Thinking about what he knew was impossible, Yang Pojun sighed and sat on the golden imperial pony from the side.

Caressing his mount with his long and strong hands, he began to complain in a complaining tone.

"Really, what's wrong with you?"

"To lose to the evil forces so easily, the one with the highest combat power in the Ming Realm is crying."

However, there is actually no such name.

The imperial colt made no movement, and Yang Pojun continued to sit, waiting for the condition to ease.

The Emperor of Light and the Dragon Warrior are now reflecting on whether their actions were wrong based on Yang Pojun's mood swings.

Human beings are creatures with their own rules and public rules. The latter is easy to understand, which is law and social morality. The former is probably a combination of a person's three views and bottom line.

Thoughts cannot be expressed in words, they are more reflected in actions.

For example, in the process of Yang Pojun's mentality going from angry to miserable to calm, the Emperor of Light Zhan Long always thought that based on the examples of most people in Yang Pojun's common sense, he himself should have some fierce words and deeds. Relieve pain and express emotions.

The result is reliance on self-regulation.

Regarding it, Yang Pojun didn't do much.

So the Emperor of Light and the Dragon still don’t know if what he did is right——

About the dark self forcing his armor to fit together.

In fact, things like whether it is correct or not should not be left to non-human self-judgment, but should be defined by humans.

However, Yang Pojun's strong personal supremacy of humanity has affected it, causing it to now be in a state of mixed divinity and humanity.

According to normal circumstances, the Emperor of Light and the Dragon Fighter Association are responsible for helping the Emperor to maintain [balance] and serve as their final bottom line to prevent the Emperor from losing himself.

Half of the fifteen former Emperors who experienced [real defeat] and became the Shadow Emperor were defeated by their own armored beasts. Based on this point alone, it can be said that the Emperor of Light's battle dragon is the Emperor's exclusive execution tool. Maybe there's no problem.

But in the final analysis, it - or their duty is to maintain the bottom line of summoning people as the final guarantee. Even if the Emperor of Light War Dragon with extra humanity will be troubled, that will not affect what it does for the Yang Po Army. .

The completely out-of-standard [brain] operated, and with the power that was half taken and half lent from the ritual snake, the Yang Po Army made a cup of hot cocoa. The Emperor of Light and the Dragon made the cup of hot drink float in the sun. In front of Po Jun.


Lower your head and sip, the heat and sugar provide some relief from the pain in your brain.

Yang Pojun began to think about whether there was any shortcut that could help him become a demon as soon as possible.

He worked hard to sort through the information and finally came up with two possibilities.

One is to conquer a Four Evil Tower without using the Emperor's Armor.

Although the Tower of Violence that I saw for the first time looked very weak, that was because their own defense mechanism would increase in strength based on the number of enemies. Just like this time, the Tower of Indomitable Pride will theoretically be made up of The millions of supernatural beasts achieved by power are regarded as enemies. If he does not use the power of the Shadow Emperor to collect the tower immediately, monsters combined with magic stones and magic will appear later.

Most of them are in the form of magical beasts in human mythology. The dragon species that once ravaged the demons, the Red World disciples and the Fire Mist Warriors did not actually alienate the beasts, but directly referenced their forms. A semi-energy life form constructed from a combination of magic power and magic stones.

If you take all the members of the Masquerade Party and go to conquer it, there will probably be a dozen or so guys who can defeat the Masquerade Party alone.

Yang Pojun can wait and see this method.

The second way is to participate in martial arts competitions organized by humans.

Because of the existence of Bladebreakers, humans often hold official events that are slightly more dangerous than those in a demon-free world.

For example, there is a national-level swordsman competition where there is a chance that the loser will be chopped into multiple pieces of meat, and the KOK League competition where world-class official swordsmen participate.

But these are all participated by ordinary swordsmen. According to the formula that demons are greater than or equal to the Red World's disciples than ordinary swordsmen and the formula that Yangpojun is greater than the Red World's disciples, it can be concluded that he needs to have enough demons as opponents.

Then there is only one event left that might satisfy his requirements.

It's called the Fighting God Cup.

It was a semi-official event organized by the Celestial Empire of this world, and the prize was only the title of [God of War].

Regardless of the nationality or identity of the participants, this competition is only to determine the strongest. In every competition, there are people who become demons during the battle.

Of course, the competition is hosted by Shenlong Temple only once every few years, so although it seems to be very valuable, it does not mean that this competition can definitely help people become demons.

However, what Yang Pojun actually cares about is not the contestants who may come here because of their reputation, but the demons who are likely to exceed double digits in Shenlong Temple.

If faced with such an opponent, even if he...

【Won’t lose. 】

Yes, he won't lose.

He will survive and become a demon.

Then he defeated the Shadow Emperor and knocked off his helmet.


"Yang Wuqu, what did you give me to eat?!"

The woman, who was taller and more elegant than her peers, slapped Yang Wuqu's table and glared at him fiercely with her bright eyes.

"Fostering aid."

"What fertility aid has this effect?"

Mingming said in annoyance as she pointed her slender fingers at the palm prints on the table that she had made just now.

"A fertility aid made from the Xingjun virus."

Yang Wuqu immediately answered.

"What is that? Speaking of which, something made by a virus sounds very problematic, right?"

"This is really rude." The strong man lit a cigarette for himself.

"The name of the Violent Virus is partly because they instinctively look for violent life on the planet to parasitize. In fact, on the other hand, it is because of the royal tyrant virus that is the main source - the one on Li Xiaochou. Its name means similar to the Chinese word for mourning."

"So what you gave me was...extracted from a royal tyrant named Xingjun?!"

"That's not it."

Mingming breathed a sigh of relief.

"I made it into a fertility aid. Wait, what are you doing with your phone?"

"Call Lucun, tell him the whole story, and let him make a decision."

"I'm super special! If so, wouldn't the masterpiece I worked so hard to create be killed directly?!"

"What are you doing that for?"

"good question."

Yang Wuqu put out the cigarette he had only taken a puff of, and put his legs on his desk.

"In order to create the possibility of [Yang Wuqu defeating Yang Lucun]."

"After experiencing many failures so far, for example, I needed to kill the drug lord and was educated by him in physics, I wanted to blow up the human traffickers' base and was educated by him in physics, I was stabbed by Li Xiaochou and transformed into the god of Oxel, but he used Yatta Les fought back as a human...I realized a truth."

"Yang Wuqu [itself] doesn't have to hope to defeat [Yang Lucun], so we can only consider creating a [New God] that is far more powerful than the [Old God]."

"Why don't you let your wife drink that stuff?"

"Look at what you said, I only have poker friends who can rent a house. I will never find a wife in this life. I even prepared a small umbrella when we were playing tanks, okay. And what you need is Rang Lucun. There is a reason not to send you back but to stay here. I need a [Young God]. Shouldn’t the two of us have the same purpose?”

"I don't want to give birth to a monster."

"Then you have misunderstood. There are three decisive factors for the existence of supernatural powers in this world. The first is that it must have cultural inheritance. Only humans on earth meet this condition, so it is almost the same as saying that it must be human. The second is that A special soul and a strong body may give birth to a stronger soul. The last thing is absolute will."

"Ignoring the last two, the first point is not impossible for non-humans to do, right?"

"Indeed, I have turned all the tyrants on my body into operational units similar to clones. After all, the so-called cultural inheritance is essentially to be able to communicate with the collective unconscious of mankind. As a transfer station, I can still barely do it. To do this kind of thing.”

"But special souls are different. Life in the armor world does not have such a thing as a soul - at least there are no tyrants. I have studied this. In other words, as long as the child you give birth to has a soul, it is a human being, and if it does not, it is a human being. Monster. In order to prevent the possibility of the latter happening, I injected you with the vaccine when you complained to me for the first time. A total of six injections. Calculating that Xingjun can live in your body until the child is born, you can have a high fever. It smells good.”

"Then why did you give me that...fertility aid? And why did you say before that it was an extract of your ability?"

Mingming thought for a while and decided to reluctantly use the other party's name for the tube of reagent.

"Natural evolution has always been described in a simple and crude word - failure."

"After long-term research, I have completely mastered the genetic modification technology of the tyrant bug."

"Now, I will personally define success!"

"I will make Lu Cun's future child, who I don't know whether he is a boy or a girl, into a [perfect human] whose body has reached the limit of human beings throughout the ages, and even use my ability to make the collective unconsciousness of mankind release his limiter, and then gamble on the excellence of his soul. This way Then you can try to create Lu Cun."

"Are you so confident that you will succeed? And isn't it true that the soul is excellent or not?"

"Lucun is powerful because his will is so strong that I cannot twist it at all, but it can twist me. I don't expect the newborn child to be able to twist Lucun's will."

"My purpose is to create a cross-generational genius who has the ability to fight and is willing to fight, so that he can learn from and surpass Lucun."

"This is the long way I have found to win!"


Yang Weiwu: "...I probably know what the other me is like now."

When I got back, I would push my dad to the ground and beat him.

【207】 Emperor Yan (fourteen)

The followers of the Red World are pure.

They have a far more direct respect for power than humans.

When the Yang Po Army came out of the center of the attack, everyone understood who the strong man who made such a brutal attack was.

From the disciples of the Red World to the Demon King of the Red World, no one dares to have any thoughts about him from this moment on.

Including Bellopeolu.

(Is it actually a monster of this level?! Alliance leader, you really... found an incredible container!)

She is a smart person, but not an egomaniac.

It is not that no one has tried to pull down the floating island carrying the Four Evil Towers or take it as their own, but they have all failed.

The reason is simple. Whenever someone tries to do this, something outrageous always comes out of the tower.

And those outrageous things often require everyone who cares about the tower and those who don't care to join forces and pay a heavy price to deal with it.

The specific situation will not be mentioned for the time being, because Yang Pojun has already arrived in front of the throne that belongs to him or to the ritual snake at the highest point of Xingli Palace.

The armored beast with a thick mouth was wrapped around his right wrist to his shoulder. Yang Pojun, whose face was not very good-looking, sat on the throne and leaned on the armrest on one side.

Sanzhuchen led his subordinates to come to see him.

"Be flat."

The somewhat lazy tone reached the ears of the disciples of the Red World, and they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts once again how powerful this person was.

However, in fact, Yang Pojun was still in poor mental condition because his headache had not completely subsided, and he was unable to speak.

It can only be said that some things are evaluated differently when they happen to different people.

If Yang Pojun showed such an attitude before today, there would probably still be some people from the Red World who would think he was weak.

However, considering the composition of the masquerade, not all of them were followers of the Ritual Snake.About half of the disciples of the Red World came to this world during the time when the Ritual Snake was exiled and were then collected.

Pure worship of power can only achieve temporary conviction. Even if he shows more power this time, it can only slightly increase this time.

He must bring the process of world creation to an end before all the remaining members of the Red World are dead.

No, considering that there will be new people joining in the process, I may not have a suitable opportunity to build up my prestige, so I may have to retain at least half of my current manpower.

My head hurts so much and I feel sleepy.

But no matter what, some things still need to be arranged first.


"Subordinates are here."

"Choose a few disciples of the Red World whose flame color matches the Eight Treasures of Buddhism, and ask them to deliver a message to the Shenlong Temple in the Celestial Dynasty, telling them that I intend to participate in the Fighting God Cup, and hope that the other party can hold it in the near future."

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange it."

Complying with Yang Pojun's order, Bellpeolu hesitated for a moment and then asked her doubts.

"Shenlong Temple is a force that clearly has multiple demons in the Celestial Empire. If nothing else happens, the messengers we sent out will not be able to come back."

"Although I believe that there will be disciples of the Red World who will gladly accept your order, is it a meaningless sacrifice to send out many disciples of the Red World at once?"

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