many flaws at the moment, and she didn't know where to start.

"You basically conducted experiments in the academy before, and mostly chose individual assignments. Although you can use Yan Emperor's rights to exchange for some materials that ordinary students cannot get, and you are talented enough to make excellent mental weapons, you still have It’s almost reached its limit.”

"Scientific research requires leaders and teamwork. The lower limit that a group of outstanding talents can achieve will be greatly improved. A leader with outstanding talents and clear goals is necessary to achieve goals that exceed expectations."

"Generally speaking, after setting a basic goal, we will choose the person who can get the first-person intelligence to serve as the leader."

"So, the outcome of your duel will also determine who is included in the file as the leader."

"By the way, the leader can get 30.00% of the military merit of the plan, and the right to redeem the Flame Star Secret Treasury will be opened."

"The former is a routine, and the latter is because this plan is really important."

"I hope that whether you are utilitarian or simply want to lead the research direction, you can go all out and make peace afterwards."

"Then, start!"

Almost instantly, the big guys who were lying on the ground just now disappeared one by one.

The minimum standard used for disembodiment is equivalent to one-fifth of Luo Sha's current level.

Luo Sha knew the fact that she was a genius and not weak, and she also knew the general level of Yanxing's regular troops through Emperor Yan.So she also understood that those guys who were present just now, [-]% of whom had gone through the systematic military training of Yanxing, were indeed a bunch of researchers who were at least close to the elite level troops.

Then, the guy in front of me who fought to the end has started as an elite.

A regular elite warrior fighting against a guy like her who could only be called powerful by his will...

Luo Sha didn't think she would lose.

"Asura armor, fit together."

With a flick of the cape, the simple armor with silver as the main color and the technological armor with khaki as the main color stand opposite each other.

"Shan Hai Fist!"

The opponent's first move was the Yanxing Army's fist technique, which came with a fist as powerful as a landslide and tsunami.

This is a genetic martial art that can rely on one's own energy to lock onto the opponent and create a penetrating effect.

According to Luo Sha's physical condition, she would have to go to the medical room and lie down for several hours even if she was protected by Shura armor.

So, it’s okay if you don’t win.

Super acceleration.

With twice the opponent's mental energy, Luo Shao forced his way out of the opponent's lock, walked around behind the opponent, and kicked the opponent's lower back with a flying kick.

"Vajra Arm!"

The energy gathered on the arm, and the diamond armor elbow was pushed back, protecting himself with pure violence.

The opponent's combat experience is completely superior to his own.

Luo Sha came to this conclusion.

If you just rely on yourself to fight alone, it is not impossible to overturn.


Start the self-configured Shura Armor intelligent program·L.

[L is activated to serve you, my creator. 】

Start the preset autonomous combat program.

[The preset self-combat program Yandi has been started. After three seconds, L will host the Shura Armor battle and will use the previously collected Yandi battle data to build Yandi's enemy model. 】

[Three, two, one... Trusted, the battle begins. 】

Luo Sha, no, it should be said that [Yandi] put on a posture.

"Shura Hundred Strikes!"

The energy turned into purple fighting energy, which was knocked out by the push of the palm.

Large swaths of purple shock waves attacked the diamond armor...


"Who are you?"

The Queen's Sister Fan even reminded Yang Pojun of a certain wife who participated in the Holy Grail War when she was about ten years old and had a daughter who was only one or two years younger than herself. The sound of her voice interrupted the movie, and Yang Pojun let his consciousness Return to reality.

In front of him, dozens of humanoid creatures exuding an inhuman aura stood opposite, headed by a tall beauty.

Yang Pojun lifted his lower body from the Asian crouching upper body and lowered his head to meditate, stood up and stretched.

A slight explosion sounded, and Yang Pojun rolled his neck and looked at it carefully.

The leader, who is the most human-like...at least the most human-like in appearance, wears a black eyepatch to cover her right eye. Her left eye and the horizontal eye on her forehead are a beautiful pale gold color.

The rest are just a bunch of more individual guys. At least Yang Pojun feels that they should not gather in the wilderness, but should be in groups at some comic exhibition.

"A group of people who are neither humans nor ghosts, ghosts and monsters."

Subconsciously sighing, Yang Pojun could clearly see that the faces of several guys on the opposite side were not very good.

However, it is unnecessary for him to take care of his future subordinates. Although he is a germophobe in the 7+ children's educational game, Yang Wuqu is a good person who can rewrite the raw material properties of canned starfish into delicious food. Since If you plan to take Yangwu Qu as your study direction, you should also study in this aspect.

Naturally, the method of treating non-human subordinates cannot be directly twisted into his own dog by using real [dominance] as he first thought of.

Instead, they need to use a more interesting method that is more in line with what they want to do now, that can give full play to their subjective initiative.

He glanced at Tiangong Ziyin to confirm whether the camera was turned on.

He was answered with an OK gesture.

"My name is Emperor Yan."

Yang Pojun showed a proud smile with a bit of madness.

He is now trying his best to hypnotize himself in his mind, telling himself that the opposite side is a group of toxic and harmful garbage that is not even as good as breeding tools.

Rewriting a pile of recyclable garbage into toxic and harmful garbage in the mind is still a little bit uneasy for a [16-year-old] student because of the wrong understanding of garbage classification. Fortunately, the final use of these garbage is for human beings. Make a contribution.

"I will dominate the entire masquerade as a tyrant."

Such an inexplicable speech left the other party speechless for a moment, and the scene suddenly became cold.

Too direct?

Yang Pojun thought so.

Although because of the exchange with Lamy, he felt that the mental state of the Red World disciples might be similar to that of humans, or even purer, Yang Pojun decided to try this kind of speech that might directly anger the other party.

But sure enough, the kind of idiot who would get angry because of a simple statement, even if he is a member of the world, should not exist...

"You guy! What are you talking about?"

The triangular beetle standing up shouted loudly, its four thick arms with rosary beads hanging on them swelled with anger.

Forgive Yang Pojun for thinking about the birth of Ah Jin. At that time, he still regretted not being able to find four big guys, but if he was looking for this, he would have changed from 18R to 18RG.

"Who are you?"

"Suddenly Liebezar!"

The roar answered Yang Pojun, but the volume, which could be called noise, made him cover his ears in discomfort.


Waving his hands in the air, his ability to control objects through the air allowed him to hit the opponent in the face from a distance of dozens of meters.

The huge force caused Liebezar to stumble, and the dust was stirred up and flew under the movement of the elephant-like huge and heavy body.

"Don't beep, I'm talking to your current leader."

He looked at the tall and slender Yu Jie and asked: "Are you the [Nirvana...] Bei...what?"

Because the name was too long, he didn't remember it.

But from the other side's perspective, this embarrassing situation was a deliberate provocation on his part.

The Red Demon King, who had calmed down a little after being slapped, was worried about the leader of his own power who had not spoken yet, so he planned to restrain his anger for now, but now it seems that this man does not take them seriously at all. .

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